Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, April 04, 1941, Image 6

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The beautiful technicolor picture
o f dating adventure and devastating
action "Untamed" starring Hay Mil-
und, Patricia Morison and Akim Tam
iro ff comes to the Eata theatre on
Thursday April 9 and 10. In addition
the comedy “ Waiting for Baby.’’—
Mr. and Mrs. Swan Rasmussen and
two sons o f Portland spent the weel
end at the home o f Mrs. Rasmussen’
parents Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Darrow
Their son Lyle Darrow and wife alsr
o f Portland were also guests at thi:
home on Sunday
Miss Kathryn McConnell’s home
was the scene o f a jolly company ol
St. Aloysius « hutch sponsors th« I Among the Estacada passengers I
seventh o f the s«.l,es of card partie« for Portland Monday morning were
and dances on Saturday, April 6th at Mrs. A. H. Fasel, Mrs. J. G. Hayman,
Mis. Harry Traylor, Mrs. Tom Jubb
the Eagl<> Creek hall. Admis­ and Mrs. Martha Ellis. Mts. Fasel
sion 25 cents. A good time is in store went to Portland to attend a flow«-, Mrs. Ed Trimpler, Lillian Thompson,
Mrs. Nora Lankins, Mrs. Ellen Sim­
for all.—
mons, and Mrs. Earl Lankins attend­
Lloyd Yocum is now employed iu
Miss Dorothy Fasel o f Portland ed the meeting o f Harding grange
Floyd Gossett of Portland combined. a sawmill at Sandy : nd is staying was the guest of her brother A .11 home economics club Friday after­
Fasel and title a few days this week, noon at the home o f Mis. Allie Tracy.
business and pleasure Wednesday with his mother in Estacada.
and visited Estucada.
J. E. Shibley spent the week end
Miss Betty Juob is out of schooj
Sunday evening visitors at the
Neil Bronson took his mother over with his family here and then went this week on account o f a splendid
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ficken were
to The Dalles Wednesday where she to Sisteis where he will be employ­ attack o f mumps. John Jubb is also
Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne and Mr.
at home recovering from the same dis­
will stay with her son Lee and wife ed for a time.
and Mrs. Everett Osborne and daugh­
for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Davidson o f Port« ease with complications.
ter Evilo o f Estacada, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Naomi Taylor o f Tigard spent land weie guests at the Fred Winston
Next Sunday at Mill City where Victor Ficken and daughter Elaine
the week end here with her sister home last Wednesday and Mr. amf the CCC boys are in camp they wil'^ of Mills City and Mr. and Mrs. Bob,
Mrs. Jesse Foster. Miss Taylor is a Mrs. Paul Eylat'son and three chib hold open house and expect a large Guttridge o f Springwater.
teacher in the high school at that | dren also of Portland were visiting number of relatives and friends to
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Woods o j
Mr. and Mrs. Winston on Sunday be present from Estacada. Governor
The ladies are Mr. Winston’s daugh Sprague is to be in attendance all Estacada visited Wednesday with Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Wyman.
ladies from Currinsville who are men
bers o f the ladies aid at that place
Miss McConnell always proves a mos
pleasing hostess.
Mr. and Mrs A. G. Ames and Mr
and Mrs. Vernon Ames were businesr
visitors in Portland Wednesday.
Mountain Chapter cheer clubs meet
ing which was to have been held on
Tuesday afternoon was postponed un­
til next Tuesday afternoon at the J.
C. Tunnell home. It was necessary tq
postpone the meeting for several rea­
■ vwwwvsav ----------- ------------------ --------
Morgan Feed & Grocery
Sli»l> H ere !
Huy M o re !
P a y Les« !
CRACKERS, salted............ 2 -lb . b o x ................17<?
WHITE BEANS, large............ 4-lb s....................19<*
ROLLED OATS, quick or reg.......... p k g ..........3 9 < ?
VANILLA ...................... 4-oz. bottle ................. 9<?
BROWN SUGAR ............... 4 -lbs.........................2 1
MILK, Darigold................ 3 cans f o r .................2 0 < *
S U G A R .......................... 1 0 -lb s .............................5 3 < j
I HONEY, ..................... 5-lb. pail ...........................3 5 t f
“ Cross M y H ea rt”
Three act comedy presented by Junior Class of
Estacada Union high school in high school auditor­
ium on
FRIDAY, APRIL 4, at 8 P. M. -
Mrs. Ernest Evanson Sr. o f Red-
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fasel accom­
panied by Miss Audrey Ludlow and land is spending several days with
Joe Barr went to Beaverton to visit her daughter Mrs.. Eldon Lankins
Miss Dorothy Fasel, Mr. and Mrs, and family.
Easel’s granddaughter returning the
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Traylor at­
same day.
tended the card party at Eagle Creek
Mrs. Harry Kitching and Mrs. Mar­ Satuiday night.
