SWAT THE FARMER PUBLICITY UNWANTED S T A T E M E N T S D E C L A R E D T O BE F A L S E IN W I R E T O E A G L E C R E E K T R A D I N G CO. NUMBER IX ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1929 VOLUME XXIII MERCHANTS OFFER CUP IN SKI CONTES! Sandy business men have a hand­ some loving cup in the Krebs Kafe I window, awaiting the ski hero o f the Mt. Hood ski contest, which had to be called o ff Sunday on account of the snow blockade. The date of the tournament will be announced later. Those giving to the cup fund were R. S. Smith, P. R. Meinig, E. Bittner, George Maronay, Jack Scales, Sandy Drug store, Clackamas County Bank, Dr. H. A. Schneider, Krebs Kafe, Sartdy Market, Reed & Steinman, Lawrence Craswell and the People’s Service station. LEGION ENTERTAINS REAL WINTER HITS ; CITY BUSINESS MEN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D IST R IC T CONFERENCE OF OR- G A N IZA T IO N HELD A T THE I. O. O. F. H A L L F R I D A Y YOUNG PEOPLE “ KICK” GET GREAT OUT OF USUAL W IN T E R SPORTS SANDY P. T. A. STARTS SIDEWALK FUND Sandy Parent-Teachers’ associa­ tion is planning a big basket social for February 15, the proceeds of which will be used to start the build­ ing of a sidewalk from town to the grade school building. The program committee is Mrs. Blanche Shelley, Mrs. Hazel Murray and Mrs. Jtalph Brown. Plans are also under way for an educational rally, which will be an all day affair, and of particular in­ terest to parents. County Superin­ tendent B. L. Vedder has sanctioned this rally, which is not an “ institute.” Probably all immediate schools will be invited to take part. A dinner will be served, and the proceeds will go into the sidewalk fund. CIRCULATION CAMPAIGN RETARDED BY SNOW F I N E A U T O T O BE W O N IN O N E WEEK LESS TIM E THAN HAD BEEN PLAN N ED Business men of Estacada were en Eastern Clackamas county is cov- The cold weather has interferred with the t’ lackamas County News’ tertained at a banquet at the Esta- ered with a blanket of snow ranging circulation campaign, but it will work cada hotel Friday evening by the jn depth from six inches to several to the advantage of candidates. It Carl Douglass post of the American feet back in the Cascade nioun- means that it will take one week less Legion, the state commt^hder and tains. to win a car or other prize. other officers being present and giv- Sandy and up the Mt. Loop high- But three or four candidates ing addresses. way received a fair share o f the Miss Fink III have received Ihe receipt books A conference of Legionnaires, at snowy white, tl.c road having been Miss Gertrude Fink has been ab­ tended by officers and members rep- closed to traffic for several days. At and material for entering the cam­ sent from her usual place in the resenting Portland, Gresham and Or- Government Camp there is said to be paign, and those who are already can- postoffice this week on account of egon City posts was held in the Odi^-evera! feet o f snow. j didates have been unable to get out having an attack o f ptomaine pois­ Fellows building in the afternoon. to accomplish anything. In Estacada, the downfall of last MOLALLA BOYS WIN oning. She is reported to be improv­ Other posts expected to be presented week had disappeared, and starting However, with the moderation of OVER ESTACADA ing, however. the weather, the campaign will start wired that it was impossible for them again Saturday and continuing Mon­ in earnest, and for the next eight to get to Estacada on account of the day and Tuesday, it finally became LEAGUE ENTERTAINED snow. In the basketball game Friday weeks' pleasant work, two men or too deep for comfort. From six to AT KAAKE HOME Sixty-five were served at the ban­ twelve inches were reported in the vi­ evening, between the boys’ and girls’ women are going to earn more than one hundred dollars per week. quet at the hotel, starting at 6:30. cinity o f the city, eight inches being teams of the high schools o f Motalla The Eagle Creek Trading company The coupons and full instructions Jude Moreland, district committee­ the deepest reported where it had and Estacada, the Estacada boys lost last week received the following let­ The Epworth League o f the Esta­ to Molalla by a score of 32 to 12, but are reprinted