ESTACADA, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1928 VOLUME XX1I1 JURY FAILS 10 AGREE IN MIKKELSON CASE M IG H T Y H U N T E R S FIND G E E S E T O O HIGH _____ MUCH ACCOMPLISHED BY FOREST SERVICE COTTRELL ANNOUNCES CHRISTM AS EN TER TA IN M E N T NUMBER 8 DRIVL FOR RED GROSS ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP S A N D Y O. E. S. E N T E R T A I N S ROSE CITY C H A P TE R Friday night, December 23, is the Snndy hunting party:— Destina- Rose City assembly No. fi, Order date of the Christmas program at the I tion, Arlington; first night out in of the Rainbow Girls, sponsored by Cottrell school, which is announced | camp on the Columbia sand banks, the Rose City chapter, were guests by the teachers. A miscellaneous where cold winds crept under the o f the Sandy chapter Saturday night STATE UNABLE TO C O N V I C T blankets; then necks craned all duy F O U R M I L E S O F R O A D B U I L T IN program is being arranged, contain- A M E R I C A N L E G I O N A N D A U X I L ­ to exemplify their work, which waq . ing one sacred musical number. for a shot at wild geese “ parties” reported as marvelously beautiful. IA R Y H A V E C H A R G E OF SAN DY MAN ACCUSED OF SQUAW M O U N T A I N ; 80 I There will he a tree and “ trimmings" making music in the air— but they There were 40 Rainbow girls in the and a big time. Outsiders will be flew too high; day to clear. The fol­ drill, 75 in all being present, includ­ E S T A C A D A CAM PAIGN B U R N I N G HIS H O M E MILES T R A IL M A D E welcomed. lowing returned to Sandy, "goose­ ing the worthy matron and worthy less:” G. D. Orr, L. C. Palmer, A. patron o f the Rose City chapter and Special S er vic e at Kelso Thy annual Red Cross membership ten guests of the Sandy lodge. OREGON CITY, Nov. 22.— After C. Baumhaek, o f Sandy and C. Whit- While the Mount Hood National A special service at Kelso Com­ roll call is on in Estacada this week. The worthy matron and patron of deliberating seven hours, a jury of come and O. I. Paulsen, Portland. Forest kept up its average as to num­ nine men and three women in the ber of fires the past season, most of munity church Sunday afternoon in­ I Every citizen is being asked to buy the Mountain View chapter were case o f the state against Martin H. S A N D Y W O M E N ' S C L U B them were small, and organized crews cluded music by the girls’ string band a dollar membership in this great made honorary members o f the Rose ; from the Powell Valley Mission humanitarian organization, and the i City assembly. Delicious refresh­ C I R C U S P L A N S M A T U R I N G hit them hard with no loss o f time. Mikkelson o f Sandy, failed to come ments were served by the Sandy to an agreement. Mikkelson was ac­ The most effective prevention of I church and a sermon by Rev. Don committees are reporting success. Sandy Women’s club circus plans large fires thus far discovered, says ! Shogren. The quota set for Estacada is 200 lodge. cused o f burning his home on the ; memberships, and the result to date Bluff road near Sandy for the pur­ are taking shape gradually, for De­ A. W. Armstrong, forest ranger, is cember 15, at the grange hall. San­ well trained lookouts ever on the H IGH W A Y C REW S GONE pose o f collecting insurance. indicates that Estacada, aided by the Ha» N ew GM C T ru c k A crew of twelve men completed communities o f Springwater, Gar­ The case started Monday morning dy needs a club building, and by alert from the highest peaks, tied to Fred Leihammer, local manager and was completed Tuesday after­ constant effort, eventually, the club headquarters by telephone, and with ; repair work on the Mt. Hood Loop field, George, Currinsville and Eagle for the Standard Oil company, is noon at 3 o'clock. The accused man house may become a fact. Everyone a mobile force of trained men ready j highway Wednesday, last week, the I Creek, will go over the top. driving a new GMC two-ton truck i work requiring four weeks. They claimed he was attacked, robbed and is invited to assist in boosting for for a quick get away. The drive in this community is be­ this week in making his deliveries. the circus. tied to a fence with rope and wire, The number o f smoker fires is I were followed by 18 oilers who fin- ing sponsored by the American Le­ and his house burned by two men, steadily on the increase, adds Mr. | ished the seal coat of oil and sand gion and