WANTED, At once. Garbage col­ tha Ellis went to Oregon City last
lector for the city of Estacada. In­ Friday to see Mis. Elizabeth Womer
quire of G. P. itose, City Recorder who is recovering from injuries re­
— Adv.
ceived some time ago. They foun«>
Fred Teats the eighth grade teach­ Mrs. Womer improving all the time.
er in the Estacada schools is walking
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Robley were
here is the place to get your
with crutches this week on account entertained at the E. P. Rarnum
of a sptained ankle received while home at Milwaukie Sunday.
playing ball last week. He is attend­
“ The Strawberiy Blonde” new Jas.
ing to his school duties however.
We can give you better wire at lower price than
Cagney-Olivia d< Mavilland costar­
Mr. and Mr a. John Osborne went ring comedy will be at the Esta thea­
you can get from a mail order house. Let us quote
to Goble one day last week to visit tre this Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
you prices on field fence or barbed wire.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Freman and hiot April 6, 7 and 8. This is the picture
back a load o f ginseng.
that has attracted record crowds
Come in and see our samples of new spring
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Osborne anii wherever presented and is unani­
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Osborne attended mously praised by newspaper critics
--------------o --------------
the ice capude at Portland last Sun­ as one o f the brightest comedies of
home this spring with Sherwin-
many film seasons. In addition the
Williams Paints, “ the paint that covers the earth.”
feature “ Wacky Wild Life” in colors.
O rch ard R id g e O alry.
Frigidain Jos. Reichman’s orchestra and Metr«|
We have all colors.
cooling system, good cold milk, but­ News.— Adv.
ler and cream the whole year round.
John Geil w h. enlisted in the U.
—Oscar Judo.
S. Army a short time ago is now sta
The Estacada Study club had its tioned at McChord Field.
regular monthly meeting at the home
The choir at the Methodist church
o f Mrs. R. O. Keed Tuesday nighty
is now getting music ready for Eas­
Mis. Reed was hostess and the regu­
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Foster will
lar interesting and pleasant time ill
assist the choir next Sunday with
appropriate musical numbers.
Last Sunday there was a Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weaver and
church rally at Gladstone and among
Miss Peggy Hayden and Lee Gens-
those from here who attended wer^
man o f Pemberton, Wash., were week
Mrs. Perry Anderson and daughtei
" W h e r e Y ou hear R C A S o u n d " t h . “ M a g ic V o t e , o f lha S c r . . n ” and
end guests at the Fremont Hayden
Evelyn, Mrs. Nellie Carson and Mrs.
_________________________*oa tfre Beat in P ictu r »«_____________
M. Gerbrick. ,
C. M. Sparks Hardware Co.
GOLDEN WEST COFFEE .... pound can ... 2 8 < *
Mrs. Sarah and Ray and Chester
Sylvester of Portland, Mrs. Carrie
Oliver of Sand Point, Ida., Gallord
Mallett and Gene Sylvester o f Port­
land, mother, brothers, sister, uncle
and nephew o f Mrs. Ed Linn came to
Estacada last Saturday and took hei
back to Portland where they had a
family reunion over the week end.
E stacad a M eth odist C hurch
New Adventist Church, Estacada
S u n d a y , A p ril 6 th
T u e s d a y , A p ril 8 th
T h u rs d a y , A p ril lO th
very important lecture*.
F rid ay and S aturd ay, A p ril 4and S
D ou b le Bill
“ M IC H A E L S H A N E , P R I V A T E D E T E C T I V E ”
Sunday school at I 50 a.m.
Public worship at 11. Sermon subs
jeet “ The Leader o f the Procession
o f Palms.”
Violin solo, “ The Holy City” Henley
Mrs. Jesse Foster. Piano accom­
paniment by Mr. Foster.
Epworth league, 7 :00 p.m.
Miss Carolena Wade is busy re.
hearsing these days in Portland with P ru n e M arketin g F a c to r s are
Don’t miss this Thrilling, Romantic Comedy
the LaScala Opera company who wilj L isted in N ew B u lletin
present several grand operas in April,
Orchestra selections and special vocal numbers
and May in Portland, Seattle, Spo­
to be given at Newberg and Pacific University con­
That Oregon dried prune produc«
kane, Tacoma and Longview.
tion constitutes only a minor part
tests will be presented between acts.
The regular monthly meeting o j of the Pacific coast output is agaiu
An evening of enjoyable entertainment is in store
Carl Douglas American Legion post emphasized by a study o f dried prune
and its auxiliary wilt be held in the maiketing thru cooperative asso­
for you.
local Legion hall next Monday ev­ ciations just issue«' by the Oregon
Admission, Adults 25c. Children 15c. Tax Free
experiment station.. The report as
ening, April 7th.
station bulletin 378 is made by Dr.
