P CE J"O Chin s the Moon-Fi a t Th hn l(•<'••i\t•d from R1•,·, llallu1·~ . Sh.in •h 11, ( hin , till' f,. fl< ,, JllK IPtt,·1 , 11nd1•1 dnt, • of , o"• 111ht·I' :!7, J!t.! : JI. 1; ''If, I'\\ t ', tt • ('onlt & lltJti.t.• I• tt ~ 1 f1oni tht• 'liott"111 id1• of tl,1• w,n Id.' ma~ I,,, of 1nt1•r1 t t11 tlw 11•adt•1 }oU J 11111 t 1•xl'dl t•11t JJUJ)cr. It ut "\\' c hu,·l• n• c1•11tly hud o111• ,,f ('hu 11 • d,i.,f ho lida~ . 1·01 111111 ;, tha n a n·(•k I not11ed i us of it l'om 111 ,. ( ;reat t,,tk ot . J, wn1"1k1• in Ju , 1 .d,tl} rnlorl'd pa•·kt·t sho" n in nia11v s toH· . B<'aut1fu l !ant, 1 n \l•r<• ••en , lung lw t1t•l'l . l•:v,·rylh111g , .. a in s udt Sl} /1· it mad 1• 11111• thin I of a 1·onii11" C'brist 1nu . ll '"' tlu• Chin, " \1111,11 ft-at ,rnd \lid .\1111111111 I, · ti d 111 t h,-i, t',•a t11w 1t 1 ,-,·allt·d 11111 J'hank •11 i1w g-.,~ e 111111111111111111u111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,, 11111111 ,,.,_ Ob r ,pon tlllll! \\ )nt II ELW OD I t L, · 11,, ,t. 1,l, d ·,,ti, het I. • 111.11d and 1111 tht• \\' udd and flt:d to . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the 111ou n. On tl11 15th th real tory of \\h ~ hP I It'd i actl'd ou t 111 ti,, l0111-: thratrinil pla} altP11ded liy thronv; ,,f JH•opll'. In 11111·1ent 111111 on tht• If.th o f th1• th 1111111th \,h,· 11 lht v 1,ut·nt'd tbt in(·(Jn t.• IJ 1. hel t i' · wi•Pt frngrniu·p would I " hi h up tu th, , 11111011 1-:udd,' • Slw took i,lt·n 11 11' tn it • nd munifr•tl'd hl•i· ap I I, · h t 'd J>l'O\'U y ,·on11ng near c111t :.n< rt • ing- 011 a l'loud an d pco1,l • could see her t l'Hutiful fa cc. But now nH•11· hearts have lH·1·ome 111l'k1·d, and tlw world is full of s m, so tht> in<·t•n ·t• t!--. not so pure u ... or 11rn1t•1 l~ and it doPs not r ise :o high .1 t11 n•ad, th1• g-11dd1•., in h,•1 pal - ate and so, n"t 1•nj11ying- it frait1,1nc1• h,· 1·111111 no 1111, n• on ltH' 11 .. 11ds; but 1•••11pll- t ill oft',,, 1111·11, •· ;1111 lu,JH' hp ,1 ill ap11<•a1· .. 1111•111111 day. Th , y ay tha t rn the moon t his Tlw ('him·. I' 16th of tile th m1>nth goddc,s hn · a most b ,- autiful i, t',dkd "Tuong T u \liddll' Au - ,·:t. tll'. It is l'Ulled the Ym h h. oo ug tumn. On th,1t day llwy han• thcut- - 111011n palal'I' . Only one hu1 ,utn has 1 ieul h<•fon• all thP rod in tht• lt•n1• t•vttr l'('n it glol'ic:i Once , during pl1• llld ltur11 thr• Shau11g-t1•0- in - t h,• ll 11 nit ll yna t y , a t'hines ki ng, l'l'n , l,u. h,·l. Th is l, ush1·l-lik,• 1111·a8- c•,lilrd :\ling W ong, by the magic of un• 1s 111ad1· of i111·1•11se til-k . Thi' ,1 holy monk, wus enahl<•d to mou nt la1·g1• t " liu h1•l~ " so11H·li11u.' · measure np from th,• !'llrth to the moon ens- as 1,1 u·h a ; :.!O fed in dianH'ter. tll' tu lll'ar lhl' mu ~ic and . e' its 111 the 11rnldl,· uf th1• 1,u hcl i-1 11 lwauty. Ile was allowi•d to s t " nd Ion • ' largl' 11,·k of 1111·1·11 ,, 1111ult• up out ulf' fcu · 11nl} a ver~ flr<•1•l '. ELWOO D, Jan. 3.-(.'prcial).- The recent . torm did con iderable damal{ to telephon line and fruit tree in this vicinity. Guel nt the . lntt Park hornr 7in ~hristrna day were I r. nn:GS in "THE PATRIOT" Ride wilh the ('ossacks; galloping, galloping, g .1 1lopim:! lloofs poundi ng over lhe frozen ground to the v1 •ry door of the p ·• lnc,•. \\ ith F'loren~e Vidor, Lewi s !:itone and Neil llam1lt on. Also Patht' Nrws rl'l'l. - _ = = W edn eo day (only) January 9- MARIE PREVO ST'S F'ine st Picture Mr. und !rs. aspar Junker enter- tained at Christmas dinn er the Frank Sc hmitz family, t he Lester linefel- tl'rs and H enry Junker. "ON TO RENO" A satirical co med y drama , w ith a most brilliant s upporting cns t, h eaded by ullen Land es. Comedy, "Spooks !,;poo fy.'' - FA RM R E MIND E RS Poison oak not adjacent to valua- ble plants may be d estroyed by ap- "' plic ation of 1 1-2 to 2 pounds of snit on each square foot of so il about the - = Thur,day and Friday, January 10 and 11 - LON HA NEY in "WHILE THE CITY• SLEEPS" A daramn of gangsters, gunpowder and throbbin human hearts The "i n side" of New York po lice methods. Also Tenth und Inst episode of "The Mark of the Frog." Don't miss it. \\'h o 's the Frog? • • _ = pla nts to a distance of t wo feet. A slro ng solution of arse n it may also bl' used, says the Oregon State Agri- Adrrii sion: Adults, 2-5c; Childr n und er 14, 10c _ cultural co ll ege experiment statio n , but either of these materials may kill i , 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 1111111111111111 111111111111111111:: other plants if drainage from the treated area flows n ea r them . knows where, nt ·night. \\' •' ve re- ported him to the Oregon City au- HOME COOKING aponizing o f chic kens is a very thorities, and also to Estacada, but o ld prac tic e and has been used for MEALS AT ALL HOURS h e isn't apt to find it out. centuries by th e people of Europe. "COURTESY" OUR MOTTO It was introduced from Europe into "ANNI E LAURIE" A HUGE the United States in r ecent times. AND COMPELLING DRAMA Dahlias and cnnnas are stored un- Lillian Gish-ethC'ren l and bea uti- dcr t he same co nditions that keep ful-in t h e stern setting of the wars potatoes sn tisfactori ly. They are of Higlan d clans-in the majestic t horough ly dried before sto ring. This splendors of ancient Scottish castfes is clone by spreadi ng them out in n Sandy, Oregon - in setti ngs that blend thP lej:!'encl dl'y, airy pluce after d igging. The and roman ce of Scollancl with tho danger of losing ca nnas is lessr ncd 1 a s kt•d Lh t: ( hin1 • t• why tl11•y l1t1111 gl'im detnils of its turbulent history- 1f th(•y u ri, sto 1·('(f in boxes o f dry OeSHAZERS ENTE RT AlN the 1111"<'11. 1• l,ush, ls and !'al llw 111111111 - t hi s is the Lillian Gish of "An n i!' sand. ;: llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llll llllll ll llllll l lllllllll l llllll l:'._ 1·al t• , and ,1111'. h ip th1• 1111Hlll with, ·111 - At l' lni ,tma dinnN ~I r . and i\trs. Laurie," latest ve h icle of the famou s dlt· , im·<•n 1· and t'1111 d 1111 thi 1hy . . I. c:. l!1•!-. ha z1• 1· t•ntel'tained their star, playing nt t he Li berty, Esta- IMPORTAN - Egg eati ng is a bad habit o f h ens Th ,-y 1111 ~,1,•n•d I ha t tht•re a,.,. 11,a ny d11ldl'l't1 and "rnnd children, 2:; he- cade, the lust times tonight. and is hard to cure, W he n the y have _ WE HANDLE KERR'S FEEDS FOR THIS RE ASON :- We believe Kerr'• Feed, 1ive the perso n who buy, them 1·eu on, for il and 111a11~· s tor ies an• 111g s l'ated at the \\l.'ll filled table . It is II gigantic sto 1·y of human once obtained the tuste they n ot only the moot for the dollar. Thi, choi ce w as m a de after year'• told about it. OnP of th,• reasons is (:rant, i\ltu and Florence were nil so uls; a romance of love as great n; destroy a nd eat their own eggs, but of experience in Dairy and Poultry Feed, . h1•c-au,1• th1•r<• 1s a lady-god 111 the homl' frnm coll1•ge, the Ray H anse ns t h e huge setti ngs in which the story ofte n all oth e r eggs t h l'y find . The - Come in and we will explain further and will gladly help yo u solve - moon . I lt•r na111c i. Zaung-111w . .'ht• w1•n• down from Alder creek and is told; it is n h istoric drama that habit is ea il y sp r ead and one h e n your feed probl ems. is stlld lo be •x,·u•dingly l,n111tiful. ~Ir. and :\Ir,. \\'i ll Bell, Mrs. \'iola eclipses anything of the kind seen in might be the re ult of n loss of co n - BARTHOLOMEW & LA WREN CE F ro111 lht• hl'ginning of t1111e lo lht• lll'nning and t h e \\' ill and C'hurles years-all the more wonderful be- s iderable eggs eac h wee k. Eggs filled - Phone 601 E,tac a da , Oregon .-1111 tht•rt• 11,·n•r was nor will h,· one l 'pdegra\' c families were prl'sent. cause it deals with t1 people n ever be- with mustard or o ther bad tasting II II ll ll Ill l l Ill ll ll ll ll II ll II II l l II l ll l II l Ill l I II l I I I II I I I I II ll II Ill l I I II I Ill I I I Ill I I I I I I II l ll ll I ll I I !! fore seen on the screen. materia l are someti mes used to check The ancient cots, with t heir court t h is vice with more or le s resu lts. , intrigues-thei r implacable clan war- In many cases the hatchet method THE NEW FOR FIRST CLA JOB PRI TING. , Care, a n d their d elicate sen tim ent un- is the only method that will stop this : de rl ying the ever-present lust fo r bat- expensive habit. Nests which are : tie-these are reproduced with start- not secluded and dark might be a ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1:! : ling fidelity in the big spectacle. starting point. , Famous old castles, including hi s- : toric Maxwelton, were reproduced . Apples fed to s wine will not, Dr. : Hordes of kilted warriors struggle ; B. T. imms of the Oregon experi- : gnily caparisoned courtiers in the me nt sta tion beli eves, cause a break- GET THAT ELUSI , king's antechamber plot unto ld vii- ing out on the s kin , as a co rrespon - batter ies, power tubes a nd other alternlions or repairs : lainy-and through it runs the glor- den t see ms to think. The eruption Any kind of a ,et rebuilt : ious story of the love of Annie Lau rie asked a bout loo ks like hives, and ap- : and Ian MncDonnld- n lov~ t hat peare d on a so w that had been fed NO CHARGE- No charge will be made if satisfac• , changed th e cour e of history, cen- rather heavily on apples. The trou- tory results are not obtained. : turies ago, and unified the Scottish ble a s described see ms more like natio n. mange, Dr. Simms thinks. I Norman K erry is seen as lhe hero I of the rnmnntic s pectacle; a fighting Mrs. Vera l\litch ell of Kansas City. romunticist. B ohart Bosworth is th e fell 100 feet over n cliff and suf- Phone 5-1, The ews Office E tacada I grim " Wolf of Glencoe," th P impla fered o nly a few bruises. i:J II JI 1111111111111111111111 II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111J 111111111111 tt cabl old chief of the men of Glen - coe. Brandon H urst is the villainous Breadalbane and Creighton Il nle thr 11111111111111111 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I IIU II I I I I I I II I II I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111 treacherous Donald. David Torrence , Russ~•ll .'impso n , l'nlricin Avery, Jo - seph ' triker und other well known players are ideally cast under t h e di- rection o f John . Robertso n. The sto ry is based o n actual his- to r y urrounding the Glencoe massa- Pl•sol\'P to kel'P a n•cord of v ry d l- cre, wh n the Campbells and the l\IacDonalds struggled for upremacy iar durinl!,' Ul:2~1 and clt.'tH>::-it all your in one of the strange conflicts in all i11eomi11 1• fund-; in a Che ·king ccount history. Josephine Lov tt, the au - thor, utili zed this gigantic episode in at the ( 'lackama · Count~ Bank- and history as the background for a tir- ring drama that might almost be il' ,\ our out -going funds UL' in ch 1 -ks cla ed the film e pic of Scotland. K REBS ONFECTIONERY • A f E -------------------------------•t I = I = J ·--------------~ ------------------------------------- , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Large Stock of , , Fresh and S1noked Meats , , , Estacada Meat Co. , ' , , , ' , - - - - - = SEE IT! - - - - - - = - = = dra ,, n upon that a ·cotmt. h •tlpr ~y,.;t,, matizl• dolhr. - 'o. 3 DRIVE IT! - - = - = - = of Chevrolet History In th Circuit ourt of th t ale of Oregon for the ounty of Clack- ama. In t h e ma ter of th1• tute of Fran - ce T . tockton, deceas d. otice i hereby a-iven that W . L . • to kto n , a admin i tr tor of th e tate of F ra n c T . tockton, d • cea ed. h fil d hi final account 11 uch dmini trator with th cir- l'Uit court of the stat of rep:on, for the co unty of lackama , nd that :\Ionday, th th day of F bruary, I :rn, at th hour of !J :3 0 o'clock nd the t'ourtroom of thL cou , he n fi rd a. th<' tinw nd pl c ' h for the h ring 11! nhj c ion t ,1 ,aid fina l ccount nd the ~ttlem nt ther of. • - RIDE IN IT! - = - - - - - - The Outstanding Chevrolet Not ice of Final A ccount You'll find your , ,wing ancl spcn ling - - = - - - Earl H. DeClark A Rec rd of Every Dollar - Radio Repairs and Alterations , , , • • Logan Chevrolet 11th and - A fain SIX tr et IN l' THE PRICE RANGE 0 T g ity, FOUR r gon - TJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'. !i-1 •