CLACKAMAS COUNTY N E W S , FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1929 1'AkC.E SIX L 1 .■ 'i j « - » » - » ! — n i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i m m i i i i i i i i i i i i i m i H i i i i i m i i i i i i H m i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i B ». i m - i r r r i L L . . ...---------------- l ' ■■ j ---------- Í 2 5 O 0 IN P R I Z E S O F F E R E D B Y CLACK AM AS COUNTY NEWS ENGINE LUBRICATION (Continued from page 1) The engine lubrication system is an exclusive Ford develop­ E that there will be no partiality shown ment and is a combination of pump, gravity feed and splash system E to any one. with oil reservoir in the valve chamber. E If you desire further information [ The pump is located in the bottom of the oil pan and is run o ff call or write the News. Your sup- a gear on the camshaft on the same shaft which operates the dis- ilributor. It is enclosed in a fine mesh wire screen through which E plies and instructions will be sent the oil filters before it is pumped up into the valve chamber. The E to you immediately. The time to screen is surrounded by a shield so that the oil is pulled through it. E act is now! By next week some one The oil flows into the valve chamber in a continuous stream when­ E else may have collected several of ever the engine is running, but it is no sense a “ forced feed.” The oil in the valve chamber provides direct gravity feed lubri­ s \ the subscriptions from your friends cation to the main bearings of the crankshaft and the front end E that would have been paid to you had camshaft bearing. Small pipe lines lead down from the valve cham­ £ they known you were a candidate. ber to these bearings. The bottom of the valve chamber is so de­ E The subscription list for any par- signed, through the use o f small inbuilt dams, to provide reservoirs E ticular section of the county you of oil for each bearing. As the engine rests in the chassis on a 3 degree angle, sloping E ! wish to work will be furnished you to the rear, the oil arriving in the valve chamber flows back, filling E ! that you may knew whose subscrip- each reservoir, the overflow oil being carried by an external pipe to E tion is past due, and also those who the front end of the oil pan, where it flows back over the pan, filling E are not now getting the News. the troughs through which the connecting rods are lubricated and Only paid in advance subscribers from which all other moving parts are sprayed by the splash system. E From the pan the oil flows to the bottom o f the case to be pumped E ! will be carried on the subscription back again. E list after next week. Subscribers E ! wishing to receive the News must C O M P A N Y C O O K E M O T O R E pay for it. Subscription price re­ Est ac ad a, O r e g o n P hon e 24 -5 mains the same— $1.50 per year ini tm iim im iiim iiiiiiiM im m iim iim iim im iiim m iim iim iim iH iiiiiiiiim iim iiiiin Clackamas county; $2 in the state o f Oregon outside this county; and 1 _* 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II11 i1111111111111111111111 ■■ i■» $2.50 per year outside the state of Oregon. E j j ¡Special O f f e r l = E E E E E E E E E | $ 1 5 . 0 0 CASH PRIZE The person nominating the candidate who wins first prize in the campaign will be given a cash prize of $15.00. Just fill in the name of your candidate and bring or send it into the News office. By doing this you will cast 10,000 votes for the candidate. If the prize winner nominates himself he will be given the $15 prize at the time the other prize is awarded. But one nomination blank with the 10,000 credits can be counted by the candidate, and if more thdn one person nomiates the same cadidate, the first one to make the nomination will be given the prize, LINN RETURNS TO CHAIN SPECIALS FOR / SATURDAY AND MONDAY Heavy Winter Clothing at a Sacrifice Saturday and Monday, January 26-28 LOGGERS’ HEAVY WATER PROOF WOOL SHIRTS— Regular price; $12;00 special a t ................ $ 9 . 9 0 HORSEHIDE LEATHER COATS; Heavy Wool L in e d - Regular price, $13.50; Special...... $ 9 .9 0 ESTACADA LADIES GALOSHES; reg. $3.90; special a t ..... $ 2 . 9 0 W. E. Linn has returned to Esta­ cada to reside. He has purchased | from R. G. Marchbank the pool hall fixtures in the Masonic building and will now conduct that place o f busi­ ness. Mrs. Linn is still in Portland taking care o f the confectionery and restaurant business and will remain there until they sell, when she also expects to return to Estacada. Just a short time ago the Linns sold Linn’s Inn to Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Judd. = = = § = = § § I E i Ki tch ing s RED & WHITE stores CHILDREN’S GALOSHES; reg. $2.90; special $ 1 . 7 5 RED and WHITE FLOUR; 49s; per sack $ 1 .8 7 RED and WHITE OLEO; lb.................................. 220 SERV-US COFFEE; 1 lb. bags ...............................4 7 C 1-lb. T ins......................................................... Surprised Mr. and Mrs. George Kitching were agreeably surprised Saturday evening when about a dozen o f their - CLACKAM AS COUNTY NEWS E S TA C A D A -S A N D Y = old neighbors and friends from Cur- tr H h 111 it in h 11 mu i in in h i ni 11 h nun in mu iiiiiiiiiiiiiii i h iiiiii mi i mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirt rinsville put in an appearance at their home to spend the evening. Such a -IHHHHHHHHHIHHIIHIHHHIHIHIHIIIHHHHIHHIHIIHIIHHHHIHHHHHIIHHHIHHIir good time at cards made the hours pass too quickly and it was one a. m. when the visitors left. 5 3 C SERV-US TOMATO SOUP; 2 cans f o r ................ 