Jim Jennings left last Sunday ev­ D. B. DeLoach agricultural economist;
ening for Booger, Texas. He is going and Charles W. Peters a research
to play baseball in the West Texaq assistant.
league. For the past four years he
The Oregon production for the per­
has been playing in Montana, Wyo5 iod 1928-1937 inclusive averaged ap­
ming and Coloiado.
proximately 9 percent o f the Pacific
coast total. A further complicating
Jacob Durig, Logan farmer was ta­
factor in the marketing problem is
ken critically lit last week and is
the fact that the nine cooperative
now in the Oregon City hospital. ,
dried prune associations in this state
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Edward Cross pack an average of only 26 percen*
who were married in a log cabin nca; f Oregon’s total dried prune output.
Estacada in 1891 celebrated their
The combined average total assets
50th wedding anniversary March 28’ for six o f the associations over th«
Song service at 7:15 p.m. Conducted by Singing Evan­ at their home in Oregon City.
period studied were slightly in excess
gelist Bergh.
o f $38,000 which is not considered
Miss Mildred Smith who is attend­
high. Seven o f the cooperative asso­
ing Multnomah college visited hei
Special Music each evening.
ciation market thru the Oregon Prune
parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith
exchange. Up to May, 1940 no sales
Free Motion Pictures at 7 :30 p. m.
during the past week.
promotion work had been done by the
Lecture at 8:00 p.m. by H. D. Strever.
Miss Mary Alice Reed has been re­ associations although since that tme
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiii elected to a place in the Corvallis city the sales agency has developed a pro­
gram for advertising packaged
L. R. Hayden has began the erec­
“ The price for Oregon prunes ar^
tion o f a garage on the place he
“ God Has Given Man a Mirror and He is Particular Man recently purchased in north Esta­ contingent on the California prune
prices and in general the price for
Should Use it."
dried prunes tends to vary reversely
iiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiHiiiimiimiimmimiMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiimi'iM Bi.l Topp, signal corspman from with the supply,” the report states
Camp Lewis was circulating amonp “ There is some indication however^
that the demand for prunes is influ-
his Estacada friends Sunday.
enct'd by the demand for substitute
“ Two Great Lights, Which One did Christ Extinguish.”
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. RobJey, Mr. and products such as canned grapefruit
iiiiiiMiimiiiiiiimiiiiHiimimiiiiimimiiimmmiiiiiHiiimiiiimiiHiiiiiiiimmimii Mrs. George Fourier, Mr. and Mrs and canned fruit juices such oranges,
D. B. Eshleman and Mr. and Mrs pineapple and tomato juices.
R. H. Currin attended the ice cap
“ The rapid increase in the consump
a«le in Portland Friday night.
tion of canned juices since 1933 with­
out any perceptible rise in the con­
“ God’s Answer to Evolution’’
Vernon Todd has been reelect.d to
sumption o f dried prunes indicates r
his place in the Mill City schools.
shift in consumer demand to fruit
$5,000 for the missing text. Can you find it?
Come and hear Missionary Strever give these three
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kitching an« and vegetable juices or at least a con.
Roland went to Portland Saturday sumer preference for canned juices
over dried prunes.”
night to see the ice capade.
G o o d N ew s Bible
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Powers and
dauughter Helen o f Glailstone and
Norman Cox o f Portland visited on
Sunday afternoon at the Eldon Lan­
kins home.
Mr. and Mrs. Geotge Olsen o f
Portland were Saturday visitors at
the home o f Mr. anr Mrs. Ed Bate­
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Traylor spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, A.
A. Hessmer in Portand.
Mr. and Mrs. Bunny Marsh and
Fred Marsh o f Viola were Friday
evening guests at the home o f Mrs,
L. S. Tenny.
Harry Traylor attended the ban­
quet for the railroad men in Portland.
Monday evening.
Doris Lankins was an overnight
guest o f Shirley Tucker in Estacada
on Monday night.
Smooth Galvanized W ire
CORN F L A K E S ................ 3 pkgs........................ 2 1 C
|SWEET P O T A T O E S .................pound..................
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartholomew
and son Bobby of Estacada spent Sun
day with Mrs. Bartholomew’s par­
ents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tannler Sr. ,
Sunday afternoon guests at I he
home o f Mrs. L. S. Tenny were Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Brock and Mrs. Flo­
rence Hickman o f Oregon City.
Berry and Ginseng Growers
Prices for FRIDAY-SATURDAY, April 4 and 5
l i »
FBI DAY, APftllC 1041
Starring Lloyd Nolan and Marjorie Weaver. Laugh and thrill to
fiction’s favorite new sleuth, plus
-------- --- O--------------
Gene Autry in
“ ‘ R ID IN G ON A R A I N B O W ”
New adventures on ol’ man river, with America’s all time cow­
boy king.
Sun day, M on d ay , T u esd a y , A p ril 6, 7 an d 8
Starring Jimmy Cagney and Olivia de Havilland, plus “ Wacky-
Wild Life,” colored and Jos. Reichman’s orchestra and Metro News.
W ed n esd a y and T h u rsd ay, A p ril 9 and 10
B arg ain
N ights
"U N T A M E D ”
Starring Ray Mitland, Patricia Morison and Akim Tamiroff. Plus
comedy ‘“ Wating for Baby.”