the American Legion Aux­ SANDY PIO N EER M EETING but the state attempted to prove that Armstrong, presenting a problem l in three days. The highway is now iliary. The community service com­ Mrs. F re d W a g n e r III ' John Revenue, president o f the Mikkelson set fire to his house and mittee o f the post is in charge of Sandy pioneer society, says questions Mrs. Fred Wagner, Sr., is danger­ which no doubt will have to be met | in wonderful shape. then tied himself to the fence. the capmaign for the men, and Mrs. are already being asked about plans ously ill at the Wagner home, Cot­ with more drastic action in the near G r ad e C oac h es Meet J. M. Moore is chairman o f the drive for the semi-annual meeting to be Witnesses for the state were K. G. trell. Mrs. Wagner suffered two future. Grade school coaches met Monday being made by the ladies. , Kane, Sam H. Andrews, William An­ light strokes and her children have The organized fire crews on the held the last Sunday in January. derson, Arnold Faubion, Robert Jons- been called to see her. Mrs. Fred Collawash ranger district, while on | night at Sandy union high school to Every member of the Legion has Revenue suggests “ thinking up” hu­ rud, Dr. Alfred Williams, Charles Wagner, Jr., is much better and is the job primarily for the purpose of outline the program for the basket pledged himself to enroll and each man interest events that happened to Duncan, Sheriff E. T. Mass and Dr. with her husband at the Frank Beers suppressing fires, accomplished con­ ball season, and practice began this member is actively engaged in the the other fellow, instead o f personal Guy Mount. selling o f memberships to the public. reminiscences, for this meeting. siderable construction and improve­ week in the Sandy-Boring division. mill again, near Eagle Creek. Witnesses called by the defense The drive is to be completed by ment work. E m p lo y e d in A r t W o r k were George Muronay, Fred L. Proc­ Thanksgiving Day. Half the funds About four miles of road was com­ C ott rell B az aar D e c e m b e r 15 Harpers City Guests Miss Dorothy Jonsrud took a po- , raised by this method are to be kept tor, Carl Loundree, Charles Reed Plans are maturing for the Cot­ pleted on the Squaw mountain pro­ Mr. and Mrs. S’. R. Harper o f San­ Percy T. Shelley, Edward Johnson. trell Community church bazaar which ject and 80 miles o f trail were con­ sition at Barker’s, Portland, Friday, i in this community for emergency re dy were guests o f the Misses Young John Revenue, William Anderson, W. is dated for December 15. A chicken structed by the crews assigned to that where she is painting lamp shades. lief work. This work is in line with her training A. Proctor, C. Hoglund, G. Hoglund, supper will be served. Miss Saunders work. The Legion is planning to erect a at Portland Sunday at dinner. The Leland Keeler, G. D. Orr, Bob Ed- of Portland is filling the Cottrell pul­ Three new lookout cabins were at Oregon University, in which sub­ large Christmas tree in town and Harpers have Clara Payn of Golden- wurds, Albert Jonsrud, Cecil Duke pit for the present. decorate it with colored lights, to be dale with them for a few weeks. completed and equipped. Three sup­ ject she majored. and Mikkelson. kept burning each night until after plemental open front shelters for pro­ Christmas. District Attorney Levy Stipp pros­ tective and maintenance men were ecuted and William Hammond and The Legion has also decided to finished, and two new storage build­ Charlie Sievers represented Mikelson. have a Christmas Cheer committee ings erected at Oak Grove ranger function again this year, to supply station. presents to any family in need in In additition to constructing twelve DANCE AT ESTACADA LAKE this or surrounding communities. miles o f new telephone line 140 miles CLU B HOUSE W E D N E S D A Y The Sandy Women’s club monthly Frank Madden, who conducted a L. E. Townsend, C. Rex Parks and Last rites for Jasper Riggle, San­ o f other lines were repaired and The Estacada Band is giving a social was held at the residence of general store at Springwater for 15 | Dr. W. W. Gilbert, with the assist- dance at the club house at Estacada dy, weie held Monday at Indepen­ maintained. Two hundred and forty years or more, died suddenly Sunday I ance of a member of the organiza- Mrs. J. M. C. Miller, Thursday night, Lake Wednesday, Thanksgiving eve. dence. He was born at Boise, Idaho, miles of trail was cleaned out and about forty attending. Winning hon­ while visiting at Whiteson, Ore. | tion in each of the communities rep- This is the first public dance adver­ ante to Independence in 1916 and maintained and several.public camp­ ors at five hundred were Mrs. N. L. Since selling the Springwater store resented in the Legion post, will be tised at the club house since its com to Sandy in 1925, and died Novem­ grounds were improved by the addi­ Horr and R. E. Esson, Mrs. W. Bos- tion o f shelters, out buildings and he had been living at Springwater, j in charge o f this work. pletion last summer. Music will be ber 17. holm and A. W. Bell the consola­ owning what used to be known as the Surviving are his parents, Mr. and clearing. furnished by the Estacada orchestra. He is sur­ Pleasant H om e Bazaar D e c e m b e r 8 tion prizes. Present were R. E. Es­ Mrs. John Riggle, a twin brother, Improvement plans for next season, I)r. Wallen residence. son, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Baumback, Sylvester; Ward, another brother; according to Mr. Armstrong, include vived by one daughter and a sister. The Methodist Ladies’ Aid of R e m od elin g Dick Kimrnel House R. Jonsrud, Nellie Zenger, Mrs. H. Funeral services were held Tues­ two sisters, Mrs. Wonder of Inde­ Pleasant Home church will sponsor the construction of 90 miles o f trail Harry Snyder, who recently pur­ Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bell, day in Spokane, where the body was a bazaar and chicken supper on the chased the Dick Kimrnel house on pendence, and Mrs. Mode o f Ho- and a continuance o f construction on Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brown, Miss Edna taken for burial. night of December 8. the Squaw mountain project. Second street, located just north of luiam, Wash. Thompson. Mrs. 0 . B. Matz and Mrs. Stout the Harry Kitching home, has a crew Misg Edith Shell, Mr. and Mrs. W. F irw ood R oa d M eeti n g Sat urday o f workmen busy remodeling the of Sandy and Mrs. Burrell furnish­ E A G L E C R E E K G R A N G E M E E T S Has Tonsils R e m o v e d McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murray, The annual road meeting is to be ed mus e at the funeral, with Mrs. place into a modern home. Tlie build­ Ralph Ganger, Bull Run, had his Lewis and Sylvester Hall, Miss Dorj Eagle Creek Grange held their held at Firwood school house Satur­ ing had been vacant for a long time Burrell at the piano. Burial was at regular monthly meeting Saturday, 1 tonsils out last week and is getting othy Jonsrud, R. W. Mailery, Mildred day at 1 p. m. and brush had grown up around it the I. O. O. F. cemetery, schoolmates at which time three new members , along nicely. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Horr, Mr. until it had become very unsightly, serving as pall bearers. were taken into the organization. An and Mrs. C. O. Duke. B E E R Y-D eM O Y Sandy River Valley Ladies club interesting program was given dur­ but this is all being cleared away S A N D Y R E V IV A L CLOSES Mrs. Dittert, Mr. and Mrs. Bos- Miss Laura A. Beery, niece of and when the job is completed this presented a lovely floral piece of ing lecture hour consisting o f songs, Indian Louie closed his meetings holm, Mrs. E. F, Bruns, Roberta Wil­ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hannah, and white chrysanthemums. Deceased will be one o f the attractive homes He drew liams, R. Troyer, Beatrice Wright, and readings relating to Thanksgiv­ Waldo A. DeMoy, both o f Portland, at Sandy Friday night. had been ill eight years. in Estacada. ing. Roll call was responded to by i were united in marriage at the Han­ large crowds and twenty conversions Mr. and Mrs. Shelley, Mr. and Mrs. each member telling what he or she nah home Sunday evening, only a were reported. Louie was well liked A. Hilsenkopf, Miss Kammercr, Clair A tt en d s V ete r an s M ee tin g SURPRISE B IR TH D A Y P A R T Y was most thankful for. Several vis­ few relatives and close personal and visited at homes, and also gave Nolan and the hostess, Mrs. Miller. Paddy McKnight of Sandy attend­ A surprise birthday party was itors from Garfield were present. At talks at the high school. He plans/ friends being present. The ceremony ed the Spanish-American ^var veter­ given at the D. E. McConnell home the next meeting, to be held on De­ to return around Christmas for an­ S an dy Gr id F an« at O. S. A . C. was erad by A. DeMoy. Both the ans meeting in the city last week. on Friday evening in honor o f Miss cember 15, officers will be elected other meeting before going on his Among the local fans going to the contracting parties were graduated Paddy belongs to Scott Young Camp, Margaret McConnell and Floyd Hale. for the coming year. itinerary to the south. Louie and home coming at Corvallis Saturday from the Estacada high school, Mr. No. 2. his wife stayed at the home of Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Shelley, who The evening was spent in playing DeMcfy having been employed in the Eva Tiffany. progressive animal razzle dazzle and S A N D Y P O S T M A S T E R P O E T I C met their daughter Jonnie there, the bank here. The bride resided here high scores were won by Edna Heiple S A N D Y GIRLS R ETU RN latter coming from Oregon Univer­ Sandy’s postmaster, R. E. Esson, with her aunt while attending school. S h oot in g Match at Orient sity to see the game; Tom Seales, R. Miss Nettie Schmitz and Miss and Neil Linn. At a late hour re- has had a poetic streak sauntering The shooting match at Johansens E. Esson, Clair Nolan, Mrs. C. O. Mary Sharnke, Sandy, returned Fri­ lreshments of pumpkin pie, cake co­ through his system recently, and has Club Org aniz ed field at Orient attracted a number Duke, Miss Shell and Mrs. Harry day night from Los Angeles and re­ coa and sandwiches were served. been writing on the office bulletin Members o f the Estacada O. E. S. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. board weather reports such as this: met at the hall Wednesday and or­ o f Sandy’s noted “ gun men” Sunday Morton o f Zigzag. port their first trip “ aboad” wonder­ ful indeed. They visited at Ventura Ted Kiggins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank “ The orb o f day shines resplendent ganized a club to be known as Moun­ afternoon. S an dy G ar ag e» Unite and Venice, also. They report the McGraw, Ruth and Floyd Hale, Har­ on the vault above.” The next day, tain Cheer club. The officers are The City Garage and the People’s weather just as fine at home, except old Kitching, Herbert Fifer, Edna when rainy, he wrote, “ A leaky can­ Mrs. Daisy Robley, president; Mrs. W I N S IN N E W S C O N T E S T Heiple, Ruby Webber, Neil and Wil­ opy conceals the sun.” a little colder. Mrs. Clarence Brown, Sandy, won Service Station have united in a busi­ Rhoe Syron, vice president; Mrs. bur Linn, Janet Gilgan, Wilbur and first prize in the Portland News con­ ness project, and Ross Smith, pro- Gertrude Scrutton, secretary, and L ust ed P. T. A . Hosts Doris Looney, Delbert and Clarence test, which is an optometrist scholar­ preitor o f the former, is moving his Surpris e f o r Mrs. K r ie g e r Mrs. Martha Ellis, treasurer. They Lusted P. T. A. entertained the Kitching, Ruby Hoffmeister, George ship, valued at $000. Mrs. Brown garage and equipment to the service There was a surprise party at the will meet once each month. United, Multnomah county council Saturday. Allen, Irvin Ritchie, Clarence Lom­ home of Mr. and Ms. Albert Kitching does not care to learn “ eye” science station and repair shop. they plan to enlarge equipment. A fine program was presented. Dur­ bard, Buster Tunnell, Fred Voight, Wednesday evening honoring Mrs. and will try to dispose o f her award. L on£ Distan ce Pleases ing the lunch hour Nellie and Patty Earl Harrington, Kathryn, Margaret, Julius Krieger, who will leave this j Elizabeth Hagan, Sandy, was very Her sister, Mabel Akers o f Portland, B IG F E A T U R E F O R T H E Greenwood, (laughters o f Mr. and Robert and Ruth McConnell, Mr. and week to make her home at Aberdeen, happy Armistice Day when her also won a prize, a music scholarship. E S T A C A D A P E O P L E N O V . 28 Mrs. John Greenwood, recently of Mrs. L. F. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wash. About twenty relatives and daughter Thelma called her from Sa­ The prizes were for identification of Bull Run, gave numbers and also McConnell all of Estacada, and Ira friends were congregated at the linas, Cal., and visited 15 minutes. pictures o f film stars. Bill Perry, manager of the Liberty pleased with a dialogue. Carter and daughter Verna and Shir­ Kitching home when Mrs. Krieger j Theatre o f Estacada, has contracted ley Richards o f Portland. A tt e n d Sandy D an ce was “ kidnapped” and taken there ! for a big comedy and musical act for G o to Gresham Sandy O d d Fellows Initiate Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Linn, Mr. and the theatre Wednesday night, Nov. The company enjoyed the evening by- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ahlberg went to Sandy I. O. O. F. lodge had a‘ big Mrs. Lola Thiess went to the city playing games and visiting. Gresham Wednesday night to furn­ Mrs. Fred Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd I 28. Miriam Janice and her Creole time Monday night, four candidates Monday to enjoy the symphony con­ r i ish music at the opening o f the J. Ewalt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith. Belles, five in number, put on a being given the degree work by a cert, and then went to Oak Grove L A D IE S ’ AID B A Z A A R Mr. and Mrs. I). E. McConnell, Mr. minstrel act, all in elaborate costumes E. Gates new funeral home. team from the Boring lodge, which, to visit. The Christian Ladies' Aid bazaar and Mrs. George Kitching, Mr. and — solos, harmony singers, comedy it is said, was splendidly done. The and dinner will be held in the I. O. Mrs. Albert Kitching, Mr. and Mrs. j acts and dancing with lots o f mu­ G IVE C A R D P A R T Y candidates were Bob Edwards, R. Mrs. Miller He* Guests O. F. building on December 8. Din­ The ladies o f Wodcraft held their Walter Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ! sic, and fun. Mr. Perry, who is al­ Troyer, R. W. Mailery and L. C. Mrs. J. M. C. Miller had as dinner ner will be served at noon. Article first card party for the season on Douglas« and Mrs. Mol lie Rates o f ; ways on the lookout for big acts for Palmer. guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jack suitable for Christmas presents will Thursday night at the* Masonic hall. Estacada. Currinsville and Eagle his theatre, is congratulated on get­ Scales and Wallace, Miss Della Black- be on sale. There was a good attendance and all Creek communities were among those ting an aggregation of this kind. Gresham B an ker Called East hall, little Floyd Reed and Alvin Mc­ attending the grunge dance at Sandy They have been playing to big audi- report an enjoyable time. A. Meyer, Gresham banker, wife Kinney o f Corbett. R. W. Mailery C R E S H A M - E S T A C A D A G A M E Saturday night. ences all over. If you want to pass and daughter are East, being called was also present and joined the ON T H A N K S G IV IN G DA Y R E S T A U R A N T A ND B A R B E R a pleasant evening don't miss the to Minnesota on account o f the ill­ Scales on a trip to Rhododendron la­ Considerable interest is being tak­ S H O P IN N E W B U I L D I N G Creole Belles. Here F ro m Reed sp or t ness of Mr. Meyers' mother. ter in the day. en in the Estacuda-Gresham high The Gem Restaurant and the San- Warren McWillis o f Reedsport, school football game, which will be ek Barber Shop are now located in Ore., was in Estacada a few days Entertain in H on or o f B irthday F o rm e r D r s ; Clerk Visit s Sandy L A ID IE S ’ AID S MEET played in Estacada on Thanksgiving their new’ homes, the Norton build­ last week to see his mother, who is | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hayden were Luke Smith, former Sandy drug The Aid of the M. E. church met day. The game will start promptly ing on Broadway. Both places are ill with heart trouble. Warren was hosts to a company of friends Thurs­ clerk, visited his uncle, R. E. Esson. at the home of Mrs. J. G. Hayman on at 10 o'clock in the morning and very neat and attractive and make a resident o f Estacada for a number day evening, the party being in honor last week. Smith is a full fledged Wednesday afternoon and the Chris­ promises to be one o f the faste-t possible far better service than in o f years, attending high school here o f Mr. Hayden's birthday. Cards a f­ dentist nbw and has been practicing tian Aid met at the home o f Mrs. games on the Estacada grounds this the old building. See their announce­ and later went into the grocery bus­ forded amusement until a late hour at The Dalles. B. O. Sarver Thursday afternoon. year. ments in this week’s News. iness, selling out to his uncle. when refreshments were served. FUNERAL HITES HELD FOR JASPER RIG6LE MAGDEN OF S P R I N G ™ DIES AT WHIIESON MRS. MILLER ENTERTAINS SANOV WOMEN S CLUB