CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS FRIDAY,, APRIL 11, 1941 Clackamas County News PROFESSIONAL CARDS L. D. MKA1JE, Editor und Publisher DR. H. V . A D I X Physician and Surgaon Physiotherapy— X-Ray Radian, T el 5961 Gresham, Ore Dr. H. A . Schneider Published weekly on Friday* at Kstncada, Clsokamas County, .Oregon. Entered in the postoffice at Eata-ada, Oregon, a« sroond-ealss matter. S U B S C R IP T IO N A D V E R T IS IN G Kates for advertising made known on application. Advertisers will piaaae take note that to insure insertion o f advertisement in the issue o f the Tuesday noon. Assistance cheerfuiiv given in the prepaiation o f copy, current week, advertising copy should reach thi. office not later than H IT L E R D E NT I S T P h on e S an d y 181 S an dy , O reg on O. D. E B Y A tto r n e y at Law General Practice Confidential Adviser O re g o n C ity -i- O re g o n RATES In Clackamas County, one year $1.50; outside the county and in the State o f Oregon, one year $2.00; outside the State o f Oregon, one year $2.50; foreign $8.00 a year. Subscription« are payable in advance. FACES S P R IN G It’s spring, the season when lift; in every form blossoms at its fullest, when hearts seem to thaw out, wor­ ries disappear and men are given new courage, new ambitions and new hopes. This year spring has been a word and season to fear all over the world for it has meant spring offensive, a plan o f the Nazis to turn the season of abundant life into a season o f ruth less death and destruction; a plan to spread bitterness and hate thruout the world. There is little doubt that the sprinp offensive whatever form it takes will be a terrible ordeal for those who are victims o f it, but even Hitler won’t be able to wipe from the face o f th< earth that spirit which pervades spring and which has been victorious over all destructive forces since the world began. V e te rin a ry S u rg eon He will b .2 met by a force borne out o f nature which can’t be reckon, ed with in terms o f manpower, plane power, bomb tonnage or submarines, a force that can’t be snuffed out by gun fire and which gives men the cou rage they need to perform miracle? in fighting for their lives and the things they hold dearest to them. Perhaps in planning his spring o f­ fense Hitler didn’t bargain with the fact that the most powerful enemy he will have to battle with is spring itself spring in the hearts o f true men and women. Phone Gresham 210 Dairy Herd Inspector for Multnomah County D E F E N S E S A V IN G S B O N D S CREDIT S. E W O O S T E R A S YOU D LIKE n R eal E ita te , Loan#, Inaurane# SURE IlV. LEND YOU TEhT B ucks to bet on a horse -1 1 TH 0 U&HT IT WAS FOR.' ‘ SOMETHING- FOOLISH', and R entals T e l. 7 7 -3 E stacada, O re. Dr. Thomas B. Carter G resham , T O regon Cooper & McAllister SENSIBLE SPENDING Attorneys-at-Law T e le p h o n e G resham 2 6 2 P ow ell Blvd. G re ih a m , O re g o n You don’t gamble when you come to ALLEN’S WOODWORK. ING SHOP. You are assured top quality, C. DON PLATNER, M. D. dependable values and friendly service. P hysician and S u rg e o n ___ C lackam as C o u n ty B ank B ldg.. S an dy. O re g o n O f f i c e H ours, 2 to 5 P. M. E venings, S aturday and S un day by A p p o in tm e n t P hon e S andy 441 PANKRATZ Picture Framing Glass G resham , Oro. Tel. 4678 Om L . L. JONES & S O N S MONUMENTS M on u m en t and M ark er D isplay Richard Sponhauer A g e n t fo r rthwestern M utual Fire Ins. Co. A e tn a Fire Ins. Co. E stacad o, O re g o n T e l. E stacad a 84-1 S. E. L A W R E N C E Licensed Electrical Contrscte HOT POINT MAJOR ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Rt. 2, Estacada, Oregon Tel. Estacada S7-3 L. A . C H A P M A N M O R T I C I AN E lt a c .d e , O re«n o p p o site new P o s t o ffic e , G resham . R o y B ohannon , M g r., T el. 245. W IL D W O O D REST H OM E offers the best of care to aged and Invalids at from $30 a month and upwards T e l. Gresham 4374 Graeham, Oregon Evelyn M. Lawrence Notary Public Agent for Aetna Casualty and Surety Co.. Capitol Fire fnsu ranee (Jo. AccUwnt and Health insurance Estacada, Ore. TeL. 97-3. Call, attended Day or Night Telephone 56-7 end 36-61 W . W . SIEMENS DR. C. E. S T E W A R T Chiropractic Physician Specializing in chronic end nev— rous disorders of the Stomach and Intestinal Tract Gresham, O reg on P h on e E stacad a 3 -1 5 X -R a y Bldg.. M ACK Equipment Estacada, Ora. M A C K E N ZIE G an : ral Carpentry. Repaire, __Plumbing