C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y N EW S »2 F R ID A Y , F E R R U A R Y 14, 1041 ECONOMIC H IC H L IC H T S Tw o (iroul IIHViiilors II ¡ Washington and Lincoln were both noted for their sincerity o f purpose, honesty and integrity. W e too, are sincere in our purpose to give our customers every possible help in their finan­ cial problems. I f you wish to borrow money your request will be given the utmost consideration and if you wish financial advice you will find our o f­ ficers always at your service. When you bank here you get the Personal Service of an Independent Bank. Our modern banking service is able to care for your every banking need. 4 LET US SERVE Y O U I First State Bank of Miiwaukie M ILW AUKEE, OREGON Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ¿an K H Get the Best \ Practically all o f the men who have testified in favor o f the Presi­ dent’s lease-lend bill have offered the opinion that a crisis in the war will occur within the next three months, and that it will probably take the foim o f an all-out Nazi Mow against England, beginning with air raids o f unprecendented intensi­ ty and winding up with the long an­ ticipated attempt at invasion. Secre­ tary o f the Navy Knox for example, testified that according to his infor­ mation the German stragtegists were now watching the long-range weather report and waiting for a time when an extended period o f good weather ean be anticipated. There are many good reasons for believing that Germany will make her great e ffo rt before many more moons wax and wane. Primary reason is the obvious one that Hitler has a far better chance o f winning i f he makes his gamble before this country can send materials abroad in significant amounts. Second, Hitler many think, must move before Italy collapses entirely. She has become a drain on the Reich instead o f an asset. Her reverses in A frica have almost reached the comic opera stage. Third, according to some experts English and American warplane pro­ duction is now catching up with Ger­ many. But it will be a long time be­ fore Britian can obtain enough ships to equal the strength o f the sky fleet commanded by Marshal Goering. So it is logical fo r Germany to make her bid fo r victory while she lias a de­ cisive edge in the skies. Fourth, there are reports which can not be substantiated in the light of rigorous German censorship to the effe c t that morale o f H itler’s Reich is slipping. H itler promised victory before l ‘J40 and now seems farther from it than when the war began. There have been no signal German successes o f lute. Evidence o f a more material na­ ture is also available. For the most part the L u ftw a ffe has lately been bombing industrial centers and has done less indiscriminate bombing oi cities. It now seems to be trying to knock out important British factories rather than to break the people's mo­ rale, an endeavor which completely failed. And air observers have seen frenzied activity along the German- occupied coast o f the Continent and in the ports which H itler must use us the starting points for invasion. It is obvious where the U. S. enters tli is picture. I f "England is to be really helped there must be a tremendous speed-up in our shipments o f war materials. And, despite claims o f A d ­ ministration spokesmen to the con­ trary the feelin g persists that it will not be long before we are convoying British shipping. Germany’s greatest damage to England has been in sink­ ing merchant ships and equally ser­ ious from the British point o f view, destroying or disabling numbers of the convoying destroyers. H itler himself has said that any American ship, merchant or naval, which is put to the service o f Eng­ land in Fluropean waters will be sunk. There can be no question but what use o f our navy for convoy purposes would be an act o f war, complete and unmistakable. Y et Germany has shown no desire to formally break relations with us. Hitler has taken a great deal and done little in retali­ ation. Fear o f the American navy is considered by many experts to be the answer to that. Further more H itler’s’ record shows that he never increases opposition i f he can avoid it. In the meantime debate on the lease-lend bill swings into high gear. Few members o f the Congress are opposed to all-out aid to England, the opposition to the current bill is principally based on the belief that it delegates dictatorial powers to the Executive and that England can be helped to the limit without doing that. There is the real issue underly­ ing the fight. i/1 OUR DEMOCRACY — SyM.t ’ THAT BUOYANCY AMD AMERICAN S P IR IT V i EXUBERANCE WHICH COMES WITH r 'IC E O O M ." — PROFESSOR. FREDERICK J . TURNER, * the frontier / h américain history . a fV -i»W T ' v 7' I • u A ,: i f'- V1 AMERICANS ARE FREE TO EXPRESS TH E IR B ELIEFS AND PURSUE THEIR ASPIRATIONS. land judgment and convictions to support any o f the existing political programs. 1. is q..ue impossible for your cor­ respondent to tell just what is going to be the final outcome o f the issues in Co. gress where many proposals o f President Roosevelt are being chal­ lenged. Nevertheless there seems to be less excitement and more common- sense than before election which ev­ erybody must agree is an improve­ ment in Demorcatric government. The insurance on the Clackamas county court house has been divided into 27 policies representing 23 d if­ ferent insurance companies. The to­ tal o f these policies amounts to $222,- 000.00 while the actual cost o f the court houseand all equipment am­ ounts to $203,057.07 which figures about 00 percent coverage. - « <> ■ This newspaper is in receipt o f tha annual report o f the Caterpillar j Tractor company o f Peoria, ill. which contains the follow ing interesting in­ formation. W e quote: "C aterpillar” built tractors push­ ing bulldozers and pulling scrapers have been used in France and Great Britian to build trenches and tank traps, to widen and straighten mili­ tary roads, to clear debris le ft by bombing raids, to build and maintain airports and to repair damage done by shells and bombs. Caterpillar trac­ tors are considérée a necessity for deeper plowing, to raise increased crops in Britian’s “ grow more food campaign,” thereby concentrating more power in few er men fo r soil preparation and planting, speedier cultivation, harvesting and transpor­ tation o f crops. "C aterpillar” porta­ ble Diesel-electric generating sets ean be used for providing electricity fo r high powered searchlights which are a part o f air raid defense units, also fo r powering and lighting small establishments deprived o f electric­ ity by bombing raids or other causes fo r a wide variety o f other purposes requiring electricity. “ Caterpillar” machines in large fleets are working under the direc­ tion o f the British Royal Engineers in building and improving the Haifa- Bagdad highway an important link between the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf. Caterpillar tractors are also working on m ilitary roads in In­ dia, in Australia, in E gypt and in South A frica .” , “ Caterpillar” tractors are now be, ing used by thousands o f farmers ill this section o f the state and in this terrtiory are sold by the Hessel Im ­ plement company, tire old reliable farm implement house o f Gresham. — Adv. page to copy the records. This a saving o f over $2,500 a year while the budget fo r that offic e fo r 1010 was $12,630 leaving a balance o f $10,130 to be paid by the taxpayers. on W ood C IR C U L A T O R S ■tig Keriiiclioiis FROM R E G U LA R PRICES Now is the time to buy W ood Circulating H eat­ ers. They will be much higher in price next fall. Buy during this sale and save money. W e need the floor space and are making big discounts from the regular prices. Reg. .$60 value Circulator f o r ................. Reg. $39.95 value Circulator f o r ............. Reg. $23.95 value Circulator f o r ............. $ 4 7 .9 5 $ 3 1 .9 5 $ 1 9 .9 5 SECOND H A N D C IR C U LA T O R S A T SACRIFICE PRICES A. W. Metzger K Co. Powell Blvd. Greshan, Oregon 3 - li T h ro u g h special arrangements with the mag­ azine publishers we offer America's finest farm and fiction magazines—in com bination w ith our newspaper—at prices that simply cannot be duplicateti elsewhere! L o o k over this lon g list o f favorites and make Y O U R selection today! This Newspaper I Year, and Five Magazir.es ALL FOR PRiCE SHOWN _ GROUP A — SELECT 2 MAGAZINES 5 True ' ,cCallA MaSa I,n e -----1 Yr. Romances SO 50 □ R □ □ □ Household Magazine 1 Yr. Q American Fruit Grosser 1 Yr. P Tn i Necdlecraft 1 Yr. Q Capper’s Farmer ........1 Yr. Pathfinder . 26 Issues Q National Livestock H unting and Fishing .1 Yr. Producer _____ 1 Yr Successful Farming — I Yr. Q National Sportsman___ 1 Yr. GROUP C - FOR BOTH NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES Pathfinder (Weekly) „.1 Yr. Modem Romances____1 Yr. Silver Screen _________ 1 Yr. Sports Afield _________ ] Yr. Open Road (Roys)......1 Yr. Science dnd Discovery 1 Yr. Christian Herald ...... 6 Mo. Fact Digest Screenland _________ | y r American B o y ___..... t yr. American Girl ______ x \¡0. Parents’ Magazine .....6 Mo. GROUP B _ ALL SIX ONLY □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ^ s i o r i l T (,ntl’ COOd SELECT 2 MAGAZINES SELECT 1 MAGAZINE 1Y L ‘ ‘arm Journal and s i l iner’s W ife ........ .....j Yr. L Mather*« Home Life.... 1 Yr. C Plymouth Rock Mthly.~l Yr. -1 Yr. □ Leghorn World □ American Pltry. JmL— 1 Yr. □ Breeder’s G azette_____1 Yr. □ Rhode Island Red Jral. 1 Yr. Q Poultry Tribune ____ 1 Yr. •u m This Newspaper, 1 Year, and ta f ■ £ £ “ ? * -... T . f o b P R IC E S H O W N „00 C Farm Jourmd r- imerican B o y ------ Tanner’s Wile — n American Fruit Joseph P. Kennedy succeeded in hitting the middle o f the line in the race at Washington between war and neutrality. Kennedy proved to be an outstanding witness before the For­ eign Relations committee o f Con­ gress. He defended and upheld tht President while at the same time he warned Congress that it must keep the power to prevent war in its own hands. He hackl'd up national de­ fense and every aid to England. Once in awhile a strong man .«hows up which is able to make belligerent and neutrals quit quarreling and get down to brass tacks. K, nn'dy proved to be such a man. Ho lms represented the American govement in London 1 since the outbreak o f the war and he related his own experiences and Im­ pressions before the Congressmen. L i e re fused to surrender his N ew Eng it costs approximately 11 cents per Clearance Sale C A T E R P IL L A R T R A C T O R CO. M AK E S A N N U A L R E PO R T BOTH F B ELL1C EREN A N E U T R A L IT Y With the new photostat machine Installed by Guy Pace, county clerk, «.to w « TstfÄggFS H Pathfinder (VteeUT) | g flower « ’row" j ^ ; - 2.25 asssSte«. □ American c\ American Fury J □ Breeder’s G « * ” ' □ Capper” Fanner pi Child TaMe r i Christ»*11 Hera □ ! '• »* £ ? □ Flume Ans N ecdlecraft ... . ,.6, , 1.61 , ■ n Household Magazine St Fishing p »Tannili» ** 1 Libci tv M a rin e 9 00 2.45 p Maen/»»“' VM all’s Magazine - V » ^ a .30 2.91 p Modern Romanies ._ □ Collier’* M orVlT ___ 2.91 ri Column Dtgr < - H Prize Photogvapbf - 0.21 , ()0 H N a tio n a l s , » n « n a o - □ > » « " ' Magazine ... Sot d ' * “ Bi8” ‘ ............. Set U t for m BÎEHLCLl m “ □ ""Ä s c o s e r y Z* p Scre en la nd p S ilv e r S e re «» 2.00 2.00 □ Scienee an« ~ 2,09 □ True Romance - * ^ £ 2 2- n True Story •••----- g.v. pi WoTld tilgest ----- • s 4f. 0 Your Life .............. Her* FILL CUT COUPON • MAIL TODAY PLEASE ALLOW 4 (o 6 WEEKS FOR FI11ST MAGAZINES T O ARRIVE (Clip list of magazine» afttr cheeking ones dotted and return with thi> cempon.) Gentlemen: I endow $ ------------ .---- . I am enclosing the offer desired with a year's suhsvriptio.i to your paper. N A M E ______________________ ________ ________ ___ vr. OR R.F.IK.