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About Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1928)
C l a c k a m a s C ounty N ew s VOLUME XXIII SANDY, OREGON, NUMBER 5 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1928 HALLOWEEN PRANKS IN MAZUMAS VISIT ESTACADA EVIDENCE THURSDAY Estacada was the scene o f a merry party given by the Mazumas Saturday night and Sunday. They danced and Some of the Halloween pranks gave a program Saturday evening were amusing, to say the least. A. and on Sunday went to Faraday and G. Ames found a goat tied in front There was a good attendance at of his door with a tag bearing the boarded the speeder and went up COUNTY ORGANIZATION IN ES- into the mountains. There were 160 the democratic rally Tuesday evening name “ John Lovelace.” Ames and 1n the band hall. The Estacada band Lovelace oppose each other as candi in the party. TACADA FOR THREE-DAY furnished music for the occasion. The ASIDE ELECTION DAY dates for the office of mayor of Es principal speakers were M. L. Piper tacada, but Lovelace will not admit ODD FELLOWS’ BUILDING SAFE BUSINESS SESSION. “DOLLAR DAY” BY ALL Some of the Estacada Odd Fel of Portland, O. B. Eby and Judge that his opponent “ has his goat.” Beatie o f Oregon City. lows last week, after hearing com- SANDY STORES “ The News man. when he came Religious tolerance, prohibition, down town Thursday morning and The Clackamas County Christian plants about their building not being water power, farm relief and other noticed the “ vote for Smith" signs j Endeavor society convention takes safe, crawled around under it and Tuesday, November 6, will be a campaign issues were ably discussed on the plate glass at the Estacada! Rites for Mrs. Eva Krebs, 53, who place in Estacada, starting today, thoroughly examined the sills and passed suddenly from a stroke while date long remembered by the people by the speakers. State Bank, thought it rather amus November 2, 3 and 4. The program found them all in good shape with at the supper table October 25, were living in and around the city of A few o f the democratic candidates ing. However, when he reached thu opens at the Christian church at 7 :30 one exception. They repaired this first held at the family home, Sandy- Sandy. for Clackamas county offices were Newg o f f -ee and found simiial. writ_ Friday evening, with an address of and now consider the building per Never before has such an oppor present. Mrs. W. J. Moore acted as ings done in paint and spread all ridge, and later at the Sandy Luth fectly safe and state that the fears welcome by R. E. Beck following eran church, Sunday. Mrs. Krebs tunity been presented fur bargains chairman of the meeting. were groundless. i over the windows, the joke did not the devotional service. „ , . , had lived at Sandyridge twenty-five in merchandise as is being offered appeal so well to his sense of humor. , , , , . ... , One o f the principal speakers will KELSO CLUB ENTERTAINED years and was held in high esteem the public by Sandy merchants on DOG POISONED be C. P. Gates, who is well known Mrs. R. Jonsrud entertain the HOFFMEISTER GIVEN VERDICT bY everyone. this date. Sam Barr is mourning the loss of in this part o f the county for his Kelso Club Thursday, serving elabor This is the first event o f the kind A suit to collect wages was tried About tw0 h u n te d cars were splendid work in the Christian Ep- his pet dog, which died by a dose of ate refreshments, assisted by Miss ever held in the little city, and the in S. E. Wooster’s court in the city Parked alonK the street' and the ht' poison, he thinks. He was a very deavor. Dorothy Jonsrud. The club voted to Estacada, Wednesday, Fred t>e eburcb was unable to hold one- business men said that they were go There is also to be a missionary smart dog and the whole amily misses hold a bazaar November 24, and also hall ing to give the public something to from China in attendance, who will him. If the dog poisoner has again give a short program. Mrs. Rathkq Hoffmeister vs. John Wheeler. The third o f tbe kindIy friends who came talk about. They have. Read their trial was by jury, who brought in a to P8* tbeir last respects, made his appearance in Estacada, it address the convention, also many will entertain the ladies at a special verdict in favor of the plaintiff. j Wonderful flowers were in profus- announcements on pages four and will not be well for him to be de more noted speakers. meeting November 8. Present were ________________ ion. Interment was at Sandy. Rev. five o f this issue o f The News and Saturday the convention will oper tected by Sam, for he sure is on the Mesdames Spoonre, Jerz, G. Eri, A. E. T. Schoen had charge of both you will know they have kept their at 8:30 and with the exception of war path. Jonsrud, Chas. Haworth, M. Kligel, services, also the rites at the grave- word. two short intermissions will be in Mrs. J. W. Byers returned Friday sj j e Dolan, Fred Decker, Jarl, Rathke, C. All the stores in Sandy have joined SUPT. VEDDER SPEAKS session until 9:30 Saturday evening. by way o f Portland and Estacada 1 j Surviving are her husband, Chas. in putting on the first “ Dollar Day” The Estacada Parent-Teachers as Anderson, Holman, Peterson,, Huck, after spending several days with Krebs, and eleven o f the thirteen Sessions are planned for Sunday sale, and real bargains are offered sociation held their postponed meet- Pihl, Baumback, Nempe and Miss afternoon and evening with a closing friends at Delake Beach, Tillamook children born to her. Inez Nyman. in almost every line o f merchandise. ng Tuesday night at the school and Oceanside. sermon by Rev. D. R. Kauffman. Among those who have joined to building, which was well attended H. Eiltrtson of LaDee Logging A banquet is to be held Saturday FRED JUNKER SAILS BATTLE AXE INN BUILDS make this event one worth remem notwithstanding the fact that there night at 6:30. Many young people company purchased a new coupe Fred Junker, one o f Sandy’s finest Battle Axe Inn will complete a bering are Sandy Drug Store, Jack were other attractions in town that from the Cascade Chevrolet company young men, sailed on a big freighter