again, and you may actully been measured. However, it man, presided. L. E. Townsend, com­ ter from II. H. ( hindgren, represen­ cada M. E. church held a contest the Estacada girls won from the vis­ send in your own nomination or that tative in the legislature from Clack­ for members some time ago, and the mander of the local post, gave a has not been very cold, slightly be­ itors, the score being 30 to 17. The o f a friend immediately. Full in­ amas county, and who is chairman of losing side had to give a party to short address o f welcome to the bus­ low the freezing point. Molalla boys outclassed our boys in structions and all necessary equip- iness men and out-of-town Legion­ the committee on agriculture: The most disagreeble weather of the winners. This party was held most every way. They defeated Ore­ | ment will be gotten to them as soon “ Your advert sement in a recent Saturday evening in the Wm Kaake naires. H. C. Stephens, representing all was Wednesday morning after a gon City high and have been playing as it is possible. If you nominate copy o f the Clackamas County News new residence. There were twenty the mayor, welcomed the visitors to slight rainfall which became a sheet good games. In the first half of the the winner of the first prize, you has been brought to my attention. present and all o f the young people the city. o f ice covering the snow, and the girl’s contest, the Molalla girls win $15 cash without any effort on Rest assured that this bill wi 1 receive report a most enjoyable evening. A Sid. George o f Eugene, district roads and walks where the snow had seemed to have the best o f the game, your part, whatever. my earnest consideration and that large fireplace and a delightful fire, committeeman from district No. 3, been cleared away. The subscription list, showing the but when the “ rooter” got busy and the rights of the farmers will be lent charm to the rooms. The young told something about the purpos s The young people and many older encouraged the Estacada girls, they date o f expirations of more than one properly safe guarded before such a folks played several games and for for which the American Legion was ones have been enjoying the winter commenced to show more “ pep” and thousand people in Eastern Clacka­ bill becomes a law. The bill has not refreshments had hot dog sandwiches organized. He was presented a hat sports o f coasting, snowballing and mas county will be frunished all can­ finally won the game. yet been introduced and before that and home made doughnuts. D uring¡ by Moreland in payment of a mem­ skiing, to the fullest extent. Out in The girls’ lineup in this game was didates, and they simply have to go is done it will receive very severe the evening, the guests roasted bership drive bet won by Sid. the Garfield district near the Davis Ora McKinny and Blanche Arm­ out and collect the renewal. The pruning in my estimation. Ed Ivers, state chairman o f the farm is a splendid hill for coating strong, forwards; Other members of task is an ei sy one, and one can get marchmellows at the fire place, which “ I shall be glad to hear from you afforded much amusement. child welfare work o f the Legion, and every evening large crowds have the squad were Erma Wilcox, Janet paid for their seriveces even if they and shaU send you a copy o f the bill told of the plan being undertaken by been gathering there. The Reagan Gilgen, Mary Lemon, Alice Douglass, work only an hour a day, for a com­ when introduced.” the organization to care for children hill is also popular. Feed the Birds Lucile Saunders, Helen Anders, Lou­ mission in cash is paid on all busi­ The deep snow on the ground dur­ o f disabled veterans, the children to W. A. Steward, who signs h s name There are occasional accidents but I ise Armstrong, Neva Lemon and ness turned in. There is no chance to lose, whether you win one of the as a member of the executive com­ ing the past few days, has been very be maintained in homes o f relatives none serious have so far been re­ Lavena Grabeel. mittee, Oregon Cattle and Horse bad for the birds as it is impossible if possible, maintained by the Legion ported. Sleds have been in great de­ The boys lineup was Alvin Munson, listed prizes or not. The News has r^prjjie list that is Raisers association, of Baker, wired for them to get any nourishment in preference to sending them m to mand and the ingenuity of people in Bob Hayden, Rulph nAeUalf, Arnold worth working for. We believe that the Eagle Creek Trading company whatever. It is hoped that people in institutions. making them is extremely interesting. Anderson and Robert Marchbank. Ben Fisher of Marshfield, state we have been more than liberal with under date o f January 18, as follows: general will remember this and place The rural route mail carriers are you. The News want subscriptions SOCIAL A T KELSO "Your ad Swat the Farmer is abso­ food on their porches and other commander, who gave the principal having troubles o f their own on ac­ address of the evening, said that the and is willing to pay out money to lutely untrue. Proposed bills framed places for them. count of the snow, but have managed American Legion had in the past A social was held at the Kelso get them, when gotten in the reg­ by Catle and Horse Raisers : ssocia- to get over their districts every day, Miss Leila Howe came from Inde­ been devoting their efforts to se­ tion o f Oregon and Oregon Wool although O. E. Syron of route 1 church Saturday night. Bee Nelson ular way. We can’t send out the pendence Saturday evening to spend curing aid and legislation for their Growers protection against peddling failed to cover eight miles o f his won one quilt, and Victor Lundeen paper free if we wished to do so. The the week end at her home here. Her own number, but that the time had o f stolen meats in this state.. Real­ route in the Bissel district one day. took home the other quilt. The two mailing privilege is only to actual mother, Mrs. C. F. Howe, met her in arrived when the Legion was going to ize passage o f measure would prevent William Graham, who has route 2, netted $21 for the ladies' efforts and bonafide subscribers. Portland. devote itself to the betterment of the The News also desires to keep the unscrupulous dealers from securing manages to get through by going on | the refreshments netted $3.60. communities o f the different posts. money paid for circulation work at much cheap stolen meat at cost of le­ horseback part o f the way. SANDY GIRL SCOUTS He also explained the universal draft DR. WILLIAMS LOSES home. We can get plenty of high gitimate farmers and stock raisers The speeder from Camp 8 came MEET AT BRUNS HOME act being sponsored by the oiganiza- down Monday, but has been unable CAR OVER BLUFF class salesmen to come in and work Nothing in this bill to prevent honest tion. the field, but we prefer to 'have farmer from killing and selling to Harry Nelson, state chairman of to make the trip since. The La Dee friends and neighbors sell the paper Sandy Girl Scouts took their first honest dealer. Suggest you study Dr. A. Williams of Sandy lost con­ to their friends and neighbors. It the committee on community service, Logging company has closed down lesson last week at learning scout amended bill.” until the snow melts, as has also the trol o f his car when he put on the costs the buyer no more, and the | laws and learning knots requ red for explained what the posts were doing A study of Mr. Chindgren’s letter Bronson Lumber company of Fara­ brakes Sunday night, the car and throughout the state, and also the salesman gets paid— paid a big sal­ the tenderfoot test. After the bus - day. and the telegram, leads one to believe Dr. Williams going over the bluff on ary, if you want to call it such— for ness meeting the girls toasted marsh­ future plans of the Legion in regard that the publicity given has caused Trains and stages from Portland Meinig’s hill. Luckily, the doctor taking your subscription or a renewal mallows and sang. Two groups were to serving their communities. radical changes to be made in the Carl Moser, state adjutant, spoke have been making their usual runs was nimble and jumped to one side o f your subscription. entertained at the E. F. Bruns home. proposed bill, that will now meet with This opportunity will not last long. Group one consists of Dorothy Bruns, on co-operation hetwen the Legion and are generally on time. The school in time to save himself from being the objections of the farmers. Mr. bus also has managed to