( CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS. FRIDAY, APRIL 12. 1929 is published for ex-service men and u i m i i i i i i m i m i m i i i u i M i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i M H M i i i i i i i i M i i i i i L if it is to be continued it must have some co-operation from the members of the post, as well as all ex-service men. It is also desired that the Aux­ G. E. PARKS, Editor and Publisher C. REX PARKS, Advertising Manager A Little T ru th and a Little H oku m iliary send in items, and keep the Estacada, Ore. MRS. J. M. C. MILLER, Sandy News Editor folks informed of their activities. r F ri d ay and Sat ur day , A p ril 12 and 13— National commander McNutt o f Published Weekly on Fridays at Estacada-Sandy, Clackamas Co., Oregon the Legion will be in the state April Fred Thomson and his Wonder Horse in Entered in the postoflfice of Estacada, Oregon, as second class matter 24 and 25. Jude Moreland, district GARFIELD committeeman, will be in the party SUBSCRIPTION R A TE S that will join the distinguished visi­ In Clackamas County, one year, $1.50; Outside the county and in the state tor when he enters the state at Galloping madly across the plains, two six-horse teums, careen­ GARFIELD, April 11.— (Special). ing IIIK, lurching lU rcn iU K drivers— l l i i v c m ------ 3 suddenly UUUV.IUJ t* a v collision, u iiim u ii, and-------. A thrill- - ............. o f Oregon, one year, $2.00; Outside the state o f Oregon, one year, Klamath Falls. Several of the gang . l .................I . . lf.-.-t r * _________I . . I — A large caterpillar tractor, in swept . . love story o f e , the early A West. Comedy— « “ ‘ Knights o f the $2.50. Foreign, $.1.00 per year. Subscriptions are payable in advance. are expecting to meet him in Port­ charge o f Wilbur Wade, is being Air.” land. used in this district to grade the sur­ E Also third chapter o f the best Serial story ever filmed— BANK DEPOSITS SHOW INCREASE face o f the roads, with very good Players for the junior baseball results. If bank reports accurately tell the financial condi­ teams are being signed by the team tion of the community, some sections of Eastern Clacka­ managers, and as soon as the teams Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gill o f Indepen­ dence, Oregon, were week end guests mas county evidently had a prosperous year. The First are signed up, a schedule will be art o f Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Lawshe S un da y and M on d ay , A p ril 14 and 15---- State Bank of Gresham, according to available reports, ranged. It is planned to play all and family. made a substantial gain in deposits as shown by the last the games in the Estacada district Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Anders and Mary Philbin, Norman Kerry, George Seigmann and Betty Compson in financial statement, as compared with the nearest state­ at the high school grounds. Bob Mr. and Mrs. Hector Anders all from Hayden has been appointed manager Crabtree, Ore., spent the week end ment to this date one year ago. While without doubt for one Estacada team and is now with relatives and friends in this most of their depositors reside in Eastern Multnomah, signing up his team. district. The dazzling brilliance of Europe’s gayest capital— pre-war Vi­ this bank serves a large number of people of Clackamas, The continued stormy weather has enna, portrayed by the genius of Dupont, the great director, county, especially so where they reside more adjacent to This district has the makings of caused with a merry-go-round cast, plus the screen’s greatest lovers, many o f the ranchers to pur­ a fast team, and one that will stund in the greatest love story ever told! Comedy— “ Big Game Gresham than to institutions located in this county. chase additional supplies o f hay and George.” A very substantial growth is reflected in the state­ a good chance to not only win the feed for their stock, and the time county championship but the state ment of the Clackamas County Bank of Sandy of March has come when a change o f weather = S P E C I A L M U S IC F U R N I S H E D S U N D A Y N I G H T B Y T H E will be much appreciated. 27, 1929, published last week, as compared with the state­ championship as well. Do not forget the date o f the big ment published as of February 27, 1928. The ’28 state­ Junior baseball is sponsored by the ment showed deposits aggregating $288,194.03, as com­ Americanization department of the community gathering at the Garfield hall, May 25. The committee pared with the statement published last week showing Legion. Boys who will not have Grange in chaise is arranging for a splendid reached their seventeenth birthday by T here will be no shows on T uesd ay and T h u rsd ay nights deposits of $348,286.92, a gain of $60,092.89. program o f entertainment and ath­ Estacada State deposits in the statement of February, September are eligible to enter. No letic sports. Admission: Adults, 25c; Children under 14, 10c | 1928, were $298,703.40, as compared with the March 27, transfers from one team to another is Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Beresford and permissible. One player signed who children o f Toledo, Ore., are visitors 1929, deposits of $271,739.15. ~ jiiiiiiiiiiiii! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiit iiiiiiiiiim iiiim iiiiim iiiiiim m iiiiiiiiiiiiii? t is over the age limit would disbar at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Each of these institutions, the reports reveal, are in the entire team. Lawshe several days this week. sound financial condition, and while deposits are expect­ Garfield P. T. A. meets Friday, ; i i i m i i i i m m i m i i i m i m i i i i i m i M i m i m i i m i i i i i i m i i m i i i i i i i i m m i m i i m m i m i i ' i r ed to drop at the time of the year when people are paying Gresham post of the Legion is now April 12, at 2:30 p. m., at the school their taxes and automobile licenses with little being real­ conducting a Legion column in their house. At this meeting the annual local paper, The Outlook. Tuesday’s ized from the sale of crops or stock, there is not the re­ nominations for officers takes place had this to say about the duction in deposits since the December statements that edition and the election will be held at the meeting held at Sandy: May meeting. Members o f the or­ are ordinarily expected. Evidently a large part of the “ Gresham Post No. 30 congrat­ people are spending less and are âdding to their savings ulates Estacada post on the rally ganization are urged to attend both these meetings. accounts as much as they possibly can. held at Sandy to obtain new mem- “ Bible Messages Needed Today” is beis. Commander Jonsrud, Post ----------oOo---------- the Christian Endeavor topic for No. 30, signed seven goofs. 7 :30 p. m., April 14. The meeting SAVE THE PRESIDENT Containing many suggestions of value in Thanks, Estacada.” will be led by Kenneth Palmateer. Being president of the United States is not an easy Thank you, No. 30, for signing the A very interesting series o f discus­ garden and farm work, may be secured job, by any means, according to the writings of Calvin goois. No. 74 hasn’t any, and does sions on the second coming o f Christ from our supply. They cover almost every Coolidge. He says, ‘ If the president permits himself to not want any. We have some of the are held at these meetings, to which most prominent citizens o f the Sandy line of farm work and will be found most be engaged in all kinds of outside enterprises, in furnish­ community in this post and would everyone is invited. The Garfield Sunday school ex­ ing entertainment and amusement to great numbers of like to have more o f them. helpful. tend an invitation to all old and new public gatherigs, to be the source of inspiration for every i worthy public movement, for all of which he will earn­ Comrade R. E. Porter, who con­ members, to attend next Sunday at 10:30 a. m. A flourishing Sunday ducts the column in the Outlook, in estly be sought, he will last in office about 90 days.” school for this community is the ob­ Even though he may have the firmness to say “ no” “ all wet” when he says the meeting ject. Mothers are invited to bring to many of these outside requests, the inescapable duties was held for the purpose o f boosting their children. A hearty welcome “ o\n” membership. It was held pri­ of his office are a severe strain on his physicial as well marily for the purpose o f interesting awaits you. Mr. and Mrs. B. Slavens have as mental energies. ex-service men in the American Le Practical man that he is, President Hoover has taken gion, and everyone of our speakers taken possession o f the ranch re­ I S a f e D e p o s i t B o x e s $ 3 . 0 0 p e r Y e a r I purchased from J. W. Kinney, at least one step toward relieving himself of some of this uiged the guests to join the organi­ cently m iiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim im iiiim im iiiiiim iiiim in located near the grange hall. The zation, and suggested either Gresham useless exertion by cutting down his White House hand­ community extends a hearty welcome shaking from a daily performance to twice a week.. It is or Estacada, and Jude Moreland said to the newcomers. he hoped Sandy district would organ­ said that he may further reduce it to one day out of seven. ize a post o f their own this year. Mrs. R. C. Hayes, of London, who Clackamas Couniy News L egionnair E LIBERTY THEATRE “T H E P IO N E E R SC O U T “Tarzan, the M igh ty’ “ LOVE ME AND THE WORLD IS M IN E ” Royal Estacadaians B U L L E T IN S U ' FOR SPRING ESTACADA STATE BANK That’s sensible. Why should the chief executive of­ ficer of the United States be expected to stand for hours shaking hands with a mob? ----------oOo---------- ESTACADA LAKE AN ASSET “ The development of Estacada Lake district as now being undertaken means a lot to the people of Estacada, whether they know it or not,” said Fred L. Proctor of Sandy while viewing the park Tuesday afternoon. A large number of cottages have already been built on lots sold last year, and it is known that a iarge number are to be erected this spring. Further development of the pro­ perty on the west side of the river is expected to start within a short time. Mr. Proctor knows what the tourist business has meant to Sandy, and also the business coming to his town by reason of the summer cottages having been built along the Loop highway in the vicinity of Sandy. The owners of the cottages as a rule have money to spend and this class of business is more to be desired than the tour­ ists who travel the main highways. ----------oOo---------- CHICAGO COMPARATIVELY SAFE CITY Chicago seems to have it all over some cities of the country in number of homicides, regardless of all the jokes that are cracked about the wicked city with its ma­ chine-gun-armed underworld. Figures for 1028 recently made public, covering 136 cities and 36,000,000 people indicate an average homicide rate of 10.2 per 100,000 persons. Memphis leads in kill­ ings, with 60.5 per 100,000, while the rate for Los Ange­ les was 4.7. Quite a number of Southern cities were over 30, while Chicago’s rate was only 15.8. New York was far below the country’s average, being only 6.7 per 100,000 inhabitants. It is estimated that in the whole United States there were 12,000 homicides in 1928, while probably less than 200 killers were executed. -oOo Washington society will probably settle down to nor­ malcy again, now that Mrs. Gann is to be extended the same courtesies as if she were the wife, instead of sister, o f Vice President Curtis. However, this matter probably furnishes the league of nations supporters some degree of satisfaction. The affair was finally satisfactorily ad­ justed by European diplomats. ---------- oOo---------- More than fifteen billion dollars o f American money are loaned to foreign countries. Yet, in our own country- are millions that could not borrow $100 from these peoplo who will trust people they have never seen. GARDEN TOOLS died at 72, left a letter declaring she Anyway, the editor o f this column had been paying blackmail for 46 RAKE and HOE HANDLES; big assortment is certainly pleased to see the Gresh­ years to a cousin who had “ learned of new and used tools at all times. am post waking up, under the leader her secret.” Assortment of PAINT; FOUR-HOUR ENAMEL ship o f Comrade Jonsrud. If they Buy Here and Save will continue to follow the plans of According to an estimate by Sir Estacada post and take advantage of Herbert Samuel, the Dead Sea con­ G I L G A N ’S the efforts o f 74 in promoting inter­ tains four billion dollars’ worth of est in the American Legion as a minerals. whole, they may have as active an organization as has Estacada. But Try a Want Ad >n the News. let’s not be selfish in the matter. We hope Gresham post can build a mem bership twice, four times, as large as it has ever had before. We want 000001539048534853535323538923485348235300234853534823532323234853532323482348530000532348485323 more members, and we want No. 30 to get more members, and we ari glad to do anything within our power to get more members for the Ameri­ can Legion, whether they join No. 74 30 or No. 1. Furniture Exchange The building committee took a trip over the Loop highway last week to view some o f the log buildings erected by Lenz Brothers of Sandy, who are submitting plans and specifi­ cations for the Legion building in Es­ tacada. They seem pretty well sold on the leg house idea, and reports from the Portland Telegram, which is interesting itself in the new build­ ing and is donating a part o f the lots, indicate that this type of building wou'd be highly approved by them. The Auxiliary has increased its membership by several within the last weeks, which is gratifying to the members o f the post. The ladies have shown in every possible way their willingness to co-operate with the post, and are entitled to at least half the credit for the success of Carl Douglass post. More power to them! Next Monday evening is the date o f the monthly social meeting o f the two organizations. Cards will probably be mailed out calling at­ tention to the meeting. It is likely that all members o f the post read this column each week, and that in the future it will be unnecessary to go to the expense of sending out cards for each meeting. Legionnaires are urged to send in items o f interest for this column. It LET ELECTRICITY Brighten Your Home Electric lights . . . . properly placed . . . . home life cheerful and useful. make your Modern electric appliances lighten your domestic burdens. -oOo- E L E C T R IC S T O R E E L E C T R IC B U IL D IN G P ortland Electric P o w er C o m p a n y Portland, Oregon Salem, Oregon City, Gresham, St. Helens, Hillsboro, St. Johns, Oregon Vancouver, Washington. 1 i .