CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1929 r. Estacada Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kimble, of West Sab m, Win., were Sunday visi­ tors at the home o f Mrs, Mae Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Art Holmboe and Wil- liam Holmboe, o f Portland, were also guests over Sunday. The Lewa group of Camptire Girls enjoying the outing at Island Park, this year, included Lois Smith, Lois Bates, Louise Armstrong, Glen Cary, Lavena Grabeel, Neva Lemon, Carol Yocum and Murgaret Nordlund. Let us keep you r Ford like new New Fordor Sedea $62 9 (F.O.fl. Detroit) L egionnair E I j 1 i . il « ■ j at > a m i1 i i B 8 M J B An enthusiastic meeting of the lo-1 cal Legion post was held last Monday ! evening, with Commander Townsend presiding. The attendance was large at both the Legion and Auxiliary ses­ sions and considerable business was \ transacted. The building committee o f the Le­ gion reported that an effort should be made by the post to secure a county donation for the new club house fund and this will, accordingly, be acted upon. The Memorial Day committee re­ ported that the graves of veterans in all the local cemeteries had been cleaned up and put in good shape for .Memorial Day and also that flags and wreaths had been placed on the graves in the Kagle Creek, Viola, Es­ tacada, Springwater and Garfield cemeteries. The matter of the post sponsoring the Estacada Junior baseball league! team was discussed at length. Com- i rade Franks is chairman o f this com- i mittee. The Legion Junior League team is to be selected from the 14 best players among the boys in this community. The hat was passed and $10.28 was raised with which to pur­ chase balls. $J50 Here's just the thing you ve been looking for—a per eriodic inspection o f the vital points o f your automobile at a low price. For only $1.50, we'll check up the battery, gen­ erator charging rate, distributor, carburetor ad­ justment, lights, brakes, shock absorbers, tire inflation, steering gear, and tell you exactly what the car needs to be kept in the best possible con­ dition. "An ounce o f prevention is worth a pound o f cure” . Bring your Ford to us now. A few dollars spent at this time will help to keep your car like new and give you m an/ more miles of care free, economi­ cal motoring. L. D. Meade, new publisher o f the Clackamas County News, v/a* ad­ mitted as a member of the post, and elected publicity officer, to succeed G. E. Parks. Prosperity . . . is at stake ! Red & White Grocers live IN the Community, not ON the Community The independent ownership plan of the RED & WHITE Store is the ideal grocery plan—it gives chain store prices and yet keeps our community prosperous. Here are a fewr of our Specials—Come in or phone. We will welcome your patronage. You Can Do Better at a Red & White Store I)r. W. W. Gilbert volunteered to act as a committee of one to see that the veterans’ board is finished. Good | for you, Doctor! Special in sp ection service only Specials for June 8 and 10 SCHLITZ MALT ..............................................................Two for $ 1 . 2 3 SERV-US COFFEE, 1-lb. package....................................................... 4 7 t SERV-US COFFEE, 1-lb. tin »............................................................. 53<^ SERV-US SHAKER SALT, Plain or Iodized .................. Two for 1 9 c 4 RED & WHITE BROOMS, each ................................................... 89<^ KELLOGG CORN FLAKES ............................... 3 packages for 2 5 ^ COUNCIL PICNIC SPREAD .......................................... 2 tins for 1 9 ^ SERV-US JELL DESSERT, assorted flavors RED 3 packages for 2 3 0 WHITE RIPE OLIVES, pint tins ......................................... 19c* SERV-US SANDWICH PICKLES ....................................................... 1 9 £ ESTACADA HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gill and daugh­ ter, Alice, o f The Dalles, were Sun­ day visitors at the home of Mrs. Gill’s l parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dale. BOB COOKE MOTOR COMPANY Sunday guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jubb were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jubb and Mrs. W. H. Thompson, o f Viola, and Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. McCarter, of Portland. Estacada, Oregon Dependable Used Cars 2 0 of the best Used Cars we have ever had— Every car is guaranteed to give you good reli­ able transportation at the lowest possible cost Carl Douglass Post, American Le­ gion, and the Auxiliary, held meet­ ings Monday night but did not nomi­ nate new officers, as was intended. They postponed the nominations un­ til the next meeting. r* Chrysler Six Coupe, complete, and you’ll say it’s a beauty ..............................................$ 7 5 0 ’24 Ford Coupe, new paint, car runs and looks good $125 ’24 Chevrolet 4-passenger Coupe, new paint, good tires, etc.......................................... $ 1 7 5 1926 Overland Coach, special ........................ $ 3 5 0 1926 Chevrolet Delivery. If you are inter­ ested in a delivery you’ll buy this one. $ 3 0 0 '25 Ford Coupe, special at............................. $ 1 5 0 ’24 Overland Red Bird Touring, new paint and car is good ........................................ $ 1 5 0 '25 Ford Truck, a good one at................... $200 ’26 Ford Touring.................... $150 ’26 Ford Coupe, special at............ $250 ’28 Hudson Coach, like a new car.................... $ 8 7 5 '25 Dodge Roadster, new paint, runs good. $ 3 5 0 '23 Dodge Roadster, new paint, runs good $150 '24 Chevrolet Touring, good buy at. $125 Several other cars—too numerous to mention ALL CARS HERE AT GRESHAM Look them over—drive them. Terms; trades Hessel Implement Co. SERV-US MACARONI, SPAGHETTI or NOODLES, 3 packages 20<^ SERV-US GOLDEN SWEET CORN, No. 2 tins....................... 2 for 3 9 c 4 CERTO— “ Makes Jelly Jell” .......................................... 2 bottles for 5 5 C SUPER SUDS .............................................................. 2 packages for 19<^ NATIONAL CAKES, assortment, 10 oz. carton .............................. 29c^ Our Produce Specials for this week consist of A. H. Perry and son made a trip to St. Helens last Friday, bringing back a load of household furniture for L. D. Meade, the new publisher o f the Clackamas County News. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus had as week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Johnj Duus, o f White Salmon, Wash.; Bon-j ney Duus and sister, Louise, of Mau-1 pin and Mrs. Vernie Duus, of Antel­ ope. Mrs. Vernie Duus left on Sun­ day to visit her brother, Charles Han­ dle, of Tillamook. Gresham, Ore. Y OUR ORANGES, CARROTS AND BANANAS THE PEOPLE’S STORE H . B. S N Y D E R CHAIN Mrs. Mary Norton, of Portland, has been in Estacada for several days to stay in the store while her mother, Mrs. Mary Bartholomew, o f Hepp- PORTLAND current receipt prices Mrs. Amy L. Ely, attended the com -; ner, Ore., is in this vicinity, visiting are being paid for eggs at Love­ mencement exercises at the O. S. C. j her daughter, Mrs. Dooley, and son, lace’s. Eggs wanted in case lots. Miss Olivia DeGear, former teacher Fred Bartholomew. 36-1 in the Estacada school, was the guest The alfresco event planned by the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manning and of Mrs. Mae Keed a few days this local United Artisan order, for Wed­ son, James, enjoyed a delightful week. nesday, was spoiled by inclement camping trip at the beaches last week Mrs. J. Follet returned Saturday weather. However, the annual event — at Newport, Rockaway and way evening from spending a few days was carried out, as the members met points. in the I. O. O. . halland enjoyed a with relatives at Corvallis. sumptuous dinner at 7 o ’clock in the Quite a number foom the Pied­ BUY DURANT SIX “ 60” evening. Following the repast, they mont church, Portland, were out here were joined by friends and a card Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gerber, ac­ the first of the week and held a pic­ party was enjoyed. “ Five hundred” companied by Mr. and Mrs. George nic at Forest Glen, the home of Mr. was played by seven tables, after Barr, motored to Portland on Memo­ and Mrs. J. W. Kinzel, just a short which refreshments were served. The rial Day, where they visited the Du­ distance from Estacada. high scores were given to A. Smith rant Motor Co. warehouse. After John Hassell has moved into the i and Mrs. Dooley, while Mrs. J. J. looking over the cars, they picked lower rooms at the rear o f the I. O. Penner and Dr. W. W. Rhodes were out a 6-60 four-door sedan, which O. F. building. | favored with consolation prizes. they drove home. Mr. Gerber, in Mrs. George DeShields is the dele­ Memorial Day guests at the home partnership with Frank VanDuren, gate fom Eagle Creek grange to the | o f Rev. and Mrs. C. T. Cook were ran the meat market here when Es­ State Grange, to be held at Marsh­ Mr. and Mrs. Shanks and Mr. and tacada had four blacksmith shops and field, beginning June 11. Quite a I Mrs. Wilson, o f Salem; Mr. and Mrs. no garages. This was the third car number o f grangers from this vvicin- Bunker and Mrs. Poindexter, of delivered by J. V. Barr & Sons, lo­ | Bremerton, Wash. Mr. and Mr». cal Durant dealers, within 17 days, ity are planning to attend. the other two being 4-40 coaches, The Rebekah Cheer Club meets on Bunker drove Friday to Newberg and purchased by Bud Maplethorpe, Bull Monday afternoon, June 10, at the Seaside. Mrs. Poindexter, who had Run, and Warren Smith, (.'amp 8. been a friend o f Rev. and Mrs. Cook home o f Mrs. Della Ewalt. I in Alaska, remained until Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman and the Cook home. In the mention of the graduates children and Mrs. Fred Herman, of Mrs. W. E. Linn has been confined o f the Estacada high school who were Portland, visited Estacada relatives to her home for the past week with to receive degrees from the Oregon last Sunday. The ladies are daugh­ a severe attack o f “ poison oak,” but State College this week, the name of ters o f Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Barr. Robert Cahill was omitted from the | is now somewhat improved. article in last week's paper. This The city council met in regular ses­ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus are en­ was probably due to the fact that sion Wednesday evening, in the city joying the comfort o f a new model hall, with the mayor, recorder and “ A ” Ford coupe, recently purchased Bob has made his home in Albany since Ch»istmas, when he was mar- all members present. No business of o f the Bob Cooke Motor Company. ! ried to Miss May Stoddard, teacher general interest was transacted, but G. P. Rose, R. R. Cooke and J. C. 1 in the Albany schools. Bob served a number o f vital problems were dis- Moreland will attend the Grand as president o f the Independent eused, relative to the betterment of Lodge session o f the A. F. & A. M., Men’s Club one term and filled the the city. Nothing was done in regard on June 12, 13 and 14, in Portland. j office o f president o f the Memorial to the water question, further than Sam Clay has recently accepted a I Union for the year just past. He re­ to talk the subject over. The council is waiting for certain plans to develop ! position in the paper mill at Camas, ceived his degree o f Bachelor of Sci­ e n c e in industrial arts. | Wash. more clearly. STORES KELSO, June 6.— (Special).— The Kelso Sunday school now convenes at 9 a. m. and church is held at 2:30 p. m. every first and third Sunday of the month. Mrs. Gilbert Eri has had a very serious time with the measles, and had to have a doctor, as she “ re­ fused” to break out properly. She is better now. The measles have gone almost through the Richey family. Only one o f the children has them now. Miss Lillie Jonsrud. who went to Honolulu about a year ago. was re­ cently in Los Angeles and San Fran­ cisco, having a patient whom it was necessary to take to California for special medical attention. She has returned to Honolulu. BORING, June 6.— (Special).— The Cheerful Cookers’ Cooking Club met at the home o f Mrs. Rachel Krieger, Monday, an instructive and pleasant social time being enjoyed by the girls. Loretta Richey will attend the summer school at the O. S. C. from June 10 to June 22. Loretta won first prize in cooking at the state fair last fall, which entitles her to this privilege, with expenses paid. Lu- ella Richey will go with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Child are here from Eugene, arriving Monday, for a visit with the W. E. Child family. Miss Amelia Krieger, who works in the city, was visiting her parents from Wednesday until Sunday. Grace Mallicoat has returned from a two weeks’ visit with relatives at McMinnville. Letha and Naomi Child were in the city a few days last week, visiting friends and relatives.