E S T A C A D A , OREGON, F R ID A Y , V O LU M E X X III ODD FELLOW, REBEKAH ORGANIZATIONS MEET LE G IO N N A IR E S G IV E T A L K S T O H. S. ST U D E N T BODY Dr. W alter W. Gilbert, J. C. More­ land and Wallace Smith gave Armis­ tice Day talks before the student body o f the Estacada high school, D IS T R IC T C O N V E N TIO N BRINGS Friday morning, the program having been arranged by the Carl Douglass M EMBERS FROM A L L P A R T S post o f the American Legion. Dr. Gilbert gave a patriotic ad­ OF C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y dress and Moreland and Smith each told o f some o f their experiences in The Clackamas county semi-annua! Ihe World war. Moreland was in ac­ I. O. O. F. district convention held tive service on the west front at the in Estacada Saturday, proved a suc­ time o f the signing o f the Armistice, and Mr. Smith was in Siberia. cessful and enjoyable meeting' Re bekahs from all over the county also S A N D Y GRIDS W IN — LOSE assembled in Estacada fo r the meet­ Sandy grids won their first game ing, which was held in the I. O. O. F. Friday when they played Parkrose hall, while the men gathered in the in Sandy, 14 to 6, making two touch­ Masonic building. A business session downs. Monday, in the return game was held in the forenoon and a third at Parkrose, Sandy lost 25 to 0. This degree contest took place in the af terrible defeat was due to Sandy’s ternoon. best players not being able to play. O fficers elected by the Odd Fel­ lows fo r the next meeting were V. HENSONS E N T E R T A IN H. Dunton, Molalla, president; E. W Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Henson of Scott, vice president; Wm. Moreland Sandy had a visit from Mrs. Hen­ secretary; J. G. Hay man, treasurer, son’s brother, H. A. Foster, as­ W. E. Kendall, warden; Charles Mel- sessor o f Crook county, over Sun­ drum, conductor; George C. Perdue day. Mr. Foster was returning from chaplain; R. B. Stanton, inside guard the state session o f assessors which and Adam Bany, outside guard. met at Salem. Mr. Henson, luckily Rebekah officers named were Mrs vas at home, the work at Heller & Am elia Peters, president; Mrs. Eliza Company having halted fo r a few beth Ames, secretary, and Mrs. Clara days. Hicinbotham, treasurer. The other G R IF F IN D R YE R BURNS officers were appointed. L. L. G riffin was lucky; all but a Lunch was served in the banquet room o f the Odd Fellow ’s building bj 'ew sacks o f walnuts had been mar­ Mrs. Jacob Moss, proprietor o f the keted last week when his dryer burned, caused from an overheated Gem Cafe. The evening session was open to stove. Only a fe w sacks o f nuts the public and was highly entertain­ were lost. ing. The Estacada band furnished music at intervals all day long anij gave, a concert at 7 o’clock in the evening to begin the entertainment Following the band concert, a silver cup was presented to the Rock Creel lodge o f Needy, fo r the largest at OREGON C IT Y , Nov. 16.— A libel tendance at this meeting. ^ :uit fo r $25,000 damages was filed The Estacada high school orchestr: gave a few numbers and Mr. and n circuit court Tuesday afternoon Mrs. T. Ahlberg’s violin-piano duet >y the Carver-Canby Packing com­ was a delightful musical number. F. pany, against the Banner-Courier J. Meindl, grand master, gave an ad­ Publishing company, o f which E. A. Coen is editor and publisher, says the dress which was very interesting. Mr The p laintiff and Mrs. G. E. Lawrence entertained Horning Enterprise. oncern claims that Koen published with a vocal duet, Mrs. Val Carj gave two readings and the program in article in his paper on September closed with two numbers by a malt, 1 for the purpose o f destroying the ■redit o f the corporation. quartet composed o f L. A. Chapman SECOND LIBEL SUIT FILED AGAINST BANNER-COURIER Wm. Gilgan, J. K. Ely and G. E Lawrence. Dancing followed until the mid night hour when a lunch was served in the I. 0. 0. F. hall by the Odd Fellows. Those who did not care to dance congregated in the hall and a social time was enjoyed. The next meeting is to be held in Canby. D A T E OF B A Z A A R CHANGED The chicken dinner and bazaar be­ ing arranged by the Ladies Aid of the Christian church, will be held on December 8, instead o f the date recently announced. IL L IN P O R T L A N D H O S P IT A L Mrs. Glenn M cIntyre is still in the city with her daughter Celeste, who is taking teratments fo r goitre. Mr. M cIntyre goes to see her often. Mrs. John St. Clair is cooking at the mil1 while Mrs. M cIntyre is away. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF FORD CARS POSSIBLE Bob Cooke, manager o f the Bob Cooke Motor company o f Estacada. announces that immediate deliveries can be made on all the new models o f cars. Mr. Cooke returned first o f the week from a meeting at the Port­ land branch o f the Ford Motor com­ pany with the news that the branch is now under large production. Be­ ginning Monday the branch will build 55 cars and trucks a day. This, Mr. Cooke says, will insure dealers in this territory o f being able to make immediate deliveries. The Cooke Motor company is now receiv­ ing two cars per week, and is now able to fill all orders without delay. The production schedule at Portland, he says, includes plenty o f the new trucks and truck equipment. The Ford branch at Portland now employs about three hundred men. The Detroit factory is shipping large quantities o f parts and production at Portland will reach 80 cars per day in the near future. Mr. Cooke says that orders placed now fo r Christmas or January 1 de­ livery will be given preference over all other orders. COUNCIL CONSIDERS CITY WAFER PROBLEM C H L O R IN A T IO N USED TO SYSTEM M AKE NOW W ATER SA FE FOR D R IN K IN G The water problem o f the city o f Estacada was discussed at length by the council at the meeting held on Tuesday evening. The newly elected mayor and councilmen were also present and joined in the discussion o f the one big subject to confront the city officers follow ing their in­ stallation after the first o f the year. Consensus o f opinion seems to be that the only possible method of securing an adequate supply o f pure water is by drilling a well and in­ stalling a pumping plant. Both the present and new council are giving the matter serious consid­ eration and they have planned to visit two water systems next Sunday to get information on pumping plants in order to decide on what would be the more practical fo r installation here, in case that it was decided to put in a pumping plant. The cost o f a gravity water sys­ tem fo r Estacada seems prohibitive, according to statements made by members o f the council. W hile this would be the the most desirable so­ lution o f the problem, the cost of building a pipe line to a water source back in the mountains is apparently too expensive a proposition fo r the city to undertake. Even if bonds can be issued sufficient to build such a line, the present number o f water users would not be able to retire them, it was pointed out. Marshal Jim Norris states that a chlorination system has been in­ stalled and appears to be working latisfacorily. Some few have com­ plained about the peculiar taste of the water, but apparently but a small nurabdb o f water users has noticed it. By this method the water is made iafe fo r domestic use and the city vater may be used now without hav- ng been boiled without danger. S A N D Y G R AN G E M EETS The lecture hour at Sandy Grange The Carver-Canby cannery seeks Saturday included interesting dis­ 125,000 damages on the following cussions o f potato and ginseng rais- ng, and a talk on Armistice Day by grounds: That as a result o f the ar icle, credit was destroyed, unable R. W. Mallery. o secure funds to complete work; ;iven widespread attention and has B U LL RUN CLUB E N T E R T A IN S The Bull Run Community club been used by various banks as basis for withdrawal o f all their dealings; qave a party at the hall Saturday aused growers, producers and farm ­ night, sixty attending, and eleven ableg o f cards were arranged. The ers to refuse to have further deal ings with the cannery and practically hostesses were Mrs. Wm. Sidell, Mrs. A. Phelps and Mrs. Helms. Prizes ausing it to discontinue business. were awarded to Don Allen and Mrs. The p lain tiff alleges that the art s Maplethorpe. A fte r refreshments jle intimated that the cannery used were served dancing was a feature money o f the Clackamas Producers for a short while, Birch Roberts, Mr. Jo-operative for their own business Butler, and Charles and Mrs. Nor- and insinuated that the Carver-Canby quist furnishing the music. Attend­ Packing company had violated the ing from Sandy were Mr. and Mrs. aws o f the state o f Oregon and had W. Bosholm, Mildred Gray, Mrs. been guilty o f misusing funds. •Shelley, Mrs. A lice Scales and Birch Koen was named defendant re­ Roberts. cently in a $30,000 libel suit by C V. Kilgore, form er principal o f the MRS. B RO W N'S M OTHER V IS IT S Molalla high school. Irvin g Good­ Mrs. Clarence Brown and Mr. man o f Portland and Mulvey & Lin Brown o f Sandy had the form er’s das o f Oregon City are representing mother, Mrs. Boxman o f Portland, the cannery. here fo r a week's visit, but she has returned home. OLD S A N D Y BRIDGE BRACED The bridge across the Sandy river JOHNSONS A T W A S H O U G A L has had some braces put on, but is Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Johnson, Rho­ not considered safe fo r trucking, and dodendron, were at Washougal to the enormous amount o f lumber be­ spend the Armistice vacation, taking ing hauled fo r the Bull Run flume Henry Lee with them. is being freighted via the B lu ff road and Dodge Park bridge. DIXONS A T T E N D W ED D ING Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dixon attended the wedding o f the latter’s niece. Miss C O T T R E L L M AN SU RPRISED H. H. Watkins, Cottrell, had a big Helen Manary and Fielder Allison Presbyterian surprise on his birthday, Sunday, Jones, at Mt. Tabor when friends came in with baskets church, Sunday. They also attended filled with good things to eat. About the reception at the Manary home, where 185 guests were invited. The thirty were present. | long veil worn by the bride was made in Egypt and she carried a white E W A LD CHOSEN ON » prayer book from which fe ll a shower C O LLEG E D E B A T E TE AM o f lilies o f the valley. The gown was ivory satin. Dr. Steinmitz sang, C O R V A L L IS , Nov. 15.— Harold and the ceremony was read by Chap­ Ewalt o f Estacada, sophomore in ag­ lain Beard. riculture, was chosen from the intra­ mural debaters to take a place on the STOCK B IL L C AR R IE S Oregon State debate squad. Debates IN S A N D Y PR E C IN C T TW O between fraternities and men’s liv­ No more stock is to run at large ing groups have been waged for seme time. The championship was in Sandy Precinct No. 2, according won by Sigma Phi Epsilon frater­ to the big majority which voted "n o " Tuesday. W. G. Duncan re­ nity. Debaters who took part in the last f'Tnal debate and those showing ability ceived the m ajority o f votes fo r con­ stable. were chosen fo r the varsity. N O V EM B E R 16, 1928 NU M BE R 7 P. T. A. TO BE O R G A N IZ E D IN G A R F IE L D D IS T R IC T S A N D Y W A TE R ONE HUNDRED PE R C EN T PURE, T E ST SHOWS Mrs. M. J. Brown o f Gladstone, county president o f the Parent- Teachers association, will organize a circle in the Garfield school district ut a gathering to be held at the W O ULD BE COMPOSED OF ONE scheol house at 2 p. m., on Friday, MEMBER OF EACH C IV IC November 23. Parents and patrons are cordially invited to attend the AN D F R A T E R N A L CLUB meeting. An engineer for the state board o f health was in Sandy last week, took a sample from the Sandy city water supply and the test proved 100 per cent pure. The Sandy water system has 125 users and the water collections are about $225 per month. Bonds to the amount o f $1000 have been re­ tired and water warrants amounting BRIG H TW O O D CLUB M EETS to $1000 have been paid from tha Plans fo r the formation o f a Com­ Mrs. William A lt and Mrs. John water sinking fund. Funds will be munity Council have been suggested Allen jointly entertained the Bright- sufficient to take up the next bond by members o f the American Legion^ wood club at its last meeting, at the when due. | Such a council would be composed form er’s home. Delicious refresh­ o f one member from each o f the j PO O L H A L L SOLD TO SCHOCK ments were served. Present ware civic and fraternal organizations o f Cecil Schock has bought the pool Mrs. S. B. Rowan, Mrs. Dewey Alt, Estacada and the communities sur­ hall and confectionery business lo­ Mrs. Roy Hickey, Mrs. Charley Hick­ rounding. cated on Main street from L. E. ey, Mrs. Glenn Harris, Mrs. Art The fact was brought out that Bailey, having taken possession first Reynolds, Mrs. A rt Jonsrud, Mrs. such a council could act in an advis­ o f the week. Included in the deal Henry Steiner, Mrs. G ifford , Mrs. ory capacity to the city council, the was Mr. Schock’s residence property W. E. Alcorn, Mrs. Blozons, Mrs. school board, etc., and could be made across the river from Estacada. Mr. Henry Larsen and the hostesses. i the means