Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, April 18, 1941, Image 1

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    C lackam as C ounty N ew s
w x v
--------- N U M B E R
■FRIDAY, A P R IL 18, 1941
WPA Labor
Cotton Supply CHAPMAN
Will Enter Dist. lb LOCAL
Shortage Acute
Arrives Soon
Band Contest
For Claekamas'county’s part in the
federal mattress making program for
use o f surplus cotton from the south,
ern states two and a half carloads of
cotton and ticking are expected to
arrive in this county the latter part
o f this month Irene Leach home de­
monstration agent said.
The shipment will include 64.00Q
pounds o f cotton and 14,000 yards
o f ticking enough to make 1400 mat­
tresses Miss Leach pointed out.
Applications have been received
from 798 rural fam ilies in the coun­
ty. This exceeds by 400 the number
o f mattresses estimated.
Eleven centers are to be set up
thruout the county to handle the
large scale program with Estacada,
Oregon City, Wilsonville, Canby,
Sunset, Mulino, MolaPu, Boring, Col­
ton,, and Oak Lawn certain to be se­
Leaders fo r these centers will at­
tend a special class at the county ag­
ents o ffic e May 1 and 2 and first of
the centers will open a fe w days la­
ter. The only cost to the applicant«
is 75 cents on each mattress fo r in­
cidental materials and expenses to
Miss Leach.
The April meeting o f the P T A was
held Tuesday, April 8th in the grade
school auditorium. Miss Betty Schlop-
kohl, county health nurse gave an
interesting talk on the value o f the
pre-school clinic which is to be held
in May. Two numbers by the grade
school orchestra were greatly enjoy­
ed. An interesting business meeting
was held at which discussion o f the
annual eighth grade trip, convention
delegates and repoit cards took place.
Refreshments served by the grade
school ended the meeting.
The Eagle Creen store at Eagle
Creek is having a remodeling sale
and celebration next Saturday, A p ­
ril 19th. Special prices fo r the day
will be made on all groceries, meats,
vegetables, fruits and hardware ac­
cording to Harry W right the prop­
There is to be an all day demon­
stration o f Golden W est coffee, Sun­
shine Biscuits, H & D canned foods,
In the evening there wil be a free
motion picture show starting at $
o ’clock. Tw o pictures will be shown,
"Tobaccoland, U. S. A .” and Fred
W aring in “ Pleasure Tim e.” ‘“ Tobac.
coland, U. S.A.” gives high lights
o f the Southland and was made right
on the scene in the inimitable March
o f Time manner. “ Pleasure Tim e”
shows how Fred W aiin g’s orchestra
can go on the air fo r 15 minutes
fiv e nights weekly with a brand new
program every nigiht.
Estacada's Broadway has taken,
on a new light blaze since last Thurs
day night when a large neon sign
was installed in the window o f Bob’s
Place in the Masonic building. This
new neon sign is in two colorful
lights and is exceptionally attractive.
I t was designed by Mr. Marchhank
and is causing much favorable com.
A true story o f the jungles of
India, “ Face to Face with a Man
Eater,” by H. D. Strever will ap­
pear in next week’s issue o f this
newspaper. Owing to the length o f
the story it will be run serially.
This is a tiger story packed wit!)
thrills and the descriptions o f Indian
life and character are vividly related.
The Estacada union high school
tennis teams coached by Prin. M. F
Johnston played the tennis teams o t
Canby high school last Friday after­
Park and W eaver won the singles
and Hammond and Cobb lost the
double« for the local high in this
W ork was recently completed on
the redecoration o f the Chapman Fu­
neral home at Estacada. This funeral
home with its beautifully landscaped
grounds is one o f the beauty spots of
Estacada a city noted fo r its flowers
shrubs and well kept lawns and gap.
The Funeral Home and grounds
were designed by Mr. Chapman who
has shown exceptional ability in se­
curing attractive and artistiic effects.
The grounds are spacious and con­
tain a large variety o f flow ers and
shrubs native to (cTegon.. These are
now in bloom and are exceptionally
The various rooms o f the funeral
home itself have been redecorated
thruout in a color scheme which make«
them bright and cheerful. The walls,
woodwork and ceilings o f the office,
chapel and music room have all been
repainted and heavy new drapes in a
rose color adorn the windows in the
fam ily room.
The mortuary iis completely eq­
uipped and tne entire funeral home
is furnished to give the greatest pos­
sible service.
Adjoining the main building is a
work room where rough boxes arc
made and which also houses the large
Studebaker hearse.
A ll the rooms in the building aro
under one roof and the entire home
is heated by a furnace.
L. A. Chapman is one o f the oldest
morticians in point o f service in the
state o f Oregon, having been engaged
in his profession over 30 years. He
is now ably assisted by Frank Chev­
ron who recently graduated from the
College o f Embalming at Oakland.
During his many years o f service
to the Estacada community M r Chap­
man has been active in the life o f
the city and surrounding territory.
He has served several terms as may­
or o f Estacada, as a member o f th«
city counciil and has also been a lea—
der in lodge and civic w elfare work
He is an enthusiastic booster not onl.'j
for Estacada but fo r Clackamas coun
ty and Oregon and is ever ready to
do everything he can fo r the wel­
fare o f his home community.
W ith defense projects on the coast
demanding more and more W P A la­
bor and requiring the services o f ail
W PA men who are able bodied and
able to do a days woik, it is possible
that the Estacada-N orth F olk watet
system project may have to be aban.
uoned at least temporarily.
A t the high tiue there were 1200
men anil women in this county on
W P A relief work. The number is now
down to about 300 and an average o f
15 are being taken from the rolls
weekly as they secuure private em­
A strong drive has been made to
secure strawberry pickers but the
state employment ofuce in the court­
house reports that no applications
have been received.
I t is expected that demand will
be made irom Washington fo r all
able bodied men to be assigned to
defense projects there without delay.
Erection ot camp buildings in that
state will Like about 4000 men and
this demand may take every one o f
the Clackamas county W P A men who
are not already working on defense
projects in this state.
With the berry season coming on
much earlier than usual the short­
age o f farm labor is going to bo g
serious problem.
Continuing the Good News Bible
institute at the Estacada Adventist
church Evangelist H. D. Strever will
speak this coming Sunday evening
April 20th on the subject "T w o Great
Passports.” There will be free moving
pictures and special music by Riig-
gin Brothers o f Milwaukie.
On Tuesday evening, A p ril 22 Mr.
Strever will speak on the subject«
"W h ere are the Dead?” Is it possible
to communicate with loved ones ta­
ken from us by death? Motion p ic and music.
“ God’s Blackout over Rome” will
he the subject o f the talk fo r Thurss*
day evening,, April 24th. Seven fear-
lul judgmnts are conning upon the
world says Mr. Streve..
The time
will come wr.en everybody who reads
these woids will wish ti.ey had attend
ed these meetings.
Services begin each evening with
singing at 7:15, motion pictures are
shown at 7:30 followed by the lec­
The Estacada Rangers attempted to ture.
drive out a pack o f nine Canby Cou­
gars from the local field last Fri
day afternoon. The attack began at PLANTING OF TREES HERE
2:15 o’clock in the afternoon. The IS PROGRESSING RAPIDLY
Rangers had the invaders on the run
up to the end o f tbe seventh inning
The work o f planting nno.noo "seed
at which time the score read 4 to 3
lings in the Estacada district o f th «
in favor o f the defending Rangers.
Mt. Hood national forest is proceed­
In the next two innings the Cougar?
ing rapidly and will be finished in
tied the score 5 to6. A t the end o f
about two weeks. Thirty-five men are
the tenth inning the Cougars led
engaged in the work, the trees be­
5 to 7.
ing planted in the old burn about 10
Stormer, Ranger right fielder laid
miles southeast o f Estacada.
out the biggest hit of the game with
a three base hit. Smith, local mounds
man rolled up two 2-base hits. Està,
cadas runs were made by Carter,
Stormer, Smith and Douglas.
I A change has been made in the
I schedule. The Rangers will play Cor-
! bett on April 22nd at Corbett and
VVoodbum at Woodbum on Thursday
Miss Allene Wilson local physical
April 24th.
education instructor in the local high
school has been appointed state chair
man o f basketball for 1941-1942 by
the state chairman o f sports. Doro­
thea Lensch. The entiire program of
— s.—
the state is under the supervision o f
Recently a certain gang o f ’teen
Miss Wilson. Given a free hand id
age boys have broken into and enter­
this state she will strive to set up
ed certain summer residences in the
the needs o f the individuals and fo l­
park, stealing small articles and do­
low the state trends.
ing other damage. Also these same
This position oflfers wonderful
boys have smashed the locks on sev­
eral row boats on the lake and after opportunities to work with national
using have set them adrift or kicked lenders in health and physical edu­
out the seats and floo r boards.
Miss Wilson was one o f the two
It is alleged the names o f three o f
these lads are known and i f the mat­ women in Oregon that earned her na»
ter must be turm/d over to the state tional rating in this sport last year,
police it will be an easy m atter to .Graduate o f Pacific university and
identify the others. I t must be re­ attended the university o f Oregon
alized that the penalty fo r breaking summer school last summer.
and entering a residence is a peniten­
tiary offense and that the parent is
responsible fo r a minor child.
The various owners have hesitated ARMY APRIL 21ST
in the past to bring criminal action
because o f the parents, but in the fu ­
ture will adopt a stern policy. The
T w o more men will be inducted
entire future life o f any boy depends into the U. S. army by the Estacada
upon his training as a youth and one d raft board on Monday, Apriil 21st.
o f the most important elements in They are Hubert Francis Monner of
child training is to instill a healthy route 1„ Boring and Joseph Kenneth
and proper respect fo r the rights and Peters o f Clackamas.
property o f others. I f you cannot dr
this or i f the boy is a moron then
the proper authorities must be per­ WILL HOLD ANNUAL
mitted to do so.
Miss Wilson is
State Chairman
Friday and Saturday, April 18 and
19 the music students o f the Esta­
cada union high school w ill partici­
pate in the district contest o f the
national competition festival which
is being held at Newberg.
On Friday vocal and solo instru­
mental participants will compete.
The Estacada high school w ill send
eighty students who w ill enter the
follow ing group events; mixed chor­
us, girls’ chorus, boys’ chorus and
girls sextette. Gladys Genber will
play in the piano com petition; Aud­
rey Ludlow, Wanda Guild, Vivian
Meyers, V ictor Ivelier, Joe and Tom
Barr w ill sing solos.
T w o busses w ill take the students
to N ew berg and return.
--------- o
One o f the greatest laugh and thrill
romances o f tne .season packed with
hit tunes w ill be the first feature
o f the double bid at the i'.sta theatre
this Friday and Saturday when Ce­
sar Romero and V irgin ia Gilmore are
starred in “ Tall, Hark and Hand­
some.” N ew hiit songs featured in
this picture include "H ello, M a „ 1
Done it Again,” “ Did 1 Have Fun,”
and “ I ’m A liv e and Kickin.”
The second feature on this prog­
ram stars ltoy Rogers and Gabby
Hayes in Zane Grey's greatest wes­
tern thriller "T h e B older Legion.”
Wherein Roy Rogers rides the dan­
ger trail to onng a new Kind o f jus­
tice to the lawless frontier.
“ Footsteps in the Dark”
E rrol Flynn and Brenda Marshall
are the stars o f a lively comedy cal­
led “ Footsteps in the Dark,” which
w ill be at the Esta Theatre Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday evenings, April
20, 21 and 22. There’s pienty ol
thrills and adventure :n this picture
and this time Errol 'swaps his bow
and arrow fo r top hat and tails. He
is starred in the role o f a writer o f
mystery stories and amateur sleuth.
Fiynn who attempts to «ead a double
life because he wants to keep his
mystery writing exploits a secret gets
himself into a line mess with the po
lice accusing him o f murder on one
hand and his wife, Brenda, accus­
ing him o f being unfaithful on the
other. Errol finally straightens thin,:'
out but only a fte r a series o f han
rowing and laugh provokiing expern
ences that makes one o f the cinema
seasons best entertainments. Prog«
ram concludes with C liff Edwaru:
and his Buckeroos,, Mexican Jump
ing Beans and News
"E v e ry spring we look forward to
the opportunity afforded by the A p ­
ril tu e seres features which Good­
year organizes to stimulate business
fo r us wmeh is also as well a contri­
bution toward saler driving," said
it. it. Cooke local Goodyear dealer
vwio told the News tbat lus company
nad jusc piaced a 3ti-inch season-op-
euer campaign to extend from April
10 to 26.
featuring the lines o f the brund
new u-d red VV eatner, Marathon it]
standard and reversiole sidewall types
“ nu tne A il American auccessruliy
introduced last year :n five sizes, the
ro-day campaign marks the first big
m e selling pi emotion o f the com­
pany tins year, Mr. Cooke declared,
fa c t tnal there will continue to bo
considerable bad driving weather yet
tins spring witn heavy lams creating
slippery pavements the matter o f bay­
ing new iruction is in the opinion oil
M i. Cooke a most important factor,
coupled with the point that as soon
as rugnways get hot tile trufiic will
be heavier and then if there are tire
failures on crowded roads the result­
ing potenliial is likely to be much
greater in toll o f injury and pro.
perty damage.
because mo Goodyear tire line has
beetr improved und since there is the
opportunity to trudu m oui tiros,
there are few car owneis wh»
needing good rutrier will want to pas.«
up tiie saie opportunity to equip their
curs fo r summer driving. Tires sold
now are protected by lifetim e guai-
antee anu while prices are still stab-
ble and ample supply o f rubber main
tains to keep them thus now is still
the best time to get properly equip­
ped fo r summer.
—d > - -
Sponsored by tho music lovers of
the county to promote interest in
group sin.;ing. r u s t annual festiva.
fo r tne county. Time, Wednesday ev
ening, A p ril 23 at 8 p.m. Place, Mi!-
waukie nign school auditorium. N o
admission, everybody welcome.
P rogiam picsenud by:
West Side Community chorus, Neri
Thebeau, director; Vera Brobst, ac­
Drops Dead
While at Work
John (Jack) Ketels, 57. father o l
Mrs. Jesse Deetz, form erly o f Esta­
cada dropped dead a t 10 a.m. Mon­
day at his place o f employment, the
R. H. Emerson saw mill in the George
district. Death was said to be due to
a heart attack.
The body was taken in charge by
L. A. Chapman local mortician and
later turned over to the Oregono City
Funeral home where funeral servi­
ces were held.
Mr. Ketels was a resdent o f route
2, Oregon City having come there
several years ago from Glen Echo.
S, E. Lawrence local electrical
contractor came home from Pendle­
ton by airplane to attend to the in­
stallation o f several electric systems
here over the week end. Mr. Law­
rence installed a new electric water
system for the Geo. Perry fam ily o l
Springwater an electric Hot point
range and water heater fo r the Spring
water store an electric range and wa­
ter heater fo r Mr. and Mrs. F. E»
Dooley and an electric water system
fo r Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bartholomew.
Mr. Lawrence who is putting in
the electric wiring system for the new
U. S. army airport at Pendleton said
that it only took one hour and four
minutes to fly to Portland from Pen­
dleton. He said work at the airport
was progressing satisfactorily. F if­
teen men are employed by him on
this project.
Mayor Urges
Safe Driving
Oregon City Mothers chorus. Irene
D. Lind, diiiector; Marian Speaker
W arner Grange chorus. Mrs. Le
Mayor S. E. Woostser today called
Grand Larson, director; Evelyn Sheu-
upon citizens o f this city to coop­
herd, accompanist.
M il—Aruen Choi us. Minna Colt,, di«
rector; Pauline Wahlstrom, accom-
Milwaukie Gleemen. Minna Colt
director; Pauline
Wahlstrom, ac­
Sdwood Mothers Chorus. Pauline
Wahlstrom, director and accompan-
erate in the campaign to keep Ore­
gon at the top o f the list in traffic
safety by driving and walking care­
fully during the remainder o f thq
In a statement calling attention td
the recent announcement that Oregon
Wichita Chorus. Minna Colt, di­ had won first place in the National
rector; Mrs. O. Noble aceompan.sL Safety council’s 1940 tra ffic safety
Concord Chorus, Minna Colt, direc contest in the western divission M ay­
tor; .Mrs. O. Noble accompanist.
or Wooster stressed the fact that this
M a iy .Margaret Martin, pianist.
“ ’ Comin g ’ Round the Mountain”
state already had made a good start
Bob Burns, Una Merkle, Jerry
toward a favorable record fo r 1941
Wanda Jelenieski, accompanist.
Colonna, Don Wilson and Pat Bar­
by leading the nation in tra ffic fa ­
rett (Uncle E z r a }) will be stallec*
tality reduction during the first two
in the feature attraction “ Coming
months o f the year.
"Round the Mountain” at the Este
—~ o — —
Wednesday and Thursday, bargain
“ In this modern era o f automobile
The Eagle Creek community club
nights, April 23 and 24. I f you like meets at the Eagle Creek school house
travel the reputation o f being a safe
the down to earth comedy o f Bob
Bums and the homespun philosophy Thursday evening at 8 p.m., April 24 area in which to drive is o f inestim­
uf radiio’s Uncle Ezra he o f the pow­ with a program consisting o f skits, able value in attracting tourists to
erful little five-w atter down in Rose- and music by members o f the club our state,” the mayor declared in
dale and i f you like a little rowdy and motion pictures by II. R. Cooke
his statement. "In addition to the
going on such as might be found at o f Estacada.
The purpose o f this club besides high distinction conferred upon the
a hill-billy hoedown and if your ear
is tuned to good oid fashioned moun­ social activities is to sponsor two 4-H state by winning the contest there is
tain music you will certainly like club members fo r a scholarship at a tangible value involved in being
this picture which is one o f the most Gorvallib this summer.
Hotdogs,s cake, c o ffe e and ice recognized as the safest place in the
hilarious comedies o f the season. Pro­
cream will be sold. Everybody wel- west. It is to our interests to main­
gram ends with cartoon.
tain this reputation as long as pos­
The Clackamas county sh eriff’s
posse is announcing a Pony Express
rider’s race on Sunday, June 29th
from the Lake Oswego hunt club tc
Timberline lodge.
The local riding club, Riders o f
the Cascades, wili probably partici­
pate in this pony express race which
is sponsored by the Timberline Lodge
Inc. The course o f the race will be
approximately seventy miles and will
follow the historic Barlow trail. This
annual race will bring back the spirit
and color o f the Pony Express o f the
West. The race will feature good
horses, judicious horsemanship and
real sportsmanship according to the
sponsor. It will also bring together
the leading western riding groups o f
the Pacific const.
On the evening o f the race mem­
bers o f the Riders o f the Riders
o f the Cascades together with other
riding organizations o f this district
will be guests o f th? Lake Oswego
Hunt and Clackamas County Sheriffs
Posse at a gala western evening’s
The annua) Methodist church birth­ entertainment to be held at the Lake
Oswego Hunt club it is announced.
day party will be held Friday even­
ing, April 2oth in the Estacada high
J. C. Tunnell had a bad fall on school dining room. A fine program
Deep Creek Dairy.— -Morning de­
Monday night which painfully injur­ has been prepared. Everybody wel- livery o f cream and milk. Call Carl
ed his le ft elbow.
Behberg, Tel. 86.61.
An event to which the housewives
o f this community will look forward
with pleasure will be the General
Electric Cooking demonstration and
school to he held tn the Gresham
thaatre at Gresham on Wednesday
April 23 at 2 p. m. This cooking
school is sponsored by A. W . Metzger
& Co, o f Gresham a.s part o f their
30th anniversary celebration whieh
is continuing with a special sale
which lasts ail thru the month o f
The cookirg demonstration and
school at the Gresham theatre next
Wednesday will be conducted by Es­
ther Nuem berger nationally knowr
home ecm omist assisted by May E.
Millay, home economist fo r the Port­
land Geneial Electric company.
Free souvenirs will be given all
who attend and also many free gifts.
A ll women o f this community arc,
cordially invited to come and inspect
the new 1941 G. E. Ranges, refrig ­
erators and water heaters and to joilj
the G. E. National "R oast o f the
Month” club.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Syron visited
their old home at Falls City and the
city o f T o l'ilo coming down the coast
by Glercrl n where they said hello to
W. F. Cary.
“ T ra ffic accidents can be prevent­
ed. Figures compiled in the offic e o f
Earl Snell secretary o f state show
that for the first two months o f this
year tra ffic increased 15.6 percent
as shown by figures on gasoline con­
sumption. But during this same per.
Tod tr a ffic fatalities decreased 40
percent. Clearly the mere fact there
is a great volume o f tra ffic on our
highways and streets does not mean
there must be a correspondingly great
volume o f traffic fatilities.
" I f we as individual drivers wil!
hold down our speed on the highways
approach intersections with greater
caution, always remember to give pro
per hand and arm signals and to ob­
serve the rights o f others we can
prevent accidents, as pedestrians, we
can cross streets only at intersection«
where we can use crosswalks, watch
fo r approaching tra ffic before leav­
ing the curb, walk to the le ft o f the
highway, facing tra ffiic and wear
something white at night.
“ In this way we can avoid becom­
ing involved in tra ffic accidentss and
each one o f us can thus do his part
in maintaining the states reputation
as a safe place in which to drive and