C L A C K A MA S COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, J A N U A R Y fu r r n s v ille store truck to Portland! Tuesday, it. ii. Currin is out aguin after a sige of the flu. Floyd Hale is doing some work on his ginseng gardens during the nice weather. Miss Ethel Hale spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Lou Hale. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll'l Cleve Heiple is reported to be im­ proving very rapidly. Albert and Charley Kitching are doing some repair work on the Linn property in Currinsville. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Currin and Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kassteater at Bear Creek last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen o f Bull ■ Run spent Monday and Tuesday at the Currin home. They left for Se­ attle and other Washington points for I a two weeks’ vacation. ily on their buildings. W. T. Looney and P W. Douglu' CURRINS'VILLE shipped four hogs on the Currin - ville store truck to the Portland mar­ CURRINSVILLE, Jan. 17.— (Spe­ ket Tuesday. Mrs. John Githens and Mrs. Effie cial).— George Walter is doing some repair work for the Neil Taylor fam­ Douglass shipped some poultry on the • iiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:ii Hiiiimiii.’n iiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim m m iim iiim im im m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiim im iii Goodyear] Tires Bargains - Bargains = SA N D Y LO CAL ITEMS Mrs. L. E. Palmer and fine baby, Fred Eugene, are now getting along nicely in the Junker cottage, return- ! ing from the hospital ten days ago. 3 0 x 3 1 Clincher C o r d s ................................... Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Shipley are still at the R. C. Shipley home, and 29x440 Bal’ oon .................................................. have not decided if they will return Clincher C o r d ..................................... ■ to California to live. Miss Mabel | Shipley was down from college in 30x3 *.•» Oversize Clincher C o r d .................... I Washington recently and was also a guest of the Shipleys. V r 1 40 Balloon ................................................... Mrs. Albert Jonsrud was at Boring 30x4.50 Balloon ................................................. Monday night to practice in the Re- bekah drill team. Mrs. Clarence Brown has been in DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS; AND | the city this week on account of the J illness o f her little niece, who is not BUY YOUR TIRES j expected to recover. The child had flu, took a relapse that developed into pneumonia. Boring and Estacada grade school hoop teams won over Bull Run and Kelso last week at Sandy union high THESE PRICES ARE GOOD FOR ONE WEEK gymnasium. Estacada is ahead so far in the division. Another game is ONLY scheduled for this week. The Bagley family, Kelso, were visited by the stork Friday night, which left a 11-pound boy, the sev­ enth child in the family. Harry Morton, Zig Zag, fell on a log a few days ago and injured him­ self so badly he was rushed to the Portland sanitarium and was operated Oregon = on for hernia within half an hour Estacada after he arrived there. He is getting iiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiw im iiiiiiiiH m iM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson and daughter were at the I. O. O. F. and i hi urn mm mi mim im niimim ii i mulinili i mumm ii in imiimiiiiiimii£ Rebekah installation Monday night. The Andersons live near Boring. J. F. Klapp, who lives on the 1 I? Ì < '(î> : S Strucken place near Boring, injured j his thigh badly while clearing, a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sitz had as Sun- j day dinner guests Rev. F. T. Schoen for every purpose and family. iiiiiiiiim iim iiiiii $4.75* $5.95 $6.30 $6.95 $7.95 $8.70 NOW Cascade Chevrolet Co. M im i . * Dual Duiy Dealer I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiic iiiiim iim "! . ................ . Pabco Paint $ 2.95 S pend V a c a t io n in Mountains per gallon L ow er P rice . . . . . . Better Paint! Jackson Lumber Co. " E v e r y t h i n g f o r the B u ild e r " Estacada, Oregon .................. .................................................................................... 18, » 8 2 » PAGE FIVE Classified Ads BIG FEATURE SATURDAY A F T E R N O O N A N D E V E N IN G A T T H E L IB E R T Y T H E A T R E RATES ■ Bill Perry, manager o f the Liberty I Theatre o f Estacada, has arranged a special attraction for theatre goers Saturday, when Waring, fammi* mag­ ician, will appear at a matinee at 2:30 and again in the evening, in con­ nection with the regular theatre pro­ gram. Ads. accepted for this column at 1 cent per word, minimum charge 25 cents, three insertions for the price o f two. Cards o f thanks, 50 cents. A bookkeeping charge of 10 cents is made for ail clussifieds not paid in advance. For Sale— Livestock Waring conies to Estacada highly recommended, and Mr. Perry feels that he has been fortunate in securing this attraction for his patrons. FOR SALE— High grade Jersey hei- Those who enjoy real comedy will fer; 2 1-2 years old, from heavy certainly want to see the feature pic­ producing stock. Fresh December ture to be shown both at the matinee Price $ 1 9 0 . s. T. Powell, and in the evening. “ Jake, the Plumb­ Route 1, Estacada. jl 8 er,” This is said to be one of the funniest pictures ever made, which GOOD BALED HAY and O. I. C. features Jess DeVorska, the new FBO pigs, two months old; shoats weigh­ star. ing uround 70 lbs. P. W. Douglass The theme of the story is based on Estacada. Phone 42-111. jl 8 FOR SALE— Team o f mules; weight SA N D Y LO C A L N E W S about 950 each; 4 years old, gentle and work good; value $150; will trade for cow. M. Sarver, Esta- Robert Beck has bt en helping Wm. l4 i; phone 39-7. i!2Ktf Jocelyn clear about an acre of land. The ground will soon be in shape for For Sale— Farm Implements its first crop. Beck also does clear­ ing on his own place. USED CREAM SEPARATORS, gas Paddy McKnight and Ed. Boston engines, spreaders, drills, tractors. trapped for two weeks up above Cher- Hessell Implement Co. Gresham. 21 ryville but got only a couple of skins. They were in the “ Shorty” Harris cabin. Paddy knew the late Tex Automobiles For Sale Rickard well in the old Alaskan days. FOR SALE— Buick sedan; fair con­ Dr. and Mrs. Schneider had Mr. dition; cheap for quick sale. Cas­ and Mrs. Shelley and Joe as their cade Chevrolet company, Eesta- guests Sunday on a trip to see the cada. j l l - t f winter sports at Hood, and the Shel­ leys were also their luncheon guests. USED CARS— Big values in used cars. Price and terms to suit you. Hessel Implement Co., Gresham. 21 the adventures o f a plumber’s helper who is overwhelmed by lofty ambi­ tions as well as the desire to win the love t)l' the girl who lives next door. By#a mere accident, Jake, the plumb­ er’s helper, rescues a wealthy woman who fainted while driving her auto­ mobile. Through this woman, Jake becomes associated with the race track. When a jockey is doped, Jake who has never been on a horse in his life, offers to substitute. He ties himself on the horse with a strap and wins a steeple chase. The steeple chase, which is one of the high lights o f the picture, proved one o f the most thrilling race scenes ever flashed on a screen. DeVorska as Jake, the plumber, hus the support o f a splendid cast including Ann Brodie and Rose Ros- anova, who are well known delinea­ tors o f mother roles. Both have im­ portant parts in this production. Sharon Lynn, erstwhile musical comedy player, is seen as Jake’s sweetheart and gives a very credita­ ble performance. Big Ben Wise, 350-pound comedian gives the audiences many laughs with his bit o f fun making in the picture. Eddie Harris, one of the screen’s foremost character actors, appears as an eccentric old man, and his emula­ tion of a hen-pecked husband, proves exceedingly funny. Other well known motion picture players who apepar in the comedy are Carol Holloway, Dolores Brinkman, and John S. King. In addition to the feature and the magician’s act, there is also a good short comedy. This is an unusually good two hours’ entertainment, and Mr. Perry has not increased the ad­ mission fees. BIG PONTIAC REDUCTIONS— Call H. Perrett, Sandy Garage, phone 261. 8tf. Banking Headquarters For Rent FOR SALE OR RENT— I have three houses for sale and two for rent in Estacada. C. V. Martin. tl Here at the Clackamas County Bank, we number among our patrons people who live at some distance from Sandy. Miscellaneous FOR SALE— Cedar shakes and hand made shingles. L. E. Thompson, R. 1, Estacada. fl FOR SALE— 2,000 Cedar posts; 12 cents each. Inquire Estacada Feed Store. jll-t f But this has not deprived them of the benefits of a good banking connection for they do their banking by mail. Let us tell you more of this convenient and practical plan. FOR SALE— Piano, fine condition; price $100, terms. P. S. Stamp, R. 1, Bx. 19-A. Phone 43-5. Estacada. CEDAR POSTS— Mountain cedar, large size, 18c each. Eagle Creek Trading Co. d !4 tf i C lackamas C oijniy E ai S ' | \ Wallace Smith and A. G. Ames FOR SALE— Mountain cedar 7-foot ■ j went into the mountains to the for- fence posts, 14c each. Phone : 1 mer’s place on a fishing and hunting 83-11 Paul Klaetsch, Estacada j 18 : | expedition the latter part of last CLACKAMAS CO. NEWS and the \ \ week. Portland News, both one year for : Mrs. W. H. Grabeel drove to Ore- $3. News office, Sandy or Esta­ |! gon City Thursday where she met an cada. d28 i old school friend, and then drove to '! Portland to visit another friend, re- WANTED— To buy horse, weight ! turning home Friday evening. about 1200 pounds. J. R. Hughes, Estacada, phone 12-51. It > - SA N D Y, O R EG O N ■ ■‘■■r FOR TRADE 02010100010102028901000102000201000002000001000002000201300201000102020102010201020201020101022300 OR SALE— One ton Chevrolet truck; good running or­ der; $100 cash, or will trade for cattle. M. Chase, Springwater, v iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiim iiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiii"n_ P. O. Rt. 2, Estacada, Phone Es­ tacada 27-15. fl PIANO FOR SALE in Estacada vi cinity; high grade, like new. Your own terms and sacrifice. Write H. A. Llvernash, factory adjuster, 2613 Pacific ave., Tacoma, Wash- ington. fl IA BIG MYSTERY SHOW 1 j E j j I 1 Phone Estacada 86-11. Nash Sedan fl Employment Wanted iir ! PLUMBING— pipe fitting; steel sep- = tic tanks a specialty. J. F. Stand- E E ! ish, Garfield. Phone Estacada = | 71-51. fl 1 LIBERTY THEATRE SATUR DAY, | FOR SALE— Graphonola and 50 rec­ | ords; good condition; big bargain. 1 THE NEW 1929 “ 400” MODEL At The JANUARY f 19 Afternoon at 2 :3 0 Evening at 7 :30 | | | Waring, the Wonder Worker | 1 In Conjunction with the wonderful comedy picture, = “JAKE, THE PLUMBER” and a Short comedy, “ Dad’s Choice” § Admission: Adults, 25 Cents; Children, 10 Cents E Ti 111111 n i ■: t m i h i: 11111111 n m 1 111 ii 11 1 1 m 11111111111111111 m 11111111111111 m 111 n 1111111 ii m 11 n i-:- =E HEMSTITCHING— 6 and 8 cents per — yard. Leave at Lovelace store, will be returned next day if left before R||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:1 9:30 a. m. Mrs. Ina Smith, Three “ Links. jl8 TO BE GIVEN A W A Y ABSOLUTELY FREE— COME IN— ASK FOR FREE TICKETS I CARD OF THANKS We are very thankful for the many kindnesses shown us during the re- I cent loss o f our loved one, Homer Oilar, and for the lovely flowers.— Mf. and Mrs. W. H. Mersinger and ! family. It HERE Enterlaina Sun da y S chool Clast Estacada Feed Store U. S. MORGAN, Proprietor m I : , ■ : E (j | : E ; E | | C U R R IN S V IL L E S T O R E P R IC E S A 35c box of Crackers and a 25c box of 37r Vegetized W a fers; both for Three cans Pork and Beans 2 5 C* Lettuce; it’s fine; per head > 1 O f Overalls; try these; pair $1.29 Clover H ay; good; per ton $ 1 2 0 .0 0 Also Oat and Wheat Straw carried in stock A lfalfa H ay; per 100 lbs. $1 .15 Tunnell’s Special Coffee 45o This is really a fine coffee. Try it once. Oregon Dairy Feed; per sack $1.70 1 E E E E E E E E Rev. J. F. Dunlop’s Sunday school i | class to the number of 18 were en- ¡j | tertained Wednesday by Mr. and Mrs. | j George E. Lawrence at the home in | j W e have a large stock of merchandise, give us a trial f F.stacada. After the business meet- | i J. O. T U N N E L L & SON Currinsville E , ing they played games and a lunch Jj | S iiiim m iiim m m n iM M n im H iiiiiiim n iiiim iM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iin was served by the hostess.