C l a c k a m a s VOLUME XXXV ESTACADA, OREGON ERI DA V, JANUARY 0771941 NUu. WINS ONE Water Job Starts TONIGHT AT Strawberry Yield OPERETTA Ten Men to Go ESTACADA AND LOSES ONE LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL Lodges Install Next week will see two interesting this Wee». to the Army games is Large o'clock New Ofiicers Friday evening (tonight) at 8:00 Of basketball played at Esta­ in the high school auditorium ✓ STRAWBERRIES GROWN IN THIS AREA DOUBLE YIELD IN MANY PARTS OF U. S. ) >UNTY NEW ¿ : if According to the report of John J, Inskeep county agricultural agent strawberries grown in this area aver­ aged a yield of three and a half tons of berries per acre last year, double the yield obtained in many parts of the United States. In explaining tins exceptionally high production record Mr. Inskeep said: “farms are small in the berry growing area of Clackamas county and high yields are attributed to the heavy fertilization, control of insect pests and use of disease-free plants.” Mr. Inskeep’s repoit concerning they yield was based on records of the Gresham Berry Growers cooperative; which has a large membership in this part of Clackamas county. Accoiding to Mr. Inskeep the smalj fruit industry brot nearly a third of a milllion dollars into this county in 1940. He said that berry growing in this area represents scientific agri­ culture at its best. Concerning fertilization of berry fields Mr. Inskeep says: “An excel­ lent fertilizer program is follower by growers most of whom use an av- arage of a thousand pounds of com­ plete commercial fertilizer to plow} ing under huge green manure crops for humus. It is a common practice for growers to keep from 25 to 3b percent of their potential berry acre­ age in these green manure crops, which are so heavily fertilized that they are ready to turn under during March and April 1st. Road Patrolmen Are Appointed Clackamas county court this week announced the appointment of coun­ ty road patrolmen for 1941. Six of those serving during the past year have been diopped, William Braatz route 10, Milwaukie, Tony F. Be- mentz, rt. 1, Oregon City; Carl Scheismcr, rt. 3, Oregon City; Fred Lins, Estacada route one, by illness,,. John Kreiger, Sandy and Wm. Page who died recently. The court also announced two new patrolmen Joe Christie to represent the Clatkes district andllarold Joy- er the George district. The full list of patrolmen for 1941 follows: D. L. E:dman, Boring; Joe Papsch rt. 1, Clackamas; Stanford Cox, Col­ ton; Carl Boeche, rt. 2, Canby; L. L. Parmenter, rt. 2, Canby; E. F. Peter­ son ,Wemme; Lels Lundmark, Colton; Tom McGuire, rt. 1, Sandy; Fred Moehnke, rt. 1, Beavercreek; Fred Steiner, rt. 1, Beavercreek; E. L. Pal­ frey, Molalla; Joe Peters, Clackamas; Wallace Schlickeiser, Stafford. Joe Taylor rt, 3, Sherwood; Al­ bert Pedeisen, Marquam; Fred Hor­ ner, rt 2, Estacada; Wm. Randall, rt. 1, Oregon City; Lee Kirchem, Red- land; Harold Horner, rt. 2, Estacada; Lester Hale rt. 1, Estacada; C. C. Er­ ickson, rt. 2, Boring C. S. Younce, rt. 1, Oswego, Harold Joyner, George; J. M. Bettis, rt. 1, Boring; E. T. Da­ vis, rt.. 2, Estacada, and Joe Christie Clarkes. the curtains will part to reveal a spec« tacular event, “Peggy and the Pi* rate,” a romantic comedy by Morgan and O’Hara. The first glimpse of this operetta will show a spacious modern stage setting bearing one hundred thirty- five youths, colorfully dressed and joyfully proclaiming their happiness in songs and laughtei A talented cast will portray a story thru dramatic dialouge and melody bringing to the audience an event for pleasurable lis- tening and seeing. Parents bring along the whole fas mily. You can even leave the tiny ton in the nursery provided by the girl’s league. See you at the operetta. 22 Young Men Join C C C Twenty-two young men from this county were enrolled in the Zig Zag CCC camp on January 9. These are the first boys to be enrolled under the new CCC financial plan whereby the boys will be given $8.00 a montl* while in camp, $15.00 will be sent to dependents and $7.00 will be plac ed on deposit until leaving camp. The next enrollment date will be January 16. Boys will also be enrol­ led on January 25 and 30. Besidel the $30.00 a month boys receive board and room, clothing, medical and dental care and are given an oppor­ tunity to learn a particular trade in which they are instructed and also to continue their schooling. To be eligible for CCC enrollment applicants must be unmarried, citi­ zens of the United States and be be­ tween the ages of 17 and 23. They must be in good health of good char­ acter and not in regular attendance at school. The Clackamas county public web faie commission, room 11, Court House, Oregon City is accepting ap­ plications for enrollment at the pre­ sent time. ‘CHARTER PILOT” IS A REAL SKY THRILLER The first feature on the big dou- l\To bi',1 at the Esta theatre this Fiiday and Saturday stars Lloyd No-, an and Lynn Bari in “Charter Pilot.” With Lloyd Nolan and lovely Lynn Bari those ever-scrapping screen sweethearts on hand to settle not only each other but sabotage in the skies “Charter Pilot” is a fast and funny entertainment. High-lighting the action film is the spectacular sus pensive climax set in Honduras. A picture filled with snappy dialouge and crammed with spine-tingling ac­ tion. The second feature on this pro­ gram stars Grant Mitchell and Nana Bryant in the thrilling comedy “Fa­ ther is a Prince.” A picture that will appeal to young and old. a ‘“City of Conquest” On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Jawuary 19, 20 and 21 the Esta thea­ tre offers a full two hour show the first feature starring Jimmy Cagney, Ann Sheridan and an all star cast. It is a story of life in New York and is full of action, ambition, failure, and faith, right and wrong. A truly splendid entartainment. A riotous comedy “Good Night GL.ia,” and news and cartoon completes the pro. COURT FINDS F. A. BLUE GUILTY gram which is one of the season’s best offerings. The case of Frank A. Blue of George who was bound over to the EASTERN STAR MEETING grand jury on a $1000 bond by Judge C. O. Troupe last week on a charge Mountain chapter No. 108 w'J V'd of injuring livestock the property of a stated 1 another was returned to the local uary 21. communication Installation of justice court by Judge Latourette. immediately the n Blue was tried before Judge Troupq ing. Visitors follow welcome. (J last Monday and sentenced to 12 W. M.. months in the county jail and paroled Anna M. to the court. He was ordered to pay $10 for a goat he admitted killing. O. V. Breese also of George, signed Don’t miss ^ the complaint. Burr Tatro oLOrmpn - * ■ rid * ’ City was appointed deputj attorney on the case and Re Oregon City wag \ ev ->moy of for the defendant's ’ -• * cada. On Tuesday evening, January 21st the Woodbum quintet will meet $84,000 NORTH FORK WATER the Estacada Rangers on the local SYSTEM FOR ESTACADA IS floor and on Friday evening, January NOW UNDER WAY 24 the Indian team from Chemawa will play here. Ten men, six of them volunteers, Ijast week's games resulted as fol­ Estacadas new North Fork water and six drafted have been passed for lows: Molalla 21, Estacada 25; Es­ system costing $84,000 got under way service by the Estacada draft board tacada 20, Parkrose 33. this week when a WPA crew of about and will go to Portland next Monday 25 men was assigned to the job by for final examination and induction RAY L. FORMAN TAKES C. E. Stewart operations superinten­ into the United States aimy. The vol-1 PORTLAND GIRL FOR BRIDE dent for WPA projects in Clackamas unteers are as follows: • John Harris Heath,, Molalla. Miss Nettie Barthena Liles daugh* county. Wm. Davis Morgan, Jr., Estacada. ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lilea The ne,w water pipe line will be se­ Thomas Lee Mason, Estacada. and Ray Louis Forman of Boring, miles long and will tap a new Melvin Lynn Paulson, Mulino. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Forman ven Robit. Edward Wiley, Estacada. were married December 29 at the source of water on the north fork Oscar Elton Olsen, Boring. home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Stedmau of the Clackamas river and extent) The four men who will go as draft­ in Portland. Glenn Olds of Salem of- over rough country to the present Estacada reservoir. Estacada is put­ ees are: , fiated. up about 36 percent of the funds Charles Allen Surfus, Estacada. The bride wore a dress of tradi­ ting Clarence Alfred Olsen, Marquam. tional white satin with short tulle to build this new water system and federal government 64 percent. Ediw. Emanuel Nordin, Boring. veil held in place about her head bj the pipe will be from five to eight Rufus Franklin Nixon, Colton. a wreath of orrange blossoms and car The Alternates are Paul Lewi* Gillen ried a bouquet of pah- ; looses inches in diameter. Clackamas, Louis Senner of Boring, She was given in marrvage i r fa. The first shipment of pipe for thg new system arrived on Tuesday of Vernon Aldin Hubbard of Clackamas ther. and Franklin Julius Bennett, of Can­ Miss Charlotte Odgers played the this week.. by. wedding march t he bride's only attendant was Mise COUNTY FAIR DATES ARE SET Jean Sarver. She wore a dress of pale green chilfon .nd carried a bouquet H. H. Chindgren of Meadowbrook lof yellow roses. who is beginning his 16th year as Tillman Forman acted as best maq president of the Clackamas county or his brother. fair Saturday was reelected presi­ r* at tt Litt>e Marylee Stedman was flow­ dent of the Oregon Fairs association MAYOR AND TWO NEW COUNCIL. er girl. for the 14th year in Portland at th* Assisting at the reception which annual convention. 1 MEN TAKE OATH OF OFFICE followed were Mrs. Art Lathers and Announcement also was made of ON TUESDAY NIGHT Misses Jean Luthers, Mary Smith and dates for county fairs and Clackamas Lorraine Spooner. county’s annual fair will be held Au­ S. ,E. Wooster took oath of office gust 28, 29 and 30; the state fair on as the new mayor of Estacada at the SURPRISE BIRTHDAY September 1-7; Multnomah county regular meeting of the city council P^RTY FOR MRS. ELIASSEN fair August 18-24 and the Pacific In­ held on Tuesday night of this week. ternational livestock exposition Oc» Two new councilmen also took office; Mrs. John Eliassen was honored tober 4-11. 0. T. Hedgecock replacing Harry A. with a surprise birthday party last The Clackamas fair board has been LaBarre and Harry Sarver succeed­ Monday evening, January 13th. A organized the new year with John ing F. E. Dooley. pleasant social evening was enjoyed. P. Telfoid for reelected secretary. Pres­ The.Estacada city rouncil now con­ Refreshments were featured b,y a ident Chindgsen will have charge o^ sists of Mayor S. E. Wooster, coun­ beautiful birthday cake. the livestock, poultry and daily pro­ cilmen J. C. Kiggins, Harry Osborne» gram. Telford will direct the offica H C. Gohring, Harry Sarver and O. pavilion and concessions and the oth­ T. Hedgecock. Geo. P. Rose is clerk, er director, H. N. Everhart, will be Mrs. Lena M. Barr is treasurer and in charge of the grounds, construc­ Dale Russell chief of police. tion and policing. RHODA KIRCHEM, 81, NATIVE - ~a — P. T. A. HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS COUNTY DIES f ’a: Douglas Post No. 74 and their auxiliary were invited early this Rhoda Kirchem, 81, died at her week by N. B. Welch commander of The regular meeting of the Esta­ home in Logan Sunday afternoon af­ Gresham American Legion Post No. cada PTA held in the grade sc'iool on ter spending her entire life in the 30 to send representatives to the sche­ Tuesday, January 14 was very well duled district No. 1 conference on attended. Following a musical prog­ Logan district. She was bom February 11, 1859 Saturday, January 18 at Gresham. ram by the grade school pu^dls Mr. within two miles of where she had The post and auxiliary meetings Curtis M. Evarts Jr., principal asse , made her present home. She was the will start at 2 p.m. at Gresham union tant sanitary engineer of Pb\r[land m high school and grade school, respec­ gave an interesting tali on s(anita- f widow of Joseph C. Kirchem. tively with the holding of various tion. During the bu.- ues rues(tin* ; Surviving are four sons, Severn, committee meetings, Floyd Long dis­ following the older girl scout t ( X of Estacada, William M., Hugh and trict commander of Gresham explain­ was assured of continuing their i K a Marion J., and one sister, Mrs. Louis ed. During the auxiliary meeting unit help. The annual PTA vaudevifir (Effie) Kohl all of rodte 2, Oregon reports will be heard. Lasting until discussed and is to be held the City. 5:30 the session will be followed by of February 7 in the VJvh scV Funeral services were held at the a banquet in the Gresham Masonic ditorium at 8 o'clp Holman & Hankins chapel Wednesday temple. Day program wi’’ afternoon at 1 o’clock with interment Open meeting featuring a defens* cond Tuesday ni the Logan cemetery. and Americanization talk by Alfred regular mee P. Kelly, Oregon departmental com­ the PTA mander and patriotic entertainment dollar by the Gresham high school band un­ for h der direction of Harold Weber will the' be pr- ented at 7:30 in the grade w school auditorium. Also scheduled to -•peak i- auxiliary department presi­ Foity miles for the 60-mile right dent and Mayor H. H. Hughes, mi of way for distribution lines of the ber of tl Gresham post. newly-organized Northeast Clacka- Folio« ng the open meeting mas Power Cooperative Inc., have i bets are invited ti beeu cleared during the past montn gion an in dance ai'angei* J. P. Colley project coordinator stat­ host post > mal at the Masonic I ed Saturday. Crews including as high as 70 men YOUTH ENL1 have been at work under two fore- BORING frjen pr garatory 1 [>uU:ng up lines FOR HITCH IN THE N ill 6ovt* m «George. Ga- o ld, Tracy Leo f . Childs of T Sandy Ridgt* and Bjurustedt road com fty wax one of tb munities he explain«- «Wids for the from the Portlar job will be called %phort time station who lef ■ fnd the rontrar start base at S»n I * i F. ^ six wgeVs t>» ESTACADA ODD FELLOWS- RE- ESTACADA DRAFT BOARD WILL BEKAHS HOLD JOINT INSTAL­ SEND TEN FOR INDUCTION ON MONDAY, JANUARY 20 LATION TUESDAY EVENING Over one hundred people attended the joint installation of officers of the Estacada Odd Fellows and Re- hekahs Tuesday evening. The following officers wore instal« led: Odd Fellow* N. G., Fremont Hayden V. G„ Joyce Pederson. Secretary, J. G. Hayman. Treasurer, Lloyd Ewalt. Warden, Hugh Carlin. Conductor, Merle Wade. Chaplain, Bernard Schoenburg. R. S. N. G., Oral Stormer. L. S. N. G., Frank Chevron R. S. V. G. Wnt Gilgan. L. S. V. G. Lester Crawford Outside Guard, Earl McConnell. Inside Guard, Fred Crawford. Rt. Scene Supporter, Dan Matson. L. Scene Supporter, Calvy Beebe, Installing officer, Leslie Lynch. Installing marshall, Henry Suter. R ebekahs. N. G., Retha Kiggins. V. G. Dorothy Suter. Secretary, Kathryn McConnell. Treasurer, Birdie Gilgan. Warden, Erma Kiggins. Conductor, Emma Laswell. Chaplain, Mae Kitching. R. S. N. G. Elizabeth Ames. L. S. N. G. Wilma Rynning. R. S. V. G. Gladys Stormer L. S. V. G. Ina Chevron Outside Guard, Fred Teats. Inside Guard, Ellen Dresher. Musician, Floy Wade. Installing officer Elsie Hale. Installing marshall, Mollie Bates. A short program was presented af- ter the installation consisting of talk? and two numbers by the Theta Rho girls and community singing. Fremont Hayden, N. G. for the Odd Fellows was presented with a gift as also was Della Ewalt outgoing N. G. for the Rebekahs. Amy Ely who for many years has served a£ musician for th| Rebekahs was praised highly for her work. Bob Denny outgoing noble grand for the Odd Fellows wai unable to be present owing to illness. He will hold the office of past noble grand the coming year. Following the program a sumptu ous banquet was served at 11 p.m. in the lodge dining hall. 1940 CENSUS SHOWS GAIN FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY Clackamas county made a jump oi 10,825 residents in the past ten years the bureau of census rexealed yes­ terday in releasing the official 1940 population figures for the state. In 1930 Clackamas county totaled 46,205 while the latest census puts the figure at 57,130. An increase was also shown in Oregon City which was counted at 6124 last year as over 5761 in 1930. Every incorporated place in Clack­ amas county showed ag increase al­ though Estacada jumped only two over the 1930 figure which was 524. Oswego boasted the largest 10- year gain increasing from 1285 in 1930 to 1726 last year. Barlow with a count of 52 persons had the smal­ lest population of Clackamas coun­ ty’s incorporated towns This was a gain of 12 persons In 10 years West Linn trailed behind Oie; City with the second highest fi that of 2165 in 1940. The 19?0 coi placed West Linnfat 1966. Official 1940 figures as/com Jth the 1930 count for :------- 0-------- \ NOTICE! .Ve are all going to ti. house Saturday evening for another one r . Excellent in’ > * . V I V, / i J P M ■ It ,