PAGE SIX CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1928 "8EAU BESTIE" BIG SCREEN FEATURE COMING SUNDAY Sale of T he screen version o f one o f th e m ost p o p u lar rom antic a ctio n novels in re c e n t years, “ B eau G este,” will be show n a t th e L ib e rty T h e a tre in E stac ad a Sunday and M onday. GOOD USED CARS 1926 F ord T o u rin g ; balloon 1924 tire s ; 90 p e r cen t new ; we will sell th is c a r a t o u r C hevrolet T o u rin g — th is c a r is in excellent con­ doors, bum pers, tru n k rack on th e r e a r — to sell a t 1924 F o rd C oupe; n a tu ra l wood w heels; balloon tire s lea st |2 5 u nder the m arket — h e re ’s a reul buy in a price. Just Around the Corner From Everywhere YES, it’s a chain store, with chain store economies, but independently owned and you have the advantage of personal owner service— A Real advantage too, because the owner is vitally interested in your complete satisfaction. Savings EVERY day. High School Carnival You can do better at a Red & W hite Store given by Saturday and Monday, November 24-26 Estacada School Tuesday, Dec. 4 We reserve the right to limit quantities SERV-US PUMPKIN; 2 1-2 s ize cans; 2 for. .. ...... 37<^ SERV-US BARTLET PEARS; 2 1-2 size cans— Two f o r .........................................................................4 9 d FANCY OREGON WALNUTS; 2 lbs. for 65C FANCY SOFT SHELL ALMONDS; 2 lbs. for 65o SERV-US RAISINS; 4-lb. pkg............................ 2S<* PINEAPPLE; 2 1-2 size; two fo r .............................. 5 3 0 SERV-US COFFEE; 1 lb. pkg. f o r ........................... 47<^ SERV-US CAKE FLOUR; 1 pkg f o r .................. 35C FANCY NAVAL ORANGES; medium size, doz..... 4 3 C FANCY NAVAL ORANGES; large; dozen....... 670 FLORDIA GRAPE FRUIT; extra large; 3 for....... 4 3 ^ SWEET POTATOES; 3 lbs for ........................... 22C MEN’S WAIST OVERALLS; real special; 220 Demin; the p a ir...................................... $ 1 .2 9 DROMENDARY PITTED DATES; package 24C ENDIVE (Winter Lettuce) large; per head ......... CAR LOAD PENCIL TABLETS; each ..................... 9 C SALAD OIL IN BULK; Quart.................................. 3 9 C J Frolic and Fun for Everyone j CORN PO PER S ! S. & S. HARDWARE H iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME TO OUR SALES ROOM AND SECURE ADVANCE INFORMATION REGARDING THE ! $ V... ■ H. B. SNYDER, OWNER closed car. F o r the film ing of th is novel, Di- | re c to r H e rb e rt B renop led a n arm y W e will gladly ex ten d o u r easy tim e pay m en t plan on these cars ; o f 2000 m en into th e g re a t A m erican d e se rt fo r th re e m onths d u rin g w hich BOB th e e x te rio r scenes w ere m ade. The cam p w as built in a sand basin 30 C O M P A N Y C O O K E M O T O R E s ta c a d a , O re g o n , m iles from any h a b ita tio n and th e en- P h o n e 24-5 ■ tire com pany w orked stra ig h t th ro u g h w ith o u t a d a y ’s re st, from 5:30 each m orn in g u n til sunset. B renon took his com pany to B u rl­ ingam e, Cal.,— a 900 m ile trip — fo r a few cranks o f th e cam era. No obstacle was p e rm itte d to stan d in th e way o f m aking it as fin e as possible. T he d ire c to r w as given th e | selection o f a n y p lay e r in m otion I pictu res. M onths w ere sp e n t in p re p a ra tio n and m ore m onths to j film ing. H u n d re d ’s of th e W est’s | fin e st rid ers w ere b ro u g h t to g e th e r as w ere 1500 o f th e w o rld 's fa ste s t horses and 50 cam els. The sm allest p a rt in th e p ictu re was film ed w ith th e sam e care th a t ] w as given to c astin g the fe a tu re d j roles. R onald C olm an p lay s th e title p a rt, th a t of th e eldest o f th e th ree b ro th e rs who each leave hom e w ith i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i M i i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 'i i i : m m i i i i m i i i i i m i : : j o u t te llin g th e o th ers, to en list in the = I F re n c h foreig n L egion u n d e r assum ed E 1 nam es in o rd e r to shield each o th e r j The Delphos Improved Corn Popper is one of the = i | from th e blam e fo r th e th e ft o f a fa-j E m ous sapphire. N eil H am ilton and ! best on the market; sheet steel, blue color, with wire = = R alph F o rb es e n ac t th e o th e r broth- j rod running through the handle to operate the lid, E 5 era. j which opens and closes the lid and prevents burning E =, T he b rav e d efen se by 40 legion- ! the fingers. Perforated