CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1929 Classified Advertisements For Sale— Farm Implements Ada. accepted for thia column at 1 cent per word; minimum charge 25 FOR SALE— Oliver two-bottom 12- centa; three inaertiona for the price inch plow, for tractor or team use. o f two. Carda o f thanka, 50 cents. Ford truck, with cab and platform A bookkeeping charge o f 10 cents is body, low gear transmission— just made for all classified ads. not paid the truck for wood or heavy haul­ ing, $125.— Eagle Creek Trading for in advance. company. m ltf Automobiles For Sale HEAVY VAUGHAN DRAG SAW— reconditioned, can be seen at Geil’s LATE 1925 FORD Tudor, just over­ Garage, Estacada; $75 cash. H. hauled; new tires; new generator B. Snyder. a5tf First class condition. To be sold at once at a big bargain. Mrs For Sale— Livestock Blanche Lundy or Bob Smith Gar HB1FKB CALVES for sale— Two age, Sandy. Phone Sandy 41. tf six-months old heifer calves. Fred FORD TRUCK with flat bed anc Lins, Route» 1, Estacada; Phone stakes; has generator and battery 34-11. It Fair condition throughout. To sel 'OWS FOR SALE— 4 good dairy quick, $50. Cooke Motor Co., Es cows, 2 good fresh heifers, 1 two- tacada. al2t< year old heifer. R. S. Chaney, R. I U \H A I SEDAiN— new, to be s 1 1, Estacada, Phone 6x4. It at a big reduction. Phone Sand. 201. It V1ILK GOATS for sale— Inquire De­ pendable Garage or Phone Res. USED CARS— A few good used can 693, Estacada. G. G. Geil. It to go at a big bargain. Hesse Implement Co., Gresham. fl5 tl .'’OR SALE— One 6-foot Deering binder, one span of 1600-pound horses, harness and wagon, one hay fork outfit complete. See G. E. Lawrence at Feed store, Esta­ cada. tf Employment Wanted PLUMBING— pipe fitting; steel sep tic tanks a specialty. J. F. Stand ish, Garfield. Phone Estacad: 71-51. fl WANTED— Carpenter and cone let' work. Get your estimate madi now and get your work done befor- the spring rush begins. Phone 6x51, C. A. Chaney, Estacada. a For Sale— Poultry R. I. RED Broilers, for sale at markel price. Leave orders at Eagle Creek Trading Co. P. Kenny. ti Miscellaneous FOR SALE CHEAP — Adjustable dress form, like new. Inquire at Bakery, Estacada. It FOR SAKE— Oak Buffet and six oak dining chairs, also oak. Ivan Yost, Sandy. a20 FOR SALE— Late grown Burbanks: sound, good table stock, 1 cent per pound; drop seed % c per lb., an> amount, buyer furnish sasks. Ho mer Revenue, Route 1, Boring Oregon. a26 FEW CHOICE R. I. RED hatching eggs. Mrs. Henry Viles, Route 1 Estacada, Phone 34-12. a2C BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY— Home Restaurapt, Estacada, fo r rent; R. I. Red Hatching Eggs— If yoi fully equipped and going concern. want eggs from good layers, I car Apply on premises. al2 supply them at $1.50 per 15, oi $6 per 100. S. C. Richmond, R. 1 YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS filled at the Taber Pharmacy in Gresham Eagle Creek; near Dinty Moore's Prompt and efficient service Park. m22tf Phone Gresham 1761. tf WHITE LEGHORN EGGS for hatch ing, 6 cents each. Mrs. M. A LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE with us and tell us your real estate wants Johnson, Route 4, box 84, Boring — we may be able to help you.— L. one-half mile east o f Eagle Creek P. Conner, Licensed Realty Broker Grange hall. a l? Eagle Creek Trading Co. m ltf Help Wanted DR. P. C. BROWN, Dentist MEATS That are right E S T A C A D A MEAT C O . liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim i PERMANENT WAVE FOR $10.00— special; during month o f April, WANTED— Salesman for the Es'a only; includes shampoo before am cada territory for a well known and popular make o f light automobile after, haircut, and water wave To an industrious man a good in — Rose Dartt Beauty Shop, Es come can be shown. Answer, giv tacada. al2 ' ing previous experience, to P. O Box 209, Estacada, Ore. a5tf SHINGLE MILL, complete, for sale Joe Vincent, Route 1, Boring, Oie gon. • a!7 BEST RANCH fil l on the highway tM im iiiim iiiiiim im im m m iim m iiitu about 17 acres o f bottom land: CLEANING and Pressing; ladi(s’ right in Eagle Creek; two good work a specialty; mail orders given FOR SA LE — houses, two barns, chicken houses, special attention; repairs and alter­ good well— Goose creek runs thru ations. “ We clean everything.” edge o f place; for quick sale. City Cleaners, Estacada. m29 $3750. L. P. Conner, Eagle Creek USED CREAM SEPARATORS, gas Trading Co. m l5ti engines, spreaders, drills and tract­ ors. Hessel Implement Company, DO YOU NEED MONEY? $200 t< $1200 to loan on good real estatx Gresham. fl5 t f security. S. E. Wooster, Estacada Oregon. m22tl FORDSON I TRACTOR I = r GOOD AS NEW | BIG B A R G A IN Bob Smith’s j Garage j Sandy | Phone Sandy 41 | For Sale— W ood FREE FLOW ER SEED S WOOD FOR SALE— No. 1, 16-inch $6, delivered. Also 12-inch, 24- inch and cord wood. Phone Par rish, Sandy 171._______________ ml DR. Selection of Hardy Annuals for each lady who calls at our store and brings in this ad. Estacada Pharmacy The Rexall Store iiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiimimiiiiiimiiiiiicT FREEZE RETURNS Dr. Harvey Freeze, a well knowr. eye specialist of Oregon City, has re­ turned from Los Angeles and re­ sumed his practice after an absence o f a month. He took post graduate and clinical work as well as instruc tion in the use of three new scientific instruments, the Myoculator, Kerat ometer and Perimeter. Dr. Freeze claims that these three new instru ments which he has added at a cos' o f over $1000 will so improve opto- metric diagnosis that all interference with normal eye conditions is imme­ diately traceable. He is now in hir 26th year of practice, 14 of which have been in Clackamas county.— Adv. Fir»t S a i l b o a t . Let Us Help Plan Your Spring Improvements M A Y BE? A Sum m er C o ttage A N ew G arage P ou ltry H ouse PERHAPS A REMODELING JOB? A n o th er Room A new R o o f, or new Porches — W h a te v e r the problem , we will be glad to have you con­ B rooder H ouse, Etc. s u lt us. We will estimate the cost o f materials for you and recom­ mend the most practical for your particular purpose. JACKSON LUMBER COMPANY "E v e r y th in g fo r the B u ild e r " Phone 70-1 Estacada, Oregon EXTRACTION OF TEETH SPRINGWATER, April 11.— Spe­ cial).— Rev and Mrs. E. R. D. Hol- At this office we are equipped to lensted, the minister and his wife who handle the most difficult extra.■- have been chosen for this circuit, tion, with gas or local injection around the gums. moved into the parsonage here last A trained dental nurse to insure Tuesday. The church has been with­ cleanliness. out a minister since Mr. and Mrs. My past experience will bear me Kirkwood left, early this spring, and out as a painless extractor of -this community is glad to extend a Teeth. welcome to them and hope they will (T e n Y ears S u ccessfu l P ra ctice) enjoy being with us. Services for X -R a y E xam inations worship will be held at the Spring- water church at 11 o ’clock each Sun­ G U A RANTEED PLATES FOR SALE— Five horsepower steam boiler with fittings; in good condi­ day, at George in the afternoon and $ 1 0 .0 0 to $ 3 7 .0 0 tion, bargain. H. Perret, Sandy, at Eagle Creek in the evening. Miss Madden and Mr. and Mrs. A. Phone Sandy 261 m29 Out o f town people served in one visit when consistent with good dentistry. C. Cogswell, o f Eagle Creek, went to FOR SALE— 2,000 Cedar posts; 12A4 Whiteson, Wednesday, to visit with cents each. Inquire Estacada Feed a niece of Miss Madden, Mrs. Duncan Store. jll-t f McDonald and her husband; also W illa m e tte Buildin g, O regon City QUILT PATCHES — Enough for some of their old friends from north­ E n tran ce O p p osite Post O f fic e Phone 5 6 2 quilting both sides, only 59c. Ea­ ern Idaho, who were visiting there for a few days. Miss Madden re­ gle Creek Trading Co. m8tf turned to her home here Friday. NOTE— Classified ad rate is 1 c a Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Keller and word, minimum charge 25c; three Mrs. Wiley Howell were guests o f Mr. insertions for price o f two. This and Mrs. John Keller, in Dodge, on service is cash in advance and if Thursday. charged 10c addition will be added Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall have as bookkeeping cost. You will savi traded their farm here for an apart­ 10c by mailing or sending in the ment house in Portland and are mov­ cost o f the ad at once. ing away this week. SHINGLES FOR SALE— Mountain Evertt Shibley and baby daughter close-giained red cedar shingles have been quite sick with a cold and Because our equipment manufactured by Turel Shingle a doctor was called to attend the for their handling and mill, Welches, Ore. Drive up and baby. They are very much impi-oved see them or write for prices. Loop at present. care is of the very best highway, turn left at Zigzag Ran­ Mrs. J. A. Shibley was sick for sev­ ger station; 3 miles, on a good eral days last week, but is reported road. m ltf better. Mr. Byeis is working at the J. Mo- FOR SALE— Team, wagon and har­ ger farm, taking care o f the little ness, all for $230. Eagle Creek Phone 75-1 Estacada lambs. Trading Co. m8tf Mr. and Mrs. Fulsom, from Dayton, AUCTION SALE— At the R. B. Gib Wash., who are here visiting their son farm two miles east of Eagh laughter and family, Mrs. Harold Creek Grange hall, at 1 p. m., or Horner, have gone to Sandy to visit DUNTH OR PE M OTOR T R A N S P O R T C O M P A N Y Tuesday, April 23— cream separa their son, Jim Fulsom, for a few P O R T L A N D — GRESHAM —SANDY FARE Via Section Line Road tor, range, dresser, two bedsteads days. One Rnd 1 Springwater Grange meets Satur­ 0 springs and mattresses, chairs and 0 Way Trip SANDY ...... Lv. 8:40 A.M. 3:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M» other household goods; one wagon day, 13th, and members are asked to .10 .20 6:45 P.M. i Kelso 8:45 A.M. 3:35 P.M. hack, buggy, mower and rake, fan respond to roll call by giving some 0 .20 .35 Central Point X:50 A..M. 3:40 P.M. 6:50 P.M. ning mill, harrow, and numerous helpful hint on gardening. .30 .50 8:55 A.M. 3:45 P.M. 6:55 P.M. Orient ........... 0 .35 .65 7:00 P.M. Powell Valley 9:00 A.M. 3:50 P.M. Thei'e will be a congregational 0 other articles. Terms cash. A. 0 .80 .45 Gresham 9:15 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 7:15 P.M. W. Cooke, auctioneer, H. F\ Gib­ meeting at the church Friday even­ Ar. 9:50 A.M. .75 1.35 Portland 4:40 r.M. 7:50 P.M. 0 son, clerk. al9 ing, April 19. A pot-luck lunch will 0 One Rnd 0 be served after the meeting. Every­ Way Trip PORTLAND 1 :00 P.M. 5:15 P.M. Lv. 7:00 A.M. .30 .50 Gresham 7:45 A.M. 1:45 P.M. 6:00 P.M. one is invited to attend and bring 0 Lost and Found .40 .70 Powell Valley 7:50 A.M. 6:05 P.M. 1:50 P.M. something for the church. Coffee .80 .45 7:55 A.M. 0 Orient 1 :55 P.M. 6:10 P.M. LOST— Washington license plate, No will be served by the Ladies’ Aid. 0 .55 1.00 Central Point 8:02 A.M. 2:02 P.M. 6:17 P.M. 210731. Finder Phone News of .65 1.15 8:10 A.M. Kelso ............. 2:10 P.M. 6:25 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Howell called fice, Estacada. 2t .75 1.35 Sandy .......... Ar. 8:15 A.M. 2:15 P.M. 6:30 P.M. on Mr. and Mrs. Flank Wheeler on 0 DEPOTS: Sandy— Krebs Kafe, Phone 5x2 Portland— Sixth St. Saturady evening. For Sale— Real Estate Terminal, Sixth and Salmon, Phone ATwater 3301 Visitors at the Earl Shibley home ABOUT ONE ACRE with two stor< this week were Mr. and Mrs. Dillum buildings, 3 one-room cabins, 1 three-room cabin, 2 one-ctfr gar and Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, o f Port­ n iiiiiim m m iiim iiim m iim m iim iiim iiiiiiiim iiiiim m iiim iH iim im m m im iiir ages; water piped to premises, con land, on Thursday, and Mrs. Shib- siderable equipment, including ley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smedley, fountain and gas pump, suitable and Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy, o f Port­ for general store. This is a rea1 = A good start is very essential to a rapid growth and a paying flock. ^ land, on Sunday. buy, it cost the owner $6000, and Mrs. Frank Wheeler and children E We always buy what we have found by experience to be the best. = owing to illness he will sell foi E Get our prices on chick grain and mashes, also we will refer you to ~ $3500 with $1500 down; terms or visited at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. our successful raisers last year. Ask them about us. balance at 6 per cent. No trades Arthur York on Sunday. E Duke & Proctor, Sandy Ore. al2 E B A R T H O L O M E W & LA W R E N C E PIANO FOR SALE at a big discount to save further expense. Fully guaranteed and will take in your phonograph or other musical in­ strument as part payment and give easy terms to suit anyone on bal­ ance. For location and full pa.» ticulars write to C. F. Hendrick, factoxy piano adjuster; Care Logan Transfer & Storage Co., 2613 Pa­ cific Ave., Tacoma, Wash. a !2 ! M AR Y AN D K ER RY STARS OF C O M IN G S H O W , “ L O V E M E ’ The film combination o f Norman Kerry and Mary Philbin is together again for the third time in a Univer­ sal production. The picture is “ Love Me and the World is Mine,” the first American picture to be made by E..A. Dupont, the noted UFA director, and it will be the feature attraction at the Liberty Theatre Sunday and Monday, April 14 and 15. As an added attraction Manager Bill Perry has engaged the Royal Es- tacadaians to furnish music, and also has employed this newly organized orchestra to play each Sunday night. Some four years ago, Mary Phil­ bin, then virtually an unknown play­ er, who had earned a -trip to Holly­ wood by winning a beauty contest in Chicago, was chosen to play the lead in “ Merry-Go-Round.” It was a daring thing for Universal to do, to place responsibility for a featured role in a million dollar pro­ duction in a girl who had had almost no screen experience. The picture proved that Univer­ sal’s judgment had been correct. The picture was a triumph for Miss Philbin and for Kerry, who played the featured masculine role. The popular team was together again in “ The Phantom o f the Op­ era,” Universal’s latest production of exceptional prominence. Now they will be seen again and in the same intriguing locale— that of pre-war Vienna— as in “ Merry-Go- Round.” “ Love Me and the World Is Mine” is a picturization of the affairs of Hannerl, a novel by Rudolph llanns Bartsch. The supporting cast includes Betty Compson, Henry B. Walthall, George Siegmann, Albert Conti, Mathilde Brundage, Charles Puffy, Martha Mattox and others. The paintings and sculptures In the early records of Egypt show regularly formed boats constructed of sawed planks of timber propelled by nunter ous rowers and also by sails. These vessels were long galleys with one mast and a large square sail which was sometimes of linen and sometimes of papyrus. The oldest authentic rec nrd as to these salting vessels Is the Illustration of one of them nsed ns a deeorntlon of an Egyptinn amphora (In the British museum). Judged to have been made about 6000 B. C. It Is noted, however, flint these boats could sail only with the wind. The science of salting against the wind Mias Ella Govin, o f St. Louis, ar­ was unknown for thousands of years rested for begging, was found to They sailed only when the wind was favorable. The oarsmen worked when have borrowed five different babies to carry about with her. the xv lode were unfavorable. — BABY C H IC K S P hone 601 Estacad a, O re go n [ H l i l i m i l M l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i m i MI N MI MI l l l l l l l l l t l l l i l M M I I 11 II I I .......MIMMI I l i l l l l l l l l l l l ' Z v iiim iiM iim iiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiim iim iiiim im iiiiiiiiiiiim im im m m im m iiiiii* DEPENDABLE | Implements . . . Machinery . . . Repairs . . . A T PORTLAND PRICES E Myers W ater Systems De Laval Cream Separators De Laval Milking Machines Vaughan Drag Saws Vaughan Garden Tractors OLIVER TR A C TO R IM P L E M E N T S SUPERIOR D R IL L S All Oliver Plows— Genuine Repairs | A COM PLETE LINE OF FARM M ACH IN ER Y (Hessel Implement Co. a Gresham, Oregon N E W CAR AGENCIES jj WILLYS-KNIGHT WHIPPET CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 1 ?|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimilllllllllllllllllllll||||||||||||||M||HIIIIIII|||| v m iim iiiiiitiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiim im iiiiim iiiiim iiiiiiiim m iiiiim iiiiim iiitiiiiiiim iiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiii RATES W e Specialize in SPRIN G W ATER