Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, March 07, 1941, Image 5

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    We Go Ahead
and do things. It is easier to succeed than to.,
explain why we failed
Phone 24 7
— ■
Boring Man Killed
on Bluff Road
Joe Cebula, 45, route 1, Boring,
was found dead on the Bluff road
about three miles west of Sandy Sun­
day afternoon the victim of a hit-
and-run driver, state police and Cor-
orner Myers said.
The body was found by two Sandy
high school boys whose names were
not released by the officers but wh<-
are being questioned regarding what
they know of the accident.
The officers learned that Cebula
who lived alone near the scene of
the accident had started for Sandy
to do some shopping when the acci­
dent occurred.
He was apparently instantly kil­
led, his head being crushed, his legs
mangled and an autopsy showed he
also was injured internally.
The body was brot to Oregon City
and Coroner Myers and the police
officers are attempting to locate re­
One day after his 54th birthday
A. J. Quay, resident of the Pleasant
Home community for 40 years took
his own life with a revolver early
Wednesday, Multnomah county of­
ficers reported.
.Quay, former county employee and
blacksmith retired about four years
ago because of ill health. The body
was brot to the Carroll Funeral home
for final rites which were held Sat­
urday at 2 p.m. at the Carroll chapel.
Cremation took place at Lincoln Me­
morial park.
,Roy Bohannon has been named as
manager of the L. L. Jones and Son,
Gresham branch office according to
word received here this week. This
organization has installed a monu­
ment display adjacent to the grange
hall on Powell lllvd where Mr. Bo­
hannon, an expert >n granites, will
be available for any desired informa­
tion relative to the display. He ex­
plained that it was only after care­
ful consideration of L. L. Jones and
Son’s integrity, quality of materia)
The community club met at the and workmanship that he accepted
school house Friday evening with the managership of tho Gresham
President Guy Wilcox presiding. Sing branch.
ing of “America” and “The More we
Get Together” was followed by the
reading of the minutes. Henry Jacob­
son of Gresham then sang several
numbers which were followed by sev­
Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Proctor re­
eral piano numbers. Next Mr. Jacob-
turned home Thursday from a trip
soon led in community singing which
to California. Their daughter Mrs.
all present greatly enjoyed. Refresh­
John E. Mills and two children ac­
ments were served by Mrs. Webb Ro­
companied them and remained to
berts and Mrs. Jack Keck to about
make their home at El Centro where
forty people.
Mr. Mills is now stationed.
Mr. and Mrs. Perit Huntington left
The Proctor party made the trip
for southern Oregon Thursday night to El Centro by way of Reno and
called by the serious illness of the thus avoided the floods and heavy
former’s mother. There was no school rains which have occurred in our
neighboring state. While at El Centro
Robert Smart a former Dover resi Mr. and Mrs. Proctor accompanied by
ident is back at H. L. Guthrie’s help­ the Mills family made a short trip
ing with the farm work this spring. into Mexico where they saw part of
the Mexican Cavalcade performance,
Herbert Udell who has spent sev­ then in progress.
eral months with his par ents Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Udell has gone to The
Dalles in search of work.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schroeder and
Henry Schroeder of Bonneville, Wn.,
vsited the former’s grandmother Mrs.
A. Mudrow and family Sunday.
The following attended the boxing
at Sandy Wednesday; Bill and Carl
Krieger, Henry Wintersteen, Chas.
and Arlie Updegrave, Robert and
Jean Craft,, Ray King, Evelyn Krebs,
Teddy Mudrow and his parents.
The Heidelbrecht family bought
the Elmer Pagh place. For the pre-t
sent they are living in the Jim Pagh
place. They have five children which
expect to attend the Dover school.
Teams from Concord, Oak Grove
and Sandy grade schools placed first
in boys basketball and girls volley
ball in the finals of the recent tour­
nament sponsored hy the Clackamas
county grade school athletic associa­
Trophies to the winning teams wil)
be awarded by E. A. Woodworth,
county school superintendent accord­
ing to John Phillips, Oak Grove, pre­
sident of the association.
FRIDAY,, MARCH 7, 1941
Millnrd Trullinger attended the an-
nual banquet of the insurance group
he is affiliated with in Oregon City
The W. D. Crandall family former
residents of the Dover section have
purchased the 10 acre tract just
south of what is known as the Sum
Brown place on Goose creek and are
preparing to build on it. The tract
at present has a fine growth of young
timber on it.
Mrs. Loretta Sagner of Portland
visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. W,
A. Smith last week end.
With clear weather farmers have
been making every effort to get
seeding done. Except in tho wettesi
fields the ground is in excellent shape
to work.
Mrs. Ruth Potter was hostess to
the Hilltop card club Friday. Four
tables were in play with honors go­
ing to Mrs. Hafer, Mrs. Oscar Judd
and Mrs. Dora Clester.
Mrs. Lillian Still was hostess tc
the ladies aid at her home Wednesday
Mis. W. P. Ferrell and Mrs. Earl
Odell and daughter were vfciitors
from Barton Wednesday.
Mrs. Nola Clester and Miss Irene
Northern were down fiom Salem for
the week end.
After suffering a sore thumb for
a week Mrs. Mae Munger discovered
a splinter half an inch long was im­
bedded in it. It had been run in while
cleaning wood work.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Peschall and
baby daughter called on friends in
the community Friday. They were
former residents and came from Tual
atin wheie they are in the poultry
Wm. Castile shingled the belfry
of the church during the week end.
Some more papering and painting is
being done on the interior walls.
Mrs. Carroll Bush visited relatives
in Portland Wednesday.
Zaretha Wallace of Barton was an
overnight visitor at the Eva Jen Bush
home Friday.
Mrs. Joe DeShazer has been con­
fined the past week with a sprained
Jack Keck has secured a position
with a large packing plant in Port­
land as machinist.
Walter Douglas has established a
small herd of milch goats on the Dou­
glas Ridge farm for the purpose of
milk supply and blackberry exter­
WPA workers have started work
on the link of highway connecting
the Dover country and the road thru
Eagle Fern park, a much needed road
for the
Dover residents..
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Campbell drove
to Pendleton to visit his son J. E.
Campbell who s working in the Pen­
dleton branch of First National bank
of Portland. The trip was made Fri­
day and they returned Sunday.
The Harding grange home econo­
mics club met at the home of Mrs.
Tom Jubib Friday afternoon.
chairman Mrs. A. H. Moll being ab­
sent Mrs. Earl Lankins conducted
the business meeting. The afternoon
was spent doing needlework for the
club. Those present were Mrs. Henry
Babbler, Mrs. Ed Bateson, Mrs. A.
Wyman, Lillian Thompson, Mrs. No­
ra Lankins. Mrs. Earl Lankins, Mrs,
Harry Traylor, Mrs. Ed Trimpler an(J
Mrs. Toom Jubb.
The next meeting
will be March 28th at the home of
Mrs. Allie Tracy.
Mrs. Harry Traylor, Mrs. Tom
Jubb, Mrs. Ed Trimpler, Mrs. A. J.
Wyman, Lillian Thompson and Mr,
and Mrs. Earl Lankins attended the
Harding grange meeting Sturday.,
The next o f the series of card par,
ties and dances will be held at the
Harding grange hall Saturday even­
ing, Mai oh 8th. Everybody welcome,
come and have a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Forbes o f Gre­
sham visited Sunday afternoon at the
Tom Jubib and Ben Tannler homes.
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Ficken were their daugh­
ter Mrs. Everett Osborne and daugh­
ter of Estacada and Mr. and Mrs. A1
Fennel of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe McComb visited
Mr. McComb’s sister Mrs. May Gro-
ner in Oregon City Friday and in
the afternoon they attended the fun­
eral of Joe Aldredge.
Mrs. Earl Lankins spent Tuesday
with her sister Mrs. L. G. Lenzie in
Portland. In the afternoon they at­
tended a stoik shower for their sis­
ter-in-law Mrs. Glen Ten Eyck.
B. E. Knight o f Portland visited
Monday evening with his sister Mrs,
Harry Traylor.
Elva and Elma Tenny enjoyed s
trip to Portland Sunday afternoon to
hear Rev. Poling give a lecture at
the public auditorium.
Mrs. Harry Traylor spent Tuesday
with her dauhgter Mrs. Virginia Pah
mer in Portland.
Ben Tannler Jr. of San Francisco
arrived Monday and visit d his par­
ents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tannler Sr,
until Thursday.
Ray King, Arlie Updegrave and
Teddy Mudrow played in the band at
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mammano were
the concert sponsored by the Moth Sunday visitors from Corvallis where
the former is superintendent of a
er’s club at Sandy Friday evening.
CCC camp. Mts. Mammano will be
Dover patrons along with the rest remembered as Helen Troupe. Hei
of the high school students and pat­ brother Arlie she reports has been
rons wish Mr. and Mrs. Ace Irvine seriously hurt in a mill accident and
was hospitalized for a short time.
a happy and successful time in their
B. C. Anderson has contracted his
new home at Pendleton where Mr. hop crop for 31 cents and the crop
Ilrvine has a position. They will be on the Eva Glover place is contracted
greatly missed by all especially by for 32 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Trullinger were
the athletes.
hosts Sunday at a dinner party foi
Robert Craft, Arlie Updegrave and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Henry of Portland.
Teddy Mudrow took the drivers ex­ Dr. Coirine Trullinger of Gresham
and Wm. W. Sanders.
amination in Sandy Thursday.
Ill with severe colds are M. C
Mr. and Mrs. John Weeks and fa­
Glover and Millard Trullinger.
mily of Boring visited at the John
Raymond Anderson and family
Schmalz home Sunday. ,
have moved from the Boring section
Hugh Carlin o f Eagle Creek was to the Chas. Gilstrap place. Mr. Oil-
strap has accepted a position on a
in Dover on business Friday.
Marshfield dairy ranch and has rent­
The quiet and peace of Dover was ed his land to Mrs. McCellam.
shattered about 3 a.m. Sunday morn­
Mrs. Nola Williams has returned
ing by the roar of about thirty motor from an extended stay in Portland
cycles which were using the road where she has been under the doctor
from Sandy thru Dover to the eastern
W. A. Smith’s s is t e r anr^nephew
E sti, I r - ———4 f n . „ * n—+ -J —!.* — #
re leav-
Buddy Watson son of Mr. and Mrs,
» week I Jack Watson of Estacada is visit*
medi- I ing his grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
•tum- Tom Wataon for a few days.
Mrs. L. S. Tenney visited Sunday
afternoon at the John Stormer home
I near Ea'.acada.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenenth Palmer and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lamb of Port­
land spent -Sun,-ay with Mr. and Mrs.
Hariy Tiaylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Trimpler and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Lankins attended the
card party at Eagle Creek Saturday
Mrs. L. S. Tenney attended the
grange meeting at Molalla Saturday
when the Springwater grange visited
Molalla grange No. 310.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lankins and
daughters spent Sunday with Mrs.
Lankins mother, Mrs. Ernest Evan-
son Sr. at Redlanl.
Mr. and Mia. Charles Waltmaq
and his father J. E. Waltman of Sil-
verton and Mrs. Thomas Bump of
Brookes spent Friday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bateson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evanson Jr.
of Redland visited Sunday with thu
latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Edw.
Alta, 2 - u t n i l tractor
ty p t s p r in te r w ith
tm nm tU i P tlti t u n j
It’s more fun to farm when you have this Oliver Superior spread­
er on your pay roll. You’ll get more comfort, lighter draft, bettor
spreading, gi eater capacity, longer life and better appearance, never
before available at such low cost. Come in and see it at our «tore.
Hessel Implement Co.
This last week Harry Kleatsch en,
tertaiHed his half brother Art Millet
at the home of Grace Allen.
Sunday afternoon O. D. Bowman
and family motored to Oregon Citji
and visited with the Victor and Max­
ine Bowman families.
Last Monday evening 18 young
people gathered at the Bert Jennings
home for a birthday party in honor
of Miss Marion’s 13th birthday.
Rev. S. J. Miller from Michigan
will preach the baptismal sermon a{
Porter Sunday at 2 p.m. There are
several candidates.
•Biivcnilc o r Itnlrv
S ilv e r w a r e
% /
50 cents to $ 2.00
This beautiful silverware comes with toys and
makes an ideal gift for births, showers, birth­
days and all occasions.
Something new and appealing for children.
See the Display at on» Store
David Clark and Charles Grant
were Sunday guests of Bobby Groves.
Friday evening the Porter S. S.
bus will go to Bethel near Canby
so anyone wishing to attend services
Telephone Building
Gresham, Oregon
that evening should let it be knowi|
or be at the school house by 6 p.m.
— — — — — — ----------
— — —
Mrs. 0 . E. Wisner who raised a
number of canaries from one pair x t s » . .r rtT -
K 5 »’-t — y«——
• t a
o f birds last year has mated three
pair this year and already the three
little mothers are setting on eggs.
Mrs. Wisner has already began to
receive orders for young birds.
John Rhodes and wife of Garfield
spent Sunday at the O. E. Wisne*
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Winners spent
Sunday with the latters parents Mr.
We are now contracting for youngberries, boysen-
and Mrs. Ed Schweitzer.
Grace Allen had the misfortune
berries, loganberries, red and black raspberries,
to cut her thumb quite badly on a
strawberries, gooseberries and currants. Market
broken fruit jar. We hope it gets al­
ong nicely.
Packing Co.
prices guar anteed.
N O T I C E O F S H E R I F F ’S S A L E
On the 5th day of April, 1941 at
the hour of 10 A. M., at the front
door of the Court House in Oregon
i ity, Clackamas County, Oregon, I
'rill sell at auction to the highest bid­
der for cash the following described
leal property located in Clackamas
county, Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a point in the wester­
l y line of a proposed County Road
JÓ7.4 feet east and 579.56 feet South
the Southwest corner of the North
-0 acres of the N. E. V4 of the S.
•V. % of Section 9, Twp. 3 South of
i-ange 7 East of W. M.; thence south
.,3 degrees 4U minutes east, tracing
irte westerly line of the above men-
vioned County Road 1UU feet to a
,,oint; thence South 56 degrees 20
minutes West 90 feet, more or less,
to a low water line on the right oi
easterly shore of the Salmon River;
hence Northerly along the said low
vvater line 200 feet more or less to
a point; thence North 33 degrees 40
minutes East 118 feet more or less
to the westerly line of said County
Road; thence south 30 degrees 40
»dilutes East, and tracing the West­
erly line of said County Road 100 ft.,
to the point of beginning.
Said sale is made under executior
issued out of the Circuit Court of
he State of Oregon for the County
of Clackamas to me directed in the
case of Ella M. Crouch vs. Robert
Guy Haines and Vivian Elaine Haines
Dated the 27th day of February
Clackamas County, Oregon.
By George O. Jewell, Deputy
First pub. March 7, 1941.
Last pub. April 4, 1941.
P re sb y te ria n C hurch
Thomas C. Duncan, Minister
R. I. MacLaughlin & Co., Owners
Telephone Gresham 277
Morning worship at 11:15 a.m.
are welcome to come and praise Ye
World Fellowship Circle meets tho the Lord .
’¡rst Wednesday of the month.
Palmer A. Ford, Minister.
Ladies aid meets the third Wed-
lesday of the month.
St. A to y 6 iu s C a h to l i c C h u r c h
Confession Saturday from 7:3#
to 8:30 p.m.
Masses will be said as follows:
E stacad a
Every Sunday at 8 a.m.
S andy
Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
W elches
11:15 every Sunday.
S eventh
A d ventist
Sabbath school at 9:30 a.m.
Preaching at 11 a.m.
---------- o ----------
C h u rch of Christ
Bible study and worship as usual
each Lord's day at the church of
Christ west of the grade school be­
ginning at 10 a.m.
E s t a c a d a M e th o d is t C h u r c h
Sunday school 9:50 a.m.
Public worship at 11. Sermon sub­
ject “Life's Finest Accomplishment”
Epworth league at 7 :00 p.m.
C hristian
« /IH R IS T JESUS” was the sub-
Ject of the Lesson-Sermon In
all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on
Sunday, March 2.
The Golden Text was, “Unto us
a child is born, unto us a son Is
given . . . Of the Increase of his
government and peace there shall
be no end, upon the throne of
David, and upon his kingdom, to
order It, and to establish it with
Judgment and with Justice from
henceforth even for ever’’ (Isa. 9:
», 11.
Among the citations which com­
prised the Lesson-Sermon was the
following from the Bible: “Bcljold,
the days come, salth the Lord, that
I will raise unto David a right­
eous Branch, and a King shall reign
and prosper, and shall execute
Judgment and Justice In the earth.
In his days Judah shall be saved,
and Israel shall dwell safely: and
this is his name whereby he shall '
be called. "THE LORD OUR
RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Jeremiah 23: l
6, 6).
The Lesson-Sermon also Included
the following correlative passages
from the Christian 8clence text­
book, 'Science and Health with
Key to the Scriptures" by Mary
Baker Eddy: "Je;ua was the son
of a virgin. He was appointed to
speak God’s word and to appear
t i mortal! In such a form of hu­
manity as they could understihd
as well as perceive. Mary's concep­
tion of him was spiritual, for only
purity could reflect Truth and
Love, which were plainly Incar­
nate In the good and pure Christ
Jesus" (p. 332).
Bible school at 10 a.m. Our bible
school grew in numbers last Lord’s
Church service at 2 pm. first and
day but we missed many of you. W*
third Sundays of each month.
hope you were not sick. To attain
S p rin g w eto r—
to our highest possibility • takes e f­
Morning worship at 10 a.m.
fort. You ean’t start too oon. The
Junior Endeavor at 10 a.m.
bed. place to sturt is in the bible
Minsionary Society meets the se
tond Thursday of each month.
11 a.m., worship hour in hymn,,
Ladies aid meets the fourth Thurs­
It's a Small World
prayer, Scripture, communion and
day of the month.
Jupiter, largest of the planets,
sermon on -h • subject "Co tain Goa* could contain 1,360 bodies the size
E a g le C re e k —
or Aspirations for Christians.” You oi the earth.
Sunday school at 10 a.m.
St. J o h n ’s C h u r c h , G e o r g e