NUMBER 35 ESTACADA-SANDY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1929 VOLUME XXIII SANDY FORD DEALER SELLS 67 CARS SINCE JANUARY 1 LEGION TO NOM INATE NEW O FFIC ER S MONDAY NIGHT COMMUNITY PICNIC IN Carl Douglass post of the Ameri­ WILD PITCH LOSES iGRADOAÏlON EXERCISES Bob Smith Motor company of OREGON CITY CENSOS on Monday of this week sold officers for GAME TO HILLSBORO HELD AT ESTACADA HI the Sandy sixty-seventh GARFIELD DISTRICT can the next Legion year will at nominate AREA HEADQUARTERS car since January their regular month­ 1, this year. The company has sold ly business meeting Monday evening. ESTACADA FIRM S DONATE THE This will be the last meeting of the ESTACADA PITC H ER ALLOW S CHARLES E. W ALKER OF PO RT­ 37 new Model A Fords and 30 used D ISTRICT W ILL INCLUDE FOUR LAND G IV ES COM M ENCE­ BUT FOUR H ITS; SCORE IS curs, PR IZES IN C H ILD REN S’ post until next full. Delegates to C O U N TIES; LOCAL MAN TO the state convention, which is to be MENT ADDRESS 1-0 IN HARD CONTEST A TH LETIC EVENTS BE SUPERVISOR S pringw ater School Closes held in Salem in August, will also be elected at this meeting, and a Estacada baseball club In the Port­ Fourteen girls and seven boys The Springwater school closed the large attendance is urged by the of­ land Valley league lost to Hillsboro received their diplomas from Estaca­ term Monday. Miss Ethel Young, OREGON CITY, May 28.— This was principal, will teach at Park- city has been designated as head­ ficers of the post. Sunday in a contest which they, by da high school Friday evening, May who place next year. Miss Cudonau, who quarters of a new census district, 24, and another high school class all the rules of the game, should have was also on the Springwater staff which has just been created under Buells to Move to Springfield hands down. But the old man passed into history. The commence­ the past year, does not plan to teach orders of Director Steuart of the W. E. Buell and family will not won, seem^ to still remain on the job, ment exercises were well attended next year. United States census bureau. move to their new home at Spring- jinx aided by umpires who do not seem by the people of the community and The new district is composed of field until after the tenth of June. to know there is any such thing as surrounding district. Form er T eacher Visits the counties of Clackamas, Clatsop, He will attend the summer school at official rules. The address was delivered by Miss Lillian Homedew, a former Columbia and Washington, and has the State University. Charles F. Walker of the Northwest Heitsman, Estacada twirler, let Estacada teacher, came over from been detached from the larger dis­ the Hillsboro gang down with four School of Commerce, of Portland, Hillsboro Sunday for a visit at the trict of which Salem is the head­ Return« From Denver Ray Havens, who spent two weeks hits and with nine strikeouts to his and was fully enjoyed by the large home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Law­ quarters. rence. She has contracted to teach An effort will now be made to in Denver, Colo., returned home Sat­ credit, as against nine hits collected audience. by the Estacada sluggers, and with The program included the invoca­ again in Hillsboro. urday. secure the appointment of Fred S. only four strikeouts by the Hillsboro tion by Rev. C. T. Cook of the M. Perrine, secretary of the Oregon E. church; salutatory, Pauline Bu­ Ted H arders 111 TEA C H ERS LEA V E ESTACADA pitcher. Estacada had one error in City chamber of commerce, as dis­ the game against them, but it was ell; piano solo, Ethel Hayman; vocal Ted Harders is quite ill at his home trict supervisor, und recommenda­ Miss Jackson and Miss Spall, mem­ made at a time when it did not hurt, duet, Erma Wilcox and Robert Hay­ in Estacada on account of infection tions in his behalf have been for­ bers of the high school faculty, left the lone tally in the game being den; mandolin solo, Dorothy Dew; caused by having some teeih- warded to Washington. Under the for their homes in Oregon City and made in the ninth when a Hillsboro valedictory, Blanche Armstrong; ad­ extraeted. rule of the census bureau, the su­ Portland Saturday. Miss Jackson ex­ runner came home from second base dress by Mr. W alker; presentation of pervisor must be a resident of the diplomas, W. H. Grabeel; vocal duet, R eturns From Nevada pects to attend the University of on a wild pitch by Heitsman. city named as headquarters. Washington this summer. Miss Spall The team managers had agreed Robert Marchbank and Robert Hay­ R. D. Miller, who acquired a home­ Oregon City will be the center for will Bail from Montreal, June 14, for to allow one base on overthrows, and den and the benediction by Rev. C. stead near Estacada last winter, ar­ all activities) for taking the next cen­ rived here Tuesday with his family sus in the counties making up the an all-summer tour of Europe. In in this case Estacada contended that T. Cook. the east she will visit in New York, the runner was entitled to but one, The stage was decorated in green from Reno, Nevada. He has rented district nad all enumerators will work Chicago, Boston, and Washington. and the umpire allowed the tally to and gold, the class colors. The class a house in Oregon City where he under the direction of the district She will be accompanied part of the stand, and a formal protest has been motto was, “With ropes of the past will reside for a time. supervisor. we will ring the bells of the future.” time by her mother. Both these made. The Oregon City chamber of com­ John Revenue Still at H ospital With these exercises the school young ladies will teach in Estacada The Lovelace brothers combination merce has been working on the r John Revenue was still at the again next year. were each accredited with a pair of year was brought to a fitting close. Thomas Sanitarium, Gresham, at last osition for the creation of a new dis­ hits in the game; Tuma, Sherner, trict for some weeks, and was as­ report. He still coughs considerably sisted W hitney Leave« for Portland Harry Miller and Clow with one hit by Senators Steiwer and Mr- but is not suffering a great deal. each accounted for the nine safe bin- E. A. Whitney, who has been liv­ Nary, who rendered major assistance ing in Estacada for a few years, left gles made by Estacada. on the ground with the bureau of Wednesday morning for Portland, Heitsman looked like a major the federal census. league pitcher Sunday, and if he can where he met a friend and both left Buffalo, Minn. Mr. Whitney has Sandy Dances to Close at 12 After an extensive and careful in­ live up to the reputation he made at for been in bad health and has gradu­ vestigation of the merits of the Dur­ Hillsboro, Estacada is in line to get ally Uuder the new law, taking effect getting worse so he decided ant car, Max Sagner of the Cascade into the win column Thursday, and to go been June 3, all towns of under 500 popu­ OREGON CITY, May 28.— (Spe­ to the home of his brother in Auto company, Inc., of Estacada, again next Sunday. middle west. Estacada friends cial).— One of the most elaborate lation may not operate public dances has secured the agency for the Dur­ Bert Fleskes, one of the best the helped to get ready for the trip displays of fireworks ever offered in after midnight. Some of the Sandy ant motor car in preference to the catchers in the league, has signed and Mr. him and Mrs. W. E. Linn drovo Oregon will feature the Frontier hoys are reported as “seeing double” with Estacada and will replace Clow. Chevrolet agency. Days round-up at Oregon City on the and trying to “figger out” if Sandy him to Portland in their car. Mr. Sagner announces that the Fleskes will don an Estacada uniform night of July 4. Approximately $4,- really hasn’t its “500,” but Uncle name of the concern has been Thursday for the first time, when CA M PFIRE G IRLS ON OUTING 000 will be spent on the program and Sam’s census man will be around changed from the Cascade Chevrolet Washougal-Camas plays a postponed The Lewa group of Camp Fire the Hitt company will ar­ this summer. to the Cascade Auto Co., Inc. The game here. Sunday afternoon the girls, accompanied by their guardian, range the Fireworks display after the night new company has just finished a fine Oregon City crowd will be in Es'.a Miss Bessie Anderson, and Miss Bes­ show, which will be the finale Mr. O rr Will W ork for a Rest to the new show room in which all models cada, and it is likely that the fans sie Hunter, left Sunday afternoon roundup. Principal Orr, of Sandy Union of Durant motor cars will soon be will have an opportunity to bat for a week of recreation at Island The fireworks will feature the high school, expects to work a month displayed. The public is cordially against one of their old team mates, Park, near Canby, where they spent Spirit of the Trail and some of the for the forest service, as a “rest.” invited to inspect these cars at the Malcom Riebhoff. Both games will a week last year. The group in­ pictures to be shown will be the cov­ Change of scene, and work is rest. new show room and demonstrations start at 2:30. wagon, pony express. Chief In the other league games last Sun­ cludes Neva Lemon, Lavena Grabeel, ered will be given at any time. Glen Cary, Lois Smith, Louise Arm­ Multnomah, Indian bear hunt, Amer­ POWER COMPANY TO Mr. Sagner has resigned his posi­ day, Oswego defeated Oregon City strong, Yocum, Margaret Nord- ican Legion emblem, American flag tion with the Manley Auto company 12 to 0; Vancouver won over Sell- lund and Carol MAKE IMPROVEMENTS and a score or more of others. Lois Bates. wood 6 to 4; and Camas-Washougal of Portland and will spend all his PIONEERS TO MEET Oregon City will be decorated in won over Sell wood 13 to 0. time in Estacada as manager of the bright colors for the round-up and The Portland Electric Power com­ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 32 Cascade Auto company. The an­ merchants have already signed con­ pany is undertaking quite an exten­ nouncement was made this week that Aschoff Lease T ransferred tracts to have their stores decorated sive program of building in the The Eastern Clackamas Pioneers Bob Marchbank had also joined the Mrs. Emma Thomas has purchased with banners and streamers. The Three Links district, more generally will hold their annual picnic on Wed­ sales force of the company. the lease on Aschoff’s Mountain American Legion, which is sponsoring known as Camp 8. Quite a large nesday, June 12, at the Eagle Creek Construction was started this week Home from Mr. and Mrs. L. B. the show, will have banners, stream­ crew of extra men are now employed Estacada High School Alumni as­ Grange grove, according to an an­ on a new grease rack. Sagner an­ Greene, of Sandy, who bought the ers, pictures, flags and other decora­ there, and it said that at least sev­ nouncement made this week by John nounces that this new addition to lease last winter and, later, decided sociation held its annual banquet and tions on Main street from Fifth to enty-five extra men will be used dur­ business meeting at Log LaBarre, Fourteenth, east on Fourteenth to ing the summer. Stormer, president of the association. their business will be ready in a few to remain on the Bruns place. Saturday night, there being fifty- The pioneers have in the past held days and that the same service will and north on Washington The work, except the preliminaries, their annual picnic at Dinty Moore’s be given as can be procured in l’oit- ESTACADA LOCALS six members of the association pres­ Washington will not get under way until the water to the roundup grounds. ent, which included the graduates of park on Eagle Creek, but changed land, at the same price. is much lower than ut present, it is The Fisk company will “dress up” high this year. the place this year, on account of A ttend Com m encem ent Program said. men employed now are The school band will have a prac­ Estacada the city. This concern decorated Ray Lovelace, acting president, for the Pendleton roundup, Portland clearing, The repairing the fear of a rainy day. A picnic und rebuilding tice meeting every Monday as usual, gave Mrs. Bessie Miller and daughter the address of welcome and pre­ dinner is on the program, and these Norma and son Donald of Portland provisions having been made for the | the road and bridges, preparation rose festival, state fair and roundups sided. Special entertainm ent was at Sumas, Shelton and Ellensburg, for active development in work attending are to bring their lunch, visited at the home of Mrs. Miller’s same. when coffee to be prepared by the asso­ i sister, Mrs. J. G. Hayman, Friday Miss Samuelson left Sunday for | secured from the city, and after the Washington. the water conditions are right in tho dinner and business meeting dancing ciation. Clackamas. and attended the commence­ her home near Oregon City where ] was enjoyed. The officers of the Eastern Clack­ evening, she will spend the summer vacation, j H ard Times Dance Success exercises when Miss Ethel Hay- The new officers of the association amas Pioneers are John Stormer, ment Sandy Real E state Moves man was one of the graduates. Miss She will be in Estacada again next i are Foster Meyers, president; Victor Everyone seemed delighted with president and Mrs. Maggie Bates, sec­ Lillian year as a member of the high school [ George Beers completed the deal the social evening at the hard times Schmidt, who formerly taught Bowman, vice president; Mrs. Ralph retary and treasurer. dance sponsored by Sandy Grange, Saturday for the transfer of the 20- in the Estacada schools, accompanied faculty. Wade, secretary and Russell Reed, Mrs. W. E. Hall spent the week end Saturday night. A Bull Run couple aere J. A. Hall farm, improved, to them. Mis« Sherm an R eturns Home in the mountains at the camp of the treasurer. chosen as having the most real« Adolph Amstud, Portland, who will Miss Maud Sherman, who has been John Allen F aithful Mail C arrier forest rangers with Mr. Hall, who is Among the out-of-town members was istic hard times costume, Mrs. A. C. soon occupy the place. A ms tad present were Lloyd Saling of Cor­ a primary teacher in the grade school “Johnnie” Allen is glad the snow doing the cooking act for the boys. Thomas Mr. Hickey receiving the bought 20 acres of the Hull farm here for the past two years, left is about gone on the Swim road. He Clyde T. Ecker of Portland visited vallis, Mrs. Violet Amacher, Mrs. prizes. and Krebs Cafe served supper. last winter. Tho Grandma Krebs Martha Norris of Bridal Veil, Mrs. for Athena, Oregon, Saturday morn­ has had to carry the mail down the his mother, Mrs. Ecker, and sister, Beers' orchestra played. The judges home, Sandy, is now the property of Elorice Sharp, Miss Irene Hayden and ing to join her mother who returned were Alice Scales, Blanche Shelley, Hall, the deal just being dosed. Halls trail on his back since Decem­ Mrs. W. F. Cary, for a few days the Vernon Marshall of Portland. there a few weeks ago. She will be Swim will soon be Sandy residents. ber, and, it is said, has not missed a first of the week. The officers wish to publicly ex­ and Birch Roberts. here again,next year. day’s delivery up the mountains, de­ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jones of Van­ press their appreciation for the fine spite the unusually stormy season. couver, Wash., accompanied by sjme appointments and dinner arranged FIN ED FOR N ET FISH IN G ESTACADA LOCALS Hour« of Service« Changed friends, were in Estacada Sunday. by Mrs. H. A. LaBarre, and many IN CLACKAMAS RIVF.R Sandy Community Church service Mies B ennett “ Show ered” Mr. and Mrs. Jones are old-time Ne­ Mrs. Albert Kitching and daughter will be at 8 o’clock Sunday night, and Miss Evelyn Bennett received the braska friends of Mrs. N. B. Ecker, have expressed the wish that the ban­ Oregon City, May 28.— The first YVilma and son llaroid visited Mrs. the Epworth League will meet at 7 surprise of her life at the home of and while in Estacada Mrs. Ecker quet and annual meeting in the fu­ arrests of the season for illegal fish­ Kitching’s sister and family at Sea­ ture be held at this fine resort. p. m. during the summer season. Mrs. Web McGinnis, Thursday night, and family enjoyed a short visit With ing on the Clackamas were made Fri­ side a couple of «lays last week. Confirm ation Held et Sandy C hurch day by Game Wardens Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitaker anil Haze) M urray E ien e d at W elches when called in and she beheld a par­ them. Mrs. Hazel Murray will teach at ty in her honor. Lovely gifts, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodward of The following were confirmed at and Hearing who took Lewis McLain son Bernard drove to Corvallis Sun­ Welches next year as assistant to many, were brought and the refresh­ Oregon City, accompanied by their Sandy Lutheran church on Sunday: of Gresham and Fred Ott of Molal'a, day to visit relatives including their Mrs. Eva McDougall, principal. Mrs. ments were exceptionally delirious. daughters Helen and Hazel, were in Lewis Krebs, Ruth Fenske, Carl in custody. The young men were son, John, returning in the evening. Murray would lose her life certificate Those present were Helen Dchrans, Estacada Friday evening to ittend Newman, Theodore Schoen. There caught fishing with two nets near Mr. and Mrs. McOolum, parents of if she did not teach this year. She Mary Jane Duke, Mrs. J. McCormick the commencement exercises at the was special music by the choir. Af the Barton bridge and one salmon I Mrs. R. R. Cooke, came out from Portland Friday to visit at the Cooke ter the services the Schoen family was found in their possession. taught at Firwood two years, before and Roxie, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs J. C. high school. she was married, and two or three Loundree, Mrs. Car! Loundree, Jen­ The Estacada Library association had a reunion, at their home, of rela­ The fishermen entered pleas of home for a few days. nie Shelley, Genevieve Jonsrud, Eve­ is having its building reshingled with tives and friends. Confirmation par­ guilty before Justice Tatro and were Mr. and NfS, Will Ball and little years in Sandy grade. lyn Mutchler, Mildred and Marguer­ Pabco shingles this week. ties were held at the Newman and fined 1160 each inclusive of court . son, and Mrs. Bell’s mother, Mrs. costs. The maximum penalty is a Viola Denning, drove down from R obert Jonsrud Buys Out P artn er ite Barnett, Mary and B„i bara There was a large attendance at Fenske homes Sunday afternoon. j fine of $500 anil a jail sentence of I «Sandyridge Saturday on a business R. Jonsrud has purchased the in­ Sharnke, Mrs. Albert Bell, Mrs. Geo. the Liberty theatre Wednesday eve­ 1 mission in Kstacada. terest of Oscar Gunderson in the Beers and Lois, Mrs. W. A. Proctor, ning to hear the Bethel church col­ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens and six months. Sandy Planing Mill, is putting in Pearl Proctor, Mrs. Miller, Hattie ored choir of Portland. This enter­ Mrs. Elizabeth Allen attended church This was the first venture on the Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman and more machinery and making plans Dahrens, Alice Hartwig, Mrs. Mc­ tainment was for the benefit of the in Oregon City Sunday. Mrs. Allen river for the two m^i. wardens children of Portland were visitors at for greater activity. Gunderson will Ginnis, Mrs. Dodd, Miss Gist, Miss .Methodist church. The proceeds then went to Portland to attend an learned, as they had purchased the the George Barr home Sunday. Mrs. amounted to $62. 0. E. S. meeting. nets and a boat in Portland. [Freeman is a sister of Mrs. Barr. Bennett and Blanche Bruce. operate a truck. The community picnic was held at Garfield Grange hall Saturday and was largely attended. The morning was given over to an excellent pro­ gram sponsored by the various schools and organizations. A picnic lunch was served at noon and athletic events were held in the afternoon, the winners being: Archery contest for accuracy, Ed. Taylor; archery contest for distance, John Marshall; relay race for girls, Tracy team ; relay race for boys, GaP- field team; sack race, Russell Bowen; potato race, Evelyn Bowen; 100- yard dash for boys, Otis Perkins; 50- yard dash for girls and boys under 10, Evelyn Bowen. One hundred yard dash for girls, Gladys Bowen; 100-yard dash for men, Mr. Van Houten; 100-yard dash for women, Mrs. Shaffer; horseshoe contest, Mr. Lawshe and Mr. Mar­ shall; high jump, Russell Bowen; broad jump, Russell Bowen; girls’ basketball throw for distance, Rachel Pinkley; indoor baseball game, Tra- cy-Porter team. The committee wishes to thank the following firms for the prizes do­ nated: Estacada Pharmacy, Wade’s service station, Estacada Feed & Gro­ cery, People's Store, Lovelace & Lovelace, S. & S. Hardware, Judd’s Confectionery, Bartholomew & Law­ rence, Cooke Motor Company, Dartt Barber shop and Bob Marchbank. A large crowd attended the hard times dance, given at the Garfield Grange hall Saturday night. A hard times luncheon was served under the direction of Mrs. Charles Duncan, and everyone present report having had a very good time. Mrs. A. D. Kern of Portland was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Y/m. Shaffer. „a1, and Mrs. Frank Tabor and daughter Elizabeth of Portland at­ tended the community picnic last Saturday. Mrs. Helen Anderson and Mrs. Florence Budlong and children Law­ rence and Elaine of Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Schunke on Monday of this week. CASCADE TAKES AGENCY FOR DCRANT AUTOS FIREWORKS DISPLAY TO BE RODEO FEATURE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION HOLDS ANNUAL BANQUET