Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, March 29, 1929, Image 6

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j also
Church Announcements
county to
ments for
News invitee h II the
o f Eastern Clackamas
send in their announce­
this column, each week.
E stacada M ethodist
We hope for a resurrection, not
from any power in nature, but from*
the will of the Lord God Omnipotent,
who made Nature and us. He creat­
ed man out o f nothin« which Nature
could not. He can restore man from
the dust, which Nature cannot. We
hope for holiness and happiness in a
future life, not for anythin« we have
said or done in this body, but from
the merits and mediation o f Jesus
Christ. He has promised His inter­
cession to all who seek it, and He will
not break His word, that intercession,
once granted, cannot be rejected for
He is God and His merits infinite; a
man’s sins are but human and finite.
Him that cometh to Me, 1 will in no
wise cast out.
If a man sin, we have an advocate
with the father, Jesus the righteous
and he is the propitiation for our
sins; thus Christ has spoken to the
whole world that man might be
saved. Easter day is the hope day
o f the Christian.
Next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock
the service will consist o f an Easter
program given by the members of
the Sunday school. It will be very
helpful to hear. In the evening at
7:110 the choir with the nid of the
singers from the Christian church
and others will give an Easter mus­
ical. This has been developing for a
month and will be most excellent.
It is a union service.
Sunday school meets at 10 o ’clock
in the morning. The attendance was
again above the 100 mark. Let’s
keep it up and keep climbing. The
Epworth league will meet earlier next
Sunday, the time to be arranged at
the morning service. A cordial wel­
come is extended to all to attend
these services.— C. T. Cook, pastor.
E sta ca d a Christian
The children o f the Bible school
will present an Easter playlet enti­
tled “ Their Easter Challenge,” at the
Bible school hour Lord’s day morn­
ing. The children and their teachers
have been working hard, and have a
fine program prepared. You will
miss a treat if you miss seeing and
hearing the kiddies in their program.
“ If a man die, shall he live again?”
This was the question asked by Job
thousands o f years ago, and has al­
ways been a live subject. We all
want to live, but know that we must
sometime die. So Job's question bobs
up every du\. That question is an­
swered in the resurrection of our
Savior, so the sermon message at 11
o ’clock will be the “ Significance of
Christ's Resurrection.”
The Christian Endeavorers will
meet at 6:30 sharp, so that we can
dismiss in time to go in a body to the
Methodist church for the Easter pro­
gram. The C. E. topic is “ The Fu­
ture Life.” Mrs. Neilsen will be the
leader. Miss Anderson, president.
Everybody come, then adjourn and
go to the other church for the Easter
program.— Hugh Foster, pastor.
be distributed, the confessional
service beginning at 7 30.
On Easter Sunday English festival
; services at 10:30 a. in., also English
communion service, the preparatory
service beginning at 10 a. m. Ser-
rnon topic for Easter Sunday: “ The
Cross Conquered.”
Special music
by the choir at both services. You are
welcome.— F. T. Schoen, pastor.
H aley Baptist C h u r ch , B o r in g
The topic for the Easter sermon
at the Haley Baptist church Sunday
morning at 11 will be “ The Future
Life.” In the evening the B. Y. P.
U. will hold a meeting and Herman
Bartells will be leader. Miss Evelyn
Ledine is president of the society.
The Sunday school is progressing
under the leadership o f Mrs. J. H.
Lindgren, superintendent. There are
classes for all ages, and all children
who are not attending elsewhere are
Sandy Lutheran
It grieves me to hear people say:
We can do this and that and never
feel it. One reason we have done so
little to spread the gospel to the ends
of the earth is because we have never
given till we feel it. Our dear Father
in heaven felt it when He gave His
only begotten Son to die for us. The
Son o f God felt it when the com­
bined agonies of hell drove the bloody
sweat out o f His veins and broke Hi.1
heart on the cross. We should go
back to the cross and hear the words
This is what I have done for thee;
What have you done for me?
Jesus died on the cross so poor that
he had to commend His dear mother
to John to be taken care of. Are we
ready to die poor for Him? He died
sinless on the cross for our sins; are
our sins washed away by the Blood
o f the Lamb?
He was busy on the day He died,
saving souls. Are you planning to re­
tire in health and strength? Let this
be our prayer: Lord, let me stand
near the cross and look over the
empty tomb, and work for Thee every
day I shall be permitted to live on
this earth, as Jesus did.
It is a
great thing to die with the harness
German services on Friday evening
at 8 o ’clock commemorating the Sav­
ior’s death. The Lord’s supper will
With the opening o f the fishing
I season but a few weeks uway, thou-
| sands of anglers are making prepaia-
tions for the event. Scores o f streams
will be visited by skilled and un - 1
skilled fishermen who get a “ kick”
out o f opening day, whether or not i
they go home with the limit. Every
deputy warden o f the State Game
Commission will be on the job to see
that the law is observed. Some ar­
GRESHAM CLOTHIERS rests will undoubtedly be made but (
they will be few, as Oregon sports­
One o f the outstanding clothing
men, except in rare instances, obey j
stores within easy reach o f the people
the laws that have been established
o f Eastern Clackamas county is the
for the protection of game fish.
Aylsworth & Martin store o f Gresh­
am. For eighteen years they have
Hundreds o f anglers' licenses have
been in business in that city, and already been purchased by Oregon
handle the highest grade, nationally sportsmen. Practically every store
advertised merchandise lines, such as
, . that sells fishing tackle is in a posi- -
Hart, Shaffner & Marx clothes, Mai- tJon tQ ^
licenge8> s0 thwe is n0
lory hats, Arrow and Argonaut, necessity o f writing to the Oregon
shirts, Phoenix Hosiery, Cooper un­ State Game Commission and going to
derwear, Douglas shoes; in fact the
the unnecessary trouble that some do
most popular brands of men’s and Those who desire to fish must be li­
boys furnishings.
censed and to obtain a license all that
Mr. Aylsworth says "we are able to is necessary is to call at the nearest
undersell the Portland stores hand­ sporting goods house, make applica­
ling the sanies lines we carry, because tion and pay the fee required.
o f our lower overhead expense. The
enormous amount o f business, which
The only two counties in Oregon
is showing a steady growth, proves where arrests for game violations ;
that we are pleasing our customers were not made last year were Sher­
with both quality merchandise and man and Wheeler. Coos, with a to- j
satisfactory prices.”
tal o f 61 arrests, stood highest on |
Attention is directed to the adver­ the list of counties and there was
tisement o f this popular firm in this only one man arrested who escaped
week’s issue o f the News.
Mr*. J. W a l t e r C r e g h t o n H o s t e s s
It is not a selfish motive on our part
that causes us to continually urge you
to save.
We have seen so many tragedies that
have been caused by the lack of effi­
cient saving that we feel it our duty to
stress the importance of thrift to you at
all times.
4 ||
C lackamas C o u n iy m
During the pust few weeks the time
of Harold Clifford, state game war­
den, has been pretty well occupied by
meetings with sportsmen’s organiza­
tions o f various counties o f Oregon.
Each organization has its particular
problem and the game commision,
through Mr. Clifford, seeks to cooper­
ate in such a way as to bring satis­
faction to all concerned.
Mrs. J. Walter Creighton was host­
ess March 20 at the lovely new
Creighton residence at a party given
for Mrs. Warren Critcher of Wemme.
Eighteen ladies were present and a
delightful time was had. Mrs. Critch­
er received many lovely gifts. Re­
freshments were served by the host­
Girl Scouts M eet
Not a Selfish
Let Us Help Plan Your Spring Improvements
A Sum m er Cottage
Fred Arzner, the predatory animal
hunter o f the Oregon State Game
Commission, narrowly escaped death
last week, when he was attacked by
a cougar, in Southern Oregon. It
was to his trained cougar dogs that
Mr. Arzner owes his life. When the
I an' ma* had jumped for him the four
| hounds attacked the cougar.
[ vicious cat was killed but the dogs
did not escape from the fight without,.
j a number o f bad scratches.. Mr. Arzi
d ner spends his entire time hunting
. the animals that prey upon deer.
A man in a remote section o f Ore­
gon, some time ago, promised the
State Game Commision that he would
forsake his habit o f killing deer out
of season. He was notorious in his
locality for hunting out o f season
and boasted that he could not be
caught. When he gave up illegal
i hunting he took up another habit—
that o f moonshining. Now he is in
been dependable. Hut in the new Dodge Brothers Six,
even Dodge Brothers dependability attains new heights.
Num erous refinem ents in con stru ction , design and
equipment have made the new Dodge Brothers Six
something more than just another automobile. It is
the greatest value in Dodge Brothers history. To skill in
sturdx manufacture lias been added the art o f eomhin-
ing spaciou sn ess, co m fo rt and style. In appearance
fjT \
and performance the new Dodge Brothers Six is a
gratifxing surprise and a never-ending satisfaction.
Lica i B ody S tylxs
*1066 r. o. a. D etroit
N & W
Phone Gresham 1471
E od be - B r o th er s 5 ix
!* £
Sandy Sunday School Grow*
Sandy community Sunday school
had a record attendance Sunday, of
68. New song books have been pur-
chased and the interest is increasing.
problem ,
su lt us.
“ E v e ry th in g fo r the B u ild e r "
Phone 70-1
Estacada, Oregon
Job Printing
Posters and Handbills.
Circulars, any size.
A l w a y s and in all ways Dodge Brothers motorcars Lave
t he
We will estimate the cost of materials for you and recom­
mend the most practical for your particular purpose.
tradition o f a good name
A new R o o f, or new Porches
-— W h a t e v e r
B r o o d e r H o u s e , E tc .
G lorifying every
Another Room
w il l b e g l a d t o h a v e y o u c o n ­
“ The Michigan Kid,” which will be
shown at the Liberty Theatre Friday
and Saturday, this week, in connec-
tion with the Tarzan picture, is a
perfectly balanced and thoroughly
entertaining photoplay. It is a story,
setting and cast, all charmingly com­
bined by the director’s deft flair for
colorful romance.
Rex Beach’s novel o f the same
name furnished the story, which has
j been adherred to closely. It deals
j with the adventures of a straight
gambler in Alaska during the gold
rush o f 1898 and is generally con-
sidered Beach’s most vigorous work.
None o f that vigor has been lost
in the transfer of the thrilling story
to the screen. Conrad Nagel appears
as the gambler, a man who despite his
calling is honest and lovable. Renee
Adoree is the girl who finds him gen-
tie, while Lloyd Whitlock discovers
him to be a husky antagonist.
One o f the highlights o f the film
version is the escape of this trio down
a river flowing through a blazing
forest. The sequence is done in nat-
ural colors, giving a spectacular dra-
! matic effect.
A N ew Garage
A group o f Sandy Girl Scouts re­
cently met with Louise Lucas. The
tenderfoot test requirements were
practised and a lunch served. Those
present were Arletha Proctor, Ruth
Barnett, Lola Dodd, Roxie McCor­
mick, Anabel Malar, Velma Webster,
Phyllis Christianson, Mrs. Ralph
Brown and Miss Alice Strong, Lt.
Kenneth Proctor, Sandy, Play* in
Symphony Orchestra
Kenneth Proctor, Sandy, playt
drums recently at the symphony co
cert at the Portland theater. Sam
has long been proud o f Kenneth
ability. He was admitted to the o
chestra at the U. o f O. when a fres
man and still plays with the band.
Letter Heads.
Bill Heads.
1 §
| EE
I =
1 zss
Memorandum Heads.
Visiting Cards.
Business Cards.
Wedding Invitations.
Tickets of all’ kinds.
Driver’s Report Forms.
Thomas M. Lux, club boy of =
Bridgeport, Ind., won the national —
[junior corn championship with 10 =
j ears o f corn raised by himself.
Jack Picket, 5, is a promising
| young musician and often leads the —
high school band of Arkansas City. ~~~
Peter Moran, 7, o f Boston, is said
to be fully recovered from tubérculo- —
5 sis o f the brain after two years of
Order Forms.
Shipping Tags.
Uackamas Countv News