end Painting — U p h olsterin g and Furniture Repaire Tel. 54-41, Estacada to properly operate my farm is the cry o f many farmers. DO Y O U K N O W DR. L. W . GRIFFITH A complete optical service C om plata Defense Savings Bonds seem to bi the right answer, particularly when they will be offered at a fair rate of interest and will be easy to redeem any time we get hardup for funds. Series o f larger bonds will be o f­ fered to big investors and bankers, but the small 10-year bonds and sav» ings stamps are being issued primar­ ily to attract the people as whole, from the poorest family in town to the richest. In May a drive will be started to promote the sale o f these bonds. But most o f us won’t take a lot o f per­ suading. We know now that the gov­ ernment is legally bound to spend billions on defense, we know that ev­ ery one o f us must eventually contri. bote to finacing that program. And roost of- ue would prefer to do our part ift’ a voluntary patriotic way than bq forced to pay the tax collec­ tor latest on. v T O O OLD EXPERT Watch Repairing 63 W. 1st Street, Gresham D E N T I S T Greatly increased purchasing pow. er coming suddenly as a result o f de fense orders and defense jobs is apt to send prices skyrocketing unless part o f this money is put back into government contrdl. Furthermore, the government considers it impor­ tant that the people be given an op­ portunity to participate m financing the defense program. Musical Supplies Film Developing X-RAY SERVICE )ffic e Hours 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Gresham O ffice, Phone 260 DR. H. M. K R A M ER They will be on sale at the local post office in denominations ranging from $25 to $1000 and will be supple, mented by Postal Savings Stamp, ranging in price from 10 cents to $5. The bonds will be sold at 75 per cent o f their face value, that is a $25 bond will actually cost $18.75, and they will mature in ten years. They can be redeemed at cost plus interest at any time during the ten year per- iod. By this plan similar to' the Liber­ ty loan drive o f the last war the gov­ ernment not only hopes to raise sev­ eral billion dollars for its defense program but also hopes to curb pos­ sible inflation. Paint & W allpaper Store Sign Painting Next week the people in this town as well as in every village and city in America will begin buying De­ fense Savings Bonds. Eye* examined Glasses fitted Broken lenses duplicated Eyeglass frame, repaired while you wait. Wa invite comparison of servtco. quality and price We do our own grinding VISION O PTICAL CO. O ffice on Powoll Blvd, oppoaita Gresham Thaator Tal. Gresham 217, or Portland BRA. 2575 there are numerous opportunities to trade farms for homes or equ­ ities in homes commanding goo> rents or A SM ALL BUSINESS that will give you employment THE G R E A T DIFFICULTY most people r.nwiiling to adjust to eircumstanres. Perhaps we can help you. The M EYERS SERVICE G R E SH A M , ORE. W IL L H O L D B IE N N IA L C O U N C IL Marking its coming of age anni­ versary with discussion* centering upon ‘ ‘the responsibilities of twenty- one years’ practice in political mat­ ters” the National league of women voters will hold its biennial genera' council at the Hotel Washington on May 6, 7 and 8. Miss Maiguerite M. Wells, Nat ional president »-ill lead the informal first evening discussion which is tc focus upon the League’s ability tt meet the tesLs o f the present time. "Twenty-one years ago the league o f Women voters was founded on the idea that a democracy’s success was dependent upon the intelligence and devotion of its voting citizens,” Miss Mills said. “ No one foresaw then the crucial test a short time was to bring. Twenty-one years of practice in being both intelligent and active about political matters lays upon tht, league a responsibility to which it n going to face up squarely during the three May days o f meetings in 1941. We need time to make sure we are doing our best and in the best way in this bad time.” Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt will re­ ceive the deicg; .es at the White House following the first afternoon session. Mrs. Roosevelt formerly wa: active in the New York league of women voters and has frequently gi ven the league credit for much of her early training in citizenship. The General Council also will con­ sider such changes in the league pro­ gram as are necessary to meet alter­ ed conditions, suggested changes fal ling in the fields o f education, na, tional defense and foreign policy. The league o f Women voters was the first great national women’s organi­ zation to give active support to the lease-lend bill. Attending the General Council will be the fourteen-member national board and the president, one addi­ tional repi ensetative, and two visi- tars from each state league. The Na­ tional Board is to meet for two days preceeding and three days following the council. F O R E IG N A R M Y S E R V IC E IS N O W A B A I L A B L E A new quota o f 60 regular army foreign setvice vacancies has been supplied the Oregon recruiting dis­ tricts according to information receiv ed this week from Lieut. Col. B. H. Hensley, district recruiting officer. Vacancies are again available in the Pacific foreign service replace­ ments, the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands and the Panama Canal. The colonel added that for those who have had a high school educa­ tion or have had specialiazed training m a mechanical trade the tegular army is offering enlistments in the air corps. Those who enlist in the air corps and who show special qualifi cations may be sent to one o f several army technical schools where the en listed man may study airplane me­ chanics and a variety o f other sub­ jects concerning aerial defense. Don’t miss the "Land o f Liberty" at the Esta on bargain night, Wed­ nesday and Thursday, Apriil 16 and 17. See the thrilling incidents of the Revolutionary war, the war o f 1812. the Mexican war, the civil war, the Indian fights and finally the great drama o f World War No. 1.—Adv. U ntreated F ir P ost« in Teat E xcel C harred Ones Douglas fir fence posts used un­ treated have given better service in the experiment post farm at Oregon state college than those charred or treated with asphalt emulsion accor­ ding to the latest progress report on preservation treatment o f fence posts prepared by T. J. Starker professor of forestry and ¡issued by the Oregon engineering experiment station.. All o f the untreated, charred and asphalt emulsion treated Douglas fir posts set some 10 years ago have now failed and been removed as have several other species included in the 1442 posts which are under test since the experiment started. Untreat ed Douglas fir gave an average ser­ vice of 82 months charred Douglas fir average seivice 76 months and as phale emulsion treated Douglas fit only 75 months o f slightly over six years. Other species that have completely failed with an average service of from 4 H to six years are cottonwood alder, madrone, big-leaf maple and small sixed cascara posts. The var­ ious cedar and juniper posts are still in good condition after 10 years and none of the Douglas fir posts treated by the so-called salt method have failed Douglas fir posts treated with crankcase oil and creosote have not lasted as well as those treated wit! creosote alone. A post is considered to have failed when it gives way un der a 50-pound pull two feet from the ground. m . V d i S in Louis lor F u m il i i i * o am i A|i|ilianoos LO W E ST PRICES and FREE D ELIVERY This OVERSIZE “ SIX’’ m rfrif/hLi/r O nly 1941 M ODEL M -5 $ Free Parking. 154.75 Your own Terms in Reason Delivery 5716 S. E. 92nd Ave., North of Foster, Lents PORTLAND, OREGON t&igltoMWoSSKHHKHsI&gCaiaiCMtoaKlUtVl JG<.K3<31 u ' a X >< « >CK IriO O IBt ! H EPP’S RACKET STORE offers the largest selec- | tion at lowest prices in EASTER Greeting Cards, Novelties, and Decorations | Attractive Filled Easter Baskets......... 10c, 15c, 25c -ij -----------o---------- : H EIDE’S PURE W H O L E SO M E EASTER CA N DY ; The taste tells you they’re better ----------- o -------------- Easter Greeting Cards from lc each to 10c | A wonderful selection o f Easter Gifts for young and old. if j ; He|»|>*s llackpi Store \ In Gresham’s Main Avenue Shopping Center Main Avenue, North Gresham, Oregon ISKEBEBOiSOO: ;<3< «rXMKKBiJC«3il5<)>i XK K WSt SBflitK * :::::: IQuUflSIglK “ £AI Gresham Packing Co. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT W e are now contracting for youngberries, boysen- berries, loganberries, red and black raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries and currants. Market prices guaranteed. R. I. MacLaughlin & Co., Owners Telephone Gresham 277 Gresham, Oregon Reverence, Dignity, Beauty Our aim has always been to make every service, regardless o f price, one o f reverence, dignity and beauty. Every wish o f those we serve is carried out in every detail. JACOBSON FUNERAL 0 0 1 Phone 206 Gresham, Or«