Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, March 29, 1929, Image 3

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    C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y NEW S, F R ID A Y . M ARCH 29. 1929
W e Specialize in
A t this o ffic e we are equipped to
handle the most difficu lt extrac­
tion, with gas or local injection
around the gums.
A trained dental nurse to insure
My past experience will bear me
out as a painless extractor of
(T e n
Y ear« Successful Practice)
X-Ray Examinations
$10.00 to $37.00
Out o f town people served in one visit
good dentistry.
DR. P.
, Dentist
Willam ette Building, Oregon City
Entrance Opposite Post O ffic e
Phone 562
Distance is no question with us. Our
equipment is at your service day or
Gates Funeral Home
Phone 2471
Gresham- Oregon
Containing many suggestions of value in
garden and farm work, may be secured
from our supply. They cover almost every
line of farm work and will be found most
E Safe
be given April 3 at the high school
auditorium by the Meadow Brook
Literary society under the direction
o f Emile Mattson.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart o f Latourellr
Falls were Sunday visitors at the C.
A. Branland home.
Sunday guests at the A. Danielson
home were Carl Swanson and son o f
Portland, John V. Johnson and Miss
Anna Johnson o f this community.
They celebrated Norman Danielson’s
fourteenth birthday.
Vaidemar Danielson changed his
plans at the last moment and left
fo r Stockton, Calif., Sunday morn­
ing instead o f last Monday evening.
He is going to bring home a new
Graham Bros, truck fo r his father
from the assembling plant at Stock-
A birthday surprise party was giv­
en Mrs. Carl Bergstrom Tuesday a f­
ternoon. Quite a number o f ladies
were present.
Morris Carlson o f Goldendale,
Wash., visited at the Esther Hult
home Saturday.
The grade school girls are practic­
ing on an operetta, “ The Quest o f the
Pink Parasol,” to be given at the
end o f the present school year.
Holy Week is being observed in
this community with prayer meeting*
at the home o f Aaron Peterson on
Monday evening and at the home of
Emil Swanson on Tuesday evening.
Also other Lenten services will he
held on Thursday
evening at the
Lutheran church.
Victor Hill, Raymond Hill, Phillip
Putz, Erick Lindbeck and Sander
Lundmark took a trip up into the
foothills Sunday. They visited Mr
whose house burned some
time ago. Mr. Koppa is quite old and
was unable to save anything. A col­
lection o f bedding, clothing and food
was given him.
. iiiiiiiiiiimimiimmiimiiimiimiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiii'L
the week end were H. A. Hoard and
family o f Ridgefield, Wunh., Mrs.
Spitlcr and daughter,
Mrs. Stella
Emery and T. R ife o f Portland.
Oliver llelfrich, w ife and son and a
C O LTO N , March 28.— (Special).
friend visited their cabin on Clear
— Mr. and Mrs. Cleve L a ffe rty and
Creek Sunday.
children o f Lowell, Ore., visited at
the Alfred Swanson home Saturday.
Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. L a ffe rty are
Sunday they
motored to
Portland and spent the day with Mr.
und Mrs. Emanuel Nelson. The Laf-
Lovers o f romance, adventure and
fertys returned to their home at Low ­
thrills will welcome the announce­
ell Monday.
Arthur Erickson has a fine new ment o f the Liberty Theatre that
it has scheduled fo r showing here,
Margaret Anderson came home to “ Tarzan the M ighty,"
The first o f
spend the spring vacation. Margaret famous chapter play.
attends the state normal school at the series, “ The Terror of Tarzan,”
She returned to school will he shown Friday and Saturday
night o f this week.
Sunday afternoon.
The name Tarzan has long been
Miss Esther Peterson, who teaches
at Birkenfeld, Ore., spent the week one to conjure with in the field o f
end in Colton visiting at the home o f books. Edgar Rice Burroughs’ wide
ly known character, who first ap­
her brother, Elm Peterson.
Aurinne Newell o f Portland spent peared in the novel, “ The Jungle
the week end with Volberg and Mar­ Tales o f Tarzan,” has held the in­
terest o f the public fo r a number o f
garet Anderson.
His interesting history, his
Mrs. Earl Druse has returned from years.
ape-like strength, and h!s romance
Yakima, Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Swanson were with the beautiful girl castaway in
the jungle have aroused the imagi­
Portland visitors Saturday.
Melvin Marks purchased a piano nation o f millions.
Universal’s picturization o f the
from Hogg Bros, in Oregon City last
week. Our mail carrier has quite a story, has increased the conception
fam ily o f girls so no doubt the piano o f the character a thousandfold. It
shows Tarzan in his jungle strong­
will be much appreciated.
John Putz purchased a new radio hold, the king o f the beasts, and pro­
tector o f Mary Trevor, the girl who
last week.
Robert Hunter, Homer
Murphy, has been strangely cast into his life
and a Mr. T aylor o f Cottoge Grove The jungle beasts, the lost pirate
tribe and the cannibal natives are
spent the week end in Colton.
Hilma Anderson, Anna Wicklund also vividly portrayed in the screen
and Mrs). C. A. Branland met with an play.
Frank Merrill was chosen to play
auto accident Saturday as they were
M errill is one
coming from Portland. Miss Ander the role o f Tarzan.
son tried to pass a bus and skidded o f the country’s outstanding athletes
o f f the road over an embankment and is the holder o f numerous cham­
turning over several
M ss pionships.
Natalie Kingston is the girl and A1
Anderson was bruised
about the
shoulders and neck, Miss Wicklund Ferguson the villain, Black John.
received a long deep cut in the leg. Bobbie T revor and Lorrim er Johnson
They were taken to the Oregon City are also in the cast. A chapter o f
Mrs. Branland escaped this mighty story will be shown at
the Liberty every week, on Friday
without injury.
The play, “ Headstrong Joan,” will and Saturday.
I V alve Grinding |
Sandy 261
Sandy Garage
H. PERRET, Proprietor
ELW OOD, March 28.— (Special).
— Mrs. Dan Stahlnecker le ft Satur­
day fo r Monmouth where she will
Sandy, Oregon
take a six months teacher’s training
■ ft
course at the state normal.
Mrs. Elbert Harris o f Colton is
t iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiii'm iM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim staying with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Matt Park, while convalescing
from a recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Vallen were
shopping in Portland Monday.
| Men’s Oxfords; extra big bargain; just 18
Henry Cadonau
began work at
pairs; priced at, the p a ir ....................... $ 2 . 9 8 = Larkin's mill in Highland last week.
= Men’s Loganberry G loves....................
$ 1 . 2 5 1 Follow ing the Easter program
' which will be held in the church at
= Ladies’ Bear Brand Rayon Hose; Assorted
colors and sizes; the p a ir.............................5 0 £ f 10:15 a. m., Elder Reynolds of
Portland will preach
the Sunday
| Estacada,
morning sermon.
Everyone is cor-
E Oregon
I •
J A *
Mid I j
5 | dially invited to attend.
E vert and Irwin Stahlnecker were
B iim iiiim iiiM iiim iin iim m iiiiH M M m iim iim im iiM M iiiiim iim iiim M im iM iiiiH
Sunday evening guests at the Matt
¥ T
Patronize The News’ Job Printing Department
Park home.
Visitors at the Edwards home over
S P R IN G W A T E R , Mar. 28.— (S p e­
c ia l).— The clinic held at the school
house Thursday proved that most of
the pupils are eligible fo r the blue
ribbon honor roll. Only two o f those
examined »-ere found to be below
the average.
The clinic was con­
ducted by Dr. W. W. Gilbert o f Es­
tacada, assisted by Miss Lynch, the
county nurse.
The Ladies Aid met Thursday a f­
ternoon, Mrs. Ed. Shearer as presi­
dent, presiding. The March meeting
is the usual time fo r the election o f
officers, but as there were only a few
members present it was decided to
hold the annual election at the next
meeting which will be held the third
Thursday in April.
