C lackam as X VOLUME XXXV W O MAN D A U G H TE R AT N ew s ESTA"-ADA, OREGON Letter From Bomb Scarred Scotland SCOTTISH ounty BIG NINE BASEBALL SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED The following schedule o f base­ ball games for the season starting April 4th has been announced by the W RITES TO N A R R O W ESCAPE FROM D EATH CARRO L L Big Nine conference. SANDY ON W A R CONDITIONS “ ‘It’s the good spirits a person has that keeps life jolly even in this war,” writes G. W. Miller's 86-year old mother from Aberdeen, Scotland, but while writing the above she drop, ped her pen to seel: a bomb shelter Continuing “ it’s all over now, I don’t worry much save when the bombs drop. I’m not like one poor old lady the ARP found under a stairway hol­ ding a cooking pan over head for protection. The poor thing hated to leave her home even to seek shelter, and a good many got a laugh out of that.” “ Everyone's going to war. I wish I wish I could go too; your brother Murdio tried to enlist but they told him he was too smashed up in the last World War, so they put him to training recruits.. Mrs. Miller who has been in thir country 20 years has a son, James Stewart who passed the examination in Portland Wednesday for enlistment in the United States navy. ‘“ Even since he was nine James has wanted to be a sailor,, Mrs. Miller said. With James, Edward W olfe also pas­ sed the examination for the navy. The lads are chums in Sandy high school and excellent in sports. -----------o----------- April 4, Sandy here. April 8, Silverton, there. April 11, Canby here. April 18, Chemawa, here. April 22, Corbett there. April 25, Woodburn there. May 2 Gresham here. May 9, Molalla here. May 16, Parkrose there. 200 NYA YOUTH S ARE RELEASED FOR DEFENSE With 200 NYA youth worker? having been recently released for jobs in national defense industries in Clackamas and adjoining counties af­ ter having qualified for such jobs thru their work experience on NYA piro jects other young men and women in this vicinity are availing themselves o f getting actual job experience or projects being sponsored by the Na­ tional youth administration according to Jack W. Benefiel, NYA area di­ rector. SPECIAL RADIO PRO­ GRAM IS SCHEDULED Power Lines Publishes Nut Growers’ Book Are Shorted BY LA D WHO TH RO W S WIRE NUT D. BUSH OF BUSH’ S NURSERY W RIT ES VALUA- I ACRO SS HIGH V O LT A G E LINES An unnamed lG-ycar old boy nar­ rowly escaped death but is alive to­ day because the copper wire he threw across the 60,000 volt transmission line of the 1‘ GE company was too short for him to hold in his hand, i f the wire had been longer the boy would have been killed instantly ac. cording to offcials of the power com­ pany. BLE BOOK ON NUTS A new book entitled “ Nut Growers! Handbook” written by Carroll D. Bush o f Bush’s Nut Nursery on Or chard Ridge is just o ff the press. The book is profusely illustrated and is if practical guide to the successful prsj pagation, planting, cultivating, har­ vesting and marketing o f nuts. Local nut growers will be particu­ larly interested in Mr. Bush’s new book not only because he is well known as a local grower but also be­ cause it contains many pictures of nut orchards in this locality and much o f the book relates to local condi­ tions. Mr. Bush for many years has made a thoro study of the entire subject o f nut growing and the results o f his experiences arc valuable and inter* esting. He points out that the tree» require intelligent care to produce capacity crops. All the nuts that can be grown ir America are discussed at length, their value and uses for food presented and the sceondaiy importance of their trees for ornament, forestry and lumber are discussed. Specific chapters detail planning the orchard, planting, pruning, to-"* working, seedling and worthless tr e e « by grafting, harvesting, washing, po . lishing, drying, stoiing, marketin I and uses. In short the book covert the whole field o f nut growing. The Estacada country is well at’ ,' apted for nut growing and the pros pects are bright for nuts as a profit^ able crop for several years to corn: Mr. Bush has given a copy o f hi book to the Estacada library as gift. A special radio program dealing with livestock production and market­ ing by 4-H club members will be heard over KOAC Monday evening, March 17 says Edwin Keltner. coun­ ty club agent of Clackamas county. He recommends the program as a val­ uable one for Clackamas county club members to tune in on. H. H. Burdick president of the Port land union stock yards company will speak on “ The Livestock Markets in Relation to 4-H Club Work.” Tho Portund union stock yards have fot twelve years sponsored a hog feeding contest among 4-H club members for which $1200 per year is supplied by that organization. Those who parties pate in the contest feed out for mar­ ket at least four pigs that are litter mates. The second speaker on the prog­ ram will be A. A. Albright, president of the Portland livestock exchange who will speak on “ The Portland Livestock Exchange Scholarship Loan Fund.” Scores of former club mem­ bers now in college have received financial aid from this fund built up by diverting the commission fees on 4-H club livestock sales to this pur­ pose. R. L. Clark secretary o f the Port­ land livestock exchange will close tha program with a review o f “ Twenty Auction Sales of 4-H Club Livestock.” Clark has been in charge o f these sales since they were started at the Considerable damage was reported from a large portion o f the county served by the high tension electric power wires as a result o f the short. Electrical apparatus was burned out thruout the Redland-Viola aiea when the 60,000 volts of electricity wa: sent thru a 7200 volt distribution tin:, in the district as a result o f the lad’s act. Many transformers, radios, elec trie pumps, light bulbs, and other el­ ectrical appliances were burned out. The vandalism was discovered just Some o f the placements o f young just south of Redland Four Corners men have been in the electrical, me­ by repair crews who had worked un­ tal, wood working, automotive and til 12:30 a.m. the night before re­ construction fields; while young wo storing service. men have been placed in clerical and The wire which caused the damage similar positions. had been thrown across the 60,000 There are still opportunities for volt transmission line which carries any youth between the ages o f 16 power south from the River Mill dan and 24 to obtain valuable work ex­ below Estacada. The wire also fell ac perience by the NYA, Benefiel said, ross the lighter voltage distribution "G O N E W IT H THE W I N D ” adding that interested persons may line causing the big power load td COMING TO ESTA T H E A T R E obtain further information by getting flow into domestic outlets. The greatest motion picture o f all in touch with the Oregon City office time “ Gone With the Wind” will bo o f the Oregon state employment ser­ JACK BENNY, FRED ALL EN AR E shown at the Esta theatre in May, vice. Mrs. E. A. Hartman announced thir COMING TO E ST A T H E A T R E week. This gives local people the op­ C A S T IS PICKED FOR THE portunity to see this wonderful tech­ JUNIOR P L A Y Jack Benny and Fred Allen will nicolor picture at home without go­ be starred in “ Love Thy Neighbor” ing to the expense of traveling else­ The Hycada reports the following the first feature o f the big doubld cast as having been selected for the where. bill at the Esta theatre this Friday W I L L PRE SENT A SCHOOL Other outstanding pictures coming junior play “ Cross My Heart” to be and Saturday, March 14 and 15. It T A L E N T SHOW to the Esta in the near future include given in the near future. is the laugh picture o f the year with “ Chad Hanna” ' “ ‘ Ghost Breakers,” Bob Adams ................ Don Douglas America’s two leading fun makers Be sure and come to see the Estif “ Land of Liberty,” “ Tug Boat An­ Eleanor Ross, ........Mildred Kiggins together for the first time on th» jeada union high school all school taj nie Sails Again,” and “ Northwest Dave Adams ............ Howard Lovell screen. Featured with Benny and Al­ t ent show in the high school audito Mounted Police.” Bess Adams ................. Doris Lankins len are Mary ( “ My Heart Belongs to ium on Friday night, March 14 i Turn your old gold into cash. We Jerome Ross ............... Wilbur Breese Daddy” ) Martin and Benny’s valet 8 o’clock. This will be the last tin ' pay highest prices. A. H. Mealey, Jim Ross ........................ Ray Rickey de gag, Rochester. When Jack Benny many of the students will perfor'* “ Your Jeweler,” Main Ave., Gresham. Charlie Westover ........ Bob Brown steals Mary Martin’s heart he doesn’ t for their alma mater. Everyone sura make a hit with Fred Allen but he’ll ly would like to see these t a le n t * —Adv. Carl Young, ................. John Stormei. make a hit with you. When Allen boys and girls provide entertainme ■ Patsy Jones ............ Dorothy Yocum steals Rochester with the Flower and for your enjoyment.—Adv. Pauline Adams ........ Shirley Tuckei FREE P O T A T O ROLLS O F­ Bee gag he doesn’t make a hit with — ---------- .------ — _ Mrs. Ross .......................... Pat Duu^ FERED BY BA K E R Y Jack but he punches home the big­ Henrietta Duvall, Betty Jean Somen MISSISSIPPIAN JUBILEE gest laugh scene ever filmed. The Clip out our ad in today’s issue of Lola Pomeroy ........ Eva Jean Bush second feature is the drama o f a SINGERS COMING HERE this newspaper and give it to our ba­ frontier caravan called “ Wagons The Mississippian Jubilee sing kery truck driver when he calls or One o f the greatest motion pictures Westward.” A tale o f gallant men bring it to our banery. With the pur­ ever screened “ Hudson’s Bay” star­ and their women thrown together in world famous singers, will appear chase o f one dozen Potato Rolls at ring the great actor, Paul Muni, will the maelstrom o f irontiei life whic^ Estacada Tuesday, Maich 18th 15 cents you will receive One Dozen be shown at the Esta theatre Sun­ spares no one the hardships o f new­ 2:45 p. m. at the Estacada uni- high school auditorium. The singed Rolls free. This offer good Satur­ day, Monday and Tuesday, Marchh 16 born empires. are sponsored by the student body * day, Sunday and Monday, March 15, 17 and 18.—Adv. “ Hudson's B sy” the school. 16 and 17. Gresham Bakery.—Adv. Probably no jubliee quartet in Ai | On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday G ARDEN CLUB HAS evenings, March 16, 17 and 18 thq erica is giving a more authentic i$J BO Y SCOUT PLANS MADE SP ECIAL SH ELVES Esta presents one o f the greatest torpretation o f neg o spirituals, c a r ^ most compelling roles the screen hai meeting shouts or o f the popular pl.jfl The Estacada library board has re­ The monthly business meeting of even shown, Paul Muni as Pierre Ra tation melodies. the Clackamas county boy scout dis­ served two commodious book shelve? disson, renegade, traitor, rogue, in An admission charge o f 10 ccr’Cj trict committee was held last nigh) in the local reading room for the “ Hudson’s Bay.” Beautifully filmed, will be made.— Adv. at the county court house with Chair­ special use o f the Estacada Garden enacted and directed “ Hudson’s club. All who are interested in gar­ man J. B. Caldw.ell presiding. Bay” depicts a turbulent story of A card party and dance will i n dening will find here books on horti­ Jas. Redman, training committee roaring action in the north’s frozen given by the Eagle Creek grange culture, flower arrangment, birds o chairman outlined a major training wilderness. Although it is essentially their hall Saturday night, March 1 program beginning with the “ Ele­ Oregon bulletins on gardening and the dramatic story of the founding of Good prizes and refreshments. Ari^ ments o f Scout Leaders Training,” late flower catalogs. a groat commercial empire in Can­ mission, adults 25 cents, childre^B I f you have books on gardening with the date set for Tuesday, Mch. ada the film is also a powerful and 10 cents. Come and bring a friend 25 and running fui a period o f si;| bulletins or recent flower catalogs, eloquent story o f courage. Woven in —Adv. weeks. The week end session will be that you would like to give for these to the stoay is a gripping romance be­ held at Eagle Fern park May 3 and 4 shelves please leave them with the tween John Sutton and lovely Gene A cub leaders training course with librarian. Tierney. Program concludes with E ST A C A D A D R A W S 1942 the dates to be announced later also cartoon “ What a Little Sneeze will REBEK AH CO NVENTIO N was announced. MORE HOP CONTR ACTS Do,” , the scenic “ Esquimaux Trail” Gene Good district commissioner FILED W IT H CLE RK and Metro News. The 1912 Rebekah district conven­ reported on troop conditions and sta­ tion will be held in Estacada ar I Five more hop contracts have been ted that they were in excelent shape Mrs. Lora Schoenburg was ela* - and added that a new Sea Scout ship filed with the county clerk, the buy- RIDERS OF CA SC ADES chairman for the ensuing yeariji.g has been formed by the Kiwanis club ets being S. S. Steiner, New Yorkj W IL L D RILL SUNDAY 1941 meeting held at M nlijgH at Canby. Williams & Hart, Portland; and John week. There were 23 Riders o f the Cascades will hold a Lex Templin field executive an­ I. Haas o f Washington, D. C. Estacada, the followi Steiner contracted to purchase 10,- drill session next Sunday at the Ray cers o f the convent! nounced that the Clackamas county Tracy Flying T ranch. Those attend­ district camp will be held at Eagl« 000 pounds each from Cribble Bros Schoenburg, <-h-|i Fern park from July 27 to Au­ at Canby and Lawrence Pulley of ing are asked to bring a basket lunch. Ewalt, treasuier; gust 9. , Marquam at 25 cents per pound. ston, chaplain; and Haas will take 30,000 pounds from W IL L PUBLISH ARTICLE BY mer vice chairmal J. H. and Louis Schwabauer routt 1 E. M. LAT O U RETT E LODGES HOLD V ISIT A TIO N — O- - Hubbard and 20,000 pounds from F A T SANDY T U E SD AY Van Beck o f / Next week’s issue o f this newspa- J. Seaman and Son, Molalla the price er will contain an interesting arti­ Evalina Galig^i A visitation o f Mountain Chapter being 25 cents. Williams and Hart agreed to pur* cle entitled “ Simplifying the Treat­ panied E ro o y ^ No. 10S, Estacada and Mountain chase 6,000 pounds from Walter Eef- ment of Milk Feve ,” by Everett M. end. Beck I i View chapter o f Sandy, Order o f the Eastern Star was hr id at Sandy on sen, Wilsonville the price ranging Latourette of Est rada. This artici« man. On Tuesday evening, of this week. A from 25 to 32 cents per pound de­ gives valuable information for both Ruth Bar / pending on seen content of the hop-. goat and sheep breeders. Watch for it to the Mt - large attendance is reported. 'i ¿-fin liitminntinmtl----turn , 1 1 \ m uj, NUMBER 6 40,000 Rainbow Trout Planted FIRST PLANTING RAIN BO W TROUT OF 450,000 MADE IN CLA CK AM AS COUNT Y Yesterday the Oregon state game commission and U. S. Forest service planted some 40„000 rainbow trout each having a clipped fin for identi­ fication purposes. The experimental area is in the vicinity o f Oak Grove ranger station according to Roy Wee- rrmn, forest ranger for the Estacada division o f the Mt. Hood national forest. Mr. Weeman said that this is the first planting of some 435,000 fish to be planted in the Clackamas river and tributaries during 1941. Tht state game commission have plans for employing three checkers during the entire summer for the Clackamas river area to determine the number o f fish caught,, their size, condition and also for the gathering o f other important information. The following summer the progrur will continue to determine how mar o f the 40,000 marked fish wil’ taken. OPENS T H I R > ADVENTIV" E\r 4