~ I 1111111111111111 II 11111 111111111111111 I II II I Ill I I I I IIIIII I llt I II I I I Ill Ill I Ill I Ill I Ill I I II I II I I I I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 11 1111 t A STATEMENT OF PRICES - CHAIN Phaeton Roadster Coupe---Stand rd Coupe---Business Coupe---Sport Tudor Sedan Fordor Sedan Picku p---Open Cab Pickup---Closed Cab Panel Delivery = = = $604.30 $594.30 $702.30 $677.30 $702.30 $677.30 $777.30 $58 1.30 $631.30 $759.30 Ga• Gua1e on Duh Electric W in d1hield Wiper Spare Tire and Tube Tire Cover S peedometer W i nd1h ield w in11 o n open cara - ~ . -- RED & WHITE STORES The Peoples' Stor e II . §I SPECIAL ~I Pric s and Pquipment Ii l d sub- ject to chang without notice. Frei1 ht from Detro it Front Bump er Rea r Bumpe r t ip, Five W ire Wh ee l, Stopli ht - ' t) To uvo1d co nfu ~io n in uuto mol,tl,• price qu otation s which often lll'ise. when on.• compares a loca l delivned JH ice with th,· ". O·t ailed" [. o. b or fa lory price, this medium 1s u ed to acquaint yuu w it h the curren price of the 1-'ord passengei- curs delivered in E,ttH'ada f•1lly equipped = - ' Full Tank of Gaooline 5 Quarto of Oil in Crankcaoe Fully Encloaed 6•Brake Sy1tem Houdaille Hydrolic Shock Ab1or. Tri plex 1hatter•proof 1la11 wah ld. 11 for February 16-18 ~I :I : 1 • Free Greuin1 and I napection Servic e Fi rat 1500 Mile,, • in addition to rer ular n~w ca r 1uarantee Phone 24-5 808 COOKE MOTOR COMPANY E1tacada, Oreson i;: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 111(!. Your Opportunity Here in " Everybody Wins" Campaign ( ontinued from page I ) 'rout· votes, and votes alone will win for you. The o nly thing you have to 110 to win th • very biggest prize in th<' t'ntin• list is to have the mo Ht ,,,tes. No, It'• Not the Tim • Here it is in a nuts hell : I f times are slow, then the total vote will probably be I ss. You win just the ·an1t.•. It cun't be th e times. What 1~ it, then? Appurcntly tht're arc II lot of folks just sleepi ng. They have been sym- pathizing with themselves su lon g that they can 't hear opportu nity when it knocks ut th eir door. Op- portunity is here-the few names that huve been entered will be pub- lis hed, including the vot1•s cast up to Thursday noon, next week, and the di str ibution of prizes will soo n be made und this mammoulh eve nt will rnpidly puss inlu hi story. W ith conditions us they are; with so many really crying for more mon1•y, with so ma ny looking for an opportu nit}·, to add to their income - why don 't mor{' live o nes enter thi s eumpaign and carry on to win? Thal is the 11ucstion-W ll Y? Pro1perity for You Do 't kid yourself with the idea t hat you arc too big to help your- sc•lf. The world will respect you if you pl'Osp r; you'll find little sy m- pathy if you haven't got thl' nerve to fight out your own salvation . Op- portunity is hl're for you. Yo u houltl grasp it now! \\ hat ca n you do with almost one thou ~and ? Have you a place for it ? ('un you find any hones t excuse for not helping yo ursP lf? (' lip the nominati o n blank 1n thi s papl'r. That mean s 10 ,000 votes. ('omP lo the Cluckamas County Ne w~ l'llmpaign o ffice at Estucutla or Sun dy und l('t1rn all about this. Then J.!'O tn If 1 "\ 0 CAN WIN I The Mo re the Euler The nwr candidates l'ntl'red the 1·11s1cr it i. for you to . cure a car or oth1•1 priz,•. !l ow i, that, you .,, '! It 1s lik,• this J f thl't t' Ul'l' 0111~ l\"' ,·1111.tuht,• · running fur the off11·,• t>f sh1•1·1fl of Clurka ma cou nty the winning t',tntlidate must ha, e n\t'r h .. If th<• n lb 1·a"t in o rder to win But 1( tlwre an• five c11 nd1 - .tut ,•~ ~!'l' kmg •·h•ct1y ~ Mr. ~n~~~-~ d~~=~=~ din ner GARFIELD - -- - - - - - --:--:--:'.:-" GARF IELD, Feb. 14.