CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1941 . — 2 — FOR SALE. Cook stove. Price $10 1937 Plymouth 4-door sedan. Com­ J. J. Marchbank. Tel. Estacada 25-4. pletely reconditioned, new paint, FOR SALE. 5 large swarms of 1936 Plymouth :.edun, completely re­ bees reasonable if taken at once conditioned. Tel. Estacada 34-3. D E P E N D A B L E U SED CARS tit* /a u te ù . «Lfc«M VERS BRO CK W AY & N E L SO N D odga and P lym ou th D ea la r. Tel 2 0 7 G re.h am , Ore. - I N a water system ,CA PACITY anti RE- _ 1 LIABILITY are equally important. T he fam ous old MYERS trademark assures you both. You may op en on e faucet at a tim e, or draw water „ ----- ^ sim ultaneously from several different locations in kttch- Automatic, Self Oiling en, bathroom o r laundry—at outside h ose taps—in barn- Shallow W,U yard and ou tbuildings. There w ill always b e plenty oj w ater ~ a t A L L faucets w h en you have a precision-built MYERS W ater System o f the type and size suited to your needs. Quality is never sacrificed to price in the manufacture o f MYERS products. T h e absolute dependability o f MYERS W ater Systems is proved daily in thousands o f farm and suburban hom es. A sk for interesting free b ook let and let us furnish an estim ate on your requirem ents. vouu »AM IA •IlljIVIl (1 ' I Automatic, Sc I/-Oiling, Deep W ell MYERS Electric Water System* ax« completely automatic— self- starting. self-stopping, self-oiling. Other types for operation! by gaso­ line engine, windmill or hand power. Deep well and shallow well models to meet all needs. Ejecto Automatic Deep W ell FOR SALE. 1935 Ford deluxe for, dor touring sedan. Radio, heater, or, iginal gull giuy finish. Only $275 McRobert Motor Co., Giesham. Open Sundays. FOR SALE CHEAP. 30 horses of all kinds, some saddle horses. Will take in your horses or cattle on hor­ ses. Ba.-,e Line Stables, 1 mile north of Gresham. F. T. Bentley, owner FOR SALE Pure bled Jersey milk eow, $60. Inquire C. E. Weisenhaus Estacada. Tel. 88-12. FOR SALE. 1934 Ford fordor de­ luxe sedan, builtin trunk, heater. Se< this popular model and you’ll huy it McRobert Motor Co., .Gresham. Open Sundays U s e d C ar B a rg a in s DEPENDABLE RECONDITIONED USED CARS & TRUCKS 1941 Wiilys Americar sedan, heatet .....................................................$768 b 1939 Ford deluxe 85 touring sedan, heater. Very clean car .........$335 1938 Wiilys deluxe sedan, ready to go ................................................ $375 H e s s e l I m p le m e n t Co. GRESHAM , * OREGON 1935 Chrysler Airstream sedan $325 1933 Ford sedan .......................... $145 1931 Buick «uupe .......................... $65 Allis - Chalmers Leads Again ! 1930 Ford Model A coupe .........$75 1930 Oldamobile sedan ................. $65 1929 Studebaker conv. coupe ....$65 H IL L SID E CO M B IN E H AR V E ST ER S 1935 Chevrolet Vfi ton pickup ....$325 Save on the hills and you save all. A N ecessity A Pacific Coast University test shows you save 50c to $1.00 an acre in wheat alone with tho Complete insurance pro­ tection for your automo­ bile or truck. Get it at a saving from All Crop Harvester Experienced men to start you op­ erating. Farm Tractor Co. O rient, East o f G resham on Mt. H ood loop. G resham , Rt. 2, T el. G resham 4 7 4 2 M. L. TRULLINGER E agle C reek, O re. .... T el. 427 1935 Dodge 116 ton truck, has flat bed ....................................... $350 1935 Ford V-8 1 Vfi ton truck ..$150 1930 Chevrolet 1 Vfi ton truck ....$150 T h ese Cars and T rucks are in A -l con d ition ready to d rive hom e S E E O UR STO CK B E F O R E YOU BUY R E L IA B IL IT Y -S E R V IC E H essel Implement Company WM. LO D E R , Diat. M anager, Mil w aukie, Q*e. T el. 2-5011 C hrysler P lym ou th In tern ation al Truck# PHONE 229 Gresham, Oregon I L e d C ar S p e c ia ls 1 9 4 0 PO N TIA C D elu x e C oupe U nder seat H eater and D efro ster $ 7 7 5 .0 0 FARMERS AUTOMOBILE I N T E R INSURANCE EXCHANGE TRUCK INSURANCE ' _____ EXCHANGE _______ 1 9 3 8 PO N TIA C 4-door Sedan H eater and D e f r o a t e r ..........$ 5 9 5 .0 0 CLASSIFIED 1 9 3 6 PO N TIA C 4-door Sedan H eater ........................................$ 3 7 5 .0 0 ADVERTISING 1936 PO N TIA C 4-door Sedan H eater ............................ $ 3 9 5 .0 0 FOR SALE. 1938 Ford fordor se­ dan. 25,000 miles. Heater, only $525. This car is like new in every respect. McRobert Motor Co.