CLACKAMAS C O U N T Y N g W S , FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1929 ........... - , . 1 ----- CHURCHES S andy L utheran The Lenten season offers us an op portunity to meditate more particu­ larly upon the passion history o f our Savior. The burden of the Lenten messages, therefore, will be the “ Suf­ fering and Crucified Savior.” We 1>reach Christ and Him crucified at all times, but especially so during the Lenten season. "And I, brethren, when I come to you, come not with excellency of speech, or of wisdom declaring unto the testimony o f God. For I am de­ terminer! not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” Thus we speak with St. I'aul (1 Cor. 2:1-2). Next Sunday German Lenten ser­ vices at 10:30 a. m. You are wel­ come.— F. T. Schoen, pastor. E .ta c a d a C hristian C hu rch To grow in grace and knowledge is the very essence o f Christian disciple- ship. Christian growth. That— just that— is the lesson for Sunday morn­ ing. Beggar and prince, clown and dude, sinner and saint,— God made all of us, the whole curious hodgepodge o f humanity. And made usrin such man­ ner that in order to live we must grow physically. Briefly, clearly just what we know about Christian growth. If ever any topic was important, if any lesson ever interesting, this one certainly will be. There is a welcome for you in the Bible school Sunday morning. “ Faith” is the morning sermon message. If the subject o f Christian growth is important and interesting, surely faith is doubly so. Why is Christianity the only ade- quate religion? That certainly is a live subject, and will produce a lively discussion at the Christian Endeavor. You do not wunt to miss it, and we don’t want you to. Arnold Anderson is leader; Miss Bessie C. Anderson is president and Mrs. Jack Aikins is song leader. Don’t mis a single Lord’s day ser vice; you will miss a blessing if you do. Remember the hours of service Bible school at 10 a. m., preaching at 11 and Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.— Hugh Foster, pastor. C o lton L utheran The Colton Lutheran Sunday school meets at 9:45 each Sunday and church service is at 11 o’clock a. m. The Lutheran league meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the homes o f the members. This month they will meet at the church. I from a child I have known the scrip­ E stacada M eth odist C hu rch When God is in the home it is a ture. And not merely did you teach most pleasant place to live. Some­ ! us to read the Bible and explain its time ago a Chicago paper told of 911 meaning, but your lives in general overheard conversation between two as seen by us, and your conduct to- ^ ward us in particular, have been ob­ boys in that city. “ It was quite early in the day and ject lessons, enabling us to under­ the family had not yet breakfasted, stand more deeply and uppreciato when a little Jewish boy from across more fully than many can the mean­ the street came into the yard and ing of not a few texts of scripture. "The happy home in which we all beckoned through the window to the six-year-old son to come out and lived together, and the happy home play. The boy answered, ‘I can’t where we still delight to meet are come now, for we have not had our beautiful types o f the Father’s housrl in which we all hope to dwell.” breakfast nor prayers.’ The subject for the morning ser- “ Prayers! What’s that?” the little Jewish boy asked. “ Why, that’s talk j vice next Sunday at 11 o ’clock will ing to God, and my daddy knows how be “ Concerning Fellowship with God” to do it, too,” was the son’s answer. land in the evening at 7:30, “ The Another son, brought up in just 1 Fountain or Root o f All Christian such a home, sent a letter to his par­ j Character.” Both these subjects will ents on their golden wedding anni­ be interesting and helpful. Do not versary. This is part of what he miss either. The Sunday school is like a bee s .id: “ As I begin to write, there comes hive; all are busy and it is getting floating through my brain a host of crowded. A big attendance last Sun­ texts from that volume which, thanks day! Help make it larger next Sun­ to your training, has become the best­ day. What class will get the banner? Epworth League will meet at 6:30 loved and most studied of all books. I remember with gratitude how I used Miss Irene Kaake, leader. A good to sit beside mother in my eighth time is expected. “ Let all who will, year, reading the Bible, and asked her come." You will have a welcome.— questions about its meaning; and I C. T. Cook, pastor. . how, during that year I finish read ing the good book through. Thus The Value of a Bank Account S A F E T Y It’s far from wise to carry money about where it can be easily lost, stolen, or burned. The better plan is to have a checking account here at the Clackamas County Bank. You have just’ as much availa­ bility of your money and it is out of harm’s way. C la c k a m a s C o u n t y GARFIELD You Can Have Your Choice O f these Latest Automobiles F R E E ! Too Great an Opportunity to Let Idly Slip B y ! JUST TWO OF THE MANY PRIZES BEING GIVEN AW AY BY THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Here’s a Car worth working f o r ! Plan N O W to drive it home April 6 ! First Prize — Chrysler “ Plymouth Sedan 19 Purchased from and on display at HESSELL IMPLEMENT COMPANY, Gresham, Oregon Second Prize --- Chevrolet Six Coach GARFIELD, Feb. 20.