C l a c k a m a sx o ü n t y N ews LEGION TO SPONSOR EAST^ § i ? 5 » First Vote Count Announced; JUNIOR B A S E B A L L Very Few Candidates Active G R A D E SCHOOL TEAM S OF THE D IF FE R E N T COM MUNITIES ELIGIBLE TO ENTER Carl Douglass Post of the Ameri­ can Legion unanimously decided tc go into baseball again this year— on a larger scam, possibly, than last year, at the meeting of the post or Monday evening. But the Legion baseball this year will be an entirely different brand from that of last year. The Americanization department o f the organization is sponsoring jun ior baseball in every state in the union. The departments in each state work out their elimination contests and further elimination contests an held in different sections o f states for the selection o f teams to compete in the national contest in Chicago the traveling expenses of the teams after they leave their state are paid by the national association. Championship teams o f count e: will be selected by the process ol elimination for the chance to enter for the state championship, which will be played o ff at the Vaughai street park on a date when the Coas league is playing, the juniors playing a part in a double-header. It is estimated that more than three hundred teams will compete ii the state, at least one hundred am fifty in the city o f Portland a’.one Every district school and rural com munities may have their Legion base ball team. Every boy who will not havi reached his seventeenth birtffdaj by next September is eligible to en ter. The complete details of the arrangements have not been receiver here yet, and will be made public a: soon as possible. Those inteivste. will learn much about the proposec plans by tuning in on radio statior K E a Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Appointment of the committee i: not complete yet, but Sylvester Law rence will assist in the organiz tiol o f a team at Springwater; L. A Franks at Currinsville; J. C. More land in the Garfield district, and ai effort will be made to have son.eon sponsor a team in every communit; in the eastern part o f the county. A certain amount of equipmen will probably be furnished the team by the Legion, but the details o this proposition have not been com pitted. Plans for the new Legion buildini in Estacada are going ahead. Th« plan o f financing has been approve and there is little possibility o f anj development thut might hinder th erection o f a building during the com ing spring and summer. Two members of the post, J. C Moreland and Grover Kiggins, hav« offered the post the use o f their loa privilege and funds will be borrowei from the state to pay for the nev home. The committee chosen to erect i bill board on which the names of ex service men will be painted has de cided to place the board on Secom street back of the drug store an< in front o f the post office. Th« board will be completed soon an the names o f ex-service men o f thi; end of the county placed thereon. Requests are again being broadcas for the names of all ex service mer that they may be properly inscribe« on the board, which will be perma nent. Send in your name to the News office or to the adjutant oi the post, Ted Ahlberg, Estacada. The Auxiliary held their meetinj Monday evening and after the busi ness sessions, a lunch was served an« a social hour followed. There wa; an unusually large attendance. FIDDLERS’ CONTEST MARCH 6, 7 AND t Plans are being continued for th- old time fiddlers contest to be hel« at the Liberty Theatre, March 6, 7 and 8. Cash prizes are being of fered for first, second and third place and those who desire to enter are urged to file their names with the Liberty Theatre or the News o f ­ fice. There is no entry fee, an«' the winners o f the prizes will be em ployed to play for an old-time dance immediately after the finals. NO. 21 E S T A C A D A -S A N D Y , OREGON , F R ID A Y , F E B R U A R Y 22, 1929 V O L U M E X X III Mountain Chapter O. E. S held a stated communication Tuesday eve- ing in the Masonic hall with a large attendance o f members and visitors. Following the business meeting First Vote Count Very Light— Friends Help Candidates games were played anil then came Voluntarily— Anyone Can Lead by Taking Ad­ the refreshments in the dining hall. Mrs. Rose Bartholomew was chairman vantage of Honor Roll Days.— Real of the refreshment committee and Opportunity Next Eight Days. with her assistants the tables were ______ made beautiful with flowers, red ( hearts, cupids and candles, the St. \ Today the first count in the Clack- Valentine theme being carried out in amas County News’ big “ Everybody is to take advantage of all chances the splendid lunch served. j W ins” election, for two new motor to gain in votes. The members are now looking for- | cars and many other prizes, is print- New N om in ees C ould W in ward with pleasure to the special ed Hereafter, the vote count will be Is there a chance for a new live meeting which will be held Monday published each week and will include candidate? Is there a chance for a evening, March 4, when Mrs. Carrie1 all votes cast for publication up to real live worker? You know there is. Jackson, grand conductress, will visit the night before date o f publication. And there is the same chance for Thursday the chapter officially for the annual Today’s vote score is of every candidate now entered. A ll noon. inspection of work o f the officers. are on even terms. More That’s how it is today. j There will be a school o f instruction It is time now to work. Subscrip- votes have been cast by subscribers ^ mean more votes than they ever in the afternoon o f that day. themselves than most candidat«. have ^ Jn three short weeks the BRONSON MILL AGAIN RUNNING secured. Neither the list o f candidates nor the recorded vote today is a fair in­ The mill o f the Bronson Lumber dication of how the race will be. company at Faraday, after being Subscriptions and coupons have been closed down during the cold weather, turned in for some who as yet have resumed operations first o f the week. made no actual e ffort themselves. Active work at the LaDee Loggoing Another few have tried to skim the company camp has not begun, but cream. Eventually the election will some logs are being shipped from narrow down to the real workers— Camp 1^4. A train of logs is being the real prize winners. sent out to Portland other day. S o m e Qu it Easy about every Some candidates there are who will get along very well for a few days. They will bubble over with enthusiasm. But it won’t last. They will go out and get their ears knock­ ed down once or twice and they’ll be ready to quit. They have not got the stu ff in them that will urge them Andrew Vetsch, 87, who died on on. And rather than admit their de- February 15, at the family home , . . . , „ , . ficiency, they’ll come in or write in mar Boring, was buried in the Sandy and say> ..j havcn-t the time.o others -emetery, Tuesday, will be content to let their friends wore conducted at Sandy by Rev. Mr. vote for them when they turn in their Haffner of Portland. subscriptions over the counter o f the Mr. Vetsch was born in Switzer­ News office. Some will start but not land, November 14, 1841 and came finish. io Portland in 1879, remained a few Really, it is regrettable that the days and then settled on the same votes are no more than they are. place where he lived continuously In truth, the present status of this for 51 years, except a four months’ election would not ju stify in putting visit back to Switzerland, several up more than a cheap diamond ring years ago. a flashy watch or a music box. He was a lover of the country and The prizes are extraordinary. Nev to the very last refused to go tq er before have such valuable new Portland where his two sons, Andrew motor cars and other prizes been o f­ ind Peter Vetsch conduct a creamery fered in this county. And yet, can­ ind restaurant. didates will lag along, hoping by About half .the clearing o f the 400- some miracle that the other fellow icre farm was done by the deceased. will also stay asleep and allow then- Vlr. Vetsch married Eisie Gantenbein to carry o ff the prizes without giving n 1869 and they celebrated their the semblance of a return to the sixtieth wedding anniversary las Clackamas County News. That isn’t October. fair. Surviving are the widow, two son- ■ N e w N om in ee C ou ld W in ind an adopted daughter, Mrs. Rose W hy, today an absolutely new Clayton, and eight grand children. candidate can enter this election and The floral pieces were wonderful, I wjth a few subscriptions, spring up and were hung on the church wall, nad gain B stronK position with eBch besides those at the altar. The fun- an