SCHOOL ORCHESTRAS TO PRESENT PROGRAM PLEASIN G AT P R O G R A M -P L A N N E D ESTACADA TUESDAY N U M BE R 30 E S T A C A D A -S A N D Y , O R E G O N , F R ID A Y , A P R IL 26, 1929 VOLUME XXIII HIGH ON EVENING Estacada high school orchestras, under the direction of F. E. Bushnell, will be heard in concert ut the high school auditorium, Tuesday evening April 30, beginning at 8 p. in. Uhere will be no admission charge and the orchestras expect a large audience. Mr. Bushnell has been the director o f the high school orchestras for the past two years and those who have been so fortunate to hear the bands know what a treat is in store for the people Tuesday evening. The program wilt consist of, first, the beginners’ orchestra, followed by the brass quartet— Bullard, Eshle- man, Gilgan and Gilgan. The second part o f the program will be numbers by the high school orchestra, and Miss Cecilia Lingel- bach will be presented in two piano solos. A feature will be the reed quartet — two clarinets and two saxophones — Davis, Bullard, Buell and Eshle- man. The program will be concluded by the 25-piece Estacada high school band. F o rm e r Pastoi Visit* The Rev. Dobberfuhl and family, formerly of the Sandy Lutheran church, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. F. T. Schoen in Sandy. HOME R E STA U R A N T LEASED T O E. A . P A L M E R , P O R T L A N D A fter a continuous business 0 over four years, Mr. and Mrs. W . E. Hall, proprietors o f the Home Res­ taurant o f Estacada, have leased the place te E. X Palmer of Portland. Neither Mr. and Mrs. Hall have been enjoying the best of health for a few months and have decided a rest would do them good. They are moving into the adjoining building which they own and they expect to remain in Estacada. The new manager took possession Wednesday. Miss Kath­ erine W itter will remain as assistant. Entertain E m b ro id e r y Club Mrt. Sylvester Hall and Miss A r- leigh Kammcrer were hostesses to the Sandy Embroidery club at the home o f Mrs. Hall Monday night. Those present were Mrs. Clarence Brown, Mrs. Dittert, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Ned Mitchell, Hattie and Helen Dahrens, Mabel Beers, Miss Ollie Gist, Mrs. Perret, Mrs. J. A. Hall, Mary and Barbara Sharnke, Mrs. Blanche Lundy, Mrs. G. D. Orr, Mrs. Harper and the hostesses, Mrs. Hall and Miss Kammerer. Hurt in Fall at B ank Mrs. G. E. Lawrence had a bad fall near the Estacada State Bank Saturday ami bruised her face quite badly. She is recovering although the black eye has not entirely disap­ peared. D ELEGATES TO W O O D C R A FT DISTR IC T M EETING NAMED The Neighbors o f W’oodcraft circle at a recent meeting, elected their delegates for the district meeting to be held at Tillamook June 18 and 19. Those named were Mrs. Margaret Moss, Mrs. Carrie Marshall and Mrs. Louise Linn. The alternates aie Mrs. Blanche Norris, Mrs. Frank Mar­ shall and Mrs. Elsie McKinzey. CELEBRATE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Syron o f Esta­ cada celebrated their seventeenth wedding anniversary Saturday when a company o f relatives and friends were entertained by them. There were 26 guests at dinner Saturday evening at dinner and they were a f­ terward entertained with cards. The guests included Mrs. Syron’s mother, Mrs. Carrie Hyslop, her sis- ter, Mrs. W . J. Symms, Mr. Symms and son George, Mrs. I. Greenleaf, also a sister of Mrs. Syron, her daughter Margaret and Lee Thomas, and others, all o f Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Ben_ Dodson o f Estacada. Some o f the guests remained over night. LIBERTY ENGAGES VAUDEVILLE FEATURE The Liberty Theatre has entered into a contract with the Shaw Amuse­ ment Service o f Portland for a vaud­ eville feature to be shown at Esta­ cada every Wednesday night, in ad­ dition to the regular picture pro­ gram. The first o f these shows was in Estacada Wednesday night and j met with hearty approval. Next week the headline attraction , is a Chinese girls’ band and other features. Shaw furnishes entertain­ ment o f this nature for a number of shows in Portland and nearby cities and is bringing to Estacada talent that has made good in other theaters. ' He says that he is going to continue with Estacada on his schedule for a few weeks, and if the patronage war­ rants it, the arrangement will be made permanent for a vaudeville show here every Wednesday. De an Schmits in Hospital Dean, two year old son o f Mr. and Mrs. Lex Schmitz, had an operation on the eye Sunday, at the eye, ear and throat hospital. He is reported to be in a very serious condition. Specialists diagnosed the trouble as the result o f measles, from which little Dean had not recovered when mastoids developed. Measles Cases Must Be Rep ort ed Attention is called to the fact that all cases o f measles must be report­ ed to the health officer at once. Dr. W . W . Gilbert is the officer to whom reports shall be made in Estacada. FIRST JUNIOR LEAGUE '■ GAME SCHEOULEO The first game in the junior base- •ue sponsored by the Ameri- on will be played on the Es- :hool grounds Friday (today) at 3 :3 0 when L. A . Franks brings his Currinsville team up to oppose Bob Haytlen’s nine, made up o f stu dents o f the Estacada schools. The game will sturt at 3 :3 0 or shortlj thereafter. G. D. Orr, principal of the Sandy high school, who is chairman of the committee sponsoring junior baseball in the Sandy district, was in Estacadr Saturday afternoon and reported thal three teams had already been organ­ ized and that games w ere-being ar SCHOOL OPERETTA A STRIKING SUCCESS COMMUNITY CLUB PROGRAM PLANNED COURT LETS CONTRACT FOR BRIDGE AT SANOY COOKING CLASSES ENTERTAIN PARENTS Thirty-nine parents were enter­ tained at dinner by the advanced cooking class o f Sandy high school, Wednesday night. Six groups, in which were included seven boys, cooked and served a different menu at separate tables, all favors, place curds, and color schemes being the work of each group, and all different. Rigdon Bros, of Woodburn will be Miss Kammerer directed. Eight awarded the contract for building boys in Sandy high are taking cook­ the Revenue bridge near Sandy, the ing, and like it. bids for the structure having been opened by the county court, Monday. A u t o Sales G r o w There were six proposals, the lowest Bob Smith reports the following being $86 6 5.5 0 . recent sales: Ed Gesch, tudor; Henry The span is to be 145 feet in Schwartz, standard coupe; Robert length and the approach approxi­ Adams, roadster; Jess Spradlin, for- mately 100 feet. dor; Alder Creek Lumber company, The rebuilding o f the Rock Creek used roadster. bridge three miles east of Clacka­ mas is included in the bridge build­ Sandy E m b ro id e r y Club Meet* ing program o f the county. Bids on Mrs. Web. McGinnis was hostess this project are being called and the contract is to be awarded on May 13. to the Sandy Embroidery club last Those present were Mrs. H. The work will consist of constructing week. a 150-foot standard frame trestle Perret, Mrs. C. W . Bruce, Mrs. Hat­ tie Dahrens, Mrs. G. D. Orr, Mrs. L. and a laminated deck. The county court is to also adver­ B. Greene, Miss Arleigh Kammerer, tise for bids for building o f approach­ Mrs. H. A . Schneider, Mrs. F. L. es to the Burton bridge across the Proctor, Mrs. Albert Bell, Mrs. Dit­ Clackamas near Barton. W ork on tert, Mrs. Helen Dahrens, Misses this span will include two acres of Mary and Barbara Sharnke and Mrs. clearing, 7500 lineal feet o f cedar Clarence Brown. I Chester A . Lyons, superintendent ; of the school for parents o f Portland J and proprietor o f the Big Brother | farm at Lebanon, Ore., will give an B E I N G C A L L E D ON C R E D IT GIVEN MISS W I L D E R address at the meeting of the Com- B ID S A R E B R I D G E N E A R B A R T O N ON FOR ST A G IN G E X C E L L E N T I munity club, to be held at the Ma- ! sonic hall in Estacada this Friday eve- C L A C K A M A S RIVER EN TERTAINM ENT “ Huida o f Holland,” the operetta presented by the glee clubs o f Esta­ cada high school Friday night, was well received by a capacity house. It is u three-act musical comedy and is considered one o f the best ever pre­ sented in Estacada. Each part was well characterized and showed the result o f careful training and practice. The solos, duets, quartets and choruses received ovations, expressions of the large au­ dience of their appreciation. Girls o f the Glee clubs in Dutch costumes acted as ushers, and Mrs. Lavena Grabeel played the overture and was also the pianist in the oper­ etta. Especial praise is given Pauline Buell, Erma Wilcox, Robert March- bank, Claude Lankin, Fred Buell and Bob Hayden, who had tbe leading roles. Pauline, as Huida, looked as sweet as the tulips in her father’s garden and Robert Marchbank proved himself an ardent lover and could not be blamed for his infatuation. Erma W ilcox, as Hulda’s best friend, was mixed up in a rather “ feisty” romance in the beginning of the story, with Bob Hayden, the friend of Robert, but finally suc­ cumbed to the advances o f the hand­ some wooer and all ended happily. The character o f Peter Cats, Hul­ da’s father, taken by Claude Lan ins, was the most difficult n e t Claude handled his part exceedir well and his make-up was good. Fred Buell as Jacob Haagenbe Peter’s neighbor and bosom frienu, had a part which he seemed to be familiar with and ho received many compliments for the wuy he handled his role and especially good was his song with Peter Cats. | ning. Mr. Lyon’s subject will be on pre- ) venting juvenile delinquency before ! there is any tendency for delinquency 1 or along these lines. The program committee has also arranged for a I short musical program. The public | is invited. MRS. M I L L E R ENTERTAINS SANDY W O M E N ’S CLUB Sandy W om en’s club social evening for April was held at the home of Mrs. J. M. C. Miller Thursday eve­ ning, 25 being present. Cards were i enjsyed, the prize winners being j Hazel Murray and Henry Perret, J first, and Miss Shell and Clarence j Brown, seconds. A fter the cards re- : freshments were served. The guests I lingered until 1 2 :3 0 , singing, with [ Miss Shell at the piano. Ken Scales Ha* F r a c t u r e d L eg Kenneth Scales is at the Oregon U infirmary with his leg fractured just above the ankle. Ken had the piling and 1000 lineal feet of super­ COTTRELL T EACH ERS CHOSEN The county will furnish accident as he slid for the home structure. the materials, including the hardware plate. Miss Vivian B. W hite o f Hubbard Ken was a member o f the Estacada and paint. Bids are to be opened on and Miss Augusta Ruther o f Sandy Legion ball team last year and is May 13. have been elected to teach the Cot­ now a member o f the University trell school next year, the latter to BAND TO GO TO C A N B Y team and was making good until the teach the primary grades. Miss The Estacada band will go to Can- time of his accident. by Saturday morning to attend the W hite formerly taught there. s. G. SPITLER, SANOY POLICEMAN, DEAD county convention o f Odd Fellows. Quite a number from Estacada are planning to accompany the band. GR E SH A M REB E KA H S V ISIT PAGH SAWMILL MOVES TO NEW BODY OF TIMBER THE E S T A C A D A LODGE Samuel G. Spitler, Sandy chief of police, passed suddenly Saturday. A fter being in the Veterans hospital in Portland a week, he came out on ♦he bus and suffered a heart attack before he could walk from the street into his home, and was dead before an ambulance could arrive. Mr. Spitler was to have had a mi­ nor operation at the hospital Tuesday o f this week. Howard Fifer as the unfortunate betrothed o f Huida since infancy, was the “ goat” but survived the buffs and consoled himself with the flower whose perfume he inhaled quite fre­ The deceased was born in Ohio quently. and at the age o f 21 volunteered in The other members o f the cast the Spanish-American war, and was — the villagers, milkmaids, etc., were a member o f the band until honor­ stunning in their costumes and the ably discharged. He was married to Jennie E. Bau­ songs o f the chorus proved an inter­ man in 1901, came to Portland 22 esting part of the program. Miss Beatrice Wilder, who directed , years ago and to Sandy in 1925. The widow survives. Rites were is given credit for the success o f the play. The stage settings were good held at the Gresham undertaking par- and withstood the ravages o f “ Mud- | lors and interment was at Mt. Scott. ranged. Ralph DeShazer up in Dover dis trict, has organized a team and the boys played their first practice game last week, despite the rain. Ralph re ports the boys and their friends muck enthused. Ex-service men formed a der” Cat’s wooden shoes with re­ team to play the juniors, and Ralph B U YS BUILD ING SITE markable success. The proceeds of is sending out an S. O. S. for mor< Caspar Junker sold a lot 50x 100 he entertainment amounted to $93. and better form er soldiers to mak( last week to R. S. Smith, Sandy it an even match for the juniors. mayor and garage man, who plans Mrs. L u n d y E n j o y s C ar Jude Moreland has his team ready to build on the lot, which adjoins his to go in the Garfield district, and S. garage. George Beers closed the Mrs. Blanche Lundy and family E. Lawrence has an aggregation of deal. are getting much joy out o f the new boys from Springwater and Dodge Chrysler she recently won in the that will be in the play. Measles in Sandy Clackamas County News’ circulation Oregon City Legionnaires are in­ More new cases o f measles have ■ontest and everyone in the vicinity terested and a number of teams wil of Sandy seems happy she was the developed in Sandy. Among the lat­ be entered from there, the winners est victims are David Steinman and winner. of Estacada, Sandy and Oregon City I Donald Smith. districts to later stage a playoff for E S T A C A D A P. T. A. T O M E E T the honor of representing Clackamas county in the state tournament. There will be a meeting o f the Es- No admission charge will be mad< acada P. T. A . Tuesday, April 30 Miss W ilm a Kitching, who had at the game Friday afternoon, ano 3 p. m., at the grade school building. been in Portland for some time, re­ it is expected that there will be i Plans for the Blue Ribbon Health turned home last week to take Miss large turn out to see the boys in theii parade at Oregon City, to be held on - Edith Harkenrider’s place in the tel- scrap for the baseball honors. May 11, will be completed at thiB - ephone office while she was away meeting. 1 on a visit. Miss Kitching expects to C A M P FIRE G IRL S M EET I take a position in the telephone office The Lewa group o f Camp Fire i at Seaside the first o f May. girls o f Estacada held a ceremonia Mrs. W . II. Grabeel was ill most o f meeting Tuesday night at the home last week and confined to her bed for o f Katherine Marden. A fter the bus Several members o f Sandy grade j a few days, but has about recovered. iness meeting some o f the teachers school harmonica band played at the and other guests arrived and all en­ Myron Woodworth, youngest son Kiwanis program at Gresham Mon joyed the refreshments served by j o f Mr. and Mrs. W . R. Wood- day night, with Mrs. Ralph Brown Mrs. Marden. worth, was ill last week with what directing, at the piano. The boys re­ appeared to be an attack o f appendi- ceived an ovation. They were Lewis MISS L I N D E L L M A R R I E D ' citis, but was able to return to T O MR. D R A P E R IN C H I N A Krebs, Bob Graham, Donald Dahrens ¡school Monday. Edward and Elliott Sweetland. A . G. Ames and C. A . Dykes, ac­ Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Draper (Alice companied by two hound dogs, took R etu rns to Seattle Lindell), married in China, visited a trip into the mountains Friday eve­ Mrs. E. J. McDonald, who has been the R. Jonsruds last week while on ning, returning Saturday afternoon, their way to New York, on their a guest at the Sturgeon home in Esta- Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ahlberg were Mis* honeymoon. The birde was visiting home in Seattle Wednesday. her sister, a former Sandy high Maude Sturgeon accompan cd her to hosts to a company o f friends Tues­ being school teacher now in China, when Portland where she was invited to a day evening, the diversion she met Mr. Draper. social function at the home of a j bridge. ESTACADA HARMONICA BAND PLAYS AT GRESHAM LOCALS About thirty Rebekahs from the Gresham lodge visited Estacada Re­ bekahs Wednesday night and the de­ gree team o f the visitors had charge o f the initiatory ceremony. Misses Ethel Hayman and Janet Gilgan were initiated. Included in the del­ egation from Gresham were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gates, form er members of Estacada lodge. Splendid refresh­ ments were served and the evening greatly enjoyed. About eighty mem­ bers o f the Estacada lodge were pres­ ent besides the, visitors. C ard P ar ty P opular There were several guests ut the W oodcraft card party in Estacada on Thursday night, 11 tables of players enjoying the game of five hundred. Mrs. R. H. Currin and Alva Smith made the high scores and Jake Mos won the door prize. Star* Visit P ort lan d L o d g e W averly chapter o f Portland, O. E. S., had a visitation night Wednesday when it had as guests matrons, pa­ trons and associate matrons and sec­ retaries o f the Portland district. Those attending from Estacada were Mr. Scrutton, Mrs. E. Allen, Mrs. R. Syron, and Mrs. N. B. Ecker. SANDY SCHOOL BAND GIVES FINE PROGRAM Sandy high school band gave a classy concert Friday night. Sandy section feels proud o f this band, es­ pecially so after hearing such a fine program. There are three girls, Hel­ en and Martha Moulding and Claire Payn, in the band. Others giving numbers were Winnie Glockner, Olive Kealiher, Martha Maulding. piano; Jaydene Nelson, Naomi Child, Margaret Peterson and Ethel Irvine, vocal numbers; Dorothy Bruns, ac­ companist. George Bruns, with his big sousa- phone, Hugh Guthrie with his C-mel- ody and Vic. Bacon with his drums, played a special number with Miss Bruns at the piano. The band is composed o f 23 pieces, is directed by Principal G. I). Orr and plays high class music. ESTACADA LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Forest Murray of D O V E R , April 2 5.— (Special).— Paghs finished cutting the timber ad­ jacent to their mill on Monday o f this week. Prior to this Elmer Pagh was busy installing the donkey in tho new timber and building a new mill site. They will begin on Monday to cut the balance o f the Ed Hart timber which they recently purchased. The mill is located on Ralph DeShazer’s place, as it affords the easiest access to the timber and road. The new $30 0 0 crusher for this district is being installed in the quar­ ry. Fisher, the county crusher man, expects to have it ready for opera­ tion on Monday. The county court has ordered market roads two and three improved by scarifying and then widening to 12 feet. Road two will be extended across Bear Creek canyon to the church. This new road was surveyed during the winter. The shipknee business is a profit­ able and interesting side line for sev­ eral o f the neighbors. The knees of various sizes are sold through a Port­ land dealer. Lately all orders have gone into government boats used us revenue cutters. The large part o f the knees are made in Ralp DeSha­ zer’s sawmill, though some aro hewed. W alter A ffholter is going to haul cedar poles for Wtn. Todd from the vicinity o f Cedar creek on the Loon highway. Mr. and Mrs. A ffholter are living on the Corey place on the highwuy so as to be near his work. SE W IN G CLUB CONTESTS T O BE HELD N EXT MONTH Sewing Club members should be getting well along towards comple­ tion, because the spring sewing contest, to be held in Oregon City, early in May, is almost here. All club members who enter the contest must have all their work completed and the final report in this office be­ fore they will be eligible. Mis Lucy Case has been assisting the county club ugent in organizing 4-11 health clubs in the Canby and Carus districts. Each year, at the county fair, a silver cup is presented to the health club champion, either boy or girl, while the boy and girl winners are given a trip to the state fair at Salem. Last year, Gilbert Bidder, o f Wilsonville. won the health cup, and he and Marian Robinson, of Frog Pond, won the trips to the state fair. Marian took the honors at the state fair and then won the health championship at the Pacific Interna­ tional. She went to Chicago to com­ pete for national honors and lost out by only one point of being the Portland were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Boyle, Mrs. R. Albert Kitching Friday. Mr. Mur­ friend. BALL GAM E PLANNED SUNDAY E. Baxter and J. C. Ecker of Port­ ray is connected with thi U. S. for­ O d d Fellows G iv e O y st er Sup p er land were dinner guests at the home est service. The three times postponed base­ Mrs. Sandy Odd Fellows, after putting o f Mrs. N. B. Ecker Sunday. Arnold Lovelace and Tony Bron- ball game between Estacada and Van­ couver Portland Valley league teams on degree work Monday night, served W . F. Cary and daughters Glen and | son came out from Portland Sunday is to be played Sunday afternoon, if a big oyster supper to about twenty- Phyllis were also included in the fam ­ to play ball, but, as usual, it rained | and there was no game. ily gathering. weather conditions are agreeable. five of the members. health champion of the United Slates. 1