— (Special). — Five hundred people attended the Giger sale Thursday, local communi­ ties being well represented. Others attending were from Portland, Ore­ gon City, Boring, Sandy and Gresh­ am. The asle was a success, finan­ cially, good average prices being real­ ized for implements, stock and house­ hold furniture. The administrator wa( well pleased with the result, and praised the method of the auction­ eer, Fred Bartholomew, in conducting the sale. The home o f Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reeher was the scene of a birthday party Monday evening honors being shared between Mrs. Reeher and Mrs. Joe Nichelson, both of whom had completed another year in life’s cal­ endar. The evening was enjoyed socially, after which a delicious lunch­ eon was served by Mrs. Reeher. Tho guests included Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Van Houten, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jamieson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nick- elson. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Johanson en­ tertained as their guests the past week the Misses Ruth Nelson and Irene Yarnell, both o f Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall at­ tended the card party and dance given by the Clackamas Card club at Clackamas Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shafer were Portland visitors Sunday. Mrs. A. W. Schunke returned home from the George district last Satur­ day, where she had been nursing Mrs. Joe Weiderhold and infant son. M. A. Olsen and daughter Pauline o f Reedsport, Ore., are visiting at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. M. Boylan. Mr. Olson is a brother of Mrs. Boy­ lan. Road Supervisor Duncan has a crew o f men at work repairing the roads, somewhat damaged by the heavy frosts the past week. Mrs. Eli View o f Portland has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Botkin and family tho past week. County Health Nurse, Miss Lynch and Mrs. Hall, head o f the Clacka­ mas County Health project, paid the Garfield district school a visit, giving a talk on health to the pupils, also taking the weights of the children, preparatory to beginning the use of the health charts, with a view of giv­ ing those pupils who desire an op­ portunity to enter the health contest. The ladies partook o f hot lunch served by the pupils o f the school, and were very much pleased with thi service. xiiiiimiiiimiimmiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimMiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiimmrr | IMPORTANT— | = W E H A N D L E K E R R ’ S F E E D S FOR T H IS R E A S O N :— W e b eliev e K e r r ’ s F eeds give the p erson w ho bu ys them the m ost fo r the d olla r. Thig c h o ic e was m ade a fte r y e a r’ s o f e x p e r ie n ce in D airy and P ou ltry F eeds. E E Come in and we will explain further and will gladly help you solve your feed problems. S P h on e 601 2 E BARTHOLOMEW & LAWRENCE E atacada, O reg on = iiiiiiii ii 111111 iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiim ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 111 mu ii mm i uii^ j'liiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUH 1 Specials for Saturday and Monday | I | I | | | Four pkgs Spaghetti or Macaroni ..... Special Blend Steel Cut Coffee; lb. Tomatoes with Puree; No. 2 can; 2 for. ... Very Good Sugar Corn ..................................... Sliced Pineapple, per c a n .................... Red Ribbon Tomato Sauce; 3 f o r ................ 25c 42c 25c 15c 15c 2ic | | | = E | I M O D EL SU P P LY CO. - Estacada ¡ 3....... ni............... h .. • i i i i ii i i i i i i i i ii i i i i i i i i ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i m m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i m i i t ® [COME IN | AND SEE THE I CHEVROLET SIX I | NOW ON DISPLAY = IIIIIIIM111IIII111111 | = 1 Cascade Chevrolet I | Company 1 Phone 381 Estacada, Ore. | ~ IIII111II H I 111IIIIIII111II1;iII!II 111 IIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII H I IIIII1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII * When sued for divorce, James Sherton, o f Chicago, blamed his ::iII1111111111111111HIIIH111111111111111111111111111111111111II11111111111111M1111111HII111II111 ill;; w ife’s twin sister for his troubles, You have 7 more § saying that she butted into his fam­ ily affairs. days to buy these f Zenith Tires at these hot prices. Why send your money away when you can buy tires at home for the same as mail order prices. Bet- ter hurry — Feb- ruary 28 is the last day for these prices. Purchased from the CASCADE CHEVROLET COMPANY, Estacada, Oregon FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL, TELEPHONE OR WRITE THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, E»tacada or Sandy Or Simply Mail the Nomination Blank cut out o f this paper It Is Not Too Late to Enter! The Big Campaign Is Just Starting! 1 S. & S. HARDWARE 2 Estacada, Oregon i = | | = | | § = f § | Phone 49-1 | niiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiii