Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, February 21, 1941, Image 5

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Hessels Present
Big Free Show
A race with the stork fo r about G' i
miles at a pace o f 70 miles an hour
Tuesday was won by Bruce Bates.. It
The Hessel Implement company of was from 16 miles beyond Bear
Gresham is extending a cordial invi­ Springs on the Wapinitia cu to ff to
Sandy and six-pound Bruce Jr. and
tation to you to bring your family
his mother are doing nicely.
and friends to their big free show
The race and part o f the highway
to be held in the Eagles hall over was icy, started about 6:30 a.m. Mr.
the W. R. Hicks store at 2nd and and Mrs. Bates and Bessie Mae 5, and
Main streets in Gresham next Tues­ Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Linn and Buster
day evening, February 25th starting a 3 year old grandchild all piled into
the car as Mrs. Bates warned, “ there
at 7 :30 o’clock.
There w ill be three hours o f en­ is nothing to do but go, and keep go­
ing.” There was no physician closer
tertainment including the special fea
than Sandy.
tu ie “ Melody Comes to Town.” This
There had been no time fo r break­
is an all-talking picture with an all- fast. Bessie Mae and Buster didn’t
star cast from Hollywood. It is an like such speeding around curves and
appealing story o f rural community became sick. How ever only one stop
rallying to the support o f a worth­ was made, and fo r a moment, before
while cause. I t is packed with sen­ the wheels stopped rolling at the Linn
timent, laughs and thrilling music. home in Sandy. Dr. C. Don Platner
In addition two other motion picture was just out of bed to answer another
features will be shown. The first of call but Bruce Jr. got the preference.
these is entitled “ The Sheppards The blessed event was over in 10 or
Take a Vacation” and is a picture 15 minutes.
Anothen inconvenience was that
that will keenly interest every farm
family. I t is both entertaining and the layette fo r baby Bruce had not
instructive and depicts the change in arrived as he was not expected for
harvesting methods that’s taking about six weeks.
Bates operates a sawmill near Bear
place on small and medium size<^;
farms thruout the country. It showj Springs.
how the small combine is stretching
grain-growing profits, saving time,
hard woik and money and making
harvest a pleasant fam ily affair. The
second feature entitled “ What’s New
in Farm Equipment” features the in­
itial showing showing o f newly de
veloped farm machines fo r 1941. In
this picture you’ll see this interest­
ing new equipment going thru its
paces, demonstrating its ability to cut
costs and increase farming profits.
Will Serve Refreshment»
Refreshments will be served dur­
ing the evening.
Another interesting part o f the ev­
ening’s program will be the showing
o f "cut-away”
Caterpillar tractor
parts. This w ill show the inner con­
struction and action o f all parts.
F R ID A Y , F E B R U A R Y 21, 1941
cated. Applications fo r the right of
way to set up a small plant on the
Little Zigzag river has gone to the
state hydro-electric commission.
About 50 residents including store
and service station owners in the
Government camp and ToIIgate com­
munities have signed up fo r the co­
op’ s current which may be available
by next summer it was reported.
The Gresham Bakery is announc.
ing several specials fo r Washington'^
birthday in this issue o f this news­
paper. The Gresham Bakery also an­
nounces they will start making hot
cross buns next Saturday. Mr. Marx
proprietor o f the Bakery said that
these buns proved very popular las*
Mrs. Ed Trimpler, Mrs. Tom Jubb,
H arry Traylor, Mr. and Mrs. E arl
Lankins and daughter Doris and L il­
lian Thompson attended the grange
meeting Saturday evening at Milwau-
kie when Harding grange visited Mil-
waukie grange. Twenty-three o f the
Harding grange members were pres­
ent and put on the program.
Examinations fo r drivers license:1
Mrs. L. S. Tenny and James, Elva
will be given at Sandy city hall on
A hydro-electric cooperative was and Elma were Sunday dinner guests
Thursday, February 27 from 9 a.m. taking shape in the Government camp o f Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shearer at Spring
till 4 p.m.
section this week reports here indi­ water.
N E W COMFORT was the keynote c. ',
we made plans for this year’s Ford.
G et in, through the new wide doors I
Stretch out, in room to spare I Seating
w idth has been increased as much as
7 inches. Knee-room and inside length
are greatest in the low-price field.
Then take the road and try its ride 1
A soft, steady, gliding new Ford ride
that takes good road o r bad in a sat­
isfying new kind o f stride. And notice
the quietness o f this big Ford!
There’s news at your Ford Dealer’s
that’s too good to miss! N ew s in com­
fort. N ew s in value. A nd news in a
“ deal” that you’ll find easy to take I
Mr. a,..; Mrs. Geoige Simmons of
visited S with the formers mo-
the.' ana liter M s. Ellen Simmon
and Mrs. Nora Lan'.ins.
Sunday af'e-noon visitors at the
Ben Tannic Sr. home were Henry
Josi and M ,. and Mrs. Johnson o f
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Fenton of
Gladstone visited Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wyman.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lankins and dao
ghter Doris spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. L. G. Lenzie in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fickens and Mrs.
Everett Osborne and dauhgter Evilo
o f Estacada visited recently at the
home o f Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Landers
at Clackamas.
m>— —tluaa and Mrs.
The Boring Mother's club wil
their regular card party at the
o f Mr. and Mrs. Hulick on Satij
evening, February 22nd at 8
F ive hundred, pinochle and cri
will be featured during the eva
The club plans a social meeti^.
the home o f Mrs. R. K ay on Febru­
ary 27 at 2 p.m. A ll mothers o f school
children are cordially invited to at­
Turn your old gold into cash, old tend this social meeting.
watch cases, rings, eye glass or spec,
tacle frames, dental crowns, any-
Look at these bargains. Enameled
thing with gold in it. W e pay cash
trimmed Lang range, ashless burner,
and highest prices. A. H. Mealey,
cream colored, smooth top, just like
“ Your Jeweler,” Telephone buildingr
new $45; all kinds ofranges from
Main Ave., Gresham,, Ore.— Adv.
$4.50 to $20 in all sizes and styles.
You can save money by buying here.
Come in and look over our line o f
household goods. W hy pay more when
you can get it here fo r less? Tobai-
Orlando Mayme Harrington, 88 for son Second Hand Store, opposite the
12 years resident at trrestiam and Copeland Lumber company office,
for the past year o f Sandy died ear­
Powell Blvd., Gresham.— Adv.
ly Tuesday o f last week at the home
o f his daughter Mrs. Oscar Guthu.
He was born October 21, 1852 in La
Porte county, Ind. He married Am ­
Mrs. Ed M iller o f Canby spent the
anda M. W ray in Michigan in 1883
and resided in Montana before com­ week end with her sister Mrs. Edw,
ing to Oregon.
This year’s show being held in the
Survivors inculde the widow, three
Eagles hall assures a warm com fort­
able room and plenty o f seating fa daughters Mrs. Wm. Oak, Boring,
Mrs. E ffie Ray, Montana and Mrs.
Guthu; 16 grandchaldren and 12
The Hessel Implement company
great grandchildren; a biother and
urge that you come early and see
sister in California. Carroll Mortu­
the fine machinery display before the
ary, Gresham were in charge o f final
show opens.
M ■. and Mrs. Norman Lamb and
M . and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer of-
Portland spent Sunday witht Mrs.
Lamb's and Mrs. Palmer’s parents
Mr. an . Mrs. Harry Traylor.
Mrs. L. S. Tenny visited Monday
afternoon with Mrs. Wm. Peters at
Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Jack Greenwood and daughter
Thomas C. Duncan, Minister
Patty and Jim Murphy oT Orient vis­
ited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
St. John’» Church, Ceorfe
Mrs. Tom Watson.
Church service at 2 pm. first and
See what you get for your money third Sundays o f each month.
in entertainment at the Esta Theatre, Springwater—
another big double bill on Sunday,
Morning worship at 10 a.m.
Monday and Tuesday,, F’ ebruary 23,
Junior Endeavor at 10 a.m.
24 and 25. See Bette Davis in the
Missionary Society meets the se­
dramatic masterpiece “ The Letter” cond Thursday o f each month.
and W eaver Bros, and E lviry in thal
Ladies aid meets the fourth Thurs­
great comedy “ Grand Old Opry.” Pro day o f the month.
gram concludes with news.— Adv.
Eagle Creek—
Sunday school at 10 a.m.
We pay highest cash prices for
Morning worship at 11:15 a.m.
OLD GOLD. Bring us anything with
W orld Fellowship Circle meets tha
gold in it and we will pay you cash. 'irst Wednesday o f the month.
A. H. Mealey, “ Your Jeweler” T e le ­
Ladies aid meets the third Wed-
phone building, Gresham, Ore.— Adv. lesday o f the month.
St. Aloytiu» Cahtolic Church
Confession Saturday from 7:30
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steinman o f Port­ to 8:30 p.m.
land were dinner guests at the Earl
Masses will be said as follows:
McConnell home Sunday. Later they
spent the evening at the R. H. Currin
E very Sunday at 8 a.m.
Mr. and M:s. Lisle W alker were
out from Portland to spend the day
with their daughter, and son Beverly
and Hugh Walker.
E very Sunday at 9:80 a.m.
11:15 every Sunday.
WW 1J Vttirav ~
. , ■* 'tfc"
Seventh Day Adventist
Harding grange hall Saturday even­
Mrs. Susie Kitching has been on
ing. Mrs. Earl Lankins won the la- the sick list the past week.
Sabbath school at 9:30 a.m.
! dies second prize and Doris Lankina
Preaching at 11 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Currin enter­
• the door prize.
--------- o---------
tained with a dinner on Sunday for
Caroline Jubb who is attending bu­ Mr. and Mrs. Wade Ellis o f S&L-—
siness college in Portland spent the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whitlock o f
week end with hel parents Mr. and land and Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Mrs. Tom Jubb.
ring o f Estacada. Roy Bates a
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bard and sons, friend from Salem also called it
o f Forest Grove and Mr. and Mrs. J afternoon.
A. Shibley o f Springwater were Sun­
A number o f friends came in
day dinner guests o f Mrs. L. S. Ten­
urday evening and surprised Mrs
ny and family.
dia McConnell on the occasio
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E gger o f Red- her birthday. Pedro was the <
land called at the Earl Lankins home sion o f the evening. M ollie 1
Monday afternoon.
, and Wm. Gilgan were awarded
Mr. and Mrs. Albert McComb spent honors and Lora Schoenburg an*'
Sunday with Mrs. McComb’s mother ter Crawford held low scores,
Mrs. M re Schweitzer at Garfeld.
was also Barney Schoenburg's L,, UI.
Christian Church Notes
Sunday dinner guests at the home day the birthday cakes were in evi­
o f Mr. and Mrs. John Fickens were
10 a.m. bible school. Some one said
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ficken and Mrs
“ Your actions speak so loud I can
M iller o f Canby.
T > hear what you say.” True; and when
Mr. and Mrs. Pentecost o f F
you never go to church or bible school
cada were Sunday dinner g u est.
1 or give anything to help the spirit,
the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ed E
• * i )
>ng ual forces that are serving to make
this old world a better place to live
in, then who is to blame fo r condi­
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lankins att
tions in the world.
ed the grange meeting at Abern
11 a.m. hour o f worship. Sermon
grange at Parkplace Friday evei
subject “ The ‘I am’s' o f Jesus.” \o<t
when Monitor grange visited Abe:
are welcome.
thy grange.
■ i ,
Palnemr A. Ford, Minister.
Mr and Mrs. A. C. Fennel o f Port have been given by the Currinsville
land visited Sunday evening with M-
at Estacada next Saturday has been
and Mrs. Ed Ficken.
postponed indefinitely on account ol
i< n o U L ” was the subject of the
«J Lesson-Sermon in all Churches
of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday,
February 16.
Deadline Nears for Spring
The Golden Text was, “Let all
Wheat Crop Insurance
those that seek thee rejoice and be
glad in thee: and let such as love
Only a few days remain fo r wheat
thy salvation say continually, Let
growers o f Oregon to apply fo r all­
God be magnified” (Ps. 70:4).
risk insurance on their 1941 sprin-j
Among the citations which com­
wheat crop warns W. H. Steen state
prised the Lesson-Sermon was the
following from the Bible: "For they
-airman o f the A A A committee. The
that are after the flesh do mind
deadline fo r this year iss Friday, Feb­
the things of the flesh; but they
ruary 28 after which the Federal
that afe after the Spirit the things
Crop insurance corporation will ac­
of the Spirit. For to be carnally
cept no more applications. Appllica-
minded is death; but to be spir­
tices may be made at any county
itually minded Is life and peace”
A A A office.
(Rom. 8:5, 6).
The Lesson-Sermon also Included
Approxim ately 5000 growers have
the following correlative passages
alieady paid premiums for insurance
from the Christian Science text­
on their 1941 crops accoiding to thg
book, "Science and Health with
records o f the state office. These po­
Key to the Scriptures" by Mary
licies guarantee the holders to have
Baker Eddy: "When once destroy­
approximately 3 -I» million bushels o j
ed by divine Science, the false
evidence before the corporeal senses
wheat to sell regardless o f crop ha­
disappears. Hence the opposition
of sensuous man to the Science of
Last fall a greater number o f wes.
Soul and the significance of the
tern Oregon gvovrers than ever be*
Scripture. 'The carnal mind Is
fore applied fo r insurance. In 1940
enmity against God’ ” (p. 131).
461 growers collected a total o f 146,-
642 bushels o f wheat as a result of
Turn your old gold jew elry Into
unavoidable damage or total crop fail
ures. This much loss occurred even cash. W e pay highest prices. A. II.
though 1940 was not a particularly Mealey, “ Your Jeweler” Telephone
poor year in the wheat counties o f building, Gresham, Oregon.— Adv.
Those in charge o f the crop insur.
BANNED fresh prunes are not
ar:ce program point out that farmers
only called by some canners
ought to know) “ the best
who did not need to collect on their
thing that was ever put Into a
insurance nevertheless had the pro­
can,” but they are mighty ac-com
tection thruout the season and pro­
modatlng about the ways In
which they can be served. Begin­
bably enjoyed considerably mort
with breakfast, here are
peace o f mind than those who carried
some of the ways:
no insurance. A horn** owner insures
Cracked Wheat with Canned
Prunes: Bring two cups water and
his house but hopes it will never
ono-half teaspoon salt to boiling
burn down. In the same way they say
add sevpn eighths cup canned
the wheat grower insures his crop but
cracked wheat, and let boll di­
rectly over the fire for five min­
never collects is to be congratulated
utes. Then cook over hot water
for an hour and a half. Make the
night before, and simply reheat
See the battle between beautiful
in the double boiler in the morn­
Dorothy I.amour and the deadly hood­
ing. Serve with canned fresh
ed cobra in “ Moon Over Burma” at
prunes and top milk or cream.
four liberally.
the Esta theatre Friday and Satur­
Keep the Children Happy
day, February 21 and 23. Second fea
Another prune dish that will
ture on this program is “ Christmas*
help to keep the children happy
n July,” starring Dick Powell and
at breakfast Is this
Compote of Figs and Prunes ■
Ellen Drew.
Turn the contents of a Sounre
can figs, one *^p of canned fresh
Sell your O LD GOLD for CASH.
prunes and offe-thlrd cup water
into a sauce pan and slnimOr
Highest prices. A. H. Mealey, "Y ou
for about fifteen minutes.
Jeweler,” Main Ave., Gresham, Ore­
Servo <oM. Serves five, or four
gon.— Adv.
aiit« enjoy
a great
new ride!
See the 1941 Models on Display in
Our Show Room. Ask for
Bob Cooke Motor Co. - Estacada,Ore.