GARDEN • COMMUNITY CLUBS HOLD MEETING SA N D Y W O M E N ’ S CLUB P A R T Y A T T E N D E D BY 125 DAIRY CONFERENCE TO BE HELD AT SANDY Sandy Women’s club party Thurs­ day night was the largest social event o f the season, around one hundred end twenty-five attending. The SERIES OF M E ETING S P L A N N E D A. M E YE R S G IVES ADDRESS ON party was held at the I. 0 ; O. F. hall FOR N E X T W E E K IN C L A C K ­ L A N D S C A P E G AR D E N IN G ; end all present had an especially en­ AM AS COUNTY P E T IT IO N FOR ROAD joyable time. Refreshments w eie served. Winning first prizes at five hundred were Mr. Maplethorpe, and An all-day dairy conference, spon­ The joint meeting o f the Estacaili) I'iary Jadwin. A. C. Baumback and sored by Oregon State Agricultural Community and the Garden club at Miss Mary Sharnke were awarded college extension workers, will be the high school Friday night brought the minor prizes. held Wednesday, March 6, at Sandy out a large crowd. President J. G Hayman o f the Community club pre ‘ A N D Y GRADE G IV E S PROGRAM Grange hall, beginning at 10 a. m. Speakers will include J. J. Inskeep sided and the meeting was opened Sandy grade school gave a splen­ by the entire audience singing did program honoring Washington's county agent, who w ill exhibit re ­ “ Am erica,” making the hall ring birthday, which included the fla g sa sults o f fertilization tests in Clack­ amas county by the use o f slides. with the patriotic air. lute, fla g drill, song, “ Rosebud,” by Miss Maude Sherman’s first grade June Belding; essay, “ L ife o f Wash­ He will also speak on “ The Dairy pup ‘s, s’ x little girls, gave the min­ ington,” Rosa Funk; minuet, har­ j Outlook.” “ Dairy Feeding Problems” will be uet dance rs the next number on the monica music by Sweetland boys and program. They were dressed in cos­ Robert Graham; “ L ife o f Lincoln” the subject o f an address to be given tumes worn in the days o f George essay by Roxie McCormick; “ Uncle [ by N. C. Jamison, dairy specialist of the state college. Wash'ng.on. Sam’s Trip,” 5th and 6th grades, J. D. Mickle, state dairy commis A. tV. Armstrong, the only member songs, and an address by Rev. O. J. ! sioner, will speak, having chosen as o f the Colton-Estacada road com­ Gill. j h's subject, “ Dairying as I Saw It in mittee present, reported that a peti­ Europe. tion had been prepared to be pre­ Cooke's Father 111 John R. Humphreys will speak on sented to the county court and asked The father o f Bob Cooke, who re­ fo r signatures. His request was ex­ sides in Portland, has been seriously I the relation o f bankers to the dairy tensively granted. ill the past fe w days, and Bob has industry and Dr. C. H. Seagraves will Seven boys from the second and been with him most o f the time here talk on contagious abortion and its third grades sang, and “ Buddy” Bar­ o f late, necessitating his being away control. Anton Malar has the co-operation tholomew highly entertained the au­ from the garage. o f Sandy Grange and business men dience with a reading, which was fo l­ in promoting the event. lowed by a playlet entitled “ The Bos­ Other meetings will be held in the ton Tea P arty” by fourth grade girls county next week at Oregon City on Adolph Meyers o f Portland gave March 4, Macksburg, March 5, and a talk on “ Landscape Gardening” and Molalla on Thursday, March 7. other allied subjects, using some A t Molalla there will be a live­ lantern slides to illustrate his re­ Boys and girls club work enroll­ stock and also a poultry program, to marks, which proved interesting. A t ment in Oregon fo r 1928 shows an be held in the high school, starting at the close o f his address he invited increase o f about sixteen hundred 10:30, with a soil fe rtility program the audience to ask questions and over 1927, with 4266 boys and 7482 in Clackamas county. R. L. Clark several responded. The Garden club girls taking club projects. The gross will speak on factors determining is particularly interested in regard to value of products was $206,098.03 the price o f lambs in the Portland the right kind o f trees to set out on with a net p rofit above carefully cal­ market. Main street. culated cost o f production o f $69,- “ The livestock outlook fo r Oregon' A. W. Armstrong concluded the 405.14. The annual report o f the is the topic on which J. J, Inskeep meeting by giving a talk on game and state offic e in the extension service will speak. wild animals. He said he did not ap­ at the state college showed this to A t 1 p. m., there will be moving prove o f hunting deer on the river, be an increase o f nearly $20,000 in pictures, “ Salmon Poisoning o f Dogs” that the Ueer were fast uirmnishing in gross value over last year. and “ L iver Flukes o f Sheep.” number on account o f the hunters The total number o f clubs fo r the “ Sheep Management Problems” is bullets and cougars. year was 1488 with every county in the subject H. A. Lindgren o f the Mr. Armstrong, who is a forest the state having from 1 to 172 clubs state college, will discuss. Dr. Sea- ranger and well versed in the condi­ except Harney and Lake. Multno­ graves will tell o f the diseases o f tions o f the timbered districts of mah, including the city o f Portland, sheep. Oregon, said he was in favor o f try ­ has the largest number, but Lane The poultry program to be held ing to get a law passed prohibiting county with 160, led all the rest, the same day at Molalla high school deer hunting on the rivers, and ex­ Clackamas being third with 114. The consists o f: tending the protected zone one-half total number o f clubs has mounted “ A survey on cost o f producing mile on each side. steadily since 1920 when only 610 eggs on Oregon farms,” by Mr. She^ The next meeting o f the Commun­ were organized in the entire state. by o f the state college. ity club is to be held March 29. The number o f clubs fo r this year “ The poultry outlook fo r Oregon," was 275 greater than fo r 1927. by Mr. Inskeep. V O L U N T E E R F IR E M A N TO Sewing and cooking projects A t 1 p. m. will be shown the pou­ M E ET T H IS E V E N IN G proved the most popular among the ltry motion pictures. A ll members o f the Estacada V ol­ girls and dairy and poultry led in “ Poultry management problems,” interest among the boys. New pro­ by Prof. A. G. Lund, state college. unteer Fire department are requeste Poultry diseases will also be dis­ to attend the meeting Friday evening jects with only one club each were farm mechanics, farm accounts bulbs cussed by the speakers. March 1, at the city hall, 8 o’clock. mint and wheat. A horticultural program will be The record fo r completed projects given in the Chamber o f Commerce MEIN1CS B U Y JERSEY SIRE A. O. and Otto M einig have pur wus 82.0 per cent— the highest mark rooms in Oregon City Monday, Mar. Earliest records, which | 4, starting at 10:30. chased a fine Jersey sire from A in history. Malar, which is a son o f the junior go back to 1914, show that that yea.- A crops program will be given in herd sire at Firwoodeen Farm, Lady only 2 per cent completed the work Scramlin hall, Macksburg on Tues- H elen’s Lad St. Mawes. This sire is undertaken. ) day, March 5, also starting at 10:30 The number o f 100 per cent clubs in the morning. backed by many o f Oregon's bigges records. His dam is a daughter o f this year was particularly g ra tify ­ Special entertainment is being ar­ the beautiful show cow, Onota’s ing, said L. J. Allen, acting state ranged fo r the dairy meeting in San­ Golden V o f F. F., now owne 1 by club leader in commenting on the dy, which is the only one held in the Mrs. Edna L. Knight o f WiPows, report, as this is teaching the club county this year. The Sandy union members to complete projects when high school band will play and lunch California. once started. To each such club we j will be served at Krebs Kafe. Prep- WM. FISCH E R SE LLS JERSEYS are issuing certificates o f achieve i arations are being made fo r a large William Fischer o f Sandy received ment signed by distinguished nationa’ attendance and the committee in a diploma from the National Dairy and state officials. This last year charge is urging all dairymen to at- association, and his name was added 773 clubs won the-distinction o f hav­ j tend. to the national honor roll in recog­ ing every member complete all the ____________ nition o f his achievement o f devel­ work assigned, as compared with 655 N O TIC E OF SCHOOL M E ETING oping a herd o f eight cows to a yearly in 1927. The school board o f Estacada will production average o f 610.4 pounds Approximately half the total club ; hold their regular meeting at the o f butterfat. membership o f the state was in the 1 high school building Thursday eve- Fischer recently sold three pure seven counties having full or half i ning, March 7, at 8 o’clock, at which bred Jerseys; One young herd sire, time club agents, the report shows. meeting the matter o f employing and two heifers, to Carl English & These counties also had an average , teachers fo r the next school year Sons, Camas, Wash. percentage o f completions o f 95.7 | will be on the calendar. It is likely per cent. that principal and teachers will be OREGON 4-H CLUB WORK SHOWS LARGE NET PROFIT HOUSE POSSES FREE TEXT BOOK MEASURE NUM BER 22 E S T A C A D A -S A N D Y , OREGON, F R ID A Y , M ARCH 1, 1929 V O LU M E X X III CUP PRESENTED BALL employed at this time. The school TEAM board invites those interested to at­ W. E. Buell, principal o f Estacada high school, last week presented the student body a loving cup, won by SA LEM , Feb. 28.-^The house free the baseball team o f last season. text book bill, which provides that Members o f the team who brought districts shall furnish texts used in honors' upon the high school were elementary afld high schools, was ap­ Sam Whitehead, Charlie Lingelbach, proved by the house 34 to 16 late Ralph Metcalf, Dan Jennings, Robert Wednesday. Ten members were ab­ Marchbank, Arnold Anderson, Bob Hayden, Donald Byers, James Beck, sent. This measure has been sponsored Alvin Munson, Raymond Perry, El- by labor. Another text book bill win Beck and Bill Tucker. known as house bill 473, was with­ NEW CHEVS EXPECTED drawn on the motion o f Speaker The Cascade Chevrolet company Hamilton. is expecting a shipment o f new cars David MacBrayne, ship owner o f and trucks in any day now, the car Glasgow, has given outright $150,- load received last week having been sold out several days ago. 000 to his employes. tend the meeting. DEBATE TEAM TO MEET OREGON CITY MARCH 15 Bob Hayden and Ruby Webber will uphold the affirm ative in the first debate at Estacada high school against Oregon City on March 15, and Blanche Armstrong and Loretta Wallace will support the negative the same evening. The other mem­ bers o f the squad will be given a chance to participate in one o f the later debates, either with West Linn or Milwaukie. Thomas Gortin, o f St. Paul, evicted his sister fo r non-payment o f her j rent. R E PR E S E N T E S T A C A D A A T E D U C A T IO N A L E X PO S ITIO N Those selected by the faculty to represent the Estacada high school at the annual educational exposition held at Oregon State Agricultural college, Corvallis, Saturday, were A l­ vin Munson, Bob Hayden, Pauline Buell and Blanche Armstrong. Mr Eliassen drove his car down, taking the delegates. They were also ac­ companied by Miss Beatrice Wilder, one o f the high school teachers. DUN CAN INJURED W H EN C A U G H T IN COG W H E E L A. H. Duncan, who is employed by the LaDee Logging company, was quite badly injured Monday while working at Camp 1 Vi. His coat sleeve caught in a cog wheel o f the pump pulling his arm into the machinery and it was badly lacerated. He was taken to St. Vinvent's hospital in Portland fo r treatment. T A X S T A T E M E N T S A V A IL A B L E The 1928 tax rolls are open and tax statements will be mailed upon receipt o f request to Sh eriff E. T. Mass, Oregon City. The total o f the 1828 tax roll is $2,098,332.08, and the delinquent date fo r paying the first half is May 5. KIM. HAWORTH RETURNS; 100 MEN SEARCHING William Haworth returned to hit home in Sandy Thursday afternoon about five o’clock after having heen mysteriously absent for two days. A searching party estimated at one hundred mer. was out looking for him at the time he returned. Haworth is a World war veteran and is a victim o f shell shock, and drives a meat wagon fo r the Sandy market. He makes his home with the proprietor o f the market, and it is said that the alarm clock startled him Wednesday morning. He slept in a room with one o f the Lauder- back boys, who said that he quickly jumped out o f bed, dressed and rushed down stairs. He immediately le ft the house and no trace o f him wus found until he returned. He reported that he had gone to Portland, and evidently came to him­ self and returned to his home. Albert Jonsrud, commander o f the Legion post at Gresham, lead the party in search o f the missing man and Legionnaires and ex-service men from Sandy and Gresham joined in, as well as many o f the citziens of the Sandy community. W illiam Haworth served through­ out the W orld war with the 77th di­ vision and was in the thick o f the figh t on the west front, having been in several fierce conflicts. B A S K E T B A L L G AM E A T H IG H SCHOOL T O N IG H T Canby boys and girls will be in Estacada tonight fo r a double header game with the Estacada high school girls and boys teams. The first con­ test will start at 7 :30. S P E C IA L M E E TIN G Mountain chapter O. E. S. will have a special communication Mon­ day evening, March 4, 8 o’clock, at which time there will be an initiation and Mrs. Carrie Jackson, grand con­ ductress, will visit the chapter o f f i­ cially fo r the annual inspection. There will be a school o f instruction in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Murray of Sandy entertained with a lovely din­ ner party Friday night in honor o f the twenty-ninth wedding anniversary o f Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Murray o f Cherryville. The couple received many gifts. Cards were played and during the midnight lunch a large cake with 29 candles was brought in by Leonard McIntyre. First prizes were won by Mrs. C. O. Duke and Glenn McIntyre. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mur­ ray, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, the McIntyres, the Robert Murrays, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Duke, Mr. and Mrs. George Beers and Lois, Lewis Mur­ ray, Miss Ila Fisher, Miss Ollie Gist. Mrs. Addie Crosier, Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Kirby. SATURDAÍ END OF BIG HONOR ROLL EXTRA BONUS VOTES Now Is the Opportune Time to Win Your Choice of the Many Valuable Prizes to Be Given Away in the Clackamas County News’ “ Ev­ erybody Wins” Campaign. Only a fe w more hours remain and the opportunity fo r big votes in the Clackamas County News’ Mammoth $2500 Free G ift Distribution ends. Up until 9 p. m. Saturday night is your last opportunity to cash in on this stupendous o ffe r, which will place you, with a little effo rt, in the 'position in the vote standing which you desire. The greatest vote o ffe r in the en­ tire campaign is now in force. It is positively the only extra bonus o ffe r being made in the first or any other period o f the campaign. Those who are wise will vail themselves o f their opportunity during the next few hours and will gather in the harvest o f votes during Honor Roll Days, which are absolutely and positively the biggest vote days o f the entire campaign. The big first period ends just one week later, on Saturday, March 9. Those who have been thinking of entering the big campaign and those whose names now appear in the list o f candidates, but who have not yet started an active campaign, will find no better time to start than light now. A careful study o f Honor Roll Coupons is recommended candidates or those considering accepting the Clackamas County News o ffe r and participating in the big g ift list. With the present big first period schedule yet in e ffe c t and the Honor Roll bonus effective until Saturday. March 2, r t 9 p. m., givin g the can­ didate or late starter a i hance to pile up votes c i the double quick, no one should delay entering this big cam­ paign with the determination and earnestness to v in by 9 p. m. Satur­ day night. M l Bring Success awake, if you are willing to devote some o f your time to a proposition whereby more than $2500 in gifts arc at stake, then you should be a can­ didate— you should enter this g ift dis­ tribution, T O D A Y ! You can secure a large, beautiful, enclosed automobile, a valuable gift, or a part o f hundreds o f dollars in cash in a very few days o f earnest application to the business o f helping yourself. There are automobiles valued at $870 and $732. Then the $215.00 Frigidaire, there are two radios val­ ued at $125 and $100, and a $40 set o f Rogers silverware. And the ba­ sis o f distribution is a guaranteed cash commission o f your total sub­ scription sales. Work Repaid Winning either o f these fine cars or other gifts will pay you many times over fo r your effo rt. The op­ portunity is here fo r you, no matter whether you are at present a