,'L\Ch:A lA NEWS Clackamas County News PROFESSIONAL CARDS L D. MEADE, Editor and Publi11lter Pub.li.!.hed week~y on Fridays at Estacada, Clackama.!I ounty Oregon. Entered in the posto!lic at Eatac da, Oregon, a seco111.l..cal' ' matter. DR. H. V. A D IX Pbyoician and Sars-• SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Clackamas County, one year $1. LI; outaide th county and in the Stat. of ~r gon, one year a. J O, ou~id ~ the State of Or :on, one year $2.50; fo reign $3.00 a } eur. Suh11er1pt1ons are pay L1 11 in advan ce. Pbyoiotherapy-X-llay Radium, ADVER-TISi N~ - - - - - -- - kates for advertising '!14de k~own _on a pplication. Ad ve1tis rs will pleue ~k e note that to in.s ure in ~1 t1on o/ advertisement rn the i ue o:f the 1 ue day noon. _A s1stanc e c1tleriullv given in th1e prep11retion _o! cop) T•l 15911 I I •- - - Dr. H. A. Schneider DEN"'TIST Plao11e Sa11d7 111 s-o1,., Or••- Attoraey at Law General Practice Confidential Adviser Oras•• City-, . Oresoa S. E· V.OOITER lteal Eotate, LeaM, hlftranee anal Rentalo Eotacaola, Ore. Dr. 'nlotnu B. Carter Vowlnan- surs- Phona Gruli&m Daley Herd ln-:pector :fOlt Multzi"O,JJW1 CJou.nty Creobam, Cooper & McAlliater Attome:,a-at-Law: Tolopbono CrHbam 112 Powell Bl,,cL Gnalaam, Orepa C. DON PLATNER, M. D. Phyoician and Surs~ _ ClackamH County Bank Bids., Sanoly, Or•-- Office Houro, i to 9 P. M. £,,.ninp, Satnrclq and Sanclay la¥ Appomt1aoilt Pbono Sandy ...,.i PANKRATZ Paint & Wallpaper Store Sip Paintla.- Pictan Pnmla1 Gluo Toi. 4671 Grooham, Ore. Rich~d · Sponhauer As•"t for NorthwHt• ... Mutual Fin I - Co. Aetna Firo Ina. Co. Eota.,..da, Or.pa TeL Eatacau M-1 Wc::=::sA S. E. LAWRENCE Uconood Electrkal Contractor HOT POINT. MAJOR ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Rt. 2, Eotaoada, o...,.. Toi. Eatacau 174 L. A. CHAP~AN MORTICIAN Eotaoad-, Oro . . . Calla attoaded Day or N i1 bi Toleplaoae H-7 anal H-a1 DR. C. E. STEW IIRT CWropraclie Play ..... Speclaliaias ia chroma ...i •"- - • diaordan of tlae Stomaell aad lntMtiaal Tract X·RA Y IEllVICE Office Bean 1t a. m. to I p. a. 0.-U• Offioe. Plloae Ill UW. l a t ~ . . . . . . DRf H. M. KRAMER .,DENTIST 'p.,._ Batacada 1-11 Complota X-Ra7 M~81 ... , •""1• ..... ~ O N. MACK M_ACKENZIE To ma::y m en sucn a return to the past would offer an interesting op- SPANISH PRISONER SWINDL E ence unyone in thei r purpose to visit portunity to discover what somo 04 l,;xico it is hoped that all those their female companions really look The age old so-called Spani ·h pris- who might becom e victims of the like. oner swindl e h11R hecn very actively scheme may be suitabl y warned. promoted from citi1:s in Me.d co du r- These swindlers are not t o he out- ing recent years and th, d New hyLrid s,•ll'(t:on appt•ar to havl' the high yiPlcl ancl 1·es1. tancp to smut, lodging and shatte1111g of or- d inary Rex but ar ea, irr to thre h I and nre believed to be acceptib. r to the millers according to preliminary tests. The e hybrid s arc not I e:.di for distribution however. I When Invested in Money-Saving ZENITH TIRI::S AND TUBES Mr. Motori t: Why not equip your car with Zenith tire' and tube and use th money you av to buy other acce ories for your car. W e ha v th e, ize you need in any tire or tube. The wi e moto1·- i t g ts more miles per dollar by riding on Zeniths. C.M. Sparks Hardware Co. Estacada, Oregon (HOW, TO CUT WIDER FURROW - -------- --- - -- r I pozt it ghe a lo\ , r flout than olhtr d· nclard var it'li t• .. MONEYTALKS LOUDEST - o. g. EBY J'el. 77.3 few y ar R Wh e t Hyb rid, My th e cou11- Prove to b VaJuabl e try protested that they aro 110 longer -- a lwcu.ry, they are a n ecessi ty to mo- Four promising no ses of Re, dern wome n. wheat ,, il h oth,•r varieties are bein,ll But it would be fo1.1lLh for any w ,tud i<•d clo ·dy at Pendleton branch man to stock up on cosmetic which experiment station as po · ibly beini! she considers iinpor..ant to her ap- even ett<•r than the prPs nt widely pearan ce. For use of cosmetics to a known lfrx v:> r1ety. The one object large extent ih dictated by style, and tion lo n~, seems to be that miller if cosmetics b come sc rce style le ders will undoub.tedly decree that "war paint" is out and plainness I! fa.!!hionabl e. ago to properly operate my :farm la the cry of many farmeiw. , WITH A !- OR 3-PLOW TRACTOR ' i li you wish to cut wider furrows than you c an turn with a 12" or I I ; 14" base tractor p low, take a look at our Olivec 216 and 316 trac tor / gangs. T heee are %- and 3-baee 16" plows with unusual covering , I ability, light draft, ample rake and high cl aran I'° , / horizontal a djustmenta Coe cocrect line of draft with any trac tor, hinged that the plow follows conto u rs and wor:k.e at even depth. 1 You can adjust plowing depth whil th plow is moving with J.jul i effort through the O liver b a U-beariog depth -adjuating I rew. The plows have the Oliver quic k, IU.re• ting pow r lift wh ieasy l Cast , action and dependabili ty are unequaled. Get ooe of the light-draft, s turdy, wider-cutting linn if you want your 2- oc 3-pJow lra tor to do a bigger , b tter plowin g job per hour. ' -- • OLIVER No. 6379 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the ircuit ourt of the State o( Oregon !or tht! County of lacka- mas, Probate Department. DO YOU KNOW In the Matte r of th Estate of Pete1 William Ledine, D cea ed. th ere are numeroua opportunitlea Notic is hereby given that the un. o trad e fanns for homea or equ- dersigncd as Adm rni trator of the Es- itieii in home command ing goo<' tate of P •t ·r W iliiam Lt·dinc, de- rents or ' ceased, ha filed his Final Account m the ircu it Court of the State of Ore&'on for Clackamas o ty, an1 A SMALL BUSINESS that fonday, th 26th day of May 1941, a l the hour of 9 :00 o'clock ir that will give you employment. the forenoon of aid day and th< court room of id court has b er THE GREAT appointed by aid court the time and plac for the hearing of objec- DI FICULTY tions ther to and the ttlement thereof. mo r, ple ' u:iwi ling to adju to Dated and !irst pu · hed April cir un ,tanr s. Perhap we can 25, 1941. Dat of la t publicatioon M y 23 help you. 1941. STA. "LEY T. LEDI E, Ad min" tr tor The MEYERS SERVICE Coop r IcAlli t r, Attorney , GRESHAM, ORE. Gr h m, Or gon. . They h ave lhe patent d Oliver Dial Hitch which permits both vertical and - Hessel ]mplement Co. GRESHAM, = OREGON .I FLO\VERS FOR EVE RY OCCASION Ord e r t!tru L. flow r hop 01,po 1 . Chapman. T I. f, ta ad 66-7 C. ourt Il o 111 r icon 'ity. FLORI T Tel. Oregon City 7561 DER IER P rk Pl ce Florist 01 from our •