C L A C K A M A S ¡COUNTY N E W S F R ID A Y , J A N U A R Y 17, 1941 SEE Earl Paul at Jarman’s, Chev­ W A N T E D . Shingle bolts delivered rolet and Buick dealers, ir Oregon to new location at Sandy. Tooley City fo r the beet deal on used ear.. Shingle Co., Sandy, Oregon. Large stock to chose from. Tel. Ore­ gon City 3771. D E P E N D A B LE USED CARS 1938 Dodge < door sedan. A fine cal Hite’s Auto Wrecker, Main street, with radio and heater. Estacada. W e buy old cars, iron, me­ tal. Sell used cars, tires and parts. 1939 W illys Overland, 4-door sedan, looks like new, Cars from $15 to $50. tfj&SYSTSM NEEDS NO ADJUSTMENT The "Caterpillar’' Diesel Fuel Sys­ tem is absolutely foolproof— not one mechanical adjustment neces­ sary. Parts arc individually replace­ able.. . they are fully protected by especially designed fuel filters. No timing necessary. A few more reasons for trouble- free operation. HESSEL Implement Co. Gresham, Oregon IH S B D M i ing three days o f secret deliberation. Rev. Bertrand L a McLaughlin of , Mt. Angel was indicted on a charge ! ||| o f failing to stop at the scene o f . ^ B an accident resulting in the death of a person. Father Bertrand had given himself up as driver o f a pickup truck Get the Habit of trading Here where your Money allegedly involved in a mishap which resulted in the death o f Eleanor Mar­ goes farther. lon Falk on the super highway near 1937 Chevrolet coupe in best o| Milwaukle on December 21. FOUND. Chains and log binders. j j POTATOES, No. 2’s, 50-pounds .................4 9 C J conditio*. New paint. Raymond B. Denmam was Indict­ Owner can have same by proving pro­ 1934 Plymouth coupe. Fine shape. ed on two counts for reckless driv­ “ perty and paying fo r this ad. Ralph GRAPEFRUIT, d ozen .................................... 2 5 c p 1933 Dodge coupe, rumble seat. ing and for assault and battery. He DeShazer, Inquiie at Haakon Peter­ JUICE ORANGES, 2 dozen f o r .......... ...........2 t»C j j was accused o f beating and escaping B R O C K W A Y & N ELSO N son home after 5 o’clock. Dodge end Plymouth Dealers from state patrolman Guy Watkinds N A V E L ORANGES, lg. extra sweet, doz..... 2o<* Jane Edwards School o f Dancing. Tel 207 Gresham, Ora, after his arrest on the form er charge. New classes starting in ballet and Milton Landon, route 1, Sherwood, FOR SALE. Black mare, smooth tap dancing. High school ball room was named in a true bill on a charge A N D THIS dancing classes start January 20 at mouth, w ’t about 1350 lbs. for $35, o f larceny o f livestock involving the • M * 7:30 p.m. at Masonic hall. 3tpd Bay mare, smooth mouth w’t 1400 C O U PO N alleged theft o f a heif e r from Bert lbs. fo r $40. Also 50 Oliver plow in FOR SA LE . Baled clover hay, 1st A - l condition. Jack Saunders, Eagle. Zeller, a neighbor. class, $12 per ton. Also a lfalfa hay Creek. Tel. 42-211. at $12. A. D. Burnett, Eagle Creek. FOR SA LE. $100 equity In 1937 FOR SALE. Gravel, road and drive, H ailey Davidson motorcycle fo r $50. way gravel for sulo at pit or deliver Balance $186 to be paid in monthly ed. Deep Creek Gravel Co, rt. 1, box installments o f $15.95. Good motor. 101, Boring, Oregon. Doia Clester, Eagle Creek, rt. 1, box Carpentry and reshingling at reas­ 100. Tel Estacada 40-15. onable prices. Castile & Oswold, Ea­ FOR R E N T or SALE. 4-room gle Creek, Ore. Tel 22-6,. house with bath, double garage, wood W A N T E D . 6-lnch 7-foot split ce­ shed and 3 lots. Also small building dar posts. Quote price, earliest ship­ with 2 rooms. 1 block from high ment. Neidermeyer-Martln Lumber school, on upper Broadway. Call or Co., Portland, Oregon. write Mrs. Bina Bell, Tel Sandy 24 at Boring rt. 1, box 95, collect. D EPENDABLE RECONDITIONED USED CARS & TRUCKS FOR SERVICE. Saanan billy goat service. Purebred but do not have papei^.. A ll with 1941 License FOR SALE. Table Model Silver- tone radio in good condition or will 1941 W lllys deluxe sedan, heater, trade for stock. Prefer to trade. J J. just like a new car ................$769 Leber, rt. 1, box 335, Boring, % mi- south o f Pleasant Home on Pleasant 1939 Ford deluxe 85 tudor sedan, heater, very clean car ............$535 Home road. 1939 Plymouth dl coupe, heater and ready to go ............................$595 J 1938 W lllys dl sedan, heater and very clean car ........................$375 1937 Packard 120 sedan, heater and $495 fine looking car ............... LOOK AT THESE "1941’ BARGAINSI LOOK at the Buys 1938 International D-2 pickup $475 1940 FORD Deluxe towing tudor, heater and radio v— 1931? FORD Coupe FOR SALE. 2 heating stoves, 1 cook stove with coils, 3 double bedi with springs, kitchen cabinet,, work 1937 Ford 85 coupe, .heater and cabinet with bins and drawers* din­ radio ........................................ $365 ing room table with chairs, kitchen table with chairs, small center table,, 1935 Plymouth sedan,, clean car, large oak center table, 3 rocking ready to go. Large heater ....$325 chairs, bureau, 2 gas lights, battery radio, gasoline Maytag washer motor 1935 Chevrolet sedan, heater and radio. A buy ........................... $325 |with kick starter, wood barrel churn, 0 sewing machine, child's bed with sides 1931 Buick coupe ....................... $125! length 5 feet. 1 lounge. A ll reasona- - - | hly priced. W alter Smith, Eagle 1930 Ford tudor sedan, clean Cieek, Ore. Tel. 42-111. car .......................................... $135 FOR SALE. Around 2000 fe e t of $75 rough two b,y four ranging in length: 1929 Studebaker coupe ......... from 24 feet to 16 fe et and shorter. 1940 International D13 stake Lewis Pauli, rt. 2, Estacada. Tel. 58-6 bed pickup. Special ........... . $695 $766 1935 Dodge 1 Mi ton truck. Flat bed and ready to go ............... $350 These Cars and Trucka are in A -l condition ready to diive home A recent addition to Portland Gen­ eral Electric company’s facilities for Hessel Implement Company serving its customers in the Gresham Chrysler Plyneoifth area is the installation o f two way communication in its service repair International Trucks truck, reports Fred Starrett P G E ’s PH O NE 229 local manager. RELIAB1L1TY-SERV1CE $495 1937 FORD fordor se­ llan ............... $344 19jfe FORD Touring ordor sedan $225 8 PL Y M O U T H deluxe airing sedan, very )- '-e heater $497 •ickup >d $150 46 PEP Co. 2-Way Radio Service Gresham, Oregon CUSTOM S A W IN G W e will do custom sawing at reas­ onable rates or will saw on shares Shingles and rough tuinbar fo r sale at all times. W ater Wheel Shiogl* Co , Estacada, Ore. Tal. 38-31. OREGON M U T U A L FIR E 1NSUR A N C E CO. lias LO W E S T RATES. N o assessments, why pay more? A s­ sets over $918,660.61. Ask TH O R N E & W A L R A D , Agents, Ure.sham.-Adv FOR SA LE . Automatic electri« pump in good condition. Cost $135. W ill take $50. Have city water and don’t’ need pump. J. J. Marchbank, 'r el. Estacada 25-4. 'A N T E D . 16-foot fir logs deliv- -t mill. A. R. Eri, Sandy, Ore. dy _0x-4. A L E or RENT. 3 acres, two room house. Just outside T. J. Marchbank, Tel. Es- Used Tractors, id Horse drawn “ with plow, re- ’ condition Red Hot Specials Donald Redhead, 17, Oswego was freed o f a charge o f passing a vehi­ cle when the view ahead was not clear in connection with a head on crash December 2 which resulted in the death o f his sister Peggy, 13. The four indictments were handed over to circuit court fo r trial. The grand jury adjourned fo r two weeks. Predicts Good Business Year Charles L. Jacobson vice president in charge o f sales, Chrysler Sales Di­ vision, Chrysler corporation is look­ ing forward to another big year for the automotive industry. “ There appears to be abundant rea­ son fo r optimism regarding conditions in the automobile business" says Me Jacobson. " I t now seems to be just a question o f getting enough produc- tion to take care of our orders. The calendar year 1940 was the largest in the history o f the Chrysler Sales Di­ vision in the manufacturo o f six and eight cylinder cars. Our factory ship­ ments in the month o f December will be the largest that we have made since August, 1929, the peak o f the “ boom” year. E very month o f oq» 1941 model production has set an all- time high fo r that month o f the year. “ The immediate outlook fo r 1941 is most encouraging. Our orders for January shipment insure that it will be the largest January in our history. A t the beginning o f the 1941 model year I set car sales quota on Chrys­ ler cars at 150,000 units, a very sub­ stantial increase over our large 1940 figures and one that some authori­ ties seemed to think was too optimis- our exceeding that goal by a comfort- tic. But present indications point to able margin. “ The current brisk demand fo r the Chrysler cars may be attributed in large part to the splendid public re­ ception o f Fluid Drive since we made it available in all our models. This feature seems to have hit a responsive chord. The present day demand of motorists seems to be fo r things that increase the convenience and com­ fort o f motor cars and that reduce* the amount o f work required to drive them. Fluid Drive, by eliminating the necessity o f using the clutch and gear shift lever in about 98 percent of driving, certainly does that. It also has a definite safety value in that i* gives the driver more chance to con­ centrate on his driving and brakinj operations. Women in particular seem to drive with much more confidence when they do not have to worr about greashifting. O f course present conditions in the automobile industry are absolute* ly without precedent and for that rea­ son it would be rash to make a pre­ diction on what the complete calen­ dar year 1941 will bring forth. But every tangible factor so far avail­ able points to its being an excep­ tionally good one fo r any American manufacturing business that is able to keep up to its orders.” for a 2-ounce can of Claremont B LA C K PEPPER HYDE P A R K ASSORTED COOKIES, pkg.. 2ii<- 1 2 SEE u s FOR FR U IT j u ic e s , p r ic e s r ig h t CHOICEST CUTS OF MEAT, L O W E ST PRICES | Cut Your Meat Bill by Buyng Here Tunnell & Sauer I Formerly Currinsville Mercantile Co. || Currinsville, Oregon (j W We Give x. The benefits of an ethical, simplified service at a Reasonable Cost CARROLL FUNERAL HOME D A Y AND NIG H T SERVICE GRESHAM, OREGON Phone 247 U outlook for meat animals fo r market­ ing during the 1940-41 season ap­ pears more favoiable than the long^ time prospect,,” as ‘ “ consumer de­ mand fo r meats during the 1939-40 season and the total quantity o f live­ stock to be marketed is expected to be smaller.” I t was furtner pointed out in the college statement on the meat animal outlook that the reduction in the meat supply during the 1940-41 marketing year would be due practically to fe w ­ er pigs. The supply o f hogs fo r the 1939-40 season was the greatest ill five years follow ing the largest pig crop on record in 1939. Month. * Oregon outlj -t bepte 12 ; 1 Lbr. Co’s, office.— Adv. ittural economist.. / fo what extent the intenti? Ik. producers in the com ? te* may,be changed owj vice o f sarcetary o f ckard to more pi problematical t^t this ti/ is paiitbt« thatJjK ^ be changed » 42 / 29 <* SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS, 2-lbs. 90 percent credit offset must be se­ cured and employers entitled to ex­ emption must give written notice ot withdrawal before January 31, More than $1,500,000 in fo u r tl quarter tax payments is expected this month from 10,500 employers o f four or more workers. A fte r paying the state tax on 1940 payroll about 5000 employers of eight or more may deduct under Chapter IX o f the Internal Revenue Code 90 percent o f the 3 percent un­ employment tax assessed by the fed­ eral government. Both payments mu. t be completed this month to secure full tax credit offset. Employers continue subject to the tax until they complete a calen­ dar year without employing four or more workers in any quarter during which their payroll runs over $500, In all cases written notice o f with* drawal may be made only In January. “ I f an employer is in doubt about coverage he should consult an auditor or other representative o f the com, mission,” declared administrator Si­ las Gaiser.. “ I f notice is not given in writing during this 30-day period the law provides the employer must wait until next year to escape th| tax.” To remove those objects o f sense called sickness and disease, we must appeal to mind to improve its sub­ jects and objects o f thot, and give to the body those better delineators. — Mary Baker Eddy. The mind unlearns with difficulty what has long been impressed on it. — Seneca. Use your g ift faithfully and they shall be enlarged; practice what you know, and you shall attain to higher knowledge.— Arnold. Engines l iquid Air The Japanese are running engines on liquid air at —218 Fahrenheit. A small unit is said to have pushed • 27-foot boat along at «n ot*, fir an hour and a half. 4.6 lend Your Knees full fare la collected c > youngsters over a certa. , relieves conductors of nth thrifty mothers wt > their little boy is au 1 u