ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 192» VOLUM K XXIII HflVMAN IS PRESIDENT OF COMMUNITY CLUB U N IO N BE OF CLUBS HELD M EETIN G IN W E S T F RIDAY TO LINN EVEN ING J. G. Dayman was elected president of the Estacada Community club at the meeting o f the organization held in the Masonic building Friday eve­ ning. J. C. Moreland wag chosen as vice president and Miss Maud Sher­ man was re-elected secretary and treasurer. A resolution was presented by Ted Ahlberg which had been adopted by the Legion in regard to the improve­ ment of the Colton road. The grange ut Springwater has also passed a sim­ ilar resolution. A committee to meet with the county court to tuke up the matter o f the Colton-Estacada road, was ap­ pointed by the chairman, and this committee visited County Commis­ sioner W. A. Proctor Tuesday eve­ ning and learned that considerable work is planned by the court on this road as soon as the weather permits Mr. Proctor said that the road from the bridge to the junction o f the Elwood-Dodge road was in the pro­ gram this year, which would give the Elwod people a way to get out and in. Mr. Proctor said he believed this to be the most needed road work in the county at the present time, and that the major part o f the construc­ tion of the entire road was to be finished as soon as the weather per­ mits. O f equal interest to the people in this vicinity is the improvement o f the road between Eagle Creek and Sandy, which matter was also dis cussed with Commissioner Proctor. It was planned to hold a meeting of the club January 26, but as th s is the date o f tne meeting of th Greater Clackamas County Union of Clubs at West Linn, President Hay man has set the date o f the next meeting for Friday, February 1. The district convention of the Le gion also falls on the date set for the next club meeting, and was part­ ly respoi ible for the change o f date. I’ luns are being made by the com­ mittee in charge o f the meeting at West Linn. A number of prominent speakers will be at the meeting, and one o f the most important features will be the presentment o f the schol­ arships to the boys and girls o f the 4-H clubs who have accomplished their achievements in making the 100 per cent mark. Among those entitled to these scholarships to the summer school at the Oregon State Agricultural col­ lege are the winners o f the first prizes at the county and state fairs; scholarships offered by the Portland buisness men through the efforts of the superintendent o f public instruc tion; scolarships awarded by the U.- P. railroad company; those awarded by the S.-P. railroad, those offered by the county court, P. T. A., Bunk­ ers, association, Jersey club, Guern­ sey club and Oregon City business men and other organizations. Other boys and girls in club work over 12 years o f age, and who have their work up-to-date, will be given the privilege o f attending the sum­ mer school by paying their own transportation and their board and room while at the institution. Many o f the boys and girls are to be repre­ sented at the gathering Friday eve­ ning. The program committee is com­ posed o f W. R. Abel, Carl Joehnk, Howard Belton, o f Canby; B. O. Gar­ ret and Percy Caufield of Oregon City. Mr. Abel is chairman o f the program committee. A number of interesting features, besides the awarding the scholarshipse are in store for the guests. The banquet, which is to be served at 6:30, is already planner: by the committee, o f which Mrs. A. A. Spangler o f Carus is chairman. Her assistants are Mrs. Runkle, Mrs. Fuge o f Oswego; Mrs. Eva Hale, Jennings Lodge; Mrs. Eva Hawley, Clackamas and Mrs. Bidder o f Wilsonville. Quite a number of Estacada club members are planning to attend, and arrangements are being made to char­ ter one o f the large busses for those who do not care to drive their own cars. Plans are being made, it is said, to accommodate 400 at the ban­ quet. SANDY GRANGE HAS SET OF NEW OFFICERS Fred Bates of Eagle Creek installed the officers of Sandy Grange Satur­ day. The lecture hour program, ar­ ranged by Mrs. Will Bell, enter­ tained as follows: Several vocal num­ bers by Mrs. George Odell and son George, poem written by Myra Hoer- nicker, by Mrs. Minne Douglass. Roll call included several talks, one being given by A. C. Thomas describ- ng the big windfall here 45 years igo. Annual reports o f officers