Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, March 22, 1929, Image 1

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    C lack am as ^C ounty N ews
Among the pleasant social events
in lodge circles in Estacada during
the week was the meeting Tuesday
evening o f the O. E. S. More than
forty members and visitors were
present and Miss Florence June Reed
was given the degree o f the order.
Following the initatory work, ar­
rangements were made for the trip
to Oregon City next Tuesday night
to attend a district meeting. Re­
freshments were served by a com­
mittee composed of Mrs. Mary Smith
Mrs. Harriet Vail, Mrs. Mary Reed
Mrs. Elizabeth Womer and Mrs. N.
B. Ecker. St. Patrick's day was hon­
ored in this most delightul repast, in
table decorations and shamrocks
green and yellow flowers and paddy’t
pigs as place cards. The menu was
Irish, also, and consisted of potato
salad, dark bread sandwiches, sham­
rock cakes and coffee.
The educational rally at Sandy
Saturday was an outstanding event
Everything went o ff splendidly; the
high school was filled, many from al!
sections of the county being present
The morning program consisted of
invocation by Rev. O. J. Gill; Sandy
grade school numbers;
band, wand drill, and “ fash on
Mrs. Gabriel, state president of the
P. T. A., stressed the importance of
P. T. A. work in rural communities;
to parents as well as children in es
tablishing a community conscious­
ness; advancing cultural
study o f health, etc. Mrs. Gabriel's
address was well received.
Brenton Vedder, county superin­
tendent o f schools, gave a compre •
hensive talk on recent school legisla
tion and covered the tax question ad
The Woman’s Christian Temper
R. W. Mallery, principal o f Sandy ance Union held their institute at
grade school, told o f the art work in the M. E. church in Estacada Thurs
the Sandy Schools. Prizes were day o f last week. The program was
awarded to the winners in the county opened by Rev. J. F. Dunlop, fol-
» declamatory
V ..I U .,» ,] contest „ by
j E.
,> uuu- *owed by s>nK'nR- Business of the
ward o f Milwaukee Schools: A d ell! institute followed> Mrs. Betty Weath
Perfer, first prize winner, Wich ta erby> President, presiding. There
schools, recited the winning sel c- were reP°rts from several commit
tion, “ Raggedy Man.”
tees and Mrs- Andre* s' county W.
A delicious plate luncheon was I C. T. U. president, led a round tabln
served by the Sandy P. T. A., under discussion, many interesting things
the direction of the high school do­ 1 being brought out. A potluck dinner
was served in the basement of the
mestic science department.
The afternoon
opened church at noon.
The afternoon program consistée’
with numbers by the Sandy high
W. C. I. ü. HOLÖS
$100 in Gold-Point Schedule
Ends This Saturday Night
Saturday Big Day for Live Candidates in Clackamas County
News Free Gift Distribution -Leaders Run C l o s e -
S i 0 0 in Gold Means $ 5 0 a Week Extra
Last Tuesday candidates started
on the new campaign in which an
extra prize of $100 in gold will be
given to the candidate who secures
the greatest number o f points in sub­
scriptions turned in between last
Tuesday and Saturday night, March
30. Every candidate, regardless of
his or her present standing, started
on an equal basis on this special
The efforts o f candidates for the
next ten days really have a double
prize value.
Every subscription
turned in during the next ten days
not only counts the regular number
o f votes toward the original prizes
o f big motor cars, etc., but they alsit
count points toward the extra prize
of $100 in gold; it means $50 a
week to you.
Many more points are given for
subscriptions on this special prize if
turned in Saturday night of this
week than if turned in after thal
time. Your efforts between now and
Saturday night are worth a great
teal more to you in both points and
votes, than they will be after Satur­
day night. Now is the time to exert
every possible effort and secure ev­
ery available subscription.
10-Year Subscriptions Count
scriptions in favor o f any candidate
would make a new leader in the race
Big Votes End Soon
One week from- Saturday night at
9 o ’clock sees the close o f the last
big vote schedule o f the race— this
ends the biggest remaining vote offer
of the campaign. After Sunday sub­
scriptions count for many less votes
and points. For this very reason the
time between now and one week from
Saturday night is by far the mosi
important o f the home stretch. Who­
ever goes out in front these next few
days will have the best chance of
all toward landing the big motor cars
originally announced and the extrs
prize o f $100 in gold.
Point Schedule Drop«
Saturday at 9 o'clock marks a big
decrease in the point schedule turned
in on the new special prize o f $100
in gold. Up until 9 o ’clock Satur­
day you receive many more points
toward this extraordinary prize on
each subscription than you will re­
ceive the following week. This week
and next your best efforts really
have a double prize value.
Every subscription you turn in this
week counts the regular number of
votes toward the original grand cap­
ital prizes and at the same time the
same subscriptions count the maxi­
mum number o f points toward the
additional $100 prize.
Up until Saturday night every 10-
school band, directed by G. D. O .r; o f an sdd,ess by Mrs. Andrews, mus
year subscription counts a total of
selections from the operetta, “ Miss ' ic and a Roeial hour’ The “ 'ganiza-
What Will You Do?
510,000 votes and 50 points. Just
Chtrry Blossom,” which is to be tion o f Estacada reported several
What are you going to do the last
a dozen o f these will count over
given Friday night, were put on in new member8- There were about
few days o f the big vote schedule?
6,000,000 votes and 600 points.
costume by Miss Shell, director, Dor- twenty-five in attendance,
Are you going to take advantage of
The attention o f candidates is them and win or are you going to
othy Bruns at the piano.
again called to the big vote value of
W. G. Beattie, University if O 'e-
ESTABLISHED id ESTACADA the second payments on subscrip­ re-t on your oars -;nd lose? It all
gon ertension lecturer, talked on j
depends on what you do between now
school corvolidation, illustrating hi» j Bob Cooke announces that the tions— that is— extensions o f sub­ and Saturday night, March 30.
scriptions received earlier in the cam­
lecture with stereopticon views. Mrs. 1 „ .
Some o f you candidates, after this
, ,,
Cooke Motor company has b-en ap- paign. In securing these candidates
Hazel Murray, -- president o f San“ y
. , ,
. - ,,
, .
3 pointed sales agent for the complete should be sure that the receipt stubs campaign is over, will see where just
P. T. A., was in charge o f the pro
a little extra effort would have
j Goodyear tire line in Estacada. They are plainly jnarked “ second” o-
grom for the day.
received their first stock Tuesday and “ third subscription” or extension and brought you a few hundred extra
dollars. Will you be one o f those
. a more complete line will follow im­ the amount o f the first subscription
or are you going to come out on top?
mediately. They will carry and ser­ shown.
It is entirely up to you I
vice the Goodyear line, along with
Goodrich Silvertown, giving them two
o f the best and highest grade tires payment plan you do not understand, Rev. C. T. Cook ................. 2,360,000
it is your duty to consult with the
on the market.
Mrs. Emery Ford ................. 2,343,100
Adolph Christafer Weiderhold died
The Cascade Chevrolet company campaign manager at once.
Mrs. R. G. Hunter ...............2,366,300
suddenly at the home o f his son which has featured Goodyear tires
The race is so extremely close on
Gcnig. . in the George Community m the past, continues to handle this the home stretch that it is surprising Andrew Johnson ................2,357,100
Mrs. Blanche Lundy .......... 2,368,700
Friday, M. i 1 15, age 71 years. He line o f tires and tubes.
how many of the favorites are picked Mrs. Alice Marshall .............2,362,800
was born .a Germany, and had resid­
to win. This is probably due to the Frank Marshall ................2,369,800
ed in this section for a number of
fact that most o f the candidates have Mrs. Marieta Norman ....... 2,342,100
such splendid scores that a few sub­ Mrs. Leo Steinm an...............2,351,400
Two sons and one daughter sur­
vive, George and Joe Weiderhold o f
Route 1, Estacada, and Mrs. A. N.
Stephenson o: Vancouver. Wash. L.
V. Chapman brought the body to
Estacada and the burial took place
at Vancouver Monday.
Dr. S. T. Crow of Estacada, while
crossing the street at the bank cor
ner Wednesday evening, was hit by
an auto driven by William Tucker
suffering severe scalp wounds and
i other bruises. He was immediately
taken to Dr. Rhodes’ office where
his wounds were dressed and not
Estacada P. T. A. will meet at the j thought to be very serious.
grade school building Tuesday, Mar.
26, at 3 p. m. at which time the BOYS CONVICTED OF THEFT
fifth and sixth grades will present a
Jack Lankin, 21 and Walter Smith
health play, “ Where's My T ooth -¡19, plead guilty in Justice Shelley's
brush?” The prizes offered for the court in Sandy to stealing $25 worth
best health posters will be awarded of articles from the W. E. Stevens
at this time.
home near Fjrwood. W. G. Duncan
Sandy from
Margaret Lynch, county brought the boys to
nurse, and Mrs. Gertrude Hall, state Bend. Shelley sentenced the boys to
health chairman, will explain more six months in jail and a fine o f $100
fully the blue ribbon honor roll, the each been suspended sentence on
big health project in the grade good behavior. Smith lived at Fir-
schools this year. After the program wood last year with his parents, who
tea will be served. Everyone is cor- j now reside in Portland
dially invited.
A deal was closed Tuesday where-
by J. P. Steinman owns the residence
property now being occupied by the
Ray Wilcox family, which was for-
merly owned by Mrs. Louise Blouth.
Mr. Steinman bought the property
thinking he would move to Estacada
but at this time has about changed
his mind. He expects to build and
improve the house as soon as possi-
Buys New Ford Car
Rev. Levi Johnson, superintendent
o f Hillockburn Resort, purchased a
new mode) A Ford roadster for use
o f the resort from the Bob Cooke
Motor company o f Estacada this
Model of “ Old Ironside»”
On Display in Sandy
Those attending the dedication o f j
I the new Veterans hospital in Port-
land und the American Legion Auxil­
iary conference, Monday, from Esta­ PORTLAND VALLEY CIRCUIT IS
cada were Mrs. W. J. Moore, Mrs. G.
E. Parks, Mrs. Grover Riggins, Mrs.
Charles Hitching, Mrs. L. E. Town­
send, Mrs. Forest Erickson, Mrs. W.
Estucadu has retained her fran­
Weingart and Mrs. S. E. Lawrence.
After an hour and a half in bus­ chise in the Portland Valley Base
iness session in the conference hull, ball league.
Forfeit money was put up first of
the ladies had luncheon in the Gold
room of the Multnomah hotel, which the week, and new uniforms and
was immediately followed by the pa­ baseball equipment has been pur­
chased, financed by the ginseng
rade and dedication ceremonies.
The Auxiliary Sewing club will growers and business men o f Esta­
meet today (Friday) with Mrs. R. cada, quite a large number contribut­
S. Coop at Currinsville. This will be ing to the fund.
The league this year will contain
the last meeting of the club this sea­
son and all members are being urged towns not entered last year. The
circuit is now composed o f Camas-
to attend.
W’ ashougal, Vancouver (tow n), Os­
wego, Hillsboro, Oregon City, Sell-
wood Pharmacy, Sellwood Athletic
Club and Estacada.
The schedule has already been
adopted, and the opening game will
be played in Estacada on Sunday.,
The large barn on the Downy
April 7, when Vancouver comes to
ranch burned to the ground at about
this city.
3 o ’clock Tuesday afternoon. Sparks
It is planned to have a workout iq
from a brush fire caught in the toof
Estacada next Sunday afternoon if
o f the barn, which started the blaze.
the weather permits, and start lining
Dokke Palmateer was the first to
up the 1929 team. Tony Bronson
discover the fire, and a general alarm
has signed up with Hillsboro, but it
was sent out over the telephone
is expected that the Hillsboro mana­
Heroic efforts to save the
ger will give him his release.
structure by a few available volun­
Several of the players o f last year
teers, proved fruitless, owing to the
features, will be presented at the Lib-
difficulty o f getting water to the
will be available, it is said, if their
service is desired.
The barn was not being used and
A big special show, Laura La
there was nothing o f value in it ex­
Plante in “ Home James,” and other
cept a small amount o f straw. It
erty theatre next Wednesday night
was not learned if the loss was cov­
for the benefit o f the baseball fund.
ered by insurance.
John Osborne and Ed Steinman
carried around the subscription list
DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY first o f the week and were able to
raise the funds necessary to start
There will be a squirrel poisoning the club o ff in the league.
St. Patrick’s Day
Former Estacada Man
Observed With Party Killed by Electric Shock
A very delightful St. Patrick’s day
party took place at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Vail at Springwater Satur­
day evening. The good saint was hon­
ored in a very unique display of
shamrocks, Irish top hats and “ Pad­
dy’s pigs in the parlor.” The eve­
ning was spent in playing five hun­
dred, music and old-time dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. Muir gave several hum­
orous readings.
demonstration at the Eagle Creek
Grange hall Saturday afternoon
starting at 1:30. This will be under
the aus ices o f , ountj Agent J. J.
Inskeep, and all int rested in ridding
their fcrira o f the pests are urged to
attend. Mr. Inskeep will have a sup­
ply of the poison on hand for sale
at actual cost for the convenience of
those who desire it.
Joa:. Lawrence 1 1 proving
Joan, daughter o f Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. Lawren - 1 of Springwater,
underwent an operation in Portland
Sunday evening for ear trouble, bath
ears having been operated on. Mrs
Lawrence has remained in Portland
with her, but she is now improving
and they are expected to return homo
Here From Portland
E. E. Oliver o f the composing room
staff o f the Oregon Journal o f Port­
land was a visitor in Estacada Sat­
Many children in the Estacada dis­
trict have qualified for the Blue Rib­
bon Health honor roll, which is the
health project of the Clackamas
County Health association this year.
This project is financed by the sale
of Christmas tuberculosis seals by
the school children this last year.
The children who qualified from
the Eagle Creek school are Edward
Grier, Frank Gigliotti, Donald Hyde,
Margaret Spilde, Lucille Giglotti,
Pearl Hoffmeister, Carl VVeitz, Ben
Thayer, Ernest Buhlinger, Carl Reh-
berg, Virgil Nelson, Wilbur Rehberg
and Irene Schultz.
At George: Joe Rickey, Wm. Joy­
ner, Dorothy Chaney, and Augustus
passed the physical examina­
At Springwater: Anna Guttridge,
Luella Wheeler, Ruth Cromer, Clara
Peterson, Ruth Guttridge, Mary Eliz­
abeth Shibley, Viola Wheeler, Donald
Moore, Joe Guttridge, Donald Hoyt,
Addison Hanson,
Robert Shibley,
Vincent Bepre, Edward Shearer and
Lucille Joslin.
Clinics have been arranged at the
schools for the medical inspection, by
Miss Margaret Lynch, county nurse,
with I)r. Walter W. Gilbert of Esta­
cada as examiner.
Mrs. Raymond Lovelace enter­
tained the senior class o f the Metho­
dist Sunday school at the home o f her
parents, Monday. The class, which
is under the leadership o f Rev. Dun­
lop, decided to give a program in the
church, April 17. After the program
refreshments will be served, the pro­
ceeds o f the evening to go into the
church fund.
It will consist largely o f numbers
by the members of the class, although
efforts are being made to secure
outside talent to aid in putting over BIG SPECIAL AT LIBERTY
an excellent < nteitainment.
J. W. Stubbs of Portland, elec­
trician employed by the
Electric Power company, died Sat»
urday night at St. Vincents hospital
from burns and shock received in an
accident Friday afternoon.
“ Jess,” as he was familiarly known
here, was a resident o f Estacada for
several years and was well known in
the community. Besides his widow,
Ruby, he is survived by one daugh­
Mrs. Vail and Mrs. Muir as joint ter, Lillie.
Funeral services were MRS. EMERY FORD RETURNS
hostesses entertained as their guests, held in Portland Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Colson, Mr. and Mrs. REBEKAHS ATTEND DISTRICT
Mrs. Emery Ford, who went to
John Keller, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
MEETING AT MILWAUKIE California with her mother, Mrs. E
Heitsraan o f Dodge; Mr. and Mrs. R
R. Johnson, because of the illness of
Millard, Mr. and Mrs. John Park, Mr.
Fifteen members o f Centennial Re- her sister, Mrs. Fayette Davis, has re
and Mrs. R. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs bekah lodge of Estacada attended the turned home, bringing her sister
Byron Cogswell, Miss Maude Mad­ district meeting held in Milwaukie with her.
den, and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Erick­ Thursday. Mrs. Mary Eshleman was
Mrs. Ford now will continue her
son o f Springwater; Mr. and Mrs. elected vice president for the ensuing work in the Clackamas County News
Douglass Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. F. term. Centennial lodge exemplified circulation campaign. Mr. Foril kept
Whitaker and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence a memorial service during the after­ up an active interest in the campaign
Jubb o f Estacada; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. noon. Mrs. Eleanor Day, vice grand during Mrs. Ford’s absence.
Bird, Mrs. Mary Schmill and Mrs. F\ o f Estacada lodge, won the prize for
Johnson o f Portland.
giving the vice grand charge in the MAY ORGANIZE COMMERCIAL
Mrs. Fred Horner and Mrs. Heits- most creditable manner. The next
man won first honors at cards. Mrs meeting will be at Molalla.
The oft considered question o f or­
I Jubb and Mr. Erickson second, and
ganising a commercial club in «Sandy
Mrs. Chapman Returns
j Mrs. Bird and Mrs. Douglass John-
Mrs. L. A. Chapman returned is being discussed again, and it is
■ son, consolations.
home Tuesday from
Hood River hoped that the necessary co-operation
Former Editor Here
where she spent the past week visit will be forthcoming to get a live-wire
club started soon.
Rev. U. H. Gibbs o f Washoucal, ing with her daughter.
Moritz Peterson of Cherryville,
P*B knife erti«t, has another hand-
■»"'« ship model on display at Krebs
Kafe in Sandy, which attracts much
Peterson says he has had the
pleasure of staying Ilk his “ dream
house" at Cherryville this winter liv-
in* ov« r his ideals of "what has been
ancl what will he,” and making model
ships is for love of the artistry, and
because he loves to see the U. S. A.
a little more ship-minded, and able
to understand what our forefathers
could do when “ sailing was sailing,” former editor and publisher of The
«od American clippers took the hon- News, was in Estacada on business
He was accompanied by
ors of the sea.
Petersen is reproducing other clip- Rev. C. H. Nellor, also of Washougal.
per«, and plans to start “ The City of
Try a Want Ad in the News.
: New York” soon.
William Gilgan was sick for a
few days the first o f the week with
la grippe, and was unable to be at
the furniture exchange. He is im­
proving now.
Bob Webster and Dolly Daye will
appear in person at the Liberty The­
atre Friday evening, today, in con­
junction with their latest picture,
“ Black Hills,” which was made in the
Black Hills of South Dakota. Mr.
Webster has played in many Western
and out-door pictures. He is the new
villain o f the screen and appeared
in “ North of Nome” and “ The Lure
of the Yukon,” both of which were
actually filmed in the cold regions o f
Dolly Daye played with the Baker
Stock company in Portland and was
very popular.
Bill Perry at a large expense has
; been able to secure this attraction
I for his theatre on this one night only.
He urges his patrons to attend this
; splendid entertainment.
Bedcniteim Have Accident
Mr. and Mrs. August Bedensteirt
o f Cherryville were in a crash Mon­
day with one o f the Craswell trucks
which operates at the Bruns-Mcln-
tyre mill. Mrs. Bedenstein’s face
was reported cut quite badly. Bed«
i enstein escaped without injury.