Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, March 08, 1929, Image 7

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    C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y N E W S, F P.ip A Y , M ARCH 8, 1929
Tires for N ew Ford
Result Careful Study
A clean dry pasture is the best
place fo r a luare to foal, says the ex­
periment station. I f this is not pos­
One o f the problems which de­
sible, clean quarters are needed as
a ds in heading off infections. Paint- manded most careful study and ex­
ii g the navel cord o f the foal with haustive experimenting in the build­
iodine is preferred to tieing, as the ing and equipping o f the new Model
latter cuts off drainage if any trou­ A Ford car was that o f tires.
The new Ford was an entirely new
ble does develop.
The practice o f removing diseased car in its class, with power, speed and
joe colonies to a “ hospital” yard for acceleration that were also new to the
eatment has many good points, Be­ [ field o f light, moderate priced cars
arding to the Oregon experiment The very first test models o f the car
station, but often the hospitul yard proved that tires which could be
becomes a graveyard, due to neglect. counted upon to “ stand the g a ff”
Such yards are best located close at with the Model A Ford must be larg
h .nd so that they may receive care­ er, tougher and better able in every
ful attention, but it is important that way to withstand wear, heat from
they are not too close to other bee­ road friction and ordinarily damag­
ing action o f bumps, ruts and other
keepers’ colonies.
In Oregon, early March is the time uneven road surfaces upon the tread
'O plan the fam ily garden, to insure and the sidewall o f the tire.
To begin with, these tires with
> supply o f carrots, beets and other
. jo t crops for next winter, says the which all Model A Fords are equipped
while designated as 30x4.50 in size,
experiment station.
Corn silage is a wonderful feed in actually give an effect equal to that
Oregon fo r dairy cows, finds the ex­ o f tires measuring 30x4.75, when
periment station, but studies indicate fitted to the special drop center steel
-hat the cost o f producing this splen­ spoke wheels o f the car.
The designers o f the Model A Ford
did feed is high in this state. The
best way to reduce that figure is to realized that this car would go into
many parts o f the world and find
Increase the tonnage per acre.
B efore the spring work starts is a many varied road conditions. So the
good time to look to the w elfare o f tires with which the first few test
the farm horses, says the experiment models o f the new car were equipped
station. Some grain can now be fed were subjected to every possible type
Working a little each day to get them o f service and from these tests Ford
hardened before heavy work beginr engineers were able to determine
Will go a long way toward preventing specifications that would produce a
delays later from sore shoulders. In­ truly modern balloon tire with all the
specting the hoofs and shoulders excellence o f design, workmanship
looking fo r lice and clipping super­ and material to insure its givin g a
fluous hair will make the horse a bet­ service on a par with that o f the
Model A car itself.
ter work animal.
Tires fo r the Model A Ford are
Miss Elsie Marston, o f Chicago, re­ made by several o f the best manufac­
ceived a reward o f 25c. from a wom­ turers o f the country, but every tire
an whose purse containing $2,500 must meet those specifications. The
rubber which goes into each o f these
she found and returned.
Robert Stanton, o f Burnham, 111.,
tires must be of the finest grade, new
As Arthur Jaskell, o f Philadelphia live rubber that has been properly
was fined $75 fo r killing two o f his
neighbor’s pigeons and eating them was eloping with Mrs. Beatrice An­ cured. Just so much o f this rubber,
derson, he was arrested fo r stealing to within a fraction o f an ounce—
in a pie.
jewels from another woman.
and no less— must be used. The cot­
The divorce court o f London
ton from which the cord is manufac­
granted a divorce decree to Mrs L y ­
Twins were born to Mme. Jeanette tured must be o f the fine, long-fibre
dia Dixon and agreed to notify her Dubrose, o f ^’aris, one at 11.55 p.m. variety, tough and durable.
husband in New Zealand, 8,000 miles on January 31, the other at 12:05 a. each lot o f tires received at the Ford
m., on February 1.
assembly lines must first be carefully
inspected and tested to see that they
meet these specifications and that
there are no flaws or defects in tread,
sidewall or shoulder.
In testing sample tires from lots
delivered to the assembly lines, the
Ford Motor Company subjects them
in many instances to treatment they
will never receive at the hands o f the
average owner. One o f the testing
devices drops the tire down from a
height o f several fe'et, under a weight
equivalent to that o f a fully loaded
car, upon a section o f steel rail simi­
lar to those at a railroad crossing.
( E v e r y t h i n g y o u lo ok for
Tires are also placed on test cars and
operated over rough roads at below
in fine footwear, you get
pressures, over gravel,
in B r o w n - b i l t shoes — the
crushed stoije and through sand and
mud. For Ford engineers have de­
b u i l t - i n q u a lit y , c a re fu l
termined there shall be no chronic
w o r k m a n s h i p an d c o r r e c t
troubles in the tires o f the Model A
s t y le w h ic h in s u r e la stin g
7.— Every county
In Oregon has selected one or more
delegates to the coming state-wide
dairy conference at the state college,
March 21 and 22, when all divisions
o f the industry from producers to fi­
nanciers will consider ways and
means o f preparing the way fo r Ore
gon to become a greater and more
profitable dairy state.
The coming conference has result
ed more or less directly from a seriit
o f articles which have run in the Ore
gon Journal fo r several months, call­
ing attention to the present possib 1
ities o f dairy development in Orego
but which have pointed out a nurabe
o f obstacles in the way o f such de­
Far from being a mere “ booste
convention,” the coming meeting i
designed to find a way to substantia
and economic development o f the in
dustry, based on past experiences a.-
expressed in programs already forn
ulated through the extension s rvic.
but with other factors coordinatec
more fully than ever before has beei
Committee chairmen have been se
creamerymen or financiers, while the
seerptares are technical specialists in
the industry. These are as follows:
Fi jduction
a nd
Claude b u r’, anan, Corvallis, and N.
C J.imiton; economic status o f dairy
industry, George Fullenwider, Carl
ton. and L. K. Breithaupt; finance
W ill T. Wright, Oregon City, and Dr
Milton N. Nelson: grades and stand­
ards, W. W. Black, Hood River, and
E. S. Larrabee, U. S. D A. specialist
disease control, C. C. Dickson, Shedd
and P. M. Brandt; marketing, A. E
Engbretson, Astoria, and George O.
M en are
s a tisfa c tio n . Only immense
(From School o f Home
nom ical price possible. M ore
an d m ore, m en are fin d in g
o u t t h a t B ro w n - b ilt sh o e s
set the pace for value. Y o u ’ll
be convinced yourself, w ith
y o u r firs t p a i r .
Buster Brown Shoe Store
Oregon City
-A T —
John Schultz, o f Des Moines, won
an egg-eating contest by devouring
36 eggs in 29 minutes.
When Robert Dennison, o f Phila-
! delphia, arrived home after riding in
i af crowded elevated train he found in
his pocket a woman's purse contain-
I ing $175.
broke a rib, leaning over to lace his
A t this o ffic e we are equipped to
handle the most difficult extrac­
tion, with gas or local injection
around the gums.
A trained dental nurse to insure
My past experience will bear me
out as a painless extractor of
(Ten Year. Successful Practice)
X-Ray Examinations
While Leonard Davis was dancing
at a theatre in N ew York a rat ran
up his leg and the act broke up.
Notice of Sale
$10.00 to $37.00
Out o f town people served in one visit
good dentistry.
Willamette Building, Oregon City
Entrance Opposite Post Office
Phone 562
Distance is no question with us. Our
equipment is at your service day or
Gates Funeral Home
Phone 2471
Gresham- Oregon
Foreclosure o f lien on chattels; Geo. :
G. Geil, claimant, vs. M. F. Sar-|i
ver, defendant.
By virtue o f a certified copy o f i
an auto mechanics notice o f lien up- :
on chatties, filed in the o ffic e o f the j |
county clerk o f Clackamas county, {:
Oregon, on the 27th day o f February, I;
1929, I will o ffe r fo r sale to the j |
highest bidder fo r cash, a Ford truck IJ |
pursuant to law under section 10277, i
Olson’s Oregon Laws, fo r claimant’s I
lien, $56.06; filin g fee, certified copy j
$1; attorney fee, $5; together with
cost o f service, advertisement and
sale or any other cost necessary in
making said sale.
Said sale will be held on the 9th 1
day o f March, at Geo. G eil’s Gar­
age on Main street in the City o f
Estacada, Oregon, at the hour o f 10
o’clock a. m.
C H A R L E S L Y N E S , Constable. j
Interest on Savings
W e have just credited semi-annual interest
on accounts in our Savings Department,
and this may be used by the depositor, or
left to draw interest, as desired. Many o f
our customers for years found this to be a
most satisfactory method o f
using idle
Start an account N O W and watch it grow
through the accumulations of systematic
saving and interest accruals.
Give these
a chance in your garden
E N E R G E T IC seeds take no more d ig­
ging, or raking, or caring for in a
garden, than seeds that are not so
full of the spirit to live. But think
of the difference at harvest time!
The energetic seeds withstand dis­
ease b ette r — g r o w b etter and
stronger — produce more vigor­
ously and more abundantly.
The Ferry’s Seeds that you can
buy today at the “ store around the
corner” are surprisingly energetic.
What is more, they are fresh. What
is most important, they arc pure­
bred! These Ferry’s Seeds came
from plants that measured up to
the Ferry standard in size, color,
flavor, productivity — plants that
have handed their inheritance on.
They are pedigreed seeds!— in
the strict sense you mean when you
say a race-horse is pedigreed. T heir
parents, grandparents, great grand­
parents — all were of fine true
stock, without an inferior strain.
Doesn’t this mean something
to your garden? Send for the
Ferry’s Seed Annual to plan what
you want. Remember that Ferry
makes thousands of tests a year to
determine the trueness of every
seed you now can spill into your
hand from a bright Ferry packet.
Garden facts in the Annual make
it far more than a catalog. Address
D. M. Ferry & Co., Dept. H, 500
Saturday, March 9
S M I T H ’S
Because his car refused to run in j
cold weather, John Hanson, o f A s h -:
land, Wis., completely wrecked it in
a fit o f anger, then offered it fo r sale
as junk.
Rev. Stewart Bernays, o f London,
| told members o f his congregation who
, powdered their noses in church that
they had reached the limit o f bad
| manners.
DR. P. G. BROWN, Dentist
Jilted by the girl he loved, Thomas
Colvin, o f Belfast, attended her wed­
ding, then entered a monastery.
Farmers who are contemplating
the construction o f any new buildings
this year may get plans from the
farm management department o f j
Oregon State College at a very small
cost. These detailed plans enable
the average farm er to do much or all
o f the work himself, thereby saving
the cash outlay fo r wages and utiliz­
ing his own spare time to good ad­
vantage. Too many farm buildings
are begun without definite plans and
later on changes are impossible or at
least costly. The ordinary rural car- \
penter cannot be depended upon to
put up a building just like the farmer
would like it, unless the farmer knows
beforehand and has a plan o f how he
desires the structure built and ar­
Here and There
Narrow French heel hose are indi­
cated fo r popularity in the coming
season, rather than the square and
pointed types.
Tailored suits will be worn this
spring, either finger-tip length or
slightly longer.
Silks will be used to a great extent
this season in prints and in all de­
signs and colors. The new colors in
browns are red fox and dusky rose,
especially used with the popular sun
tan complexion: in reds— argentin, a
bright scarlet, and signal, a dark red.
Black, white and navy will be the
standard colors fo r summer wear.
When combining ec-jrs the contrast
is used rather than the blending o f
Red hats o f many shades are o f
great interest this season, shown in
felts and worn with black, grey or
red fabric coats.
The coast buyers are predicting
pearls fo r the spring vogue, including
colored and smoky types. Blues are
thought to be the leading color in
Taffeta is arousing interest fo r
coats, as well as alpaca, broadcloth,
tweed and flat crepes, which are also
featured. The new feature in col­
lars is the fur placed at the back with
fabric front edges continuing into
production makes th e ir eco­
Main at Eighth
Paul Ave., San Francisco, Calif.
Give your garden its
best possible start with
Ferry’s purebred Seeds,
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