Mrs. Bryan Moore and
left with their household goods on
Friday fo r Elmira, where Mr. Moore
has been working.
Her other two
daughters, Edna and Irene remained
with their grandparents until Sun­
day when an uncle, Fred Closner,
came fo r them.
These people will
be greatly missed by their many
James Guttridge was able to leave
the hospital Sunday and is now at
the home o f his brother, Joe. Mr.
Guttridge is getting along fine, but
is still very weak. H arley Raney and
family, brother o f Mrs. Robert Gut­
tridge, brought him home and spent
the afternoon visiting with his sis­
ter and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Peipke are visiting
at the R. Hansen home fo r a few
Mrs. Peter Erickson was hostess
at a birthday dinner party Sunday,
honoring four members o f her family
occur in March.
There were 16 guests, including Ray
Erickson and fam ily o f
Camp 10,
Floy Erickson and fam ily o f Port­
land, Forest Erickson and family, Mr
Mrs. Ed. Aycock and family.
guests o f honor were Mrs. Forest
Erickson, W innifred Aycock, Peter
Erickson and Ed. Aycock.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler were
very pleasantly surprised by a visit
from W. R. Adams and Guy Wilcox
o f Antelope, who were here on bus­
iness the first o f the week.
Miss Ethyl
Young, principal o f
the school here, spent the week end
at her home in Portland.
Relatives o f Mr. and Mrs. R. Han­
sen, who visited at the Hansen home
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Young and Mrs. Mary Hubbard and
daughter, Mrs. Kell, o f Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler and
children called on Mr. and Mrs. Car-
roll Howell Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Monroe spent
Friday visiting with Miss Madden.
Mr. Kneisda has purchased a new
caterpillar tractor which was deliv­
ered to his place Monday.
Earl Jones und fam ily from ( amp
8 visited ut the J. A. Kiggins home
one day lust week.
Mr. Kiggin? father, F. J. Kiggins
o f Redmond, visited here for a few
days, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Chase und
fam ily visited at the Angus Bogden
home at Elwood on Sunday.
Helen P erry from O. A. C. is
spending her Easter vacation here
with her mother, Mrs. George Perry.
Mr. McGinnis and son o f Dodge-
visited at the J. Moger home on Sat­
Rev. Everett, who held services
ut the church here Sunday, was a
dinner guest o f Mr. and Mrs. Win.
GEORGE, March 28.— (Special).
— The annual congregational meeting
o f the Presbyterian church was held
at the church Sunday morning. Otto
Paulsen was re-elected elder, Carl
Lins was re-elected trustee and Miss
Flora Lins re-elected superintendent
o f the Sunday school.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen went
to Sandy Friday on business.
Mr. Everett from Portland deliv­
ered a sermon in the church here on
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Starr and son Mel­
vin fro'm California
Starr’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Joyner, a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Yevirnman and
son Gustave and G. W. Wilson were
visitors Sunday o f Mr. and Mrs. J.
Paulsen and family.
Funeral rites fo r Adolph Weider-
hold were held March 20, in Port­
Mr. Weiderhold
came here
about forty years ago and lived here
ever since except a short time spent
in Portland. He is survived by three
sons and four daughters, one daugh
ter and one son having preceded him
in death several years ago. Mr. W ei­
derhold was an industrious man; he
passed through some o f the pioneer
times and hardships.
(B y John J. Inskeep, County A gen t)
Keep Rodent Away from Corn: A
mixture to keep rodents and insect
pests away from corn after planting
is said to lie successfully used by
farmers. It is as follows:
2 ounces crude carbolic acid.
2 ounces sweet oil.
60 pounds shelled corn.
Stir thoroughly with a stick so
some o f the mixture is spread on each
pecially relating to the dairy, is the
lack o f feed, and these hoys are some
o f the future dairymen o f this coun­
ty. These boys and girls are just be­
ginning to realize that this feed prob­
lem is one o f the most vital and they
are going to help solve it.
The Wilsonville Guernsey Club, led
by Gilbert Kidder, the county health
club winner o f the boys last year, has
seven members.
These boys were
able last year to get nearly all o f the
blue ribbons und a number o f the
purple ribbons ut the fairs.
The Macksburg Sheep Club will
have a new name this year. There
are six members and the club will be
known as the W ooly Six, and from
all indications they will give a good
account o f themselves at the fairs
this fall. Wilrner Harms, o f Mucks-
hurg, and a club member himself, will
be the leader. He will also lead a
pig club in this district which will he
known as the Happy Pig club.
Mr. L. J. Allen, assistant stato
club leader, spent Friday and Satur­
day in the county.
He was well
pleased with the way the boys and
girls are taking hold o f the club work
in this county. He met many o f the
club members whose faces were very
fam iliar to him and also some new
club members that he had never seen
before. Mr. Allen gave the boys and
girls some very interesting sidelights
on club work and told these 4-H club­
bers many interesting experiences o f
some other club members in other
parts o f the state. We are looking
forward to another visit from Mr.
Dr. Will Dale o f Portland wns in
Estacada Sunday to visit his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Dale. He was
accompanied by J. J. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. McCulluni arrived
from Portland Monday to stay with
the Bob Cooke children while their
father and mother were away on ac­
count o f the death o f Mr. Cooke’s
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Starr and son
Jerry from Malin, Ore., arrived last
week to visit at the home o f Mrs.
Starr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. O.
Sarver. They may decide to remain
in this vicinity permanently.
Mrs. Neva Day o f Stayton is a
guest at the home o f her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Smith, this week.
W illiam and Ernest Hirte o f P ort­
land were guests Sunday o f Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Hall at the Home Res­
Mr. and Mrs. W’ . S. Williams o f
Estacada Heights had as guests Sun­
day Mrs. W illiams’ sister and hus­
band, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. W oollen
o f Portland and her two daughters,
Mrs. A. Warmuth and Mrs. C. H.
Reiser and their children. Mrs. M ary
Ginter, who has been visiting her
niece, Mrs. Williams,
them home.
The Ladies Aid o f the M. E. church
will give a chicken supper on Tues­
day evening, April 2, at the I. O. O.
F. hull. Come and eat chicken and
noodles with us. Beginning at 5:30
in the evening.
Glenn Ely, a senior at the Oregon
State Agricultural college at Corvallis
has been teaching manual training in
the junior high school in Corvallis,
for some time. He is a member o f
the college band and this week is on a
trip to the southern part o f the state.
Mountain Cheer Glee club will hold
its next meeting at the home o f Mrs.
G. R. Ellis on Tuesday afternoon,
April 2.
(B y LeRoy C. Wright, County Club
A g e n t).
About thirty new club members
were enrolled last week. These mem­
bers were located in the Macksburg,
Stafford, Petes Mountain and Wilson-
ville communities. Mrs. E. W. Grib-
ble is leading her very successful Jer­
sey club with five members again this
year. The name o f her club will be
the Blue Ribbon Jersey Club. The
reason fo r the choosing o f this name
is that her members have a habit, it
seems, o f walking away with all the
blue ribbons and also they seem to
have a monopoly o f the purple rib­
bons at the fair. These club mem­
bers are becoming more progressive.
They are taking up the consideration
o f growing their own feed fo r their
Mrs. G. W. G iger arrived from
animals. We, at this office, are very Tillamook Monday evening to visit
glad to hear o f this, because one of her mother and sister at the Stur­
the big problems in this county, es geon home fo r a few days.
I Easter Specials
Swift’s Premium Ham; per pound ...............9 2 C
| Large Pkg. Peet’s Granulated Soap and
| .3 Bars Crystal White Soap for
I5 C
= One Full Pint Maple Syrup
| House Dresses; big values; to go at
$ 1 .9 5
5 Men’s Fancy H ose......................
2 5 i* awl up |
E Ladies’ Silk H ose.........................
5 0 c and up |
E B. V. May Ladies Hose ............. .......
Every pair guaranteed
98 C |
5 Sandy
Phone 271 |