were read. The grange is in splendid fi­ nancial condition. Cannings H ave Visit ors The Canning family o f Kelso have Mr. Canning’s brother, Richard Can­ ning and wife, also their daughter- in-law and small son, all of Buffalo, N. Y. Richard Canning visited at Kelso 35 years ago and notes great changes since then. Miss Shell’ s Sist er Passes Much sympathy is felt for Miss Edith Shell, whose sister, Miss Lillian Shell, passed suddenly at Corvallis from pneumonia, Sunday night. Miss Shell, who was chaperoning two Sandy high school girls at Oregon “ U” conference, was called to Cor­ vallis Saturday. Her sister being better, she returned to Sandy Sun­ day. Mi..» R eed T o R etu rn H om e Miss Florence June Reed, daughter o f Mrs Mae Reed o f Estacada, who was operated on a few days ago, is reported to be getting along nicely and probably will be brought home Saturday. ESTACADA HAS 25th BIRTHDAY ODD FELLOWS AND REBEKAHS INSTALL JOINT IN S TA LLA TIO N BY E S T A ­ C A D A L O D G E S ; 150 IN A T - TENDANCE Estacada lodge No. 175, I. O. O. F. and Centenial Rebekah lodge No. 147 of Estacada, held joint installation o f officers Saturday night at the Odd Fellows hall. There were about one hundred and fifty present, which included members of the two organ­ izations, and a few invited guests, who enjoyed an excellent program and a sumptuous repast served at the conclusion o f the evening's pro­ gram. District Grand Master Hugh Jones and District” Deputy President, Mrs. I Catherine Jones were the installing I officers. They were assisted by Dis- | trict Deputy Grand Marshal J. G. , Hayman and Mrs. Val Cary. The Re­ bekah officers installed were: Laura Schoenberg, noble grand; Eleanor Day, vice grand; Elizabeth Ames, secretary; Della Lawrence, treasurer; Amy Rivers, warden; Edna Grabeel, conductress; Leona Buell, chaplain; Mollie Bates, inside guard; Lavena Crawford, outside guard; Mary Eshleman, R. S. N. G .; Maner- va Lins, L. S. N. G .; Lydia McCon­ nell, R. S. V. G.; Rose Perry, L. S. V. G., and Elva Ahlberg, musician. The Odd Fellow officers are O. M. Stormer, noble grand; Paul Holm, vice grand; J. K. Ely, secretary; Har­ vey Gilgan, treasurer; Joe La Croy, warden; Lester Crawford, conductor; Chester Longworth, inside guard; Walter Looney, outside guard; W. H. Grabeel, R. S. N. G.; Wm. Gilgan, L. S. N. G .; Richard Davis, R. S. V. G .; George Walters, L. S. V. G .; Albert Lins, right scene supporter; B. Beebe, left scene supporter. Saturday, January 12, was Estaca- da’s birthday. On January 12, 1904, The program was conducted by just 25 years ago, the Oregon Power Townsite company, with rooms on Mrs. W. E. Buell and consisted of First street, Portland, advertised a singing by a boys’ quartet from the high school— Fred Buell, Howard Fi- sale of lots in Estacada. They announced that Broadway fer, Glenn Marchbank and Claude and Main streets would be graded by Lankins; reading by “ Buddy” Bar­ the company. Lots were reserved tholomew; violin solo, Miss Beutrice for the hotel property. Restrictions Wilder; with Miss Laura Spall at the from lh ery barns, lumber yards, car­ j piano; readings by Mrs. Buell; vocal penter shops, wagon and blacksmith solo, Miss Spall, with Miss Jackson shops being located on either Broad­ accompaniest; instrumental numbeis I by stringed instruments, Lester Un- way or Main, were announced. Business lots were held at $250 for | derwood at the piano, Mrs. Otto Kig- corner lots and $200 for intermedi­ * gins, Mrs. Ted Kiggins and Miss Avis G. E. Lawrence read a ate lots. Below the bench line, lots ! Cadonau. paper on the founding o f the I. O. were offered for $75 each. At the present time, few people O. F. lodge. reside in Estacada who attended the After the program all were invited sale. Quite a number are dead who to the banquet hall which was beauti­ came here shortly after the opening fully decorated with green and pink, sale o f lots. three large links, the Odd Fellows emblem, suspended from the center M ar qu am H a l 3 0 1 - E g g R ec ord o f the celing, and with the prettily W h ite L e g h o r n Hen ! decorated tables the effect was most | pleasing. Delicious eats were served Phil Marquam, who is a white leg­ which included a dinner sandwich, horn breeder of note, residing a short salids, coffee and apple pie with ice distance east of Estacada, has pro­ cream. duced a bird with a 301-egg record Before the program was given, during the past year. He has been Mrs. Mabel Smith, the retiring noble breeding for the last thirteen years, grand o f the Rebekahs, was presented trying to produce larger birds and with a beautiful past noble grand larger eggs, with a marked degree pin. of success. At present his flock av­ erage is 240% , the highest he has ever had. High S c h o o l Tea m Busy on Deb ate LEGION M EETS TO PLAN FOR DISTRICT CONFERENCE R. S. SMITH INSTALLED AS MAYOR OF SANDY NUMBER 10 REV. COOK INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT SANOY I M F . AND REBEKAHS INSTALL R. S. Smith, Sandy’s new mayor, Rev. ( ’. T. Cook left Estacada for took the oath o f office last week, Gresham in his Ford Tuesday after­ being sworn in by F. G. Duncan, re­ noon. As he was climbing the Am* corder. The retiring mayor is F. L. R. S. S M I T H IS N O B L E G R A N D ; mersacker hill, he discovered that he Proctor. Officials re-elected, taking did not have enough gas, so he be­ EDNA HALL HEADS THE their seats again, are C. O. Duke, gan to turn around to go back. The LADIES' ORDER treasurer, W. G. Duncan, recorder, clutch failed to work as he was back­ John Maronay, Glenn and Carl ing up and he went over a 15-foot Loundree, councilmen. Sandy I. O. O. F. and Rebekah embankment. lodges jointly installed officers Mon­ He said he had presence of mind day night, the public being invited. enough to get out from under the G resh a m Rebe ka hs C om in g The Gresham Rebekah lodge will The installing officers were V. D. steering wheel, and felt himself turn­ ing over and over, finally landing at pay the Estacada Rebekahs a visit Butler and Mrs. E. F. Bruns. The retiring noble grand o f the Re­ the bottom. Although in much pain, Wednesday evening, January 23, and exemplify the work. There will be bekahs, Mrs. Oren Ganger, was pre­ he crawled out and up to the road several candidates for initiation. sented with a gold pin, Mrs. Bruns and started back toward Estacada. making the presentation. About six Meeting a man in a car, he sig­ About thirty visitors are expected. ty-five were present at the ceremo nalled and was brought to Estacada nial, after which a delicious lunch j where he had an examination made Ladies A id Meets was served. The I. O. O. F. lodge . by Dr. W. W. Rhodes. One rib was The Ladies Aid o f the Estacada has the distinction o f being on the found broken and he was badly Christian church met at the home of honor roll in the state lodge. bruised. Mrs. Frank Whitaker Thursday af­ Rev. Cook is keeping very quiet Officers installed were— Odd Fel­ ternoon. lows— R. S. Smith, noble grand; L. at his home and thinks he will be B. Green, vice grand; A. C. Baum- able to attend to his ministerial du­ Esta cad a W in s F rom C o lto n back, secretary; Otto Meinig, treas­ ties as pastor of the Methodist church There was a double header basket­ urer; W. E. Rannow, warden; H. B. of Estacada, next Sunday. ball game at the high school gymnas­ The top o f the car was badly dam­ Reed, conductor; W. Bosholm, R. S. ium Tuesday night. The high N. G.; L. E. Palmer, L. S. N. G.; R. aged as well as the windshield being school girls team played the grade Troyer, R. S. V. G; Bob Edwards, L. broken, otherwise it is all ready to school boys, with a score o f 39 to S. V. G.; Wm. Ganger, R. S. S .; Mr. go again. 22 in favor o f the grades. In the Klinger, L. S. S .; H. Bruns, O. G .; game between Estacada high and Melvin Smith, I. G; R. W. Mallery, S p rin gw a ter C ou p le W e d » Colton high school, Estacada won by chaplain. Douglass E. Kiggins, son of J. A. the score o f 37 to 18. Rebekahs: Edna Hall, noble grand; Kiggins o f Estacada, secured a mar­ Roberta Williams, vice grand; R. S riage license in Oregon City Tuesday D a u g h t er B o r n to Shibleys Hall, secretary; Libbie Hall, treas to marry Miss Evelyn Aycock. Both At the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Roy urer; Tennis Ganger, R. S. N. G.; are residents o f the Springwater dis­ E. Beck, just south o f Estacada, on Blanche Shelley, L. S. N. B.; Mrs. trict. January 16, a 6% pound girl was Bosholm, R. S. V. G .; Hazel Murray, Guests o f Mrs. Hansen born to Mr. and Mrs. Everet Shibley. L. S. V. G .; Arleigh Kammerer, con­ Mrs. A. Hansen and baby o f Port­ Grandma and Grandpa Beck are car­ ductress; Mabel Beers, warden; A. rying their new honors very grace­ H. Klinger, I. G .; Lewis Hall, O. G .; land were guests of Mrs. Minnie Han­ sen of Estacada a couple of days fully. Ella Baumback, chaplain; Mildred this week. Gray, musician. OFFICERS OF SANDY BANK RE-ELECTED At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Clackamas County Bank at Sandy, the following officers were re-elected: W. A. Proctor, president^ J. G. Sleret, vice presi­ dent; Fred L. Proctor, cashier, and Cecil O. Duke, assistant cashier. The board o f directors consists of W. A. Proctor, J. G. Sleret, and Cecil O. Duke, W. A. Proctor being presi­ dent o f the board. The bank officers report that busi­ ness was good during 1928, there be­ ing an increase in deposits o f over $50,000, and their statement o f De­ cember 31, shows total resources of $378,278.G9. The stockholders o f Clackamas County Bank are W. A. Proctor, county commissioner, J. G. Sleret, Fred L. Proctor, Cecil O. Duke and John Straus. The bank is 100 per cent owned by the above named stockholders, and is not allied in any manner with any other bank, and is not a member of any chain or ban- corporation, it being strictly an inde­ pendent bank operated to care for the banking needs o f Eastern Clackamas and Multnomah counties. HOMER OILA R Homer Oilar, killed January 9, at Alsea while helping his uncle, S. R. McWillis, fall a tree, was born at Oregon City, April 18, 1906. He is survived by several aunts and uncles — Mrs. W. H. Mersinger was his fos­ ter mother since Homer was two years old. Homer played drums for four years in Sandy union high school band, and was called an ideal student by his teachers. The high school sent flowers to Hood River, where Homer was buried. The debate squad o f the Estacada high school, under the supervision A special meeting o f the Carl o f Miss Samuelson, has started work Douglass post of the American Le­ on their debate. The question in the county debate this year is ’’ Resolved, gion was held Wednesday evening That the present widespread practice j for the purpose o f making plans for o f installment buying is an unfor­ entertaing the visitors at the district tunate development, morally and eco­ conference to be held in Estacada on Mr*. P erret Entertains nomically. Members o f the team are ; Friday, January 25. The state o ffi­ cers will be present, and in the eve Mrs. Henry Perret was hostess on Blanche Armstrong, Bob Hayden. Carl Felker. Everett Stahlnecker, Lo­ ning Ben Fisher, commander of the Monday night to the Sandy Embroi­ retta Wallace, Geraldine Connelly, Legion, department o f Oregon, will dery club. Those present were Mrs. speak. Perret, Mrs. A. Dahrens, Mrs. Yost, Ruby Webber and Claude Shriner. The committee in charge o f the Mrs. Lundy, Mrs. McGinnis, Mrs. F. arrangements for feeding the guests, L. Proctor, Mrs. Annie Glockner, SANDY LOCALS composed of J. C. Moreland, Walacle Mrs. Sharnke, Gladys Strowbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Novak shopped Smith and C. Rex Parks, plan to Amanda and Ruth Perret and Mrs. in the city Saturday, and also called have the “ eats” at the Estacada ho­ H. Schneider. Mrs. Proctor will en­ at the Henry Herman home to see tel. Funds were appropriated by the tertain next Monday night. Every­ Grandma Krebs, who is bedfast and post for special entertainment fea­ one is welcome to come to the club no better. meetings. tures for the evening. The following prominent local Girl Scouts O r g a n is e at Sandy young men survived the ordeal o f rid­ ESTACADA LOCALS ing the I. O. O. F. goat last week: Mrs. Cecelia Brown began the or- J. T. Haneberg, Glenn and Carl ganization o f two Girl Scout groups W. F. Cary made a business trip at Sandy last week, one a high school Loundree, Alfred Meinig, Fred Voight to Tigard Monday, returning Tuesday group. Mrs. Brown is taking special and George Koch. Mrs. Meranda (Catherine Mutch- evening. training at Central library, Portland, ler) and baby Mary, after visiting Miss Eleanor Hedgecock o f Port­ in the work, and at a meeting o f the at the home of the N. Schmitz family land spent the week end with her girls next Monday night at the home for a week, have gone back to La friend. Miss Lavena Grabeel, in Es- o f Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bruns, will Grande. | tacada. complete the organization. PIONEER SOCIETY OF SANDY T O M E E T J A N U A R Y 27 BLUE RIBBON HEALTH ROLL CAMPAIGN STARTS Pioneers of the county are invited Preparations for launching the to meet for an all day session in Blue Ribbon health roll are under Sandy on Sunday, January 27, at the way in the public schools of Esta­ Grange hall. Bring your lunch. cada. Material for the project has been M ert ing ers R eturn F rom Alsea delivered to W. E. Buell, principal of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mersenger re­ Estacada schools, and the charts nec­ turned a few days ago from their sad i essary for enrollment are available trip to Alsea and Hood River where for all those who desire to become they laid their loved son to rest, many blue ribbon winners. sympathizing friends being present at Arrangements have been made for the final rites. Homer’s school mates examination by the local physician, and teachers at Sandy were also sad­ Dr. W. VVr. Gilbert, for the sum o f $1. dened by the tragic event. This is a small sum for the type of examination given, which ordinarily W a d e Im prov ing be several times that amount. The examination is the first step W. H. Wade has recovered from the flu so that he is able to be out and is absolutely necessary before the child is eligible for enrollment. on the streets again. If the child is unable to pay any fee at all then he may have the benefit JO H N T A L B O T P A S S E S of the services of the county physi­ Estacada Lodge No. 175 I. O. O. cian but wherever possible the family F. went to -Clackamas Monday after­ doctor must be seen. noon to assist in the burial o f one If there are corrections to be made o f their members, John Talbot, who such as diseased tonsils, bad teeth, died in an Oregon City hospital Fri­ poor posture, defective eyes, or any day night with pneumonia. He was o f the defects listed on the examina­ a charter member of the Odil Fellows tion chart the corrections should be lodge o f Estacada. made as soon as possible to enable the child to be in the best physical condi­ Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong tion by the time the awards are made moved Tuesday to the residence re on Child Health day in May, when the cently purchased of Roy Wilcox, in the blue ribbons will be given and the northwest part o f the city. the three months course o f health chores, the charts for which are fur­ nished for those having the physical examination, have been complied with. All the material for this project will be furnished by the Clackamas The Glee clubs of Estacada High County Public Health association school have commenced work on the with funds collected in the Christmas operetta they plan to give this com­ seal sale. These funds are used for ing sprin. “ Hulda o f Holland” is purpose o f health education and all the name o f the play selected. The money collected is at once re-invested principal characters are Claude Lan­ for this purpose. kins, Fred Ruell, Ruby Bates, Erma A county-wide parade will be held Wilcox, Robert Marchbank, Evelyn in Oregon City on May 4, and an all Myers, Howard Fifer Bob Hayden. day celebration will take place. AJ|I Herbert Fifer Janies Beck and Wal­ children will be invited to march and ter Smith. prizes will be given the schools mak­ Other members of the Glee club- ing the best improvement. take part in the choruses. Carl Fel l Already nearly two thousand ker has been chosen as advertising charts have been requested by the manager and Ernest Douglass as pro teachers in the county. Of course, perty manager. Miss Noble, head of not all o f these will be used for en­ the costuming committee, will have rollment, but many will be, and it is the sewing class make most of the to be hoped that great benefit to costumes and Mr. Klia-sen will have those who enroll will result. charge o f the scenery. If further information is desired, consult Mr. Buell, or write Mrs. Ger­ ; trude E. Hall, executive secretary of ESTACADA LOCALS ! the Clackamas County Health asso­ The local Camp Fire girls will ciation, 16 Hogg Building, Oregon have a benefit picture show at the City. j Liberty Theatre, Tuesday, January T. Epplett, who is occupying a 1 22. Jackie Coogan will be the at­ traction, and there will also be a cottage in Estacada park, took a good comedy. Besides this the girls vacation last week and visited rela­ tives in Portland. 1 will have a short program. ESTACADA HIGH TO GIVE OPERETTA