„ Gresham. Open Sundays. Place your order now for Eastei lillies and potted plants for Easter', Adsile Gardens, O. V. Coop, Esta­ cada, Oregon. O R EG O N M U T U A L F IR E 1NSUR- A N C E CO. has L O W E S T R A T E S . No assessments, why pay more? As­ FOR SALE. 30 acres, 4% acre* sets over $918,660.61. Ask T H O R N E bearing filberts. Write owner 6523 & W A L R A D , Agents. Greaham.-Adv. 1937 O LDSM O BILE 4-door S ed an S. E. 18th Ave., Portland, Oregon. H eater and Fog L igh t ---- $ 4 9 5 .0 0 FOR SALE. Road gravel and drive FOR RENT. 3 room house. Garden 1937 D ESO TO 4-door Sedan way gravel for sale at pit or deliver­ spot plowed ready to plant. J. J. H eat«r .................................. $ 4 9 5 .0 0 ed. Deep Creek Gravel Co., rt. 1, ,box Marchbank, Estacada. Tel 254. 101„ Boring, Ore. 1937 DODGE 4-door Sedan WANTED. Junior automobile sales men. No investment required, no ex­ 1936 C hevrolet sedan $ 3 2 5 .0 0 perience necessary. Good possibilities for income. See Roy McCormick, at Ray Dunmire Motor company. 82nd Ave., and Clackamas River bridge O R IE N T G A R A G E Gladstone. H eater and D efroater ......... $ 4 7 5 .0 0 G e o r g e K o ch T el. Gremhiim 4 7 4 8 , O rien t, O regon T®1. San d y, ,4 3 1 , San d y, O regon USED FARM M ACHINERY $25 1 R eversib le di«c ................. 1 rid in g cu ltivator ............ .......$ 2 0 $5 a w alk in g cu ltivator«, ea. i O liv er chilled plow ....... .......$ 1 8 a O liv er tractor plow«. *65 i C ase 3-bottom plaw ....... i m ow ing m achine .............. . * 2 5 *13 i su lk y plow .................. - ...... FARM EQUIPM ENT COM PANY F ord T ractor and Farm E q u ip m ent D ealer S U P E R H IG H W A Y A T G LADSTO NE P h o n e O regon C ity 2-7891 P. O. B ox 12 7 Earth’s Atmosphere The earth s atmosphere 1 a known ( • extend upward at least 120 mtles. CUSTOM SAWING We will do custom sawing at reas­ onable rates or will saw on shares. Shingles and rough lumber for sale at all times. Water Wheel Shingle Co., Estacada, Ore., Tel. 38-31 FOR SALE. 3 good 10 weeks old pigs. Oregon strawberry plants. You dig or we dig. Fred Baker, Eagle Creek, Ore. FOR SALE. 1936 Ford deluxe for­ dor touring sedan. Mohair upholstery heater, only $325. See this car at McRobeit Motor Co., Gresham. Open j Sundays. We want grain or feed sacks at once. We have a large contract to fill. Bring us all your sacks now and at regular intervals. Tunnell & Sauer, Currinsville, Oregon. FOR SALE. Almost new 3-sectiori spike tooth harrow, cheap. C. M. Sparks Hardware Co., Estacada. 1 Anything EAGLE CREEK Miss Maxine Foust daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Foust and Monroe Swarner son of Mr. and Mis. A. G, Swarner of Hermiston were married recently at the Methodist chuch at Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Foust and Donald attended. Miss Foust ha* been employed at the Hermiston cre- mery for several years. Mr. Swarner has mining interests at Fairbanks, Alaska where they will reside. Follow­ ing a short honeymoon to California and Eagle Creek they will leave from Seattle for the north. Timber from the W. M. Hyde and E. N. Foster tracts was sild this week. The recently formed Community club will meet March 27 at 8 p.m, at the school. A program will be pre­ sented by the school. Refreshments will be sold the proceeds to go to the 4-H activity fund. Officers for the club were: Mrs. Maud Ford pre­ sident; Mrs. Dorothy Lamper, vie president; Mrs. Ruth Smith secretary, and Mrs. Margaret Storey treasurer Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Glover were Mr. and Mrs.C. J. Penning« and children, Mi­ chael and Sharon, Miss Velma Colt. Clifton Glover, Mjss Miriam Cobb. Mr and Mrs. T. J. Colt, and children Gary and Jim, Jack Blinco and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Giddings all of Port, land. Windows have been broken and light fixtures impaired in the David­ son house and Forrester house on thr nill. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis who have been on a dairy farm in Mt. Ange'. for several months have returned tc take over the T. M. Cle3ter farm. Th« Clesters sailed from Seattle Satur­ day. They plan to remain there with their two sons for at least two years. Mrs. G. W. Benson who has been ill is able to be up but is not fully recovered.. The annual meeting of the Presby. terian church will be held Friday eve, March 28. Following the potluck sup­ per the yearly meeting will be con­ ducted and election of officers held The card party at the grange hali Saturrday evening was well attended. 17 tables being in play. Gladys Gerber entertained class­ mates at her home last week end. Mrs. E. L. Truilinger entertained the ladies aid Wednesday. The fol lowing officers were elected: Mrs. Oscar Judd president; Mrs. H. Wright vice president; Mrs. Elmer Berg, seo. retary; and Mrs. Paul Still treasure er. Nancy Alice Whisler was honor­ ed with a shower and received many lovely gifts. Karakul sheep are being raised ir, this vicinity. Frank Mundinger hai two ewes and lambs and the former Archie Broulette place is to become a karakul sheep ranch. The grange is sponsoring a party at the hall March 29. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Bush of Portland spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. Carroll Bush. Mrs. Joe Smith was hostess to the Hilltop card club at the home of Mrs. Hafer Friday. Four tables were in play and honors went to Mrs. Os­ car Judd, Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister, and Mrs. Chester Chambers GEORGE Some one lost a truck license down by Henry Schmidt’s. FOR SALE. 1936 Ford coupe with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Poykila were heater. See it a t Bob Cooke’s garage dinner guests at the Louis Hansen Mrs. A. H. Miller in Helton house. home on Sunaay. Estacada. Mrs. James Hamilton was over in FOR SALE. 1938 Chevrolet Mas­ the Viola country on a visit to her ter deluxe town sedan. We have in brothers and other kin this week. stalled four new tires and we’U guar­ Back at OSC for Ralph Chaney antee this car. $545. McRobert Mo* early Sunday a.m. tor, Co., Gresham. Open Sundays. Some of the folks up here got a We want giain or feed sacks at chance to go smelting in the Sandy once. We have a large contract to this spring for the irrst time. They fill. Bring us all your sacks now and report great luck and enjoyed the at regular intervals. Tunnell & Sauer, fish and even canned up some for later use. Currinsville, Oregon. Emma L. May of Oklahoma is vis­ FOR SALE. 1940 Ford coupe. Hea­ iting her mother in the Bissel dis­ ter. Only 22,000 miles. Cuyuga blue trict. Miss May likes Oregon so well finish is like new. Only $645. Me she wants to make it her home if she Robert Motor Co., Gresham, Open can get work at her profession of Sundays. nursing. lone Breese is enjoying a visit D ependable U sed Tractors. from Anna May Martin a formei Tractors and Horse drawn friend from down Woodburn way. The C. A. Johnson and C. A. Chan- Implements ay families were over to Elliott Prai­ “30” Caterpillar. rie Congregational church Saturday John Deere G. P. on rubber and and witnessed the wedding of Chas. steel. Buser to "the sweetest girl” Eldora John Deere L tractor, used little. Br: ndt. Gravely tractor and cultivator. Mrs. Roy Maxwell is convalescing 2 used tractor disc harrows. at the Good Samaritan hospital from H essel Implement Company a major operation. Her many friends Gresham, Oregon will be plad to hear tins. We miss her well done today always saves a lot of trouble tomorrow CARROLL F U N E R A L HOME DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE GRESHAM. OREGON — Phone 247 CHIIllllilllllliiUlllUlliUliU 'P fo n tti afîUSTcA ■ Now is the Time to Redecorate Your Home Why not beautify your home with the new pat* terns in Mayflower Wall Paper this spring. It costs so little and make such a wonderful difference in the appearance of your home. Mayflower Wall Pa­ per is priced from 10c per single roll up. Come in to­ day and select your pattern. Why pay more when you can get a Zenith Re­ frigerator, Electric Range, Washing Machine or Ra­ dio at Less Money. Come in and let us tell you about these big values in electric home helps. C. M. S p a rk s H a r d w a r e C o. Estacada, Oregon SPECIALS (liât save you money Fresh, Delicious Salted Wafers 2-lb . pkg. 2 3 » c COCOA, put up in large decorated table glasses. THREE G lasses for .........................................2 5 ( ’ ■ ” ’ 4 ——— ———— — — — ———— K-C BAKING POWDER, 3-lb. 2-oz. can ..... 37<* COMB HONEY, per comb .................................1 7 Local and delicious TWO large Glass Popper shakers filled with quality Pepper fo r ........................................ 1 9 < i The Shakers can also be used for salt. Our National D efense Program Dem ands Cham pions Start the day out with WHEATIES, the breakfast of Champions 2 pkgs. of Wheaties f o r .................................... 23<^ GOOD BROOMS, priced up fro m ................... 35