-( pecial). - l\lrs. J . F. Reeher left last Thu1·s- day for an extended vi sit with reln- lives in Portland and Vancouver, Wa hington. Mrs. G. W. Beresford and child1en of Toledo, Ore. , were the guests of Ir. and Mrs. p ncer Lawshe and family t he past week. Mrs. Polly Perkin s and so n Otis drove to The Dalles Sunday, being culled there by th<' serio us illness of Mr. Perkins ut Th e Dalles hospi tal. Mr. and l\lrs. S. F'. 'anteso n are e ntertaining at their home Mrs. Dorn Glison of Antelope. The many fri nds of Mrs. finnie Ea h will be pleased to learn that . he is feeling somewhat better the past week and has been able to leave hl'r bed for sev1•ral hours each day . Ir. and 1rs. W. T . Jamieson are r('siding o n their mnch on Delph Creek, expecti ng to remain there un- til th(' lumber camps resum(' opera- t1on~. A. (', Van Houten nd J . W . Dil- lingPr went to Or('gon City nd Port• land on husllll's" Tuesday . lfrg mning next 'unday, February li, the Garfield union Sunday school will ml'et t 11 . m., instead of in the afternoon as has been th CU!· tom fur ·o mc t ime pa t . The ' hl'i st ian Entll' vor topic for ne. t Sunday will be " How much . houltl we .-trive for material things." Arn old Antlers \\ill ti the meeting. Wt• 11r having livt>ly ntl intere ting nH•t•ting . Come and nJoy th •m with us. meeting of will be h t• ld I f 2 CLOROX ; Two for ..... . 33c QUICK QUAKER OATS ; 1 guests at the Will Boll home on u n- ady. A new buuilding is nearing com- pletion at Salmon River, aero s fr ,m the King home. Sandy I. 0. 0. F . lodge conducted rit<:s for J . 1\1. Davis, a former San- dy man , and charter member of the lodge, at Portland Monday. !\Ir. and l\lrs. W. McGinnis sp1-nt Tuesday {'Vening at Gresham with Mr. and Mrs. Tony llexler. urds were enjoyed. Mrs. Raymond E. Smith is s till in the city with h rr mot he r , who had an operation on her foot lust week. J o hn Valberg of Boring is building up a good lumber business at Boring and has been making many impro,·e- ments in hi s buildings. l\1r. and l\lrs. Ray Hanson of Alder Glen Lunch were at the J . G. DeSh a- zer home Monday. The Hanson s ha ve put in modern im provements at th eir Alder Creek place. L • CALUMET BAKING POWDER ; Can ............................. ............ . ~===========~;i (' Large; per package ............ ......... .. . . 25( SERV-US PEAS; No. 4, Early June; 2 Cans for .............. ................. 35c • SERV-US SPINACH ; 2 ½ Cans; 2 for ............................................. 43c SERV-US SEEDLESS RAISINS; 15 oz. Pkgs., 2 for ............... .. 17 · New Ford Battery Only $8.50 N. 6. C. CANADA STYLE CREAM CRACKERS; 1 lb. pkg for 19 SERV-US PEELED APRICOTS ; No. 2½ Cans; 2 for ................ . RED and WHITE APRICOTS; No. 2½ Cans; 2 67 · for ....................... 43 FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE; 3 lbs. for .............................................. 20c Genuine Ford 13-plate Battery, which will g~ve you dependable erv1ce the year around. It is built for quick starting, reliable performance, and long life. At its present price the Ford battery is a genuine bar- gain. Liberal allowance made on your old bat- tery. ' • RED and WHITE OVAL SARDINE S ; 2 for ..................................... 25 c RED and W HITE COFFEE; 1 lb. package; per lb . ........................ 42 c ' RED and WHITE SLICED PINEAPPLE, Buffet; 3 fo r ................... 37 c • PRODUCE ITEMS FOR TH IS WEE K WILL CONSIST OF ORANGES, LEMO NS AND GRAPE FRUIT THE PEOPLES STORE BOB SMITH'S GARAGE Sand y, Ore. Phone Sandy 41 CHAJN RED .& WHITE . STORES ~ ' SANDY E MB ROIDE RY CLUB GIVES SHOWER FOR MEMBE R SAND y LO CAL ITEMS I § I m p I e m e n t s : : = M C h • I n r \/ - - = T 1111111111111111111111111111 11 11 11II I111 111 11 11 11 11 1111 1111111 I I II I Ill Ill I IIII I I I I I l!l llll I II Ill 111111~ Sandy Embroider y clu b gave a s hower for l\lrs. ed Mitchell ut t he Herbert Fifer has be~n ( el ected : home of Mrs. II. Perret, Monday eve• captain of the 1929 high school foot- 1: ning. Lovely gifts were presente d ball team by the lettl'rmen of the ~ : und a lunch wa se rv d. Present E stacada high school. were, Glenn Ely came home from Cor- l\Irs. L. B. Greene, l\Irs. Fred PrOC· vullis last Friday and remained with to r, l\Irs. larence Brown, Zai die h is parents un til unday evening. Kreu , l\lrs. Harp r, Mrs. A. Glock Rev. . T. ook was in Portland • • ~ - = • = I. I • • • - = That Do the Work in the Right way - I~ = DE LAV AL CREAM SEP ARA TORS & MILKERS = VAUGHAN GARDEN TOOLS TRACTORS AND T ACTOR - - ner, ;\lildrcd Gray, Sadi Bosholm, Friday where h attended a minis- Mrs. J . Scales. . . terial meeting. • ll's. E. Bel'r s, Beatrice Harris I The Ladies Aid of the Estacada M. : Leta Schmitz, Mrs. J . · a nd Mrs. E . church met at the home of l\lrs. G. Carl Loundree, Mrs. G~en. Lou n tlree, 1 E . Lawrence \V cd nesday afternoo n § nnie Glockner u nd Winmfr d, l\Irs. and the hdstian Aid m!!l at the Yost, l\trs. tc ormic k, Hattie nnd home of !rs. S herma n. : li e' .. 1 Duhn•n~. l\lrs. Webster and \ elma. The annuul <•xposit1011 ut the Ote- )Ir . C. w. Brue , I ire Payn, g on 'tnte griculturul colleg • is to I • . - = )liss Kammerer, l\trs. Dittert. Mrs. . l\l 1 ' ll er, '[ II . A . .., vr ·h n~t •d er, , l ' 1 ts. . , r s. ' h rts• • L un d y. " i.u th B nrne tt , Ph y II 1s tianson, Roxie Mc ormick, Loin llodd. )Ir .. )le ,inms, lrs. Pe r ret a nti \mandu and Ruth Perret. LO P o,tm a ter L be held February 21 and 22. This - gathering is !or high schools and - : . la t year four representatives from . ES t acada high attended . : Ir. and l\lrs. \\' . F. ary drove to § alem Tu sday o n a Lu 1ne tl ip. 1 § r e turning in the evening. 1 = = I I' l\Ir. and l rs. H . B. Dav is of He len pent a few day last week at their farm h om in the Garfield = = § di ac co Da,·i mpanied by, : ~ ;\h .trict. Ir ne They and wer L onard . The dance at th e Grang hnll in § G111·field aturdu~ t•Hning under the § auspi of th~ grunge committee, : wa very much a succ . Quite a numb r from 1-: tacada attended. § PRING will b her ' in week or : two: time to be plan ing. I am : handling an Oregon Jin o f n ur l'} § . tock a, d ,ill be •lull tu all 011 : VAUGHAN DRAG S AW S PLANET GARDEN SEEDERS·, CUL TJV A TORS - Oliver Chilled Plows; Oliver Repairs Superior Drills Black Hawk Spreaders Disc, Spike or Spring Tooth Harrows E. ta- u• § § urr in ville pur- : h vrole I§ Motor Co. : •ad thi • _ comp} te line of farm machinery HESSEL IMPLEMENT co. _ Gr ... h m I§ A LARGE LIST OF GO o u. J G Haym n, Ph n c d t 4. - CREAM SEP D USED IMPLEMENTS, - A TORS, ETC. - AUTOMOBILES Willys Knight Whippet Ch l , Pl th ry er s y 111ou and Chrysler - TERM -TRADE - _ " ' I 1111111, : 111 11111 i 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ;; •