Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, January 31, 1941, Image 1

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N ews
C lackamas
Committee Meets
Monday, .January 27 the agricul­
tural committeemen o f Clackamas
county met at Maple Lane grange
hall to discuss the agricultural pro­
jects fo r the coming year.
Projects v )g e discussed, point by
point, and good recommendations
made. The rodent control program
which proved very effective in the
past in destroying several thousand
pests was extended to include the
garden and field slug, which eats
tons o f cover crops, hay and truck
It is now possible to get the slug
nearly 100 percent by use o f mettal-
dehide bran bait. In fact the slug
will leave lettuce and carrots fo r this
tempting bait, which finishes their
destructive work.
The short-tailed field mouse is not
a gopher. The gopher has paws simi­
lar to a mole and casts up a mound
o f soil. Theie are none known t<j
exist in northeast Clackamas county.
Everyone in the county is asked tc
help in the rodent control whether a
grange member o f not.
S. E. Lawrence local electrical con­
tractor has just installed a flood light
system fo r the Willamette Iron and
Shipyards to enable the men to work
at night.
Mr. Lawrence also has another big
electrical contract at the new war
department hospital 'at Vancouver
Barracks where he is putting in thq
street lighting and distributing sys­
tem. Ninety-one poles are required
fo r this system according to Mr. Law­
rence who said the job must be done
in 20 days. He has 12 men working
on the joDt
This new war department hospital
covers 40 acres and will serve the
immediate m ilitary area.
Mr. Lawrence and his crew recent­
ly completed a street lighting job for
Molalla and have extensive work for
the P E P company.
Rangers Play
to Elect
Corbett Tonight
The regular meeting o f the Parent-
Teachers association o f Clackamas
county coA icil will be held at the
Ardenwald school in Milwaukie on
Wednesday, February 5th at 10 a.m.
A Founders day program and pic
tuies on safety will be presented.
Election o f county officers is also to
be held and a luncheon will be served
at one o’clock. A nursery fo r small
children will be provided. PTaase note
there is a P T A forum on radio sta­
tion K E X every Monday from 3 to
3:15 p.m.
Annual Vaudeville Coming
The annual vaudeville o f the Es­
tacada P T A will be presented on F ri­
day evening, February 7th at 8 o’­
clock in the Estacada high school
auditorium. An exceptionally fine
program o f local talent is being pre­
pared and it is expected a capacity
crowd w ill attend.
Anyone interested in attending thq
Clackamas county council is asked
to contact Mrs. M ary Reed.
33 Boys Enroll
in C C C
Dog owners o f Clackamas county
have been slow in paying their 1941
licenses according to county clerk
Guy H. Pace who pointed out today
that only 1014 permits have been
issued so fa r this year as compared
to 7222 in 1940.
A fte r March 1 a $1 penalty will be
assessed according to law. The fees
fo r male or spayed dogs are 76 cents
and $1 fo r females.
O. K. it’s a date and thanks for tained a few o f their playmates at
telling me. I can’t miss it fo r I hear j their home last Saturday. There were
this is the best vaudeville the P T A I eight o f the little folks present and
I they sure had a good time and nice
The 50th annual convention o f th< has sponsored.
You say it’s only 10c fo r school
Clackamas county council o f Chris
children, both grade and high school,
tian education will be held Februar
21 and 22 in the First Presbyteriar and only 15c fo r adults.
Alice Faye tops all previous sue-
Their shows have always been cesses when she sings the songs o f
1 chure.h Oregon City. Pastors, Sunday
school superintendents, teachers and wortht more so we’ll surely get our yesteryear in the stirring musical
al) other persons interested are urg­ money’s worth and save enough to comedy, "T in Pan A lle y ” which will
buy some o f that good home made come to the Esjp theatre Sunday,
ed to make plans to attend.
Rev. A. M. McClain o f Jenning candy they sell.
Monday, Tuesday, February 2, 3 and
See you there, Friday, Feb. 7th.
Lodge is president o f the council.
4 — Adv,
The January issue o f the Health-
Guard, published by the Clackamas
county public health association said;
Lying near the middle eastern boun
dary o f Clackamas county amid a
jumble o f high forested ridges -and
wide, jagged canyons is the great
Clackamas river drainage basin o f the
Cascade range. In that remote and
beautiful setting the countless tiny
fingers o f water merge and run rest­
lessly toward the sea.
The Clackamas is a clean lovely ri­
ver and affords pleasure to thous-
asds o f people who come fo r miles to
fish and swim in its waters. ‘“ Keep it
clean” said Mr. C. M. Evarts, assis­
tant state sanitary engineer. Mr. E v­
arts spoke to Estacada grade school
P T A on January 14.
Another interesting game o f bas­
ketball is promised tonight, Friday,
January 31 in the Estacada union
high school gym when the Estacada
Rangers meet the basketball quintet
o f Corbett high school. This w ill be
another double header.
The game between the Estacada
Rangers and the Chemawa Indians
last Friday evening is generally con-
ceeded to have been the best bas­
ketball game ever played in the lo­
The citizens o f Estacada were com­
cal gym. This contest drew the larg­
est crowd ever to attend abasketball plimented on the great stride they
had taken in their city toward pre­
game in Estacada.
The Rangers defeated the Braves vention o f “ stream pollution.” Es­
by a score o f 37 to 23. Stars fo r the tacada has an excellent sewage dis­
game were Tooley and Park. Tooley posal plant the only one in the coun­
made 16 points and Park chalked ty, Mr. Evarts said. He also pointed
out that with a practical installation
up 14 points.
such as this no one need ever fear
The Ranger juniors however did
that the Clackamas river become foul
not fare so well and were defeated
and turbid, unfit fo r recreational!
by the Chemawa juniors to the tune
o f 24 to 21.
“ Riders o f the Cascades” a club
composed o f horseback riders o f Port­
land, Estacada, Viola and way points
will hold a meeting at the Ray Tracy
“ Flying T ” ranch in Viola on Sunday,
February 2 at 1 p.m.
The newly formed club has a grow ­
ing membership o f people who enjoy
riding the mountain trails in the beau­
tiful Cascade range east o f Viola and
Garden School Continued
A ll persons interested are invited to IS FEBRUARY 28TH
A thrilling western entitled “ Ran->
The garden school is to be contin­ attend this meeting.
gers o f Fortune,” is the first feature
ued. Anyone enrolling with the coun­
The W orld day o f prayer which is
o f the double bill at the Esta theatre
ty agent will receive tim ely garden
always the first Friday in Lent falls
this Friday and Saturday, January
this year on February 28th. Plan3
30 and 31. The picture stars Fred
It was advised that each grange
are being made this week fo r its obr
McMurray, Patricia Morison and A l­
sponsor a 4-H club scholarship to the
servance, the four women’s mission­
bert Dekker and is produced by Sam
4-H school at the state college this
ary groups o f the Estacada district
Wood who gave you “ Goodbye Mr.
The last enrollment fo r the cur­ uniting. The Eagle Creek society will
Chips.” It is a drama o f Texas fron­
rent quarterly enlistment o f Clack­ be hostess and have already issued
Seed Corn Discussed
tier days and gives free rein to ac­
invitations to the service which will i
The hybrid seed corn brot quite a amas county boys in the CCC is Jan
tion, romance, adventure in the spec­
lengthy discussion many fo r and ag­ uary 30. Following tnat date inter­
tacular picture o f three free boot­
ainst accoiding to returns from act­ mediate enlistments will take place at 1:30 p.m.
ing cowboys who forsake a carefree
ual experience. Hybrid seed is never
career o f outlawry to use their guns
true from home-saved pollinater This new plan o f intermediate en­ DRAFT BOARD GETS NEW
and fists in a savage battle against
stock. Mr. Dubois o f the Grange Co rollments w ill make a total o f eight QUOTAS; 12 COMING HERE
injustice. The reckless courage o f
op asked that all orders fo r hybrid enrollments per year, four quarterly
the plains and flaming violence o f
seed corn be placed by the first oi and four intermediate instead o f the
The Clackamas county draft boards the lawless west hold sway thruout
March as it takes time to obtain i! oid plan o f fou r quarterly enroll­ at Oregon City and Estacada have the film. The second feature on this
from the growers in Minnesota. The ments each year.
received information o f the draft program stars the inimitable comed­
state college has some seed from com
The next quarterly enlistment will quotas fo r the period between Feb­ ienne Judy Canova in a world-wide
grown and hybrinated in this county be in April. Applications fo r inter­ ruary 17 and March 8. Twelve men laugh attack. The picture Is called
which seems very satisfactory. The mediate enrollment will be taken will be drawn from each board.
“ Scatterbrain” and is the tale o f a
supply is limited.
during February and in March ap­
I t was announced from selective miss from the sticks who clicks on
plications will be accepted fo r en- service headquarters that the quotas Broadway. The plot o f the picture
Weed Control Asked
lollment in April.
are subject to change due to the concerns a girl from the Ozarks who’s
The entire county grange mem­
Thirty-three boys from Clackamas fact that some board may have sent whisked to Hollywood when mistaken
bers and others were asked to take
county have been enrolled at Camp men in the previous call who have by a producer fo r an actress who has
part in weed control on their lands
ZigZag during the month o f January. been rejected.
been planted among the hill billies
thuiuout the county.
These are the first men enlisted un­
awaiting discovery..
There is a deposit o f limestone
der the new financial plan whereby VISITORS HERE FROM
“ T IN P A N A L L E Y ”
that is being worked near Marquam
the dependents receive $15.00 per THE STATE OF IDAHO
which is guaranteed to run fifty per
“ Tin Pan A lle y ” starring Alice
month, $7.00 is placed on deposit
cent calcium which sells at the plant
Faye, Betty Grable, Jack Oakie and
pending discharge and the enrollee
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel C. Weaver John Payne will be at th« Esta on
at $2 a ton. This lime is very apt to
receives $8.0u each month to spend and three children o f Buhl, ,Idaho,
be among the federal grant lime this
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday even­
while in camp. Board and room, clo­ are making an extended visit in Es­
thing and medical and dental care tacada, Portland and St. Helens. Dar­ ings February 2, 3 and 4. Heralded
in advance by such superlatives as
Talk on Reforestration
are also included. T o be eligible for rell is a brother o f Charles Weaver
“ greatest,” “ most spectacular musi­
In the afternoon Mr. Reed o f the
and his w ife is a sister o f Harry cal ever produced, “ Tin Pan Alley,,,,
forestry department answered ques­ tWeen the ages o f 17 ana 23, unmar­ Johnson. The Weavers are on the is truly one o f the big hit pictures
tions and explained soil use and fo r­ ried, in good health, a citizen o f the last leg o f a trip which took them o f the season. It is keyed to the
esting. He had a chart o f an 80 acre United States and not in regular at­ thru Idaho,, Utah, Arizona,, Califor­ mood o f Am erica and stirring with
farm ; first as it lay, then as it was tendance at school. Educational fa ­ nia and Oiegon. They will leave for romance, memories and melodies of
to be rearranged under soil conser­ cilities are offered in camp and also home February 1st.
the unbelieveable street that makes
vation and reforestration. He recom­ special training in vocational trades.
the whole nation sing. The cast is
Camp ZigZag is nqw offe rin g a spe­
Friends o f Charles W eaver are
mends the growing o f cascara in gul­
cialized school in sheet metal and glad to see him about town once led by Alice Faye, singing star of
lies and land apt to erode. He also
Alexander’s Ragtime Band,” and by
has made arrangements to handle a more a fter an extended illness. While “ Betty
GrabIe thc glamoroug star of
recommends black locust fo r fence
carpentry course under the national
posts and planting Port Orford cedar
Mr. W eaver has not entirely recover- <.Uown Arfrentine W ay.” Both are
defense program.
fo r poles. Reforestration with alder
ed he is now able to go fo r walks ! Knslltiong. Comedy is provided by
Considerable amount o f modern and it is hoped he w ill soon be his
and cedar in wet locations where soil
Jack Oakie and John Payne and both
equipment has been ordered fo r the normal self again.
is unsuitable fo r other agricultural
do a wonderful jo b The program
sheet metal work and a large well-
purposes is another o f his recom­
concludes with selected shorts and
lighted shop has been provided. An
mendations. Trees for reforestration
instructor will be assigned to this
may be obtained fo r $2.50 per thous­
o — ' ■
work by the fiational Defense. Here
and from the state college or county
For a pleasant evening come to the
Mrs. Clyde Sailing o f Oak Grove
agent Inskeep.
basis from the entire district will George clubhouse Saturday evening, was in Estacada Sunday and Monday
O. V. Coop and A. C. Davis of
have an opportunity to learn a trade February 1st. Good time fo r all. Ex­ visiting her brother, Fred Bartholo­
Garfield Grange who attended this
mew and fam ily and her sister Mrs.
which can be turned to useful pur­ cellent music.— Adv.
meeting said many other agricultural
F. E. Dooley. Mayrose Bartholomew
poses, either in connection with civ­
matters were discussed and all went
ilian life or in defense o f the nation. IT’ S A DATE; DON’T BE L A T E came from Portland Monday to visit
home feeling they were well repaid
home folks and Mrs. Saling returned
Many worthwhile projects have been
fo r the day.
to Portland with her on Monday.
mapped out fo r the school to the end
Friday evening, February 7, at 8
that the learning shall be well round­ o ’clock p.m., high school auditorium,
ed and complete.
P T A vaudeville.
Joyce and Wayne Kiggins enter
r K ID A Y , J A N U A R Y 31, DJ41
V U LU M h X X X V
Work will definitely start Monday
February 3rd on the new North Fork
water system for Estacada it was
announced this week.
Elect New King
and Queen
Will Present
Road Petition
M ayor S. E. Wooster who has ta­
ken the lead in the circulation o f pe­
titions asking the state highway com­
mission to complete the Foothills
highway or Woodbugn-Sandy road
said this week that arrangements had
been made to present the petition
to the commission on Thursday, Feb­
ruary 27 at 2 p.m.
Hundreds o f names have been sign,
ed to this petition which reads as
follow s:
"W e, the undersigned citizens and
taxpayers o f Clackamas county, Ore­
gon respectfully request that the por­
tion o f the Foothills highway or the
Woodburn-Sandy road be completed,
beginning at the N. E. corner o f th*
George Generowski farm in Sec. 4,
Twp. 4-4 thence northerly over the
survey o f the said secondaty state
highway No. 160 to a point near the
south line o f the John Stormer farm
in Sec. 29, Twp 3-4, a distance o f
about 3 r les more or less. W e know
the completion o f this short stretch
o f this highway w ill be o f great value
to the people o f this section and to
the entire state and urge you to give
the project your most serious con­
It is pointea
* that the impor­
tance o f completing the Foothills
highway cannot be underestimated,
since it is by means o f this road that
the communities o f Molalla, Colton,
and Estacada are placed on a main
highway running from Woodbum on
the Pacific highway to Sandy on the
Mt. Hood loop road. I t is believed
this highway when completed will re­
lieve the congestion o f tra ffic be­
tween Salem and Portland thus o ffe r ­
ing a direct route to the Mt. Hood
loop road for motorists who desire to
avoid the larger cities. The Foothills
highway is unsurpassed fo r scenic
beauty and in spite of the fact that
the road is not yet completed the traf
fic on this highway is rapidly in­
Mrs. A ra Lusted and Jonas Clinq
were chosen king and queen for the
Sandy Pioneers picnic in July at a
meeting o f the Sandy Pioneers held
last Sunday.
A fin e program was presented at
this meeting including a moving pic­
ture o f the Old Oregon Trail.
Memorial exercises were held for
A. W. Cooke, and a brother Henry,
Albon Meinig, F. M. Canning, Mrs.
Ethel Roberts, Rhoda Kirchent, Anna
Duke and W. F. Douglass.
A prominent guest at this meeting
was Mrs. Emma Miller-Revenue a
daughter o f the late John Revenue,
The Estacada U. H. S', basketball
who was the first white child born
journeyed to Silver-ton last Tues­
this side o f the Cascades.
day night where they met at power­
ful Silver-ton Silver Foxes. A t the
half the invading Rangers were close
behind, 10-17, but the final gun le ft
the boys holding the short end o f a
Centennial Rebckah lodge No. 147 26 to 37 score. Tooley led the local
had its first meeting o f the year on squad with 12 points. Day o f Silver-
Wednesday night. The new officers ton led the defenders also with 12
took charge and two members were points.
admitted by transfer.
These were
Lineups. Estacada Ramsey, 5|
Minnie Moore o f Omega lodge, Port­ Park 0; W eaver 4; Tooley 12; Gough-
land and Clara Heiple o f White Rose ler 2.
lodge at Antelope, .Oregon.
Silver-ton: Hagedorn 2; Seeley 0;
A pot luck dinner will be held Day 12; Anderson 7; Burr 10.
at 6:30 o'clock at our next meeting
Substitue^ fo r Estacada, White and
on February 5tli.
Substitutes fo r Silver-ton. Mellbye,
Morgan, Bougli, and Anderson.
On February 3 the Estacada Gar­ AT ODD FELLOW LODGE
den club will meet with Mrs. C. R.
There will be an official visita­
Be prepared to answer roll call by tion at the next meeting o f the Es­
naming something o f interest in thej tacada Odd Fellow lodge to be held
garden line about which you would Tuesday evening, February 4th. The
like to learn more.
grand warden and hi» sta ff will be
Thc topic will be “ Planting This present. A large attendance * f inenr-
Spring for the Fall Flower. Show.’* | i,ers ig desired
Mrs. Fasel will conduct this discus­
sion. Please bring seed catalogs.
There will be a question box.
The Willing Workers club called
its meeting at the home o f Mrs. S. E.
Lawrence on January 25 at 1:45 p.
m. We discussed business projects
and decided to give a little program
fo r the grange in April. Then wo
discussed plans for our sewing work.
N ext we had a social time in which
we played games and were served
refreshments by Mrs. Lawrence, then
I adjourned and went home. Attending
were Joan Lawrence, pres.; Eileen
Marshall, secretary; Barbara Kigginr
exhibit committee; Louise Lawrence
■rong leader; arid Irene Sorge news
Members o f
girl scout ,rgani*
zation will be guests o f honor at the
Methodist chi/ch next Sunday morn­
ing The
morr sutij«. i ■will be,
“ The Nobl/ness o f Helpfulness as
Found in lire Girl Scout Work.” ,
“ Tin f ’an Alley
’’greatest songs,
“ K-K-K-Katie,”
Moonlight Bay,,”
“ When You Wore a Tulip and I Wore
a Big Red Rose,” "Good-bye Broarl-
way, H ilo I ranee,,” “ Shiek o f Ar-
aby,” "Am erica I Love You,” and
many others are sung by the gla­
morous stars, Alice Faye and Betty
Grable in this great screen produc­
tion at the Esta theatre Sunday, Mon­
day, Tuesday, February 2-3-4. -A d v .