CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER '¿8, 1888 $ • CHURCHES Opening o f the New Gem Restaurant Under New Management Ettacada Christian Church The Bible school takes great pleas- ure in inviting the folks o f the com- munlty who have no church home in Estacada, or are not members o f any church, to attend the service Sunday PAGE FIVE morning at 10 o’clock. The study period will be devoted to the Prayers o f Paul. Man has a three-fold re- lationship, which try as he will, he cannot escape his relationship toward God, his relationship to man, and his relationship toward the church. Pray- ■ er is an expression o f that relation- Visitors welcome. W e w ill please you with Good Eats SPECIAL TH A N K S G IV IN G MRS. JAC O B MOSS, DINNER Proprietor LIBERTY THEATRE o f Estacada IM P O R T A N T W E H A N D LE K E R R ’ S FEEDS FOR TH IS R EASON: — W e believe K err’s Feeds give the person who buys them the most for the dollar. This choice was made a fter year’s o f experience ¡n Dairy and Poultry Feeds. Come in and we will explain further and will gladly help you solve your feed problems. PRESENTS MIRIAM JANICE A N D HER Creole Belles in a big BARTHOLOM EW & LAWRENCE Phone 601 Estacada, Oregon K P E B S ONFECTIONERY A F E Comedy and Musical Act SOLOS, H A R M O N Y SINGERS, COMEDY ACTS, A N D DA N C IN G — LOTS OF FU N A N D MUSIC On the Screen— HOOT GIBSON in Sandy, Oregon HOME COOKING MEALS A T A L L HOURS “C OURTESY” OUR M OTTO The Flying Cowboy Wednesday Nite Only NOVEMBER 28 > Turkeys — Turkeys GEESE AND CRANBERRIES and all good things for your Thanksgiving Dinner imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Admission: Adults, 40 Cents; Children, 15 Cents ¿.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifmiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui!. I BARGAINS [ J. Scales Phone Sandy 271 Show starts promptly at 7 p. m. ship toward the Creator. The prayers o f this man, whose life and work has ■so blessed the world that he is count- I ed as one o f the earth’s greatest o f men, are surely o f untold value to us o f the 20th century. W e do not invite you to come, I serve us, but come, and let us be o f service to you. The subject o f the 11 o’clock mes­ sage is “ Jesus, the Unequaled.” Text John 0:38. Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words o f eternal i life. Christian Kndeavor at 7 p. m., topic, “ Remember G od!” Mis» Anna Leeman is president and .Miss N iel­ sen will be leader. A t the conclu- I sion o f the meeting the pastor will explain the first section o f the new Crusader's chart. This happy group o f young peo­ ple invite any and all to come to this meeting.— Hugh Foster, pastor. Presbyterian Churches Special Thanksgiving services are being planned in our churches for this Sunday. There will be special music and a thanks offerin g will be­ taken fo r missions. The subject is “ Thanking God fo r A ll His Benefits.” Springwater— Sunday school at 10 a. m., morning worship at 11. George— Sunday school at 2 p. m., church service at 3. Kagle Creek — Sunday school at 10:30 u. m., evening service at 8.— T. I. Kirkwood, pastor. Methodist Church “ A Thanksgiving Thought.” I f the prayer o f men gratify the sense of the Divine and move Him to com­ passion and mercy, their praises and thanksgiving are those invisible forc­ es which sway the heart o f the Fath­ er to good pleasure and fellowship. The happy recognition o f kindness received begets happiness, and the happier the children o f men express their appreciations, the greater the joy o f Him who is able to bestow. God is appreciative o f thanks. He is easily touched by the remembrance o f his beneficiaries and truly pained by their forgetfulness. Did not the interpreter o f the Father, rather the very image o f the 'Father, turned to the thankful healed Samaritan leper saying with deep feeling, “ Thy faitl) hath made thee whole?” And did he not ask in great disappointment, “ W ere there not ten cleansed, but where are the nine?” Thanksgiving is faith and faith pleases God. Let us please God by our faith, the very essence o f Thanks­ giving. Sunday morning at 11 a. m. a rally day sermon will be given, entitled, "T h e Gateway o f Tom orrow.” This is a very interesting program. In the evening at 7 :30 the sermon will be a Thanksgiving sermon, subject, "Thanksgiving an Essential Element in L ife .” Make this your Thanks­ giving service in unison. Come and be present) Sunday school meets at 10 a. m., Epworth League at 6:30 in the evening. W e extend a cordiaj welcome to any who attend the ser­ vice.— C. T. Cook, pastor. | 1926 Chevrolet Coupe Sandy, Ore. | 1926 Buick Four-Door Sedan | Late Nash C o u p e ........... | Several Real Good Buys a t ...... G I L G A N ’S Furniture Exchange Estacada, Oregon C O L U M B IA P H O N O G R A P H , cabinet and 21 records, play.; good, big v a lu e _____ $ 10.00 Stove Shields, Heating Stoves, and Ranges; priced right. W e have in stock a big line o f household goods, priced to please you. $275 § $725' I $665 i $100 I | Late 1927 Pontiac; fuully eauipped; new rub­ ber; like new ...................................... $675 1 I Walter W. Metzger | Gresham-Oregon City | Gresham Phone 1801 = Oregon City Phone 483 I niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiMi d ®;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH 53535348232348534853484853532353234853532323535348015348530001010202004823000100234802484800010200004848534823532353 Eagle Creek Trading Co. I The Big W h ite Store Eagle Creek, Oregon We Sell for Less, Because We are Affiliated Buyers * 3 Pre-Thanksgiving Day Specials Saturday - Sunday - Monday NOVEM BER 24-25-26 R AISINS, seedless, 3 pkgs............................. 25<^ SHREDDED W H E A T B ISCUITS— Two pkgs. f o r ............................................ 1 5 £ M IXED N U T S ; 3 lbs for ............................ 9 8 * Heinz’ Oven-Baked K ID N E Y BEANS— Per can ................... 14 & Otter Brand M INCED C L A M S ; per can...... 25c4 Warrenton Brand W H O L E CLAM S— per c a n .................. 25c Libby’s Ra Gon BEEF STE W , 2 cans 45£ Gold Bar W hole C AN N E D BEETS 1 5 «4 Gold Bar Solid Pack T O M A T O E S per can 10c4 PUREX, large bottle, 32-oz. 25c4 10c bottle-free. O R AN G E and LEM ON PEEL, per lb......... 25c Candied P IN E A P P LE , per pkg. 20c4 For Fruit Cake, Mince Meat, Etc, GOLDEN DATES, Dromendary Brand— Per package ............ 20c4 COFFEE, A. B. Best, per pkg. 38c4 SOUP, Franco-American, per can ............ 5C R U B YE TTE S and EM RELETTES for gar­ nishing; per bottle F L O U R ; Fischer’s Best, 49-lb. sack .. $1.85 BIG COMEDY F E A TU R E FOR R E B E K A H SHOW The Rebekah lodge o f Estacada is offerin g an unusual entertainment at the Liberty Theatre in Estacada on next Tuesday evening. Comedy acts have been arranged by local talent, in addition to the big screen feature, ; “ That’s My Daddy,” a picture that is being brought to Estacada for this event. The story “ That’s My Daddy,” was written by Reginald Denny who stars in this farce, and who also wrote his previous success, “ Fast and Furious.” Fred Newmeyer, the man who di­ rected Harold Lloyd for three years, canu* directly from the Lloyd organ­ ization to direct Denny. “ That’s My Daddy” is an unusual picture, being in many ways a de­ parture from the farcial subjects in which Denny has made his name and fortune. For screaming situations the film unsurpassed, there are spots wher the comicalities become convul­ sive. But added to all this is a touch o f child pathos