cover for shaking out un- E E| n a ire s o f a lonely fo rt in th e S a h a ra = j w hen it is a tta c k e d by countless : popped grains. Special price— E ' hordes of m ounted d e se rt w arriors, I SATURDAY and MONDAY only 5 0 # = , T ouraegs, brings th e sto ry to its E | clim ax. I t also causes N oah B eery, S as th e b ru ta l a d ju ta n t, “ th e c r u d e s t E j b east and b ra v est so ld ier” in th e le- Estacada, Oregon = gion, to reach th e pinnacle o f his E notable screen career, s] O th e r p ro m in e n t p lay e rs in “ Beau ■> - STORES The Peoples Store T his th rillin g sto ry o f rom ance, m y stery and a d v e n tu re in th e F re n c h fo reig n legion w ith th e them e of th e devotion o f th re e b ro th e rs pow er­ fully depicted, has been tra n s fe rre d to th e screen by P a ra m o u n t on a scale nev er surpassed by uny p re ­ vious production. d itio n ; good pain t, side c u rtu in s all open with the cost b e fo re th e 1st o f De­ cem ber. >¿ •• CHAIN is Outstanding Chevrolet $ § § OF CHEVROLET HISTORY A Six in the Price Range of a Four ude ^ hce„ J ° y c e ’ M,ary For your pleasure— Red and White radio program 9 :00 to 9:30, Friday evening, over KGW. Be sure to hear it. A tte n d B a ll G am e j yW C e p n t m lta l § (t.,ehte | B rian, W illiam Pow ell, N orm an T re ­ vor a n d V icto r M cLaglan. F ra n k W h ita k er o f E stac ad a w ent I to C orvallis S a tu rd a y to see th e ball gam e betw een th e tw o colleges. Dr. gam e and w as am ong th e “ ro o te rs ” | fo r O regon. E stelle H anson c eleb ra ted her j six tee n th b irth d a y Sunday evening by in v itin g a n u m b er o f y o ung frie n d s to h e r hom e. G eorge and P au lin e Rose w ent to C orvallis F rid a y to a tte n d th e home com ing fe stiv itie s and to see the fo o tb all gam e b etw een th e college and O regon U. R E] D mm HITE C H A IN 1 r . STORES EVROLF.T I $ LIBERTY THEATRE Sandy Garage ESTACADA TUESDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 27 H. PERRET, Proprietor Phone 261 See Our Line of REED’S FLOWER MAKING MATERIAL Assortment of Wire, Stainers. Leaves, etc., for mak­ ing crepe paper flowers. Sandy I# Complete Instruction Sheet with That’s My Daddy Patterns, Free ESTACADA PHARMACY Phone Estacada 31-2 Rebekah Special Show ^ Music and Singing Blackface Comedians ii i h i m 1111111 m .............. n 11111 m 11111- On Thanksgiving = We are thankful— That America sta-nds united and powerful; That brave hearts and broad oceans guard us, from any foreign danger; PORTLAND ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY -A T — That educatihn, equal rights and democracy E find free expression here; Estacada LaKe Clubhouse That opportunity lies on every hand and every A t w a t e r - K e n t Kaciios | man has a chance to advance; W EDNESDAY EV E, NOV. 28 That practically every man has work, good wa- Battery and All-Electric Sets. Prices and terms to ^ A u sp ic e s E s ta c a d a B a n d M usic by B a n d O r c h e s tr a | ges and a chance to save for the future. please you. § That an American dollar is worth a dollar and ^ it 1111111111111111 i 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111 ! I ! I m I m ; : • 11111111 ■ x: WINTER TIME IS RADIO TIME’ . when we earn one we have something bet­ I CARL DOUGLASS POST 74 AMERICAN LEGION i ter than a bale of European paper money. E “ T h e T r u e S e c r e t o f S u ccess Is ’T H R I F T .’ a n d P rin c ip a lly as Authorized Dealer Big Opening Dance ! 1 DANCE Bob Smith Garage Phone Sandy 41 Sandy, Oregon A p p lie d to S a v e .” — S ir T h o m a s L ip to n SATURDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 24 I. Eagle Creek Hall § Good Music; Good Management; | Good Time i a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig | First State Bank Gresham, Oregon • “A Strong Bank” » i l l i ii i i i i i l t l ll i l l l i i l l ii l l l i i i l ll i l i l i i i i li l l l l l l l l ll l l Ul l l l l , l l i , i , i l | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iM iia iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir » REDUCED SHOPPING AND HOLIDAY FARES From Gresham to Portland ...........30c Round Trip From Bull Run to Portland ...........50c Round Trip From Estacada to Portland ...........75c Round Trip Tickets on sale Nov. 22, 24, 27, 29; Dec. 1, 4, 6, 8, 11 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 1928 and Jan. 1, 1928 Valid for going and return passage date of sale only