make the hit by the car, and was only slightly The first to enter has the best chance ! Anabel Malar, Phyllis Christianson, and business men. Chindgren, Mr. Conner, manager of injured. The hill was icy. Mrs. Ruth Baker, Marian and Geo. trip in spite o f the snow. to win, because the vote schedule de­ Louise Lucas, Velma Webster, Roxie the Eagle Creek concern, can be de­ Business is practically' at a stand­ creases each period. Cut out the McCormick, Amanda Perret, Lola Baker and the Earl sisters of Port­ pended upon to safe guard the inter­ coupon, mail or bring it in today, Dodd, Roberta Smith and Ruth Bar­ land furnished entertainment in the still in both Estacada and Sandy, as ests o f the farmer through his com­ way o f banjo solos, dance numbers, the people get out as a rule now only and start going. Everybody likes to nett. mittee chairmanship. ; help one who tries to help himself. Group two— Irene Allgeier, Doro­ instrumental, vocal and whistling when it is absolutely necessary. How much better o ff will you be thy Pace, Lois Beers, Dorothy Asch­ numbers. April 6 thun you are today? That The invitation was extended to all S N O W H O L D S M R S. K E L L Y off, Evelyn Roberts, Edna Ke'sicker, AT ESTACADA H O T E L 1 the business men of Estacada, and depends on you. You can have a Ella Allgeier, and Cleta Popoff. Oscar Rank of Portland was shot fine new Chrysler, Chevrolet, or oth­ Mrs. Anton Malar drove the Fir- practically all attended. Mrs. Dale Kelly o f Camp 8 came through the heart by Marion Tucker er prize or cash commissions if you I wood girls down for the meeting. K elso S un da y S c h o o l Elects down Saturday to go to Portland on at Barton early Sunday morning, devote your time to selling the News. History Makers would be a good B O I L E R D A M A G E D A T H. S. account o f the death o f her brother. when he and four other boys at­ Here’s employment for everyone who title for the pioneers and their de­ Estacada high school was closed wishes it. Start today, and drive a Officers were elected Sunday at The storm kept the speeder from tempted to rob the Gibson store. scendants who hewed out the Sandy Thursday on account of the boiler the Kelso Sunday school, as follows: making regular trips down from the Harvey Gibson, proprietor o f the new car on April 6. forests, plowed the little patches springing a leak, letting water into Mrs. Albert Jonsrud, superintendent; camp and so Mrs. Kelly was caught | store, and Tucker, live in the house piece by piece, vut fern, sowed, har- BUYS T W O -A C R E T R A C T the fire box. It was repaired in a Alma Spooner, assistant superinten­ in Estacadq and is at the hotel for a just south of the store building. At cested by hand, grubbed stumps to short time but school-did not resume dent; Anna Louise Larson, secretary; few days. Mr. Kelly came down on an early hour .Sunday morning Mr. make roadways, built houses from John Osborne closed n deal Thurs­ I during the day. Julia Larson, treasurer. The next skiis Wednesday. Gibson heard the boys breaking into logs cut down by hand, forded th" day in which he becomes owner of preaching service at Kelso will be the store at the back door. He ar- streams, parked flour and other nec­ GARDEN CLUB TO MEET Ha vin g E y es T rea ted February 10 at 2:30. roused Tucker, and, both armed, they two additional acres of ginseng land essary groceries for living miles on « The Estacada Garden club will adjoining his gardens on the north. Fred Johnson o f Faraday is away called on the boys to put up their Mr. Osborne owns the large ginseng their backs, pastured the oxen out in I meet with its president, Mrs. A. H. D E C L A M A T O R Y C O N T E S T T O getting his eyes treated. They have hands. They ran and they both op­ gardens lying just at the p«,ge o f the the forest, cooked over a fire place or Fasel, Monday afternoon, February B E H E L D A T S A N D Y U. H been bothering him for some time ened fire. with a Dutch oven before stoves ar­ 4. This meeting, it is said, will be The boys had two cars, and three city limits on the east. and his general health has not been rived here, endured every possible j one o f the most important o f the year The annual declamatory contest very good. Mrs. Johnson is also ill went to one, got into it and left, the hardship, yet claim they were as hap­ I and everybody is invited. Visit at S y ro n Ho m e other two not being able to start their for grade schools o f the district, will again. py as folks are today! machine, went into the brush and es be held February 8, at the Sandy un­ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Symms of One winter, John Revenue, born at SCHOOLS^ PLEASED caped. ion high school. Not over 10 cents KELSO WOMEN’S CLUB Portlund were guests at the home of the old Revenue trading post on the WITH CALENDARS admission fee will be asked from As the car disappeared down the the latter’s sister, Mrs. O. E. Syron, — Sandy, the first trading post this ELECTS NEW OFFICERS road Hank was shot and one o f the Sunday. Schools o f Eastern Clackamas adults, and children will be admitted side o f the Cascades for people com­ free. The small fee is to pay for tires o f the car was also hit. They ing over the mountains, that one county are pleased with the calendar G a r fie ld P. T. A. to Meet prizes for the contestants. Kelso Women’s club met Thursday, drove the machine to Portland, and sent out by the First State Bank of winter they lived entirely on pota­ There will be a meeting of the put the boy, who had died instantly Mrs. Albert Jonsrud being hostess. toes, molasses and salmon, but no Gresham, again this year, and one M RS S A G N E R 'S M O T H E R Those present were Mrs. Fred Deck­ from the bullet wound, on the side­ Garfield P. T. A. at the school house teacher says that she has kept these one “ starved.” D IE S IN G E R M A N Y er, Mrs. Max Kligel, Mrs. D. Hite, j walk, notifying a lady who knew the Friday, February 8, ut 2:30. All pa­ 1 historical calendars for several years Revenue presided at the mid-year trons of the school are invited to he Mrs. E. Herz, Mrs. Joel Jarl, Mrs. j boys and called the police. to use in connection with her his meeting o f the pioneer association Before daylight the two boys were present. Mrs. Augusta Sagner received a Peterson, Mrs. C. F. Anuerson, Miss j tory work. held in Sandy, and told many inter­ The annual essay contest spon­ letter from her father in Breslau, Nyman, Mrs. Raumhack, Mrs. Gilbert arrested and confessed their share of GIGER SALE POSTPONED esting incidents during the informal sored by this bank closes soon, and Germany, this week, telling her of Eri, Mrs. Charley Haworth and the the crime. Officers found the two program, as did also E. F. Bruns, who had escaped at Barton in the The administrators sale of the per­ A. Meyer, president of the bank, the death o f her mother, Mrs. Anna hostess. Mike Donahue, W. Bosho'm, W. L. Delicious refreshments were served brush returning to Portland a foot. sonal property o f the late David GI- reports much interest. The prizes Hartman, age 74. Mrs. Sagner had McCabe, A. C. Thomas, L. Vaeretti, The four survivors were indicted ger, advertised for Wednesday o f this are cash. A Currinsvil'e school girl not seen her since leaving Germany, by Mrs. Jonsrud. The club officers j Joe Black. B. J. Price and others. won first prize last year. Schools 23 years ago. There are six sisters elected for next year are: President. | in Clackamas County district court | week, was postponed on account of A touching poem was read for not having received their calendar all o f whom live in Germany, Mrs. Mrs. George lluck; vice president, • Tuesday. They are Louis Nelson, the winter weather. The News was Myrtle Revenue Hoemicker, who the family living in the United States. urer, Mrs. Fred Decker. | bank, Mr. Meyer writes. (Continued on page six) Two weeks ago, the Eagle Creek Trading company used their spate in the News to inform the farmer of a proposed bill to be introduced in the legislature, its purpose, as advertised being to abolish the stealing o f cattle, but according to Mr. Conner’s under­ standing, a bill designed to do away with farmer competition o f the pack­ ing houses. A couple of days after the ad was published a cattle raising company at Baker wired the News for a large number o f extra copies of that week’s paper. These were immediately for­ warded, and were presented to mem­ bers of the legislature. BURGLAR KILLED AT BARTON SUNDAY A. M. Sandy Pioneers Hold Annual Meet j