injected by the* re­ markable acting of Jane LaVerne, a baby prodigy recently discovered by Reginald Denny himself. The cast o f the picture is excep­ tional with Barbara Kent, Wampus star o f 1927, playing the feminine lead and Lillian Rich, well known leading woman, playing second lead. Other« in the cast are Tom O’ Brian Jane LaVerne, Mathilde Brumiage, Wilson Benge, Armand Kaliz, Charles Coleman and Art Currier. The story concerns the little girl befriended by Denny and is featured by a gorgeous wedding on board a palatial private yacht. For Sale— Livestock For Sale— Four 6-weeks old pigs, $5, each, or all four at $4 each.— Ea­ gle Creek Trading Co. It FOR S A L E — White pigs, 6 weeks old O. I. C. stock, extra nice. Mrs. Henry Viles, phone Estacada 34-12 Route 1. It COWS for sale— One to freshen mid­ dle o f December, Jersey and Guernsey; One young Jersey with five-weeks-old calf.— Eagle Creek Trading Company. It For Sale— Farm Implements FOR S A L K — Fordson tractor, disc and plow and cordwood trucker. T. E. Hamersly, Estacada Route 1, Phone 14-211. It FOR S A L E — O liver Chill No. 50 plow. R. G. Palmateer, Route 1, Estacada. Phone 19-56. n23 EOR S A LE — 50 gallon feed cooking kettle, cheap. E. C. Suter, Eagle Creek. It For Sale— Farm Products FOR S A L E — Small heating bargain. P. O. Box 211. stove; It FOR S A L E — Italian Prune trees, 2 year, extra fin e; also general nur­ sery stock. O. W. Failing, Bor-' ing, Ore. d28 FOR S A L E — Some extra fine Golden Seal plants and some Seal seed. E. W. Gribbon, Estacada. n23 For Sale— Real Estate FARM fo r sale cheap; about nine miles south o f Estacada on main highway; 40 acres, 10 in cultiva­ tion; small orchard in full bearing; part trade. F. N. Cadonau, Box 30, Estacada; phone 69-4. n23 FOR S A LE OR R E N T — 20 acres; originally part o f the old Sarver farm at Currinsville; can ail be cultivated. W rite Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs, Washougal, Wash. dl4 Automobiles For Sale FO R S A L E — 1928 type Essex four door sedan, $650. Also 1926 Bu­ ick standard touring, $5.50. Phone Gresham 1471. 8tf BIG P O N T IA C R E D U CTIO NS— Cal! H. Perrett, Sandy Garage, phone 261. 8tf. FOR S A LE — Chevrolet coach, 1924 model, cheap. Inquire Broadway Garage or see A. G.Ames or W. E. Linn, Estacada. n9tf Miscellaneous FOR S A L E or will trade fo r cow— W urlitzer piano; bungalow size. W rite J. F. Whitetine, Boring, Oregon. n23 FOR S A L E — Good baby buggy; T e l­ ephone Estacada 35-7. n23 FENCE PO STS— Fine quality moun­ tain cedar. Eagle Creek Trading Company. It E V E R R E A D Y radio B butteries; 3 heavy duty, been used but three weeks, same as new batteries, will sell at one-half present price o f similar new batteries. News o ffice, Estacada. tf FOR S A L E — Used Atwater-Kent ra­ dio. Inquire at the Estacada Drug Store. • It W A N T E D — Maternity cases. Nurs­ ing at my Sandy home; rates reas­ onable. Best o f care, modern con­ veniences. Mrs. R. F. Dittert, Phone Sandy 61. n l6 tf C L A C K A M A S CO. N E W S and the Portland News, both one year for $3. News office, Sandy or Esta­ cada. d28 WE A R E P U T T IN G IN Lots o f time scouring the markets fo r valuable Christmas supplies. Watch for our ad in a alter issue. Sandy Drug Store. It The White Front Malt Shop 419 Main St. Oregon City For all best brands malt syrups and accessories. OUR L E A D E R — High Life and Bavarian in bulk or case lots at jobbing prices. Celeste McIntyre V ery III Much anxiety is expressed by friends o f the Glenn McIntyre fam- Es ily over the dangerous illness o f Ce- None better = 3 lestc, who is suffering from an en- 3 larged heart, which is said to be three times as large as a normal Clackamasi County New* and the heart. Portland News both one year fo r $3. ^5