candi­ date or a new entry, it is what you do these next few hours, between now and Saturday night at 9 o’clock, which will largely determine your campaign success. Those who contemplate entering should do so this week. The News o f­ fice at Estacada and Sandy will re­ main open each evening. Telephone, call or write fo r any further informa­ tion you desira: W ork done Jur ng Honor Roll Days will easily bring success to the real candidates in th'3 campaign. The laggard, unwili ng to devote any time or thought to the big gifts, however, w ill reap no rev r.: d. This is a cam­ paign fo r live wires. I f you are ambitions, i f you arc COLTON RESIDENT PASSES; WITH SONS 20 YEARS C O LTO N , Feb. 28.— (Special).— Mrs. Johanna Bockman died at her home in Colton February 25, after suffering a st oke. She had lived with her two sons, Charlie and Victor Bockman, for twenty years, having come here from Sweren twenty years ago. She was born in Sweden August 27, 1855 and married L. A. Bockman in 1875. ile r husband died in 1006 in the old country. Four girls and three boys o f her 11 children, L illy Rome, F.llen Pet­ erson, Hilda Carlson and Albert all o f Portland, Vendia Lundmark, Char­ lie and Victor o f Colton survive. Funeral services will be held at the Colton Lutheran church Satur­ day, March 2, at 2 o ’clock. S A N D Y MILLS OPERATING Some o f the Sandy sawmills are active again; the Bruns-Mclntyre plant started cutting Monday; Boar Creek Logging company is building bunk houses, the plug mill is busy and the Sandy Lumber company is thawing out pipes. Bell’s mill can not operate until the Oregon Trail road is improved. HOW THEY STAND Following are names o f those who have been nominated to date, to­ gether with the votes cast for publi­ cation up to Thursday noon: Rev. C. T. Cook ....................781,000 Mrs. Emery Ford ....................791,550 John H offm eister ................. 10,000 Mrs. R. G. Hunter .................. 10,000 Andrew Johnson .... 690,000 Blanche Lundy ...................... 784,100 A lice Marshall ........................784,200 Frank Marshall ......................796,100 Mrs. Marieta Norman 10,000 Rev. Sakleson ..................... 10,000 Mrs. Leo Steinman..................798,160 Mrs. A lfred Swanson ........... 10,000 BASKETBALL TEAM DEFEATS THE PURPLE FALCONS The Estacada town basketball team had a game with the Purple Falcons, a Y. M. C. A. team o f Port­ land, on the home floor Thursday evening, defeating the visitors by the score o f 46 to 22. Estacada went to Portland Thursday night o f this week where they again met the same team on the Y. M. C. A. floor. SANDY P. T. A MEETS A t the Sandy P. T. A. meeting Friday plans were made for the big all-day educational meet on March 16, at the high school. Sandy grade will have work o f the pupils on dis­ play and other schools are being in­ vited to bring displays, also. Special speakers have been engaged. SANDY MASS MEETING OPPOSES LEGISLATIVE BILS A mass meeting o f Sandy dairy­ men, farmers and business men held at the Grange hall Wednesday night opposed the following bills now be­ fore the legislature; House bills Nos. 200, 313, 100, 318, 74, 333, 376, 392, 411 and 443. A resolution favored house bill No. 343 and asked that bill 322 be laid on the table. Copies were ordered sent to the county’s representatives in the legis­ lature. Mclnt yres Entertain Mr. and Mrs. G. O. M cIntyre o f Sandy were hosts to the Past P a­ trons and Matrons club, at an elabor- j ate chicken dinner, Saturday night. A fine time is reported. Nellie and Patty Greenwood entertained with piano solos. Thirty-one were present Fiddler*« Contest Postponed The fiddler’s contest planned for Auria Davis o f LaDee Logging Co. purchased a new Model A Ford se­ next week at the Liberty Theatre dan last week from the Bob Cooke has heen postponed fo r the present, it was announced Thursday. Motor company o f Estacada. N. SCHMITZ R ECO VERIN G N. S. Schmitz, Sandy, who was at death’s door last week from heart trouble, and who was taken to a Gresham hospital, is now recovering. MISS PROCTOR AT HOSPITAL Miss Pearl Proctor o f Sandy is at Emanuel hospital suffering from pneumonia and appendicitis, and is very ill. She went to the hospital Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Proc­ tor have been with her.