o f united action and e ffo rt Bailey says he has made no plans for in matters o f importance and con­ the immediate future, but will prob­ L A T E STAG E D ISC O N TIN U E D C. A. Dykes, manager o f the Esta- cern to the community in general. ably remain around Estacada or in O f the many organizations in the Portland. cada-Portland stage line, announces Estacada and sur­ the stage leaving Estacada ut 8:15 i community o f RE TU RN S TO E S T A C A D A purpose of and leaving Portland 11 p. m., on rounding country, the Millard Lynd, who has been em­ Sundays has been discontinued. The which is work fo r the betterment of ployed in the circulation department week day schedule remains the same the community and the development o f the country, few o f their members o f the Portland News fur the past as present and the Sunday schedule several months, returned to Estacada is not changed except the discontin­ belong to more than one or two or­ two weeks ago and has entered high uance o f the late stage in and out o f ganizations, and with the formation school. When the present school o f the council as proposed would be Portland. made possible the bringing before term ends he expects to take up his I all the people any worthy commun- work with the Portland paper againl MISS G U LD E N SO PF HOME ! Miss Lydia Guldensopf o f Sandy ity project, with the result that our Millard was the carrier fo r the News has not returned to the city to work j citizens would be more firm ly united in Estacada before going to Portland since she and her brothers Henry for the common good, it was pointed and his record here was responsible fo r being given a position in Port­ and Emil returned from Yakima out. As an example, if the P. T. A. land. He has again taken over the where they spent fiv e weeks in the undertook to develop better play­ route here for the Portland News. apple fields. ground facilities fo r the children, and wanted the assistance o f the , people as a whole, their member o f the council would be instructed to take the mattre up with the com­ munity council, and the members o f that organization would go back to The annual Red Cross roll call is The Sandy city budget is to come the club they represented, and in this up fo r final approval at a regular way the proposition would with in a from November 11 to Thanksgiving, during which time an e ffo rt will be meeting o f the council on December fe w days be brought before everyone made to enroll everyone in the com- 3, at 8 o’clock in the evening, at the in the community. | A committee has been appointed to muni*y. city hall. The Red Cross is the greatest hu­ Anyone having objections or de­ | bring the matter to the attention o f siring information on any portion of the differen t organizations o f the manitarian organization in the world the budget may make same known city, and i f the plans is approved and in time o f distaster or need is at that time. The millage as pro­ I such an organization will be formed always ready and willing to give the necessary aid. at an early date. posed will be less than 15 mills. Last year the levy was 23 mills. The funds fo r carrying on the One community project that is be­ The estimated expenditure fo r run­ ing considered now is the develop­ work o f this organization is in a ning the city is $3955. The estimat­ ment o f an emergency landing field large part supplied by the member­ ed tax valuation o f property within I fo r airplanes. W hile there is no im-j ships collected during November o f the city o f Sandy is $76,743.56. mediate need, such fields are marked each year. The 1928 assessment will likely on all maps supplied aviators, and Within a few days everyone in increase the valuation to $78,000. would prove a valuable advertising Estacada and surounding community The budget as presented is 7.9 lower medium fo r the city, Bob Cooke will be called upon fo r their member­ than fo r ten years. has suggested. ship dues. , RED CROSS ANNUAL ROLL CALL STARTED SANDY BUDGET TO BE V0IE0 ON EECEMBER 8 E M B R O ID ER Y C LU B MEETS Arm istice night Mrs. Fred L. Proc­ tor entertained the Sandy Embroid­ ery club, the follow ing being present: Mrs. Henry Perret and Amanda, Mrs. Thompson, Miss Edna Thompson, Mrs. C. L. Hanson, Miss Kammerer, Hazel Brown, Mrs. Dittert, Mrs. Proc­ tor. Mrs. Brown will be the next hostess. IN N P R O PR IE TO R IN S A N D Y E. J. Sickler, proprietor o f Battle A xe Inn, was in town Monday on business and reports improvements at his resort still under way. Lum­ ber fo r the new hall is being deliv­ ered by Dixon-Howitt. N E W HOUSES A T ZIG ZAG Bill A lt o f Brightwood is helping j H. Steiner build several log houses W E B STE R C H ILD R E N IM PRO VED at Zig Zag park. Cardell Webster o f Sandy was brought home this week. Two weeks ¡C H R IS T IA N CHURCH L A D IE S ago he was not rational, and was B A Z A A R AND D INN E R hardly expected to pass the crisis o f The ladies o f the Christian church the fever. Velma Webster is now will give their annual bazaar and din- in school again, but was out two I ner Saturday, November 24th. weeks from over exertion while tak­ ing physical exercises. S A N D Y H IG H G IR L W IN S HONORS Florence DeShazer, class o f '27, continues to hold the highest typing honors in her class at the O. S. A. C. FTorence won the state honors last year. A P P R E C IA T IO N EXPRESSED FOR A ID OF LAD IE S In behalf o f the Eagle Creek Par­ ent-Teachers association we wish to thank the ladies fo r their splendid response and co-operation in making the apple pie contest a huge success. Every pie brought to the school last Friday evening was a work o f art; and the three competent judges, headed by Miss Noble o f the Esta­ cada high school, found it no easy task to judge the winners, but finally the honors were awarded to Mrs. H. Weitz, Mrs. Roy Myers, and Mrs. W. M. Hyde. We have taken pleasure in givin g to each o f the three win­ ners a sack o f Sperry's flour as per our promise. “ Grandpa" Bulger was delighted with the bids fo r these pies and the prices which they bought materially helped the finances o f the P. T. A. We again thank the ladies. I — Eagle Creek Trading Company. ORCHESTRA ADDS TO BIBLE PICTURE SHOW _____ K LIG E LS C E L E B R A T E S IL V E R W E D D ING A N N IV E R S A R Y Mr. and Mrs. Max K ligel o f Kelso celebrated their tw enty-fifth wedding anniversary with a party at Marvel Inn, Saturday night, about fift y guests being invited. Dancing was enjoyed until midnight. Refresh­ ments were sreved and many gifts were presented the couple. Music for dancing was furnished by Jerome Cockelreas and Mr. Eckleman. Serv­ ing were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ha­ worth, Miss Florence Kligel, A lice and George Hartwig. Mr. and Mrs. Kligel were wed at Sandy in the old Catholic church by Rev. Father A n­ selm. K IT C H E N AID D E M O N S T R A ­ T IO N A T S A N D Y H IG H L. M. Hibbs o f Kitchen Aid manu­ facturing company will give a dem­ onstration at Sandy high Wednesday night, Nov. 21, at 7:30 p. m. A ll inr tcrested are cordially invited. Mr. Hibbs w ill serve a luncheon to as many ax come— even up to 100, which will be prepared by the Kitch­ en Aid. The a ffa ir will be in the nature o f a social gathering and a program by the school will be inter­ spersed. The Estacada orchestra at the Lib­ erty this week in conjuntion with the showing o f the great Bible story, “ Kings o f Kings,” added considerably to the entertainment afforded by this great feature show. There were 65 differen t pieces o f music used by the orchestra during the performance and the musical program was gen­ erally considered to be as entertain­ ing as the picture itself. S A N D Y HIGH SCHOOL “ King o f Kings” was shown here HOLDS P E P R A L L Y Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights and was largely attended. The or­ The pep rally Wednesday night in chestra consisted o f Neal Bronson, \ the interest o f the grid games was a violinist and leader, Harry Grable at live one. The band played, and Na­ the piano, C. A. Dykes, cornet; A. omi Child, peppiest o f all yell lead­ G. Ames, bass horn; Carol Yocum, ers, called for the follow ing to step cello, and Lee Bronson, claronet. forward and “ sp eechify:" Bob This picture completed its first Smith, the new mayor, Coach Ranow, run in the large cities only a few S. G. Spitler, Sandy's chief o f po­ weeks ago, and Manager Kill Perry lice, Norval Naas, captain, and Stan­ o f the Liberty gave hi» patrons an ley Bacon, student body president. opportunity to see one o f the big pro­ A ll the speakers received the plaudit ductions o f the year shortly a fter it o f “ Rah! Rah! Rah!” Beside the was exhibited in Portland when he rally up town the alleys were visited brought this show to Estacada. by the crowd and band.