CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS PROFESSIONAL CARDS FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1941 Clackamas County News L. D. MEADE, Editor and Publisher Published weekly on Fridays at Estacada. Clackamas County, .Oregon. Entered in the postoffice at Estacada, Oregon, as second-c..lss matter. DR. H. V. A D IX Physician and Surgeon SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Clackamas County, one year $ 1.t>0; outside the county and in the State Physiotherapy— X-Ray of Oregon, one year »2.00; outside the State of Oregon, one year »2.50; Radiam , foreign $3.00 a year. Subscriptions are payable in advance. Tel 5951 Gresham, Ore ADVERTISING Kates for advertising made known on application. Advertiser, will please take note that to insure insertion of advertisement in the issue of the current week, advertising copy should reach this office not later than Tuesday imoii. Assistance cheerfully given in the prepa:ation of copy. Dr. H. A. Schneider ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS cent 48-hour period is true Hitler is DENTIST making ominous p: ogress. Phone Sandy 151 The report that German warships As Walter Lippman has said, “The Sandy, Oregon reputedly the super-fast 26,000 new problem of the axis power is how to battleship Scharnhorst and Gneisenau defeat the United States now that the are operating within 1500 miles of decision has been taken to support New York should not come as a sur­ the people who resist aggres­ 0. D. E B Y prise. One of Hitler’s great military sion.” The Nazi’s plan Mr. Lippman virtues is thoroness. He, like everyone continued probably has three phases. A ttorney at Law General Practice Confidential else in the world in touch with af­ Fiist, and most obvious phase is to fairs knew long ago that the lend intensify the blockade of the British Adviser lease ball would pass. It was only the Isles to sink the supply ships, to bontb O regon City-:- Oregon part of wisdom for the German ad­ the docks and shipyards and then to miralty to have its laiders ready and attempt invasion. Second phase is to waiting for the merchantmen to start immobilize the bulk of our navy by the long voyage across the Atlantic inducing Japan to keep on creating S. E WOOSTER with the military supplies we are “incidents” in the Pacific. Third transferring now to Britian. Hitldi phase is to create ‘“alarm and diver­ Real Estate, Loans, Insurance has said that the great bulk of our sions” in this hemisphere in order to and Rentals shipments will be destroyed and he is distract our attention from Europe Estacada, Ore. now unquestionably trying to make and present us with some tough prob­ Tel. 77-3 that boast good. And if the Ger­ lems at home. , man claim that 224,000 tons of Brit­ It is no secret that German agents, ish shipping were sunk within a re- undercover as well as diplomats are Dr. Thomas B. Carter working overtime in the principal Latin American lepublics and that Veterinary Surgeon we now going to work to combat Phone Gresham 210 ANOTHER REDUCTION their are activities in various ways. Some Dairy Herd Inspector for Landlord says to cut it $150 and experts firmly believe that as our aid Multnomah County now to Britian reaches considerable pro­ G resham , O regon portions German agents within this GET BUSY country will launch a great and wide spread sabotage campaign against our and here’s your chance to save Cooper & McAllister material factories primarily the »150 and give the buildings a new war plants. The bulk of neutral Attorneys-at-Law coat of paint and make the place airpane military authorities are convinced worth »1000 more and it is a real that Germany cannot win this war Telephone Gresham 262 noma now with water and elec unless she is able to keep us iron double garage, concrete cellar, Pow ell Blvd. Gresham, Oregon adequately supplying British with the poultry house and barn on three instruments of offense and defense acres of fine berry land close to she so sorely needs. school and bus service. »350 will C. DON PLATNER, M. D. handle and then $1500 at »20 per It is too early yet to tell what British may expect in getting Physician and Surgeon ___ month Including interest, that’s success her ships thru. At the moment it is Clackamas County Bank B>ldgo, easy,, buy it. probable that British shipping losses Sandy, Oregon have been just about equalized by