from all over the county are expected Scales, Kreb’s Confectionery, Paul evening. County superintendent, splendid recreation hall 40 by 40 this week. for New York Saturday night, from to attend. The different churches Meinig, Bob Smith, People’s Service Brenton Vedder was the principal feet in about a month, the new build in Estacada are combining Sunday- Portland. Fred will learn dining ser- The Garden club will meet with Station, Sandy Market, and, in fact speaker and at the conclusion o f the ing adjoining the inn. A ski course Mrs. John Blauth Monday afternoon. ; vice proper, from a seaman’s stand- night, but all services will be held every business place in town is o f program tea and cakes were served will also be ready by snow time. in the Christian church. Mrs. G. Krigbaum visited her point, as he is waiting tables, and The hustling proprietor of the inn, fering something special for this big by a committee o f ladies. • E. J. Sickler, expects to conduct a daughter, Mrs. L. C. Posson, a few will have a chance to study the big occasion. world “ as is.” Fred graduated from EVANGELISTIC SERVICES much larger business during the days last week. RAY KEITH ILL They invite the public to come to A regular meeting o f the county I Oregon “ U” in June. He will be Sandy Community church people Ray Keith o f Faraday was taken sports season than ever before. Sandy and to remain during the eve announce a series o f gospel services U suddenly Friday, and Saturday he health association will be held Mon- away two months or longer. ning and receive the election returns day at 2 p. m. at the Chamber o f ------------------------- starting today. They invite the pub .vas taken to a Portland hospital. He GRAND MASTER VISITS as they come in. SANDY ODD FELLOWS Commerce rooms in Oregon City. The SANDY REBEKAHS GIVE SOCIAL lic to come and hear “ the Wild We .as been suffering very much but “ We are proving to you that it is ' program for the year will be outlined I After the regular meeting Thurs- natchee Indian,” tamed by the gos it this time the physicians have not to your advantage to trade at home,” Several candidates were initiated and a children’s program will be day night Sandy Rebekah lodge held pel, who will speak each night at 8 ully decided what is the cause of Sandy merchants are telling you in into the Sandy Odd Fellows lodge a social evening. They had games o ’clock and at 2 Sunday afternoon he trouble. He was reported slight Monday night after which a big oys presented and tea served. Everyone their advertisements in the News. and sat and talked. Neal L. Horr invited. He comes to Sandy with a reputa ly improved Thursday. Buy in Sandy and save money. ter feed was served. A visit from the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hogan o f Port won a prize for the best talker, Mrs. tion of being a forceful speaker and grand master and a number o f city Williams for guessing ads. The re land and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore a high-powered gospel worker. POLLING PLACES NAMED KEN SCALES ON “U” TEAM The polling places in Estacada on lodge men was an event o f the eve were visitors at the John Page home freshment committee served baked Kenneth Scales o f Sandy played ning. MILDRED BARNETT ILL Sunday. The ladies are daughters apples, whipped cream, etc. The guard in the Betas vs Fijis, making Tuesday will be for precinct No. 2 committee was Miss A. Kammerer, eight points and helping to win the Mildred Barnett has been in bed n the city hall and a room in the of Mr. and Mrs. Page. GUESTS OF SCHOENS with something akin to tonsilitis for ibrary. Postmaster A. N. Johnson went to Mrs. Baumback and Lewis Hall. For precinct 1, Gilgan’s game with high honors at Oregon Mrs. H. Hamman and John Ham- Vancouver to spend the week end over a week and has had to misr itore. A separate ballot has been University. SANDY GARAGE FEATURED high school. irepared for the city election and man had as Sunday evening dinner with his sister. Sandy Garage is being featured by WEBSTER IN HOSPITAL There was a family reunion at the ■egardless of where you vote in the guests Rev. and Mrs. Schoen and family. The minister and family J. K. Ely home Sunday. The com the O. I. T., Portland, a prominent After several weeks’ illness at general election it will be necessary were also recent guests at the home pany included Morris and Glen Ely, auto school, by the distribution of a Sandy, Cardell Webster was taken to o go to the city hall to vote the of Mr. and Mrs. Eberle, near Gresh Mr. and Mrs. Oral Stormer and picture o f the old Perret garage and the Gresham hospital. His illness is ■ity ticket. am. children and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nor the new one, and the story o f how now said to be due to stomach trou Perret used to drive to the city and ble. ■JO ONE WANTS TO BE i 1 1 u baby u c i u y u o i f x Portland. u iiic iu u . ton u c and ROSE STILL IN HOSPITAL SANDY TREASURER Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Douglass were back to this scb° o1’ after a hard SANDY JUSTICE BUSY The Rose mill hase been closed business visitors to Oregon City on ' day ’s work in his little shoP’ over tha Although refusing to run for re P. T. Shelley, Sandy justice o f the I worst' hind of roads, to take special lection, C. 0 . Duke will be com- iown for two or three weeks. Mr. Tuesday peace, has been kept busy recently Since the story was publishes in celled to serve another term as Rose, who had his thigh broken on The Wilson hill road, which was trainin« ' Now Peret’s son’ T “ " * ’ last week’s edition of the News i landy treasurer, or resign. The fol- August 17, is still in the hospital paved this fall, is now being finished ! is KoinK to the same sch° o1’ but with justice work and Margaret Bar- net has been carrying the Boring regard to the water question in Es 'owing is the city ticket: Mayor, Bob with a weight on his foot, but is im nad was opened to traffic a few days travels over the sPlendid highway, mail. tacada, the editor has been charged smith; recorder, W. G. Duncan and proving. ago. COMPLETES ENLISTMENT by some o f its readers as using this I. A