CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 29. 1929 EAGLE CREEK Low prices FORD S E RVI C E EAGLE CREEK, Mar. 28.— (Spe­ cial).— Mrs. W. F. Pattison returned Monday from Portland where she had been taking her pre-summer va­ cation. While in Portland Mrs. Pat­ tison was the house guest of Mrs. M. Johnson, and also o f Mrs. C. C. Car­ mack. She went to several “ talkies” at the large show houses and reports a delightful time. C. C. Carmack expects to receive 500 White Leghorn baby chicks the last of this week. Mrs. Orlene Kellogg returned home last week from Astoria where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Shannon, for several weeks. Mrs. Emery Ford's mother, Mrs. E. R. Johnson, and her sister, Mrs. Fayette Davis, left last Friday morn­ ing for Randle, Wash., where Mr. Johnson resides, Mrs. Davis will visit Mrs. Johnson until she is thoroughly recovered from her serious illness. Miss Evelyn Myers has been con­ fined to her home under the care o f a physician since Monday evening. She is feeling much beter now and expects to be attending school again in a few days. There will be an Easter program at the church here Sunday evening. Al l l a b o r c h a r g e d at f l a t rat e Bring your Ford here for the important jobs. We u»e only genuine Ford parts and all labor is charged at a low flat rate. You know in advance what the cost w ill be Satisfaction guaranteed All mechanics specially trained Ask about our Special $1 50 Inspection Service. It w ill •ave you money. BOB COOKE M OTOR COMPANY E stacada, O r e g o n o. s. « P L A N T IN G FISH F R O M DELPH CREEK PLANT HENSONS SELL SANDY HOME Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Henson of Sandy have sold their lovely home of H» acres, located one mile east of town on the highway, to August Bartsch o f Bend, whose father-in-law, John Bramhall, will live on the place. Both Bartsch and Bramhall are for­ mer local men. The Hensons will probably locate at Hobo. They will be greatly missed, as they have many warm friends in Sandy. George Beers made the deal. ESTACADA CEDAR DALE . . . . for EASTER Ladies’ Prep Silk Hose, all shades, $1.00 Men’s and Boys’ Oxfords in Tan and Black at Reasonable Prices Specials for March 30 - April 1: LO CALS Mrs. Gladys Graham and children arrived from Seattle Tuesday to visit for a week at the home of Mrs. Mar­ garet Schock and with other relatives and friends. Mrs. Johannah Lichthorn, who has been here for some time at the home o f her aunt, Mrs. Augusta Sag- ner, left Monday to return to her home in California. W. E. Linn spent a few days in Portland this week looking after bus­ iness matters. J. K. Ely is reported to be able to sit up most o f the day now and is gaining in weight. His many friends will be pleased to hear this report from him. The city council took a trip into the mountains last week to look up a water supply for Estacada. Mrs. W. E. Linn was an Estacada visitor from Portland Thursday of last week. Grant Robley, who is attending O. S. A. C. at Corvallis, is home this week for the Easter vacation. Frank Marshall o f Springwater was a business visitor in Portland Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shearer of Springwater district, were business visitors to Portland Saturday. CEDAR DALE, march 28.— (Spe­ cial).— Mr. anil Mrs. Phil James arc the parents o f a nine-pound baby Kiri, born Monday, March 25. This is Mr. and Mrs. James’ second child. Guests at the P. E. Bonney home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. H. Good­ win and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. F. Foster o f Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Art Bell and daughter and her husband of OreKon City and Roy Garrett of Donald. Mr. and Mrs. John I.afferty and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Laft'erty and children and Pete Laf ferty, all o f Lowell, and Mr. and Mrs. Allard James o f Colton visited at the Phil James home over the week end. John Polevetz is planninK to buy a five-acre place and house from Geo. Williams. Welcome to our neigh borhood. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beck, Mrs Omer Karney and son Delbert, were guests at the Grant Heth home in Molalla, Sunday. Milton Williams, who has been working in Mulino the last couple of weeks,, is now staying at the Dick and Cal Bell home. SERV-US GINGER ALE; Three for 55 c; six for ....................... $ 1 . 0 5 57b S E R V -U S G R A P E J U IC E ; Pints; tw o fo r R E D and W H ITE COFFEE; R I N S O ; L arg e; per p a ck a g e S E R V -U S F R E S H 42b Per Pound .................................... 22b .......................................................... 39b P R U N E S ; 2»/2s; two fo r S C H L I T Z M A L T ; two f o r ........................................................... $ 1 .2 3 CALUMET BAKING P O W D E R ; 1 pound tins .................................... 2 8 b R E D and W H I T E R IP E O L IV E S ; 9 oz. Mission var.; tin 17b R E D and W H I T E Solid Pack T o m a to e s ; 2 V2*; 3 fo r 50b 55b S E R V -U S S O L ID P A C K T o m a to e s ; 2*/2®; 3 fo r S E R V -U S PE E LE D A PR IC O TS ; 21/2s; tw o for 67b S E R V -U S D A T E S ; 10-oz tins; per tin .................................... 21b S N O W D R I F T ; Fou r-pou n d can s; e a c h {)lb ............. MARASCHINO-PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKE; each THE PEOPL 49b OHE H. B. S N Y D E R Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson of Cottage Grove visited relatives in WHITE LEGHORN EGGS for hatch­ this neighborhood Sunday. ing, 6 cents each. Mrs. M. A. John Evans has been doing farm Johnson, Route 4, box 84, Boring; work for W. S. Gorbett. one-half mile east o f Eagle Creek Grange hall. a !2 EAGLE CR E E K HEIGH TS LOST— Washington license plate, No 210731. Finder Phone News o f­ fice, Estacada. 2t EAGLE CREEK HEIGHTS, Mar. 28.— (Special).— Miss Rose Huggins has gone to Redlands to help her sister, Mrs. Marion Hinkle, take care of her two children who are quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Judd and son from Gresham were visiting at the home of his parents Sunday. Alice Welty and Rose Huggins were shopping in Estacadu one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens re­ turned to Linnton Monday, after spending the week end on the farm. Winnifred Huggins is able to at­ tend school again after being out one week with the flu and heart trouble. “ R E D S K IN ” P IC T U R E SAID T O A D D T O SC R E E N H I S T O R Y Ore. Announces Appointment AS DISTRIBUTORS Miss Emma Thiele, recently pointed assistant secretary o f Metropolitan Life in New York, is first woman to hold an executive sition with that company. She gan as a stenographer in 1904. OF G O O D YEA R Tires and Tubes Sizes for all makes of cars serviced and sold. Give us an opportunity to please you. ------- BOB SMITH ESTACAD A j Distance is no question with us. Our equipment is at your service day or night. Gates Funeral Home Phone 2471 Gresham- Oregon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 • 1= Phone 381 Estacada, Ore. iiiimniiiiiiiiiiiii f Radium paint on fish hooks to make them visible to fish in the ocean depths will be used by a scientific ex- I ploring party. Needy schoolboys o f Santiago, Chile, are given free haircuts by bar­ ber college students o f that city. Service... 1 Cascade Chevrolet Company ap­ the the po­ be­ For seeing over the heads of 1 crowds at athletic meets and like gatherings, a small individual peri­ scope has been devised. LO CA LS Mrs. Clyde Saling and son Fred from Corvallis were week end guests at the Fred Bartholomew home. B. O. Culver has been sick for the past week at his home here and un­ der the doctor’s care. He is reported at this time to be somewhat improved Mrs. R. C. Deming, daughter o f Mrs. Mae Reed, is here this week from Seattle, visiting her mother, and other relatives, and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grabeel went to the farm near Oswego Momlay to look after the planting o f some fruit £ trees. Miss Noble, domestic teacher in the Estacada high school, is planning to attend college next year ar.d will not accept her present position again. Saturday and Sunday quite a large number o f people who own cottages in Estacada Lake district, were here to spend the week end. A new chapter has been written in the history o f motion picture. A new wonder has been revealed. “ Red­ skin,” the new Richard Dix epic of the West, which will be shown at the Liberty, Estacada, Sunday and Monday, marks an amazingly won- derfud step forward. Beautiful scenic backgrounds are revealed in all their true color and beauty. The hills and valleys o f the Indian color are reproduced for the screen just as the eyes see them in nature. And the powerfully grip­ ping story, true to Indian traditions and customs, unfolds in this native ! setting. A master cast enacts this drama. ] Richard Dix, who made such a tre­ mendous success o f his picturization o f "The Vanishing American,” turns his thoughts to the serious drama again and records a new masterpiece worthy of place with his previous en­ during epic. Bob Smith’s Garage Phone Sandy 41 SPECIALS General Repairing and i Machine Shop ' ACETYLENE WELDING CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE Come in and Let U* Price Your Job .•iiiiimiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmitiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiüiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii GARFIELD, March 28.— (Special) — J. C. Moreland, in charge of Delph Greek Hatchery, has been very busy the past ten days, supervising the movement o f Rainbow trout from the hatchery to the mountain streams of Clackamas county. Some three hun­ dred thousand trout, averaging about eight inches in length, have been lib­ erated to date and the work will con­ tinue until the million and a half fish propagated at the hatchery the past season, have been released. Sandy river, Salmon river, Gordon creek, Alder creek and Dodge Park have been the favored locations, for the planting of the sporty fish. R. G. Palmateer had. the misfor­ tune to lose five of his best sheep, due to liver fluke, an ailment caused by the drinking o f stagnant water. Efforts are being made to check further losses to his herd. J. VV. Dillinger recently purchased a team of horses and is now busy plowing on the Lemon ranch, having leased the place for the season. Miss Avis Palmateer left Sunday for Portland where sTie has accepted a position as governess. The Dorcas society, a benevolent organization, held its regular monthly meeting Thursday, March 21, at the home of Mrs. VV. R. Reid. The an­ nual election of officers was a part o f the day’s program. Mrs. M. Boy- lan, the society’s president the past year, was re-elected, as were all the officers. A bountiful turkey dinner served by the hostess was much en­ joyed by the twelve ladies present. J. F. Reeher went to Portland Wed­ nesday to consult a specialist regard­ ing an eye, which has given him much trouble the past year. STO RES CHAIN TiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiii