C LAC K AM AS CO UNTY NEW S NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE 33646 On the 5th duy of April, 1U41 at the Uoui- o f 1U A. M., at the front door o f tile Couit House in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, 1 will sell at auction to the highest bid­ der lo r cash the following described real property located in Clackamas County, Oregon, to-wit: Regaining at a point in the wester­ ly line o f a proposed County Road y57.4 feet eust and 379.5(5 fe et South o f the Southwest corner o f the North 20 acres o f the N. E. \i o f the S. W .K o f Section 9, Twp. 3 South of Range 7 itast o f W. M.; thence south 33 degrees 40 minutes east, tracing the westerly line o f the above men­ tioned County Road 100 fe e t to t point; thence South 56 degrees 20 minutes West 00 feet, more or less to a low water line on the right oi easterly shore o f the Salmon River; thence Northerly along the said low water line 200 feet mote or less to a point; thence North 33 degrees 40 minutes East 118 fe et more or less to the westerly line o f said County Road; thence south 30 degrees 40 minutes East, and tracing the West­ erly line o f said County Road 100 ft. to the point o f beginning. Said sale is made under execution issued out o f the Circuit Court of the State o f Oregon fo r the County o f Clackamas to me directed in the case o f Ella M. Crouch vs. Robert Guy Haines and Vivian Elaine Haines Dated the 27th day o f February 1041. ,FRED R E AKSEC KER, Sh eriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By George O. Jewell, Deputy First pub. March 7, 1041. Last pub. April 4, 1041. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE On the 19th day o f April, 1941, at the hour o f ten o’clock A. M., at the front door o f the Court House in Oregon City, Oiegon, I will o ffe r for sale and sell to the highest bid­ der, at auction the follow ing de­ scribed property located in Clack­ amas County, Oregon, to-wit: SEVi o f Section 28, T. 2 S., R. 6 E., W. M. Said sale is made by authority of Chapter 402, Oregon Laws 1937 re­ lating to the sale o f real property acquired by any County in this state fo r delinquent taxes and in com­ pliance with an order o f the County Court o f Clackamas County, Oregon dated March 14th, 1041, to me di­ rected. The Minimum price fo r which said real property may be sold is Five Hundred and no-100 Dollars and teuns shall be Cash. FRED R E AK SE C K E R , Sh eriff o f Clackamas County, Oregon. By George O. Jewell, Deputy. First pub. March 21, 1941. Last puh. Ap ril 18, 1941. MUSIC FESTIVAL SLATED FOR A PR IL 24TH A music festival will be held on April 24th at the Gilbert school in which the Gilbert, Powellhurst, Gre­ sham and Pleasant V alley grade schools wil participate. 327 Applications in Mattress Project A sample o f the mattress ticking that will be used in the cotton mat­ tress program is on display in the county agents office. It is blue und white striped eight ounce ticking, the kind that the U. S. government re­ quires fo r all government hospital mattresses. A total o f 327 applications huva been made to the extension office and farm security o ffic e fo r mattres­ ses under the new cotton mattress program. The extension service,, the agricultural adjustment administra­ tion, surplus marketing administra­ tion, farm security administration, und the county court are cooperat­ ing in this program. Applications may be made at either the county agents office, the agricultural adjjustment administration offic e or the farm security office. Less than two weeks remain fo r making applications in this county as the closing date has been set for April 1. A ll rural people in Clackamas county who live outside o f Oregon City are eligible to make applicaton. and then later make from one to three mattresses from surplus cotton 9 Automobile manufacturers will be di­ viding output between cars and defense products. It will be harder to get delivery o f cars. Presen t prices m av not be maintained. I f you are going to buy a new car this year, place your order early and l*t us do the financing for you. You will benefit through dealing with this home institu­ tion. Our rates are low and you will find the service more efficient and convenient. D o n ’t make any other financing ar­ rangements until you find out what we have to offer. F ir s t S tilt« I ta n k oft* M ilw n u k ie M ílv t .iiik ír - O re g o n shipped from the South. The only expense to the individual will be a minimum cost o f seventy-five cents per mattress to cover incidental ex­ penses. Miss M. Irene Leach home de­ monstration agent will have direct charge o f the program in Clackamas county. Sixty thousand pounds o f cotton and six thousand yards o f ticking have been ordered. As soon as this cotton and ticking arrive probably some time the last o f April or the first o f May community leaders thru out the county will be trained in mat- tress making and the mattress prog­ ram will be under way in the centerj thruout the county. It will take fout to six people to make a mattress in one day. The making o f the mattres­ ses will be a cooperative a ffa ir each one helping the other and community leaders helping all. People who are eligible fa ll intq three differen t groups. A farm fam ily who has a net income o f $560 or less per year may qualify. A part time fam ily may qualify i f at least hal| o f the income is from the farm and the net income is not over $500. A non-farm fam ily may qualify it their gross income is $500 or less. In each o f the three differen t groups $50 may be added to the income of the fam ily fo r each member over; four. Where there are three or four in the family two mattresses may be applied fo r; where there are five, three matresses may be applied for. N o fam ily may secure more than three. Turkey Outlook Improved, While Friuts are Doubtful The turkey outlook fo r 1941 ¡3 somewhat more favorable than a year ago according to a report on the ag­ ricultural situation and outlook just issued by the agricultural extension service at OSC. The report also in­ cludes outlook information on fruits, potatoes, milk, meat, eggs and wool and on horses and mules. Improvement in the turkey outlook is atti ibuted in part to a high level o f consumer purchasing power ex­ pected to continue thru the 1041-42 marketing season fo r turkeys. The available data also indicates a sligh’ reduction in the turkey crop this year and a smaller carry-over o f storage holdings but a possible Increase in chicken meat. Better puichasing power is also important in the outlook fo r fruits, potatoes and other farm products al­ though offset more or less by weak foreign demand in the case o f ex­ port crops. Fruits and some other products have been largely dependent; upon foreign markets now dosed ow­ ing to the war, to absorb the vol­ ume needed to keep these enterprises prosperous. The fru it supply is unusually larg^ owing to increased output and reduc­ ed exports. Despite the improved do­ mestic demand situation the fru it out­ look is not very favorable particular­ ly fo r export type fruit products. Prices fo r meat, eggs and wool are; relatively high and the supply o f feed is generally plentiul. These con­ ditions are being reflected in increas­ ing production o f most kinds o f ani­ mal products. Prices fo r homes and mules have continued to go down even while prices fo r other livestock have been advancing. Farm producers are confronted with an upward trend in farm wage rates and some indication o f an in­ crease in other farm costs and living expenses. The report also contains recent data on the volume o f the nation’ s food supply, anciuding such items as 40 billion eggs, and 20 million pounds o f fresh fruits and numerous OÚK- ü XÍCKIKIMÍ®« ”• other articles o f diet in stupenduous quantities. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION '(rtflKHBflMXDùlOi> ; :iaJ«XxîOiMIX Local Creosote Equals Eastern as Preventative >o\v on IliNplav ............................$1.50 up CHAINS ....................... $2.50 up CROSSES and CHAINS LOCKETS and Made in Rose Gold and Coin Gold NEW AM ERICAN BRACELETS, gold filled ...................................... up from $1.00 See our New Showing of Reconstructed and Culture Pearls, priced up from $1.00 ROSARIES, A. H. MEALEY Telephone Building Gresham, Oregon 1 F R ID A Y Oil tar creosote a by-product o f the gas making industry in Portland and other parts o f the west where oil is used in manufacturing gas pos­ sesses all the requirements o f a good wood preservative and can be used just as well as coal tar creosote fo r most purposes according to research carried out by Glenn Voorhis assis­ tant professor o f wood products at the Oregon state college school o f forestry. The results o f Voorhies’s work have just been published by the en­ gineering experiment station as bub letin 13, entitled “ Oil T ar Creosote for Wood preservation.’’ Voorhies found that the oil tar creosote is al­ most as toxxic to wood destroying oiganisms as the standard coal tap creosote and is likely to stay in place better because o f greater resistence to volatization. He found that it pos­ sesses good penetrating qualities and 'ow viscosity. It can be made in com­ mercial quantities and is readily av- M AR CH 28, 1941 ailable for Pacific coast consumption. | carbons wtyich are more toxic than Under the present requirements o f the phcnaU found in coal tar creosote the American Wood preservation as­ Voorhis found. sociation grade A creosote must hav« a guarantee o f coal tar origin. The experiments conducted by Voorhis indicate that with the exception o í this one requirement and the fact that it has a specific gravity d iffe r ­ ence o f .01 oil tar creosote meets all For the first time since the emer­ o f the apec'ficstions o f the assocla^ tion. Computable leeching tests with gency relief program was set up in wood blocks showed no significant dif Clackamas county in 1938 the trend ference in the two types o f creosote in assistance has changed from one in that respect. Voorhis believes that o f unemployment to one o f service further study would also show that and rehabiliitation. Seasonal work­ oil tar creosote would give equal re­ ers are in demand earlier than eves sistence against the attack o f mar. this year inasmuch as the first requi­ iner borers and termites as it pos­ sition from the employment service sesses characteristics fo r this purposq dated March 10 has been received by that are entirely comparable to the the public welfare commission show­ ing jobs available fo r ten men. How­ coal tar creosote. The high temperatures used in the ever with so many persons anticipat­ manufacturing process with oil tar ing employment in the expanding de­ creosote produce a tar that contains fense program an absolute shortage a high precentage o f aromatic hydro. o f seasonal labor may result. Seasonal Workers In Demand ►'b i'tr In February 1940 there \vere 510 cases or 1478 persons assisted by the Clackamas county public w elfare com mission. This did not include old age assistance recipients nor aid to tie- pendent children grants. This year in February only 1126 persons o f 449 cases were given general assistance. A t the present time there are 32 able bodied persons who have been certified to W P A by the public wel­ fare commission and are awaiting as­ signment. This figure is low fo r this time o f the year as the usual averags awaiting assignment is between 56 and 60. “ Melody and Moonlight,” a star- studded musicollossal is the first fea­ ture o f the double bill at the Est* theatre this Friday and Saturday, March 28 and 29. The second fea­ ture is a thrilling western show star­ ring Fred Scott in “ Melody o f the Plains.” — Adv. 1 |- ■ f tr/uw iii Celebrating Our ftOtli Anniversary TUESDAY, APRIL 1st - A FREE GIFT for EVERYBODY on that DAY! Special Bargains the Entire Month of A pril! ^ _______________ j . ■ ■ ■ * :» 9 S tap-on Can jH r x v y enameled, 'w ith rem ovab le jiYiner can w ith 'b a il handle. Anniversary Price 49<^ R egu lar 69 c value. We believe these rep resen t the best buy In a service­ able house broom. Anniversaiy Price 2 5 tf WATER GLASSES Anniversary Price 2 for GALVANIZED PAILS Worth Much More Anniversaiy Price 19£ TAPE RULE 3 for 1 0 ¿ SCREW DRIVERS Reg. 35c value Anniversaiy Price 19¿ THREE PIECE BOWL SETS Anniversary Price 39¿ OATMEAL BOWLS Anniversary Price 3 for Í O ¿ Anniversary Price 19<* FUSE PLUGS Just half what you regularly pay Anniversaiy Price 2 for GALVANIZED TUBS No. 1 size 6 9 tf PLIERS Anniversary Price 9 £ Watch for Our BIG ANNIVERSARY BROADSIDE in the mail March 28th. Hundred» of Money Saving Values. Save it. Read it. Remember, TUESDAY, APRIL 1ST, a gift for all in cele­ bration of our 30th Anniversary. A. VV. METZGER & CO. P o w e ll IKIvil. v < »lt E M I A M