re­ O ffice Hours, 2 to 5 P. M. DO IT NOW placements and seizures. But the Evenings, Saturday and Sunday Just right for you Sandy boys sources of replacements are growing by Appointm ent working in mill or lumbering. fewer. This country is starting a big Phone Sandy 441 program but it will bi The MEYERS SERVICE a ship long building time before vessels in appre­ GRESHAM, ORE. ciable quantity are sliding down the ways. This spring may supply the answei Paint & Wallpaper Store to the shipping question. It is known Sign Painting Pictura Fram ing that Germany has been building dos- L. L. JONES & SONS Glass ens of small submarines of the 200- ton class for operation in British wa, Gresham , Ore. Tel. 4678 ters. The German naval men are plac­ M onum ent and Marker Display ing much of their faith in these little opposite new P ostoffice, Gresham. underwater craft. Britians numbet of destroyers the only surface ship Roy B ohannon, Mgr., Tel. 245. Richard Sponhauer which have so far been really effec­ A g ont for tive in fighting subs makes the pro­ Northwestern M utual F ire In». Co. blem doubly difficult for her. A etna Fire In». Co. Hitler apparently believe» that the Estacada. Oregon WILDWOOD U. S. navy if necessaiy will be wil­ Tel. E»tacada S4-1 REST HOME ling to convoy ships abroad and manj offers the best of care to aged and an observer here agrees. That i. invalids at from $30 a month where Jupan comes in. So long as she and upwards makes periodic threats in the south» S. E. LAWRENCE Tel. Gresham 4374 western Pacific our naval strength Gresham , Oregon must be concentrated in those wa Licenaed Electrical Contractor HOT PO INT MAJOR waters. It is believed that if Japar ELECTRIC A PPLIA N C ES actualy makes an attack on Singa pore or Hongkong or French Indo­ Rt. 2, Estacada, O regon china or the Dutch East Indies wc Evelyn M. Lawrence Tol. Estacada 97-3 will resist with force. In that case Notary Public Agent for Aetna Casualty and England could expect little help from us in getting supplies across the 300 1 Surety Co.. miles of water that lies between An L. A. CHAPMAN Capitol Fire rnsuraqc« Co. Acewrllnt and Health insurance brose Light and Folkstone Head. M O R T I C I AN Tel. 97-3. Estacada, Ore. Hitler has said that the war will Estacada, O regen end this year, and end in an over­ Calls attended D ay or Night whelming German victory complete Telephone 36-7 and 38-31 with occupation of the Isles. Hitler is not an idle talker. Now that spring W. W. SIEMENS is heie some of the most important DR. C. E. STEWART events in the history of the human M usical Supplias race may shortly occur. Film Developing Chiropractic Physicia* PANKRATZ MONUMENTS Specializing in chronic and n e v - vous disorders of tho Stom ach and Intestinal Tract X-RAY SERVICE EX PERT W atch Repairing Oregon Gresham, Office Hours 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Gresham O ffice, Phone 250 63 W. 1st Street, Gresham DR."H. M. KRAMER DENTIST Phone Estacada 3-19 Com plete X-Ray Equipm ent Maeonic Bldg.. Estacada, Ora. MACK MACKENZIE Gen L'ral Carpentry, Repair», I __ Plum bing and Painting Upholstering and Fornitura Repair» TaL 34-41, Eatacada SELLING AMERICANIZATION In these days of committee-form­ ing when every other person you meet belongs to some committee to aid America or to aid Great Britian you wouldn’t expect much excite­ ment to result from a one-man cam­ paign to arouse a love for America among people. Yet this has been accomplished by Sidney Hollander president of the Every Ready Label corporation. In plaque form his Credo now is on display in thousands of school classrooms and school pupils thru- out the country have miniature re­ productions of it pasted on their text books. He has distributed millions of cop­ ies of his Credo at his own expense. The Credo reads:: “There’s no way like the AmeiR can way . . . Because “ I can go to any church I please. “I an see and read and hear what I please. “ I can express my opinions openly. “My mail reaches me as sent, un­ censored. “My telephone is untapped. “I can join any political party I wish “I can vote for what and whom i please. “I have a constitutional right to trial by jury. “I am piotected against search and seizure. “Neither my life nor my property can be forfeited without due proj cess of law.” Oregon’t traffic death rate for the month oi February was 5.1 peisons killed per 100,000,000 miles of tra­ vel Earl Snell secretary of state dis. closed today. This is the lowest death rate recorded by the state during the past three years. Oregon traffic accidents took but eleven lives during the month of Feb­ ruary compared to 30 lives lost dur­ ing February 1940. While the num­ ber of traffic deaths was reduced 63 percent travel in the state as shown by gasoline consumption was increas­ ed 19.2 percent. The reduction in the number of deaths and increase in the use of motor vehicles resulted in the unusually low death rate for the month. The state’s low death rate of 5-1 this February is nearly 70 percent under the high death rate of 16.1 re­ corded in February of last year. For the first two months of tne year the death late was 13.3 compared to 20.3 for the same period last year. Eyes examined Glasses fitted Broken lenses duplicated Eyeglass frames repaired while you wait. In his efforts to revise the Ten Commandments to fit modern condi­ tions one of Benito Mussolini’s favor­ ite admonitions to the Italian enemy is “Hate Thy Enemy.” He believes that a major part of Italian reverses in the war have resulted fiom peo­ ple’s inabiiitay to hate hard enough And why haven’t they hated? The answer is Italian soldiers weren’t sure whether they would go in on the side of Germany or England. We do our own grinding VISION OPTICAL CO. O ffice on Pow ell Blvd, opposite Gresham Theater Tel. Gresham 217, or Portland BEA . 2975 Fully-Fitted Inside and Out I * 6 9/\0 cu. ft. food storage space *5!^’ ^ ew Fro*en Storage Compartment •Glass-Topped Sliding Hydrator •Quickube Ice Trays • New M eat Tender • 23 other im portant features, only • M ote than 6 M illion hrlg id airea built and sold. M1.Y1.75 EA SY TER M S. 1941 MODEL M-4 Free Parking. Your own Terms in Reason Delivery 5716 S. E. 92nd Ave., North of Foster, Lents PORTLAND, OREGON Gresham Packing Co. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT We are now contracting for youngberries, boysen- berries, loganberries, red and black raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries and currants. Market prices guaranteed. R. I. Mactaughlin & Co., Owners Gresham, Telephone Gresham 277 Oregon WANTED Farm Listings. I have calls for farms that 1 cannot supply. Listings cost you nothing un­ less a sale is made. K. A. MILLER Easter Specialties | Easter Sunday April 13th IPS EASTERN MULTNOMAH AND NOR’IHERN CLACKAMAS You are invited to inspect our new line of MASSEY- HARRIS MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT -------------o - ----------- For the very latest in w orking equipm ent, see Farmers Cooperative Gas and Supply Exchange R. A. TRIBOU, Manager Gresham, 7. A rise in the number of births anil a decrease in the death total gave Oregon a particularly favorable bill G resham , O re Tel. 4631 211 N. M ain Ave. of health for February. Figures released by the public health research department of an Ore­ gon life insurance company revealed that there were only 954 deaths from Jllfllllfin illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM IIIIIIIIIM IIH IK a all causes during the month as com­ pared with 1177 in January. During the month there were 1423 births reported to the state board of health an increase of 174 over the total reported in January of this year. ----------o---------- The beautifuiu technicolor picture of daring adventure and devastating Easter Baskets and Toys, action “Nntamed,” will be at the filled with pure wholesome Esta theatre next Wednesday and Thursday, April 9 and 10 starring candies. Ray Millard, Patricia Morrison and 10c, 15c and 25c each Akim Tamiroff.—Adv. a t our new display room, Greaham,, corner Pow ell Blvd and Avm Ave. Wo invito comparison of aorvico, quality and prico LOWEST PRICES and FREE DELIVERY HATE FARMERS DR. L. W. GRIFFITH A complete optical service S ee m> V( k ‘S in L ents for rn rsiitu re avul A|»|>l innee* Oregon Chicks, Bunnies, Baskets and Easter Toys to delight the children. When you buy our Easter Candies you buy the best. Easter Gifts galore, either for the children or the grownups. A fine assortment of Easter Greeting cards, priced at lc, 3 for 5c, 2 for 5c, 5c and 10c each. Better Merchandise for Less at I II oiiii ' n IKn<*kot §toi*o In Gresham’s Main Avenue Shopping Center : Main Avenue, North Gresham, Oregon riiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii, 'I