1 7 c4 WHITE WONDER SOAP; 7 Bars for 27c4 SERV-US MATCHES; 6 f o r .................................. 2 7c4 SERV-US GOLDEN BANTUMCORN; 2’s; 2 for -13c4 CREAM OF WHEAT; package.......... 24c4 CLOROX; 2 f o r ..................................................... 33^ SERV-US HOT SAUCE; 4 for 21c4 D r iv e to the Beach William Kandle and W. F. Cary made a trip to the beach Sunday afternoon, returning Tuesday night. They report that there was no snow after they left Newberg. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE DEPENDABLE USED CARS thoroughly reconditioned Chrysler “ 58” Coach; especially good 15 Tourings, Roadsters, Coupes; late models, and priced at less than you expect to pay. WILLYS-KNIGHT CHRYSLER NEW SUPERIOR PLYMOUTH WHIPPET CHRYSLER Has Ton si ls I Hessel Implement Co. j Gresham Service E THE PEOPLES 'i r a i O H E Removed C H A IN RED & WHITE sto »» s ^ Mrs. R u t h e r ’ s B ir thda y H o n o re d Till lllll llllllllll lllll III IIIHHIIIimillHHHIIIIIIIIIIHIIHimiHIIIIIIHHIHIIHIIIIHIHIIII~ 2 0 c? Produce Specials for this week will consist of ORANGES, APPLES and GRAPE FRUIT Mrs. Robert Jonsrud, who has im­ proved considerably, had her tonsils removed last week at the Coffey hos­ pital in Portland. It is hoped her recovery will be more rapid now. Sandy Grange sent Mrs. Jonsrud lovely flowers to the hospital re­ cently. New and Used Farm Implements E Quality FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE; 3 lbs. f o r ................. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kubitza were hosts at a “ two goose” dinner Sun­ day, 23 being present to enjoy the feed. They were the Sharnke fam­ ily, the Henry Kubitza family from Portland, Rev. Fr. Boniventura and chauffer, the Fred Gilberts and the Kubitzas. Mrs. Kubitza is slowly im- j proving, but still suffers considera­ ble pain, and her side is not yet healed. 1924 Willys-Knight 3-door sedan; good tires, paint good; car in A -l conditon. A special Chrysler “ 60” Coach; PREMIUM SALTED SODA CRACKERS; 2-lb. pg. 3 6 c 4 KUB1TZAS EN TERTAIN iim m im iiiinm illlim iir ■ Mrs. C. A. Ruther’s birthday was = jpiHIHIIIHHHIIIHHHHHIHIHHIHHHIHIHHHHHHHIHIHIHIHHHHHHHIHHHIHIHIIir honored by two parties, Sunday. A = big dinner at the home o f Mr. and == IMPORTANT— I Mrs. Chris Pihl was the first event, EE W E H A N D L E K E R R ’S FEEDS FOR TH IS R E A SO N ; — all the children and grand children = W e believe K err'* Feeds give the p ers on who bu ys them 15 in all, being present. After the EEE the most f o r the dollar. Thi» c h o ic e was mad e a f t e r year's o f e x p e r ie n c e in D airy and P oultry Feeds. “ day was done the Ruthers came home Tome in and we will explain further and will gladly help you solve E and in the evening Mrs. Ruther was EE your feed problems. E dumfounded when another big crowd BARTHOLOMEW & LAWRENCE came in, 37 in all, and found h e r, EE P hon e 601 Est acad a, O r e g o n = with her shoes o ff. Another big ^ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111115 “feed ” was a feature at night. Mrs. F. L. P r o c t o r Hostess Mrs. F. L. Proctor was hostess to the Embroidery club Monday night. and a pleasant time is reported. Mrs. Harvey Schneider, Mrs. Lundy, Mrs. Yost, Mrs. Hattie Dahrens, Mrs. Per- ret, Mrs. Dittert and Mrs. Proctor did sewing and fancy work. HOME COOKING MEALS AT ALL HOURS “ COURTESY” OUR MOTTO . K R E B S ONFECTIONERY A F E •' I E n ter ta in Friends Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Penner enter- E I tained a company o f friends Satur- E day evening. Cards was the diver- OPPORTUNITY COUPON 1 S I sion. This coupon and a one-year subscription entitles you to 100,000 extra credits in addition to the regular schedule, and you can use four of these coupons. THE NEW 1929 “ 400” MODEL Nash Sedan EE = Has A p pe ndicitis O p era ti on iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iin ,111,11,11!,iim iiiiin iiiiig Address EE EE Floyd McCormick, 12, was rushed} EE to St. Vincent's hospital Monday SE night and was operate« on immedi- ately for appendicitis. Floyd is a = pupil in Sandy grade school. Sandy, Oregon Name......... | = EEE S E < G resh a m Funera l D ir e ct o r Here J. E. Gates, funeral director of 5 : Gresham, visited Estacada on busi- E ness one day last week. E S n o w in P ort lan d and Gresham 5 Estacada has been lucky the last E few days as compared with Portland 5 and Gresham. The snow had entire- s ly disappeared Wednesday when the C L ACK AM AS CO U N TY NEWS E S T A C A D A -S A N D Y E snow was still in evidence in those Ullllllllllllllllllllllllllll|||||ll|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||,„||„„„„„„„„|„„„|„ „ „ |-| towns. TO BE GIVEN AW AY ABSOLUTEL Y FREE— COME IN— ASK FOR FREE TICKETS HERE I Estacada Feed Store Us S. MORGAN, Proprietor