- -1 ■ CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 26. 1229 . NORTH EAGLE CREEK ESTACADA FEED AND GROCERY EAOLE CHEEK, April 25.— (Spe­ cial).— Hubert Westerman was sur­ prised last Wednesday evening when a number of friends and relatives dropped in to celebrate his thirtieth birthday. The evening was spent in dancing and playing games. Supper was served at midnight. Those pres­ ent were Mrs. Linda Marshall and son Elmer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mar­ shall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. John Myers and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Cox and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hug­ gins and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. McConnell, Mrs. George Kitchipg, Emma Shultz, Tony Buhlingher and Mr. and Mrs. Westerman. Mrs. C. H. Rehberg and son Carl were Oregon City visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pilson and daughter Luella May o f Sandy called at the Bill Huggin home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Smith and son o f Portland spent the week end at the Carl Rehberg home. Mr. Smith played the banjo in the Lloyd Smith orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Westerman called Sunday at the David Huggins home. Mr. and Mrs. David Huggins cele­ brated their sixty-second wedding an­ niversary Friday, April 19. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grier were Ore­ gon City visitors Monday. -------------------- S T O R E ---------------------- U. S. MORGAN, Proprietor Specials-Saturday and Monday APRIL 27 and 29 BANANAS; 4 pounds f o r ............................. 25^ GRAPE FRUIT; ea ch ............................................ 5 TUNA FISH; per t in .......................................... 1 8 £ GOLD BAR SAUERKRAUT; per can.............. 1 6 c MAZOLA OIL; Pints ..................................... 2 7 C REX BONELESS PIGS FEET ......................... 2 3 £ K. C. BAKING POWDER; 5 lbs................... 6 9 o OUR SPECIAL ON ORANGES TWO DOZEN F O R ........................................ 25c4 PEET’S WASHING POWDER .................... 3 8 o OLEOMARGARINE; per lb............................ 1 9 ^ BESSIE LOVE H A S F IN E D A N C E R R O L E IN “ A H A R P IN H O C K ” This is the last week of Free Coupons on the Nash Car. Coupons given on each $1 cash purchase and on all 30-day accounts paid in full. MEMBER AFFILIATED BUYERS J CITY CLEANERS CLEANING AND PRESSING Repairing and Alterations, all kinds of Ladies’ and Gents’ work neatly done. Why send your work to Portland? We do it just as good. Let’s spend our money at home. Phone 98*11 Estacada, Ore. Professional Cards Bessie Love, famous as a dancer o f clever steps, as well as an actress of ability, ideally fits her latest film role, that o f a dancer in “ A Harp in Hock.” Miss Love portrays the role o f an ssistant in a free dispensary in New York’s lower East side. She lives only to dance. She believes that eight hours is a day’s work and she spends her leisure hours in a dance hall. She is devoted to her dancing partner, played by Louis Natheaux, until a European doctor who only knows how to waltz, changes her mind. “ A Harp in Hock,” which is the screen feature next Wednesday eve­ ning at the Liberty, presents Rudolph Schildkraut and Junior Coghlan in featured roles. On the stage, a big vaudeville feature which will be presented by Rube Shaw’s comedians. • IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH* i Dentist, Extracting Specialis! 603 Med-Dental Bldg, 11th & Taylor, Portland Beacon 6425 Gas or nerve blocking Anesthesia W . L. W H E L D E N In terior D e cora tin g , K n lsom in ing P ain tin g , In tid e and ou t Prices right, work guaranteed Phone 954 Estacada L. A . C H A P M A N M O R T IC IA N Calls attended day or night Mortuary I. O. O. F. Bldg. Telephone No. 21-51 Today you may feel that you are so strongly en- trenched in your job or your business that you can afford to neglect the future. But can you be sure of it ? Deaths, accidents, business failures, and times of depression generally come when least ex- | pected— and unless you have something laid away you never can be sure. = § = E E E | | E = | E | E § E E E ___ 1925 Ford Truck Chassis; long wheel base; completely over­ hauled ; new Goodyear tires on rear; to be sold at a bargain. 20 Goodyear Tires to go at a Discount. Estacada Station Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Oregon * * * * * * * * * * S. E. Wooster R eal E state L oans, In su ran ce R en tals the Red Tag _________ • u ------- 10:00 10:35 10:50 11 :05 11:15 11:18 11:30 S ta tion a. m. 2:00 p. m. a. m. 2:35 p. m. a. m. 2:50 p. m. a. m. 3 :05 p. m. a. m. 3:15 p. m. a. m. 3:18 p. m. a. m. 3:30 p. m. FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY Tel. 77-3 Estacada, Ore. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. 11:00 11:85 11:50 12:05 12:15 12:18 12:30 p. p. p. a. a. a. m. m. m. m. m. m. a. m. V S atu rd ay H S unday 8:30 a.m . 8:45 a. m. 8:55 a.m . 9:10 a.m . 9:20 a.m . 9:55 a.m . * D aily E x cep t S un day. Dr. M. M. Martindale 6 :20 6 :55 7 :05 7:25 7 :35 7:38 7 :60 T im e o f D ep a rtu re Lv. Estacada *6:15 a. m. Lv. Eagle Cr. 6:30 a. m. Lv. Barton 6:35 a.m . Lv. Carver 6:50 a.m . \ Lv. Clack’mas 7:00 a.m . / Ar. Portland 7:35 a.m . t Ï S unday T im e o f D ep a rtu re \ i i 4:30 p.m . 7:00 p.m . 8:15 p.m . 4:45 p. m. 7:16 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 4:55 p.m. 7:25 p.m . 8:40 p.m . 5:10 p.m . 7 :3 o p .m . 9:05 p.m . 5:2 0p. m. 7:45 p.m . 9:10 p.m . 6:00 p.m . 8:30 p.m . 9:45 p.m . (I S u n d a y O n ly V S atu rd ay O n ly. C H IR O P R A C T O R o f Oregon City B A B Y C H IC K S April 25, May 1, May 8 and May 15, only... Any number; 100 or over. Walter W . Gilbert, M. D. P h y sician an d S u rg oon O ffice Hours 9 to 5 and Evenings ESTACADA OREGON i2e Used Brooder Stoves for 300 chicks____ 8 1 0 . 0 0 Phone Damascus 35 WELCH i L ^ £ H ORN FARM Oregon O. D. EBY A tt o r n e y at L aw uniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiHiiiiiiiiimmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiJiHiHirimiiimitt O regon I Clean-Up Shoe Sale | I 20 PER CENT REDUCTION FOR CASH ON ALL | SHOES D E N T IS T Big Stock to Select From Sandy, Oregon | MRS. AMY L. ELY 5“ S ch u eb el, B ea ttie 4k M iller Attorneys at Law 6 per cent state school money to loan on farms; General )nw prac­ tice. Bank o f Oregon City Bldg. Oregon City Oregon Auction Sale! T h ree M iles Southeast o f S p rin g w a ter on the p lace know n as the G e o r g e W . K eller Farm . Monday, Apr. 29 SALE STARTS AT 10:30 Dr. H. M. Kramer (sjMIIIIHIIIIIIIIII llllllllllllll l l l l l l l l l l l l ll l l ^ | AS IT SHOULD BE— Due to the great popularity o f the new Chevro­ let Six, we have on hand at this time a wide selec­ tion o f “ O. K.’d " used cars taken in trade on new cars. Come in and look them over. You are sure to find exactly the car you want at a price that will amaze you. Terms are exceptionally easy. that count» One Jersey-Durham cow due to freshen April 27, 3 years old; One Jersey cow due to freshen in fall; Jersey heifer 18 months old; one yearling Guernsey-Jersey heifer; Span o f good work horses, about 1200 lbs.; One Chester White sow and six pigs; one wagon, 3 inch; One Oliver 40 plow; one 10-inch plow; 1924 Ford Touring Car, Ruckstell axle; 1 60-tooth harrow; 1 disk; 2-horse cultivator, buggy; set of work harness, shoe-maker’s outfit including sewing machine; all kinds o f garden tools; bench vice and anvil; barret fruit tree sprayer; all kinds of carpenter tools, in good shape; range cookstove, 3 beds, springs and mattresses, cupboard, Singer sewing machine, dresser, dining table and chairs, rockers, 2 stands, fruit jars, canned fruit, cooking utensils, dishes, tubs, churn, lamps one Aladin' carpet, cream separator, Victor phonograph, Atwater-Kent radio, 20-gallon stone jar, 35 to 40 R. I. Red hens, haled oat straw, home-cured bacon and hams and lard— quite a large quantity (excellent); 20-gallon iron kettle, etc., etc. ] LaundryI We believe that no fairer system o f used car mer­ chandising has ever been worked out —for it assures the customer honest value. OK Livestock, Farm Implements, Furniture Ford Car and Atwater Kent Radio O f f ic e P h on o 315 Under this plan, we attach the Chevrolet Red O. K. Tag to the radiator cap o f every recondi­ tioned car—showing exactly what vital units of the car have been checked or reconditioned by our expert mechanics. an F R E E L U N C H A T NOON D E N T IS T Estacada, Oregon O ffice hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings by appointment used car department is operated under O U the R famous Chev rolet Red O. K. Tag system. “ with ! 51111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111115 | W e Call and Deliver in Estacada Each Tuesday and Friday TERMS— $20 or under, cash; over $20, bankable notes. Those de­ siring credit must make arrangements with the clerk prior to day o f the sale. | Leave orders at Dartt’s E | Barber Shop or Estaca- | da Hotel Estacada, Oregon for Portland Clackamas Carver Barton Eagle Creek Cedar Brook Estacada P h on e S an dy 151 Cascade Chevrolet Co. Look .. T IM E S C H E D U L E — P O R T L A N D -E S T A C A D A STAGES O S T E O P A T H IC P h y sician an d S u rg a on DR. H . A . S C H N E ID E R at t h e s e O u t ­ standi ng Used Car Values 1925 Ford Fordor Sedan; good tires, good condition, com­ pletely overhauled; big bar­ gain. _____ Dr. W. W . Rhodes D. C. A E. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys Practice in All Coarta First National Bank Bldg. Oregon City Oregon cS© Gresham, Oregon “ A Strong B a n k ” Tiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii ij Buy on a Sound Basis! LOOK Save a part of the money you are making today, for tomorrow it may be a life-saver. The golden years of old age will come before you realize it, and you must plan and save for the time when you cannot work as hard as you do today, perhaps you will be unable to earn even a meager living. I First State Bank [ S. G. S P ID L E R GENERAL PLUMBING AND REPAIR« Phone Sandy 321 O reg on C ity , with an OfC that counts ( E Start here, with a single dollar if you wish, but do it E | NOW! General Practice Confidential Adviser We stand behind every Used Car bearing the Red Tag Gambling With Your Future D R . C H A R L E S P. JO H N S O N f 9 Mrs. Geo. W. Keller, Owner OREGON CITY | LAUNDRY COMPANY | ~ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i »7 u Fred Horner Fred C. Bartholomew Clerk Auctioneer