: CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1929 -5T- Gresham’s Greatest Horse Sale ! A U C T IO N W ednesday, March 20th, 1929 The Undersigned will sell at auction at TH O M P SO N ’S BARN , G R E SH A M , OREGON Sale C o m m e n c in g at 1 o ’ C lock, p. m. One car load of good work horses. These horses are of various ages, well broke, are in good condition and ready to go to work at once. I am going to sell them under my customary guarantee which is:-— Deposit cash in First State Bank, Gresham, Oregon, with in­ structions to hold for three days. Try out horses purchased. If not satisfied, return horses to Thompson’s barn. Show your receipt to First State Bank that horses have been returned and receive the money you paid for horses. Can anything be more fair? TERMS— Six months time may be had with interest at 8 per cent per annum on notes approved by clerk. Those desiring credit should make application to Clerk A. Meyers at First State Bank Gresham, Ore., prior to day o f sale. P. C ELO RIA, Owner W . S. W O O D & SONS, Aucts A . M EYERS, Clerk Gresham, Ore. Vancouver, Wash. n iiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim m im m iM iiiiim iim im m iiiH m iiiiiiiM iiiiiiim im m im iiiin f Spring Dress Goods New Spring Patterns in Bolt Goods that will please you. :: :: E L Y J . Estacada, Oregon ñ im iiiiiim iim m iiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiim iiiim iim iim im iiiiiiiiim m m iiiiiiiiiiin HOM E C O O K IN G M EALS A T A L L H OURS “ C O U R T E S Y ” OUR M O TTO R E 6 S ONFECTIONERY A F E Sandy, Oregon Tii ^es for the new Ford are specially made to give long wear na WHEN tlir new Ford was de­ signed, it was immediately apparent that a new tire would have to he made to match the car's perform­ ance. It was distinrtly a new problem, for here was a ear with quicker aeeeleration, greater speed and more braking efficiency than any car of similar size or weight. So that every Ford owner might he assured of maxi­ mum tire mileuge at the low­ est cost, the Ford Motor C om pan y devoted many m on ths to research and ex p erim en t in c o n ju n c­ tion with the leading tire manufacturers. As a result, certain defi­ nite specifications were de­ veloped for tires for the new Ford. These specify cords of certain strength and texture, a large volume of tread and side-wall rubber, sturdy non- skid design, and reinforced plies for protection against b r u is e b r e a k s — a ll the strong features o f ronslruc- tion formerly considered fo r only the largest tires. Great care also was takrn to secure the best riding qual­ ities in connection with the tran sverse sprin gs and the llo u d a ille •hock absorbers. F ord M Though the Foril tires are designated as 3 0 x 4 .5 0 , they have the resiliency and air spqee of much larger tires because of the drop center rim of the steel-spoke wheels. For host results, the tires on the new Ford should he kept inlluted to an air pres­ sure o f 3 5 pounds uud cheeked regularly to insure this pressure all the time. This is important. Low in- tlation breaks down the side­ walls of a tire. By causing oxerheating, it also destroys the rubber that acts as an insulation, with consequent separation o f the cord. At the end of each 5 0 0 0 miles, when you have the front wheels packed with grease, it is a good plan to have the wheel alignment cheeked. This will prevent premature wear. When punctures conic, ns they will with any tire, you will find the Ford dealer particularly well - equipped to make repairs quickly und at small cost. See him, too, fo r rep laeem en ts. T h en you will he sure of getting tires built specially fo r the Ford car according to d e f in it e F o rd specifications. otor C o m pan y EAGLE CREEK BORING EAGLE CREEK HEIGHTS, March BORING, March 14.— (Special).— | 14 .— (Special).— Mr. and Mr®. Earlin H. G. Knox has purchased two new | Linkholm have moved into the Carl trucks and is hauling wood direct to Kanstrum house on Douglass Ridge, the city market. John Valberg is still enlarging his They visited at the Bill Huggins home business activities. He is now build­ Monday. Warren and Vernon Dtlancy start­ ing a new tile office and store room ed to school at Eagle Creek last for his lumber yard. A shower was given at the church week, Among those from the Heights at for Mrs. W. R. Shattuck recently and tending the dance ut Eagle Creek there was a large turn out o f Ladies Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. Aid members who gave the shower. ] Fred Hoffmeister and daughter Ruby. The new Boring tie dock is being Miss Rose Huggins, Howard Longwell rebuilt, 400 feet will be practically and Mr. Rehberg and son Carl Jr. new when the Job is completed. The Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Judd were P E- P- company has workers from Portland visitors one day last week. fbe city in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoffmeister The new section foreman, R. B. and family called at the home of her Russell, has moved into the H. A. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richey Beck house and the Becks have o f Swede Ridge Sunday. Mr. H off- moved into the Lund house, meister is helping break a team o f Doris Metzger, 7, who underwent a c0|,s j mastoid operation, and who was suf- Howard Longwell left for Portland feting from pneumonia, is improving Tuesday where he has obtained work buf *s *n *be hospital, and will go out to a logging camp. Mrs. Root, who has been very ill Miss Marie Huggins writes that she s' nee December, is now improving, is working for Mrs. Carlyle Strana under the care o f a trained nurse. I Mrs. Dorothy Waltham, who was , han at Tillamook. formerly at Gresham, but now from Spokane. Mrs. Root is the mother o f Mrs. W. R. Telford and Mrs. W. E LW O O D ! Morand. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Naas gave a card party Friday night and a number ELWOOD, March 14.— (Special)— o f their friends were entertained The Stauffer family o f Maple Lane royally. visited friends here Sunday. Earl Child, a guard at McNeil’s Erwin Moehuke and little Mary Island, is visiting his brother, Billy Vallen were quite sick with flu last Child. week. The H. Day family have returned Mrs. Clara Meilike and son Charlie to their small farm near Boring. visited the home ranch Sunday. Letha and Naomi Child each have Mrs. M. Park called on Mrs. T. G. missed a week o f high school on ac­ Munson Saturday afternoon. count o f influenza. Mrs. Dan Stahlnecker and sop Evert visited at the J. Edwards home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown were v is-! KELSO iting relatives here since the first of the month, are leaving Saturday for KELSO, March 14.— (Special).— Ryderwood, Wash., where they will! Mrs. Peterson was hostess at the re- make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Cox and chil- cent Kelso Women’s club meeting, 18 dren spent the week end in Oregon being present and enjoying a social time. The hostess served lovely re­ City and Portland. A meeting o f the P. T. A. will be freshments. held at the school house Friday at Mr. and Mrs. Jackson have been 2:30 p. m. | quite ill from flu. Mr. Johnson is a partner o f C. F. Anderson and lives OREGON M INERAL OUTPUT j near the latter’s home. "" V A L U E D A T $ 7 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jonsrud recent- — ----------- ! ly visited the new Veteran’s hospital Oregon’s annual mineral produc- and 8ay it ig wonderful. tion, consisting chiefly of stone, sand Kelso Sunday school is planning an and gravel, cement, clay products Easter pageant o f several scenes in and metals, amounts to about $7,- which the entire school will take = 000,000, says Dr. J. H. Hance, dean part. — o f the Oregon State school of mines. Kelso church services have been The gold output from the placer changed to the first and third Sun- EE mines is of special importance now. days of each month until further no- B It is reported that some o f the more I y ce_ hour is 2 :30 recent underground explorations are The boys’ live wire class of the [ opening up promising copper and Sunday school installed their officers gold ore reserves in the Grants Pass last Sunday. district. High freight into this re­ Kelso girls plan meeting again this gion is one o f the factors which hand­ week at the A. E. Jonsrud home to icap the development of the mining practice songs for Easter Sunday, industry there. A railroad between Grants Pass and Crescent City, with some harbor im­ BULL RUN provements at the latter place, is con­ templated. Deposits o f no practical value at present, might be operated BULL RUN, March 14.— (Special) Ji then with a margin o f profit. — Friends o f Walter Helm regret;; that his eye is not getting along very j R E F O R E S T A T IO N L A W LIKED The new law passed at the recent well at the hospital. Contrary to j j legislature providing for classifica­ first report, the eye was not entirely j tion o f reforestation land and its as­ gone, but it is feared that it will j j sessment at but 5 cents an acre while have to be removed. Robley, son o f Mr. and Mrs. V. D. : new trees are growing on it. is the most important piece o f reforesta­ Butler, has been quite ill the past j tion legislation enacted in any state, two weeks. Mr. and Oren Ganger spent Friday : says George W. Peavy, dean o f tho forestry school at Oregon State Col­ evening in the city at the home o f ; i lege. This law provides for the col­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkins, and ■ lection o f a yield tax o f 12 % per the Lester Keenans were also there. : cent when the timber is cut, while re­ The hostess served a delicious lunch ■ The Bull Run Campfire girls gave i ducing taxes to a minimum on logged off land so as to encourage reforesta­ another o f their attractive parties at ) the Community hall Saturday night. : tion. Nine tables o f five hundred were i played. The girls managed the af j D A IR Y M E N R E A D Y FOR MEET fair splendidly. Refreshments were i Plans are practicaly completed for served and the girls realized $9.75 j the big state-wide dairy conference for their efforts. at Corvallis March 21 and 22, when The next Bull Run Community club ■ dairymen from every county in the card party will be held on April 6. ; state will meet with representatives March 23, 7 :30 p. m., the Camp- j o f every division o f the industry to fire Birthday Council Fire is an- i map out plans for steady and orderly nounced to take place at the Com- j development o f Oregon into a greater I munity han. Parents and friendg of dairy state. Committees appointed the p .oup are inviud in advance have been busy gathering Mrs. E. c . Reece had , progres9ive new information, especially as re- honor party at her home recent| for gards marketing possibilities, and will the Campfire Rroup. The Kir|g ear„. have it ready for presentation at the ed certain hoBorg. after whlch Mnd. wiches, salad and chocolate were ! served. . J. W. Turton, o f Niles. Mich., h as! _________________ driven the three Ford automobiles he I COTTRELL P. T. A. MEETS = has owned a distance equal to nine ! times around the world, has never Cottrell P. T. A. program was a been out o f oil. gas or water and has successful one Thursday night. In never had an accident. He purchased charge were Mrs. Cook. Mrs. A. Rad­ ius first Ford, a touring car, in 1915,’ ford and Mrs. C. J. Wilkinson. A drove it 103.200 miles and then sold large crowd was present. Refresh- it for $125 cash. j ments sold brought over five dollars. — i “ Robinson Crusoe’* will be the movie Try a Want Ad in the Newt. for Friday night, this week. You Have More Than One Banking Need The modern bank acts as more than a mere depository for the money of its patrons. Perhaps you have never known the many ways your bank can serve you. Here are a few of them available to you, here at the Clackamas County Bank: Savings Accounts Checking Accounts Time Deposit Accounts Traveler’s Cheques Safety Deposit Vaults Foreign and Domestic Exchange f) f C lackamas C ounty iw äi Pabco Paint f o r e v er y purpose $2.95 per gallon ... ... Low er Price B etter Paint! Jackson Lumber Co. “ E v e ry t h in g f o r the B uild er ’ ’ Estacada, Oregon Job Printing Posters and Handbills. Circulars, any size. Letter Heads. Statements. Bill Heads. Memorandum Heads. Invoices. Envelopes. Visiting Cards. Business Cards. W edding Invitations. Tickets of all kinds. Programs. Driver’s Report Forms. Order Forms. Shipping Tags. ion erenie. Clackamas County News . . Estacada . . # V