CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS ESTACADA LOCALS Mrs. L. H. Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Darrow Rice and baby o f Stayton were guests at the Floyd Day home over the week end. Sirs. I* H. Rice is Mr. Day’s sister. On Monday the Days and their quests drove to Tim­ berline lodge. Mrs. E. E. Hannah scent a few days at the home o f her daughter Mrs. Homer Sarver in Portland re­ cently. One of the twelve students getting grade A in the semester examinations at Willamette university at Salem was Glen Olds o f Estacada. The members o f the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Re- bekahs will be the guests o f honor at the Methodist church next Sunday morning. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1941 Mrs. J—C. fcflching-'fia^ teen ¡1Í fo.>" Mr. and Mrs. William Gilgan en- several days. teitained at a large family dinner Sunday to honor their daughter ami Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Sager visited her husbund Mr. and Mrs. C. Strahm Hillsboro and the Masonic home near o f Milwaukie on their eleventh wed­ Forest Grove Sunday. ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Hen­ Miss Phyllis Cury who is attending ry Collum, their son and daughter with the honor guests and their chil­ school in Portland came out to Esta- dren comprised the company to com cada Saturday night to see her gran ed in administration activities by Ko- making jokes about it over the radio, quite badly one day last week Bert J. Graves, assistant regional re; But you can still buy good meat a presentative. Mrs. Eliza Yocum had two bad OREGON ESTACADA, reasonable prices at the Currinsvill Mr. Kunkel’s duties will embrace falls last week which crippled hei store. Note the sperial prices in ou direction of school lunch program, up considerably. “ W h ere Y o u hear R C A S ou n d ” the “ M ag ic V o ic e o f the S c re e n ” aud advertisement in this paper today food stamp and cotton stamp prog­ _________________________ — B e it in P ic tu r e ! — Adv. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Griffiths art rams and direct distribution program F rid ay and S aturd ay, F eb ru a ry 2 1 -2 2 B ig D ou b le B ill now occupying the Marchbank resi­ in the states of Washington, Oregon, Dorothy Lamour, Robt. Preston, Preston Foster in dence just outside the northwest city illin iu m iiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiN iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada,, “ MOON O V E R B U R M A " limits. The picture o f a thousand love and jungle thrills. A deadly co­ Colorado, Utah, California, Arizona bra attacks Dorothy, fires range thru teakwood forests. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Eshleman, Mrs and New Mexico. -------------- O--------------- Thru its distribution divisions the “ ‘ C H R IS T M A S IN J U L Y ” C. Jubb and Mis. Harold Sarver wert surplus marketing administration at- Starmg Dick Powell and Ellen Drew. Hotter than a fire­ among the crowd who attended the cracker, merrier than Christmas. basketball game in Sandy Friday a f­ temptss to bridge the gap between We have just received our new 1941 stock price-depressing farm surpluses and S un day, M on d ay , T u esd a y , T .b. 2 3 -2 4 -2 5 ternoon. D ou b le Bill of May Flower Wall Paper. This paper is ab­ under consumption oy low Income Bette Davis in solutely guaranteed not to fade. Priced as low Mis. D. B. Eshleman entertained at families in our nation. "T H E L E T T E R ” Bette Davis is her all-time best in this supreme dramatic mas­ contract bridge last Thursday after as 10c per single roll. Why don’t you come in During December 1940 SMA re­ terpiece. A picture that calls forth all the strong human emotions. noon. ports indicate that nearly three mil­ now while our stock is complete and pick out Also a cartoon and news. -------------- O-------------- = your pattern. It costs so little to paper a room. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Thompson of lion members o f families in the na­ Weaver Brothers and ETvn-y in tion as a whole receiving public as­ Vernonia were Sunday visitors at the Also look at the Zenith Refrigerator, Electric “ G R A N D OLD O P R Y ” sistance added $6,587,000 worth of Ahnert home. The Weavers set a new high for movie frolics with the gayesb, Range, Washing Machine and Radio. food to their diets by use o f blue singingest, laughingest o f their hillbilly pictures. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eyolson am; surplus food stamps. child) en and his mother and sister Purchases during December with . ................ in.... ................................................................... were Sunday guests at the Fred Win­ blue stamps representing new outlets = “ The Personal Service Store” Estacada, Oregon E ston home. Mrs. Eyolson is Mr. Win for specified farm products included ston’s daughter. 2.336.000 pounds o f butter, 2-963,- ~-1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 m i i f 000 dozen eggs, 25-117,000 pounds Mrs. M. A. Stubbs, Mrs. Vide o f white and graham flour and 8,- Stubbs Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stubbs ■**» ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a * -• . 517.000 pounds o f other cereals. 8,- all o f Gresham were at the 0 . B, I 860.000 pounds o f pork, 5,093,999 Smith home Sunday.. Mrs. Vida pounds of pork lard, 27,566,00 pound.- Stubbs and Mrs. Smith are sisters. o f potatoes and 10,212,000 pounds of Also callers at the Smith home thr other vegetables. same day were Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Other blue stamp purchases includ­ son o f Glodstone. ed 2,086,000 dozens o f fresh oranges, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Eshleman went 6.757.000 pounds o f fresh apples, to Portland Monday and from there 4.746.000 fresh grapefruit, and 2,- to Oiegon City to see Mrs. Womer. 405.000 pounds o f dried prunes and raisins and 425,0000 pounds o f fresh You’ll laugh till your sides ach.) pears. at Weaver Bros, and Elviry in the More than one hundred million “ Grand Old Opry.” Second feature pounds of agricultural surpluses have on this big double bill at the Esta gone into the mouth o f hungry school theatre for Sunday, Monday and Tues A bright yellow cherry layer cake decorat­ day, February 23, 24 and 25 is Betti, ¡n the niation thru ‘ he^ hooI A Brilliant general and a wise, far-seeing, firm, ed with marachino cherries and resembling Davis in "The Letter,’’ her greatesf U" ch pr0*ram, ,Last year ing amounts of food were used by the | a cherry log. | but just, president, George Washington was worthy masterpiece.—Adv. nations schools: One million dozen S. D. Dunlop o f Portland was ai| eggs, five million pounds butter, 17 of the confidence he inspired in the hearts of his Estacada visitor on Monday o f thi? million pounds citrus fmrts, 31 mil­ countrymen. He could be depended on to do the week. lion pounds apples, six million pounds peaches, one milion seven hundred right thing. After serving as superintendent of thousand pounds dried prunes and the Methodist Sunday school for four­ three million four hundred thousand teen years J. G. Hayman last week Wise, far-seeing management is one of the rea­ pounds raisins. resigned and O. E. Smith was elected In operation since December 18 to take his place. sons this bank has grown to its present place in this 1939 the food stamp plan in Sa^ Mrs. Nina B. Ecker who was ser­ Francisco county has used approx­ community. It is a dependable place to deposit | Saturday we will also start making Hot Cross iously ill last week is considerably imately $989,989 worth of blue food | Buns which proved so popular last year. stamps. and an obliging place to seek accomodations. better this week. Department oficiáis have announc = These buns are loaded .with best quality Another outstanding double bill ed that operation o f the food stamp 1 Hot Cross Bun Fruit and lightly spiced. show at the Esta theatre this Friday plan will begin Monday,, February and Saturday. February 21 and 23, 17 in the following counties: Alams. The feature stars Dorothy I-a da., Centra Costa, San Mateo and mour in “ Moon Over Tlunna” an Santa Clara. highly dramatic picture o f jungle ma­ § North Matin Avenue, Gresham, Ore. | gic. The second feature stars DicT! Tel Gresham 288 D o p Creak Dairy.— Morning de­ Powell and Ellen Drew in the fun Gresham, Oregon i- livery o f cream and milk. Call Carl | niest comedy o f all, "Christmas in Sehberg, Tel. 86.61. July.” — Adv. 3 UMIMMNMMMMMMMMMMNMMIIMMMIMMIIIIMMMMMMMMMIMb Myron Wodoworth Valsetz to work. has gone to ESTA THEATRE W all Paper | C. M. Sparks Hardware Co. | G re sh a m DEPENDABILITY : B akery | Specials for I W ashington** ¡ B irthday I George Washington Cakes ea. 50c ¡ I Decorated Log Rolls, each 25c § | Cherry Pies - - each 25c | | Hot Cross Buns, dozen 25c | 'j&zcAa inciS COUNTY BHNK SANDY. OREGON (iresham Bakery