Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, May 02, 1941, Image 2

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    c x a c k a MAS
FRIDAY,, WAY 2, 1941
WANTED. Pasture for two heif, Ueph Senner,, Bob Ten Eyck, Robt
e,j. tieu. Kutan, rt 1, across from Ganger, Ward Meier, Harold Cald­
well, Herman Steffanson,, Everett
G< rfadd r; nge hail.
Nelson. The high school Instructor
Strawberry pickers,
Lennox Blatchfoid is In charge of
about M: v 10. U. W. Becker,, Kugle
the boys who will enter various
Creek. Tel. 40-51.
WANTED. 2 men to buck and fall
8 loot fir logs. Sterrett Lumber Co.
Used Car
We will do custom sawing at reas­
onable rates or will saw on shares. USED CARS & TRUCKS
Shingles and rough lumber for sale)
1941 Plymouth sedan,
clean car. T(,|_ Kstaca<j a 20-51
at all timej. Water Wheel Shingle
Co., Estacada Ore., Tel. 38-31
1U40 Plymouth tudor sedan, hea­
ter ............................................ $723
We want grain or feed sacks at
once. We have a large contract to
I M iss Niela Wilcox and Raymond
fill. Bring us all your sacks now and 1940 Plymouth sedan, A -l
Sandwick were married Saturday ev-
shape ...................................
at regular intervals. Tunnell & Sauer,
$779 ening, April 26th at 8:30 at the
Cuninsville, Oregon.
Cottrell church Rev. O. I. Taylor of-
1939 Plymouth sedan, radio and
1 ¡dating. Proceeding the ceremony
FOR SALE. Cook stove. Price $10.
heater ........................................ $575 Mrs. O. I. Taylor sang a solo, ‘ “ Be­
J. J. Marchbank. Tel. Estacada 25-4.
cause,'’ The bride was given in mar-
iage by her brother-in-law Fred Reed
WANTED. Home for elderly lady. 1939 Chrysler club coupe, heater
$725 She wore a white satin dre3s with
Room, beard and care. Lady in good
I lull length vail. Miss Galena Sand-
health except crippled with arthrit­
1939 Chevrolet tudor sedan, heater, wick w.;s maid #f honor and Mt,
is, can walk only a little and spends
and radio, clean car ............ $645 Ada Dunn and M i- Ina Mahon acted
most time in wheel chair. Will pay
is bridesmaids. Mr. Hazen Sandwich
$30 per month. Write P. O. Box 217, 1938 Willys sedan, heater
act^d ps best man for his brother. A
Estacada, Oregon, giving full de­
tails. ,
1937 Dodge coupe, heater .......$450 reception followed at the home of
VIr. and Mrs. Fred Reed for relatives
FOR SALE. 1935 Chevrolet 4 door 1937 Plymouth sedan, heater and
rnd close friends.
sedan. Heater, nice condition thru-1 radio, A -l shape .................... $473
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoar visited witlf
out. Priced very low at only $245.
friends at Eugene several days last
McRobert Motor Co., Gresham. Ore. 1937 Ford sedan, heater and ra-
Tel. 230. Open Sundays.
diio .........................................
.395 Mrs. G. S. Wilkinson entertained
Rev. and Mrs. O. I. Taylor and chil-
WANTED. Good saddle horse. See
or write Roy L. Weeiuan, .Estacada, 1937 Dodge sedan, r a d io ............ $375 dren and Mr. anl Mrs. H. H. Watkins
1 at dinner last Sunday
1936 Chrysler sedan, a good buy, I The Cottrell community club will
Sewing Machine Repairing Expert
tires very good
$425 have their regular meeting Friday,
work, any make. Good used mach­
May 2nd at the school house. Elec­
ines reasonable. New Singers. Easy 1934 Plymouth sedan
$250 tion of officers. Everyone invited.
pay,, big allowance. D. L. DeMent,
A good program is promised.
Singer Service Mach. Co., distribu­ 1934 Dodge sedan ....
The Cottrell ladies aid will meet
tor, 621-7 Oregon City, across from
at the home o f Mrs. H. H. Watkins
Scute theatre. Tel. 8161.
tf 1932 Ford tudor sedan,, a good
on May 7th.
buy ............................................. $75
FOR SALE. 1936 Fo-d tudor tour»
mg sedan, a clean car and the jet 1931 Buick coupe ....................... $75
block is very good. Only $295.
Watch for the A ll Day
McRobert motor Co., Gresham, Ora. 1931 Chevrolet sedan ................... $65
Open Sunduys.
Dependable Used Tractors,
T ractors and Horse drawn
1930 Oldsmoblle sedan, a good
cheap car ........................ ......... $63
Free Lunch
and Big Sale
1930 Chrysyler sedan ................ $9£
‘oming to our store soon
One 8-foot roiler
One 6
foot roller.
One 2-Lottom 16 tractor plo**"
3 used water systems.
3 used mowers.
30 caterpiiilar
15 caterpillar
L John Deere with 14 inch plow
Clectrac W crawler, good condition.
10-20 Inteinational
Gravely cultivating tractor.
1930 DeSoto sedan
-a37 1UC Vs ton L —
shape ........
A -l
1935 Chevrolet % ton pickup $325
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beers went to
Centralia, Wash., last week end duq
1935 Ford 1 Vi ton tiuck as is $150 to the illness o f their daughter Mrs.
Hazel Murray who was severly ill
1930 Chevrolet pickup, as is
$50 with the measles. This is the fifth
Hessel Implement Company Hessel Implement Company she has had the measles according
Plymouth to her parents and also to physcian:'
Oregon Chrysler
International Trucks
1940 Ford deluxq
coupe. Maroon finish i3 like ned, used
Gres-ham, Oregon
only 12,000 miles new car guarantee
and terms.
McRobert Motor Co.,
FOR SALE. 4-room cottage, fire­
In speaking o f the new Oliver
Gresham, Ore. Open Sundays.
place, fish pool, beautiful wooded lot
in Estacada. $495. Tel. Beac. 0189 roll-over spring tooth harrow this
SAWS hammered at my shop or or evenings Beacon 2694. Write to,' week Mr. W. A. Hessel o f the Hes-
at your mill. Robt. Jonsrud. Tel San­ 634 S. W. Broadway, Portland.
sel Implement company at Gresham
said: “ Did you ever get mad at a
dy 20x2.
FOR SALE. 1938 Fold deluxe tour spring tooth harrow when it is clog­
FOR SALE. Road gravel and drive
ing tudor. Radio, heater,, sportlight ged up? Ever waste time cleaning
way gravel for sale at pit or deliver­
wind wings. Mirrors, bumper guards, out the trash it had rolled up? Well
ed. Deep Creek Gravel Co., rt. 1, ,box
special motor. See it before you buy that’s all over now. The Oliver Roll-
101., Boling, Ore.
Mi^tobert Motor Co., Gresham, Ore. Over spring tooth harrow ends thq
one disadvantage o f that extremely
WANTED. Would hike to get in Open Sundays.
useful tool, the spring tooth harrow,
touch with some one that has bum
We want grain or feed sacks at namely,, cleaning the teeth. This te­
lambs for sale. J. R, Leber, rt. 1, box
335, Boring 3 miles south Pleasant once. We have a large contract to dious and time consuming jo b now
Homo store on Pleasant Home road. fill. Bring us all your sackB now and gives way to a simple pull on a trip
at regular intervals. Tunnell & Sauer, rope. A boy can do it. The teeth of
WANTED. Will pay top price for
the Roll-Over harrow simply roll over
3 or 4 strawberry pickers. Nice clean Curnns1' ,!e Orego
and they automatically clean them
patch. Fred Baker, Eagle Creek, 4
WTANTED. 20 strawberry pickers.
This feature is especially
miles east o f grange hall in Dover 3 miles east o f Eagle Creek grange selves.
valuable for tractor operation. The
hall on Dover road. Will be ready to
operator need not leave the tractoi
FOR SALE. 1936 Dodge delux« pick abouut May 10. Phone 16-2 or seat or stop the tractor to free the
call at farm. A. N. Orke.
coupe. Radio, heater, good condition
Roll-Over harrow from an accumu
thruout. Priced to sell. $326. McRo­
WANTED. About 3 families ox j latlon o f weeds or trash.” This is
bert Motor Co. Gresham, Ore. Open ten people to pick strawberries. Hous­ just one of the many advantages of
ing, fuel and water free. Walter Mau­ the new Oliver Roll-Over spring tooth
FOR SALE. Tractor engine or will rer, route 2, Estacada in Garfield dis­ harrow according to Mr. Hessel. The
¿Hessel Implement company will glad
trade for gas donkey. Tooley Shingle trict.
!y demonstrate any o f the Olivei
Co. Sandy, Ore. Tel. 141
FOR SALE. 1937 Ford deluxe tout equipment. Just drop in at their store
New Lochhaven green in Gresham, phone or send a pos
WANTED. Berry pickers. I have ing sedan.
Genuine card and their representative will
8 acres o f fine berries 2V4 miles finiish, mohair uphostery.
southwest o f Sandy on the J. Straus Fotd radio. Reconditioned and guar­ call at your home.— Adv.
farm. Harry Orr, rt. 1, Sandy, Ore. anteed. $425. McRobert Motor Co.i
Gresham, Oreg. Open Sundays.
SEE Harold Shelhamer for paint­
ing, papering, kalsomining, carpen­
try, plumbing, plaster patching and
Attending the state FFA conven­
house raising. Estimates gladly gi­
tion at Corvallis this week are Car
ven. First class work. Eagle Creek,
Stueke, Dele Lewis, Ed Schneider
Oregon. Tel. Estacada 22-4.
Used Car
1918 Pontiac 4-door sedan. Heater
and defroster ....................... $595
1936 Pontiac 4-door sedan, heater
ANCE CO. has LOWEST RATES. 1937 Pontiac 4-door sedan, radio and
heater .........................................$495
No assessments, why pay more? As­
sets over $918,660.61. Ask THORNE 1931 Chevrolet sedan.
A W ALRAD. Agents. Gresham.-Adv.
We pay highest cash prices for
caseara bark, wool and mohair. Tun
nell & Sauer, Currinsville.
George Koch
1934 Oldsmobile
coupe, six cylinders, rumble seat,
heater, needs a little work but a buy ToL Grstham 4748. Orient, Oregon
T*l. Sendy. ,431, Sandy, Oregon
pt only $99. McRobert Motor Co.,
Gresham, Ore. Open Sundays.
FOR SALE. 1932 Graham four
D e p e n d a b l e u s e d c a r s
door sedan, six wheels, large trunk,
1940 Plymouth 4-door sedan
good paint and upholstery, * clean
car at only $125. McRobert Motor
D od*. and Plymouth Da.!»rs
Co., Gresham, Ore. Open Sundays.
Tel 207
r m ir ii—
g —
letrac Model W tractor___ $25(
Used Tractor plows, single am
'Ian de man Garden Tractor and
Mowing Machine, Walking Plow,
Riding Cultivator
Used Tractor Tandem Disc
h ig h w a y
Phone Oregon City 2-7891
P. O. Box 127
I 'l l 11
Paid for Wool, Mohair and Caseara Bark de­
livered to our store
Bartholomew Feed &
Dill Pickles
Phone 60-2
Supply Co.
Estacada, Ore.
Half gal. jar
Success Chick Starter Mash, 100-lbs................... $2.30
New Deal Egg Mash, 100-lbs ............................ $1.90
Mrs. Edna Sorrell will entertain the
ladies aid at her home next Wednes­
Mrs Elsie Hale who is at the Port­
land general hospital is getting along
splendidly and expects to be home
the last o f the week.
Ray Hale was called to the Bed­
ford Point lookout station one day
last week.
Mineral Balanced, Vitamin Reinforced Success
Feeds for BEST Results
7914 S.E. 82nd Avenue
Phone Su. 60 23
Portland, Oregon
er. The club is one conducted under
James Lamb was the first to pick
theauspiees of the 4-H club in con­
strawberries this season in this com­
junction with the state educational
requirements. A general study of
Vernon Lovell when to Damascus health has been conducted including
the first o f the week to assist his a stuay of first aid, mental health,
uncle C. T. Troge with some work. good food, sleep and rest, narcot­
Mrs. Lovell accompanied him.
ics, alcohol, nutrition and other as­
Mr. and. Mrs John Comstock and pects of health. To the students who
Mother Searles and two nephews, have completed the requirements of
Gene and Leonard Searls of Sandy study awards will be presented.
spent Sunday at the Josh Courtain
home. They were acquaintances of
the Courtain family when In Kansas
coming here in the late years to make
their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hale rent­
ed the Dan Matson house recently
vacated by the Allison family
Mrs Eve Kerber and children Pat
and Grant who came here while her
sister Mrs. Elsie Hale was on the
sick list left for their home at Myr­
tle Point last Friday.
At a meeting o f the board o f di­
rectors the Dodge school district
completed arrangements to paint the
school house and gymnasium interior.
The buildings ate to be painted a
cream color thus keeping in trend
with the progressive schools in hav­
ing light coloored and clean appear­
ing buildings. In a recent drive b;>
the students the school yard was
cleaned and alter the painting is con»
pleted this summer the school will be
clean appearing and ready for ano­
ther year of work.
Virgil Courtaiin spent last Satur­
The athletic program o f the Dodg<
day and Sunday with home folks.
He and Richard Davis drove over school has been in full sway with
from Vernonia where they are work­ the track season now in progress. Con
testants of most division will parti­
cipate in the track meet at the Esta­
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Zuber had a
cada track meet held Friday, May 2.
pleasant surprise on Tuesday when
their relatives came in from their
Students of the Dodge school un­
old home at Independence, Missouri. der the supervision o f Mr. Tedd will
Emmett and Abbott Davis came out attend the music festival at Estacada
for a visit and to secure employmen i the morning of May 2nd.
if possible.
Mrs. Bessie Colson o f Dodge was
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Douglas had a: taken to the Oregon City hospital
dinner guests on Sunday Mr. and Tuesday morning and Wednesday she
Mrs. C. Thompson rrom Poitland an, underwent a major operation. Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barr and soi Dr. Gilbert of Estacada has been Mrs.
Bobby from Gresham.
Colson's attending physician.
The farmers have been busy th.
past week planting corn.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Taylor and
The Skip-a-Week club will meet
baby and Mr. and Mrs. Josh Courtain
and three small children drove to with Mrs. Ernest Duus with Mrs. W.
Vernonia April 20th to visit their C. Taylor assisting next Wednesday
May 7th
son Virgil Courtain.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Patiicvac and
family from near Boring spent Sun­
day afternoon at the Josh Courtain
The Courtalns worked for
them four years ago all thru the ber­
ry season..
Jergen’s Fine
Toilet Soap
Buy Three Cakes and get
a package of FOUR cake» for
A large crowd attended the home
coming of the Garfield grange Sat­
urday April 26. Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Ros’s
two granddaughters, Herman Davis
of St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs. EM Low-
den of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Shearer and Ed Jr., Mrs. Anna
Hughes and Mrs. Gibson and Mr. and
Mrs. Shirley Buck o f Milwaukie.
Herman Larson who made his
home with his sister Mrs. Frank Jo-
hanson passed away Saturday morn»
ing. His funeral was Monday and
burial was made at Riverside ceme­
tery in Portland.
Currinsvv. -e
| was the subject of the Lesson-
Sermon In all Churches of Christ,
Scientist, on Sunday, April 27.
The Golden Text was, "God hath
both raised up the Lord, and will
also raise up us by his own power”
(I Cor. 6:14).
Among the citations which com­
prised the Lesson-Sermon was the
following from the Bible: "If in
this life only we have hope in
Christ, we are of all men most
miserable. For as in Adam all die,
even so in Christ shall all be made
alive. The last enemy that shall
be destroyed Is death" (I Cor. 15:19,
The Lesson-Sermon also included
the following correlative passages
from the Christian Science text­
book. "Science and Health with Key
to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker
Eddy: “In the illusion of death,
mortals wake to the knowledge of
two facts: (1) that they are not
dead; (2) that they have but passed
the portals of a new belief. Truth
works out the nothingness of error
In Just these ways" <p.251).
Mr. and Mrs. Boylan, Chester
Dean, Mrs Gredvig and Mrs. Carl
Hendricksen all attended the funeral
of Herman Larson Monday.
C. H. Dice came home from the
hospital in Portland Saturday.
Mr. Tedd teacher at the Dodge
school went to Monmouth Saturday
to attend the annual educational con,
ference at the Oregon college o f ed­
ucation. Mr. Tedd was the forme»
president o f his class while attending
the college. Supt. Woodworth and
many teachers o f Clackamas county
were in attendance at the confer­
Ray King Sandy FFA member at­
tended the state convention at Con»
vail is. He not only played in the band
but also was awarded first place in
sheep judging.
The Dodge school held the final
meeting o f the health club, known as
“ The Healthy Dodgers” Wednesday
with the president Matt Erickson pro,
siding over the meeting under the
upervision o f Mr. Tedd the teach-
evening at tte school house with Guy
Wilcox presiding and Lora Pearl King
as pianist. During the business meet­
ing the ever popular hot lunch pro­
ject was again under discussion. It
was brot out that Mr. Taylor was
dismissed as W PA cook and Mrs. Hil­
debrand installed due to the early
season o f berry picking. Mrs. Hilde­
brand will only be able to cook until
such time when the picking starts and
it is likely that then the hot lunch
project will be closed for the remain,
der o f the school year. The program
that was planned was not presented.
Mrs. John Craft acted as hostess and
Dorothy Hildebrand drew the lucky
number for the kitty. Thirty were
in attendance.
Roberta Schamlz spent Friday and
Saturday with Janet Peetz at Sandy.
Electric light poles have been dis­
tributed thru the Dower area and
holes arc being dug. Soon the long
awaited conveniences o f electricity
will be actually here. Those working
on thhe line are W. E. Bews and
Webster Roberts.
The community club met Friday
you can bake better beans—
that's something!
Ask any .
Boston housewife. Yet. like any
good artist. Boston women ar#
never quite satisfied with their
creation They are constantly ex­
changing recipes and striving to
produce better and better baked
But they have not been able to
dnd anything better than the cau­
sers of beans have created. If
yon have ever eaten canned >>ven-
baked beans you will know that.
tt you have never tried canned
oven-baked beans, yon will be de­
lighted with that mellow oveu-
saked flavor which savors of long
hours of outdoor cooking such as
woodsmen put Into their favorite
pork-aud-beans treat.
< And for Variety
It Is almost needless to suggest
ways of serving them for it is
difficult. Indeed, to improve the
completeness of their flavor just
as they come from the can and
•re served piping hot. However,
taat (or varisty, try this nice dish: