Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, March 07, 1941, Image 6

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_ r-—
Orchard Ridg« Dairy. Frigidairt
cooling system, good cold milk, but
.er and cream the whole year round
Mr«. Daniel Heffner, Portland, pre­
—Oscar Judd.
sident o f the Oregon federation of
The study club met with Mrs. M a’
garden clubs and Mrs. George Mere­
dith, Gladstone, secretary made their Reed Monday evening. Mrs. Ellen
official visit to the Estacada Garden Yocum had an interesting paper on
club Monday. In her message Mrs. “ Sam Houston of Texas,” and Mrs.
H effner stressed the need o f conser­ Mary Reed spoke entertainingly on
A lunch rounded out
vation and urged everyone to keep up ‘“ Orchids” .
the .evening pleasure.
their garden club incentive.
Radio KOAC working hand in
Mr. and Mrs. E. Linn were in Port­
glove with the garden clubs was poin
land this week being called there be­
ted to as privilege few other state?
cause of the illness o f Mrs. Linn s mo
Mrs. Heffnar urged the stody o f
hoiticulture exhibits and cautioned
Miss Peggy Hayden came out from
that a flower show should be kept in Portland to visit her parents Mr. and
proper proportion.
Mrs. Fremont Hayden over the week
Mrs. Meredith told o f the success­ end.
ful garden center sponsored by the)
Gladstone group during the spring
and fall planting seasons.
Due to the absence o f Mrs. Fasel and went to their hall last Friday and
Mrs. Ames had charge o f the ques­ cleaned all their regalia.
tion box. Mrs. Heffner conducted the
open judging. Several new members
joined the club:
Plans were completed for a special
meeting at the city hall March 17 at
which time the public will be invited.
There will be a plant sale, exhibit of
dish gardens and a speaker. Please
keep this date in mind.
Born to Mr. and Mgs. Elmer Mar­
shall on Wednesday,, February 26 a
baby daughter. She weighed 9 pounds
and has been named Loraine Opal.
Mother and baby are getting along
The Past Noble Grands will meet
with Mr?. J. G. Hayman on Monday,
Maich 10th.
—t t
Starts Its Second W eek
New Adventist
7:30 P. M.
The nations apparently help­
less gird themselves for the
impending conflict. Come
and hear what bible prophe
cy has to say about this most
interesting and fearful e v ­
W orld Traveler and lecturer When? Where? and Who
will win.
who has visited all the great
Read Revelations 16:16
nations now at war.
TUESDAY, MARCH 11 at 7:30 P. M.
“ Reminiscense of an Ancient Eastern Religion”
Vital to Everyone, all should understand
THURSDAY, MARCH 13 at 7:30 P. M.
“ Four Mysterious Horses”
The Bible said they would appear. Have they come on the
stage of action? If so, what did they represent? Read
Revelations 6, and come early.
World Traveler and Lecturer
“ Babylon to New York”
Song Service with beautiful illustrated songs ....7:15 P. M,
Moving Pictures .....................................................7 :30 P. M.
Sermon ................................................................... 8:00 P. M.
Come early for the picture* and
song service.
FRIDAY,, MARCH 7, 1 9 4 1 ______ ___
„■ .
dies high prize and Jeff Barr won and the 9th birthday o f their daugh­
the gentlemen’s. Refieslunents were ter Darlene. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gil
served and the guests hud an en­ gan were also guests.
joyable lot eting.
Will be glad to give piano lessons
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Hedgecock vis­ in exchange for laundry service. Mrs.
ited their daughter Mrs. L. Morello Mary Boyle, Tel 395.
at Portland Sunday.
Tht Morello
Mrs. Harold Sarver and son at
home was entered l>iy a burglar last
tended a family dinner at the home
week and they lost their silver, linen
o f her sister Mrs. Walter Bottiger in
clothing and many other articles of
Vancouver Sunday. Her mother Mrs
Edna Wilcox returned home with her
Quite a number from here went for a few days visit.
into Portland Sunday afternoon to
Ralph Wade attended a meeting
hear Dan Polms lecture. lie spoke in
o f tire dealers in Oregon City Fri­
the auditorium his being one o f the
day evening.
closing speeches ol the national Chris
tian Mission. Rev. Joseph Pope,, Wal-
Mrs. F. G. Robley, Mrs. Mae Reed,
.ei.i Smith and H. E. Walters furnish­ Mrs. Russell Reed and Mrs. L. D
ed the transportation for those at­ Meade enjoyed a recital by Mariari
tending. Rev. and Mrs. Pope were Anderson at the city auditorium it
present each evening during the week. Portland Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Mollie Bates visited her sis­
ter Mrs. L. O. Geuber in Barton on
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schoenb.urp i|
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Johnston at­
were among those who attended an
tended a session o f the legislature in
all day grange meeting at Molalla
Salem one /lay last week.
Saturday. The occasion was visit-
tion o f Springwater grange which
Butter, grade
had a representation o f 31.
A, lb. 35c; Gem nut oleo lb. 12c; Blu-
Bell Flour, 49-lbs.. $1.19; can vege­
Mr. and Mrs. Har.*y Woods and
tables, 3 for 25c;Nor. Broadway on
baby of Salem paid a visit to her pa­
the highway.— Adv.
rents Mr. and Mrs. V. k . Purcell last
week end
Mrs. Frank Nichols o f Clarkes has
been here for several days owing to
Aviation corpsmen Joe ahd Bob
Rickey were home over the week end. the sickness of her mother, Mrs. M ao
Both Phil and Ed Steinman of
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Baitholomew
Portland had birthdays this week
M iss Maude Sturgeon went t*
and they were duly celebrated with
a family dinner oil Sunday Mr an Silverton Sunday to visit Mr. anc
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lynch were Mrs. Harry Vaughan.
among the guests.
Frank Chandler returned home Iasi
Ruth and Dan Jennings spent Sun­ Thursday morning from pastern Ore­
day in Estacada visiting their father gon where he has been employed foi
on his birthday. Ruth returned to Eu­ the past year.
gene where she is employed on fed-
Fred Ault who now lives in eas­
eial work.
tern Oregon was renewing old ac­
quaintances in Estacada Sunday.
Mrs W. P. Ferrel, Mrs. Eral Odell
and daughter Virginia o f Barton and
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lynch enter­
Mrs. Ira Reynolds o f Currinsville
tained twelve guests at a dinner party
spent Friday evening in Portland at
Saturday night.
the home o f Mrs. Melvin Danley. The
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kiggins and Mr. occasion was a surprUa to her cousin
and Mrs. Lester Underwood saw Mrs Bessie Caldwell on her birthday.
“ Gone With the Wind” in Portland Also present were Mrs. Caldwell’s
daughter* Mrs. Frank Kay and daugh
Tuesday evening.
ter Betty and Mrs. Harold Miller.
Mrs. Beth Fyre entertained at a
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ahnert enter­
luncheon Tuesday. Among the guests
were Mrs. Mary Hannah and Mrs. J. tained their card club Friday evens
ir.g. Mrs. Leona Kusnell won the la-
C. Rickey.
All Cordially Invited.
___ -- .- d
Brooks Snyder came down from
Camp Lewis Saturday « 0 celebrate
his twenty-first birthday with homi
folks Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder.
Several Portland young people wore
also guests. Brooks returned too cam;
In honor o f her husband’s birth­
day Mrs. W. M. Wade entertained at
a family dinner Thursday evening.
Those attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Palmateer, Mr. and Mrs. Ken­
neth Palmateer and two children, Mrs.
Rena Duncan and Merle Wade.
of Gresham was given at the home of
Mrs. H. H. Watkins on February 21.
Many beautiful and useful gifts were
received. There were over forty la-
dies present.
The Cottrell ertension unit will
hold an all day meeting Thursday,
March 13. Mi ? Irene Li ach county
extension agent will be the leader.
Mr. and Mi*. H. H. Watkins en­ Subject “ Weight Control.”
tertained their children and famil­
ies on Sunday. March 2nd for dinner
Jumpin'; Beans
in honor o f Mrs. H. H. Watkins and
Most Mexican jumping beans
come from the nrovinee of Chftiua-
their son Raymond's birthday.
hua; they are tl-e seeds of various
Mrs. P. Markvardson was pleas­ members of a family of swamp
antly surprised last Tuesday after­ trees
as euphorbiaoeous
noon when over 20 o f her neighbors plants. When the plant is in blos­
and friends came and presented her som a small moth (Carpocapsa sal-
with a beautiful lace table cloth and titans) lays an egg in one part of
the flower. The oatched larvae bore
runner to match also candle stick hol­ into the growing beans but do not
ders and vase. A delicious lunch was attain full growth until the beans
are hard and ripe. The larva in­
side the bean moves it by coiling
Mrs. Floyd Radford and children up and then suddenly extending it­
are staying with her sister Mi*. H. self. Later in the season it cuts a
Beatty while Mr. Radford is in the circular door through the bean and
veteran’s hospital. He had a majoi changes to a pupa, and then, when
the pupa is transformed to a moth,
operation last week.
it escapes through this door Close
Cottrell community club will have examination of the beat, will show
their meeting Friday night March 7. this means of exit.
After the meeting there will be Chi­
nese checkers, cards and other games.
Cake and coffee will be served. Ev-
Out ol' Sight
Clouds are rarely observed at
•ryone is invited.
heights of more than six milea
Cottrell ladies aid will meet March above the earth’ s surface.
The Sandy school gave a musical
program Friday evening. Miss Audrey
Aasen teacher of music in the Esta­
cada grade school was the guest mu;
sician. She rendered two selection
on her violin which were greatly en
joyed by the audience. Miss Audrey
Ludlow ably assisted at the piano.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reed am',
daughter Lois and Mrs. Mae Reed
were Scappoose visitors Sunday.
P r e - S e a s o n S a v i n g s S a le
No matter what make or model of a USED CAR
you want we can get it for you and save you money.
Bob Cooke Motor Co.
Mrs. D. B. Eshleman entertainer
for Mrs. W. F. Cary Thursday after­
noon. The guests played cards am,
visited. A one course lunch was ser
ved by the hostess.
See Errol Fylnn and lovely Olivia
de Haviiand in the historical ma?
terpiece ‘Santa Fe Taail” at the Esta
theatre this,Sunday, Monday, Tues­
day, March 9, 10 and 11.—Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring,, Mr
and Mis. R. II. Currin and Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Sparks visited Mr. anc
Mrs. Wade Ellis in Salem Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Sagner and sou
of Tillamook visited in the Palmateer
and Sagner homes over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bell o f Bor
ing were visiting at the J. A. Hitch­
ing home Thursday.
Rev. and Mrs. Tan Detter o f thi
Portland Hebrew Mission conducted
services at the Christian church Sun
day morning and those present liked
iliem real well.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Sager and Mrs
Mary Boyle were business visitors ir.
Sandy Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eshleman drove
Government Camp Sunday.
Mrs. II. E. Hughes entertained tw<
tables of auction bridge Wednesdaj
“ Where You bear RCA Sound” the "Magic Voice of the Screen” and
*ee the Best in Pictures
Earl Shibley came home from Sis
Mr. and Mrs. B. Corley entertain­
ters and is now working at Vancou­ ed the eighth grade, Mr. and Mrs.
D. McCarthy and Mrs. G. Williams at
dinner Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Strahm o f Mil­
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ault spent last
waukie entertained at a family din­
ner party Sunday in honor o f the 3 ’ Sunday with Mr. ana Mrs. Albert of
wedding anniversary o f the latter? Portland.
parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilgar
A shower in honor o f Mrs. Taylor
Big Double Bill
Friday, Saturday, March 7-8
Starring Weaver Bros, and Elviry in new adventures in the
shot gun country, and
-------- — O----------------
A million laughs. Youth zooms away on a swing spree in the
miracle musical o f the year.
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, March 9 - 1 0 and 11
Errol Flynn and Olivia de Haviiand in
Across the years storm Jeb Stuart, Custer, John Brown. Heroes
who made America great, now make America thrill. Plus Vitagrapl»
cartoon and News.
:w m auara!üw aiiiiai;;ai¡, . k b ..........
The cyclone cellar is a familiar sight in certain
parts of our country. The natives o f these parts know
they can depend on it to keep them safe from harm
Word has been received from Mrs
Elizabeth Womer in Oregon City tha
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Watkins and
she is recovering satisfactorily from « Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Caldo spent last
recent fall.
Sunday at Seaside,, Oregon.
Guests from out o f town who at­
tended the shower given at the home
o f Mr. and Mrs. Luther Henthome
recently for their daughter, Miss Ha­
zel, a bride o f this week were,, Grand
ma Henthorne, Maiy Henthome, Mrs.
Glenn Henthorne, and Mrs. Lydia
Bullis o f Portland and Mrs. T. Troge
of Damascus. Local guests included
Mrs.. P. M. Anderson and daughter
Evelyn, Mrs. B. R. Kimmel, Mrs. Car­
penter, Mrs. Floy Wade, Mrs. J. S)
Osborne, Mrs. Mae Kitching, Mrs.
Hugh Jones, Miss Maxine Hitching)
Mrs. Doris Smith, Mrs. Della Ewalt,
Mrs. Florence Anderson and twq
daughters, Mrs. Vernon Henthorne
and daughter o f Oregon City, Mrs.
Ronald Guttridge, Mrs. June Looney,
Mrs. Rose Bartholomew, Mrs. Jeff
Barr, Mrs. Paul Lovell, Mrs. Walter
Lemon, Mrs. Mae Reed, Mrs. Harry
Snyder and daughter Starlee, Mrs.
Ellen Patterson, Mis. Edith Chandler)
Miss Ruth Cromer, Mrs. Everett Os­
borne, and daughter, and Mrs. Luthei
Henthorne. Those sending gifts who
were unable to attend were Mrs. Nel­
lie Carson, Mrs. Wilma Rynning, Mrs.
Mary Eshleman,, Mrs. Rosa Looney,
Mrs. Ted Kiggins, Mrs. Jack Tooley
Miss Lois Nash, Mrs. G. R. Gorrel^
Mrs. Eva Dooley, Mrs. Ruby Osborne,
Mrs. Ward Douglas, Mrs. Claude
Marrs, Mrs. Sadie Wade, Mrs. Albert
Kitching, Mrs. Albert Douglas, Mrs.
Frank Pauli, Mrs. Ernest Douglas
Mrs. George Douglas, Mrs. Della Nich­
olson and Mrs. Irvin Douglas.
Gifts are still being received from
various distant points.
Mrs. A. J. Ault and Mrs. Lena
Nichols atttnded the home interest
conference at Corvallis last week.
They were delegates from the Cot-
trel extension unit.
Estacada, Oregon
‘Your Ford Dealer’’
more o f it.
Clifford W. Updegrave o f Eaglt
Creek and Roberta C. Anderson o,
Sandy were licensed to wed in Port
land one day last week.
' m e
The spring buying rush is coming and we’ve
got to make room. We have too many used
ears on hand. Tbcy are priced to move fast.
Jim Rickey had an attack o f tons!
Mrs. Earl Judd o f Molalla was a
litis over the week end and his good
business visitor here Monday.
looking brother Ray took his placi
in Gohring’s market.
Mrs. Harry Schneider of Astoria
visited Mrs. Ina Smith and her neph­
George Fourier is improving hi;
ew Homes- Matson at Three Links
residence in south Estacada by adding
over the week end. Mrs. Schneider
a basement.
will be rembered by many as Lydia
Mrs. Mary Boyle went to Portland Matson.
Tuesday mornng and returned Wed
You’ll hear lots o f good old moun,
nesday evening.
tain music in real hill-billy style when
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Whitehead am: the Weaver Bros, and Elviry come to
two daughters o f Milwaukie visitei the Esta theatre Friday, Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jubib Sunday Sunday, March 7, 8 and 9 in “ Friend­
ly Neighbors.” —Adv.
Mir. and Mrs. A. Smith went to Cal­
ifornia one day last week to fine
some warm sunshine and came righ MANY PEOPLE ATTEND SHOWER
back home again where they found FOR MISS HENTHORNE
While working in Portland severa.
days ago Arlie Troupe fractured one
of his wrists, ft was a bad break am.
it will be several weeks before hk
will be able to use it again.
12 at the home of Mrs. J. Brook.
while the elements rage above.
The residents o f this community know they can
depend on this bank to weather all winds o f adver- ■
The cool, intelligent judgment o f our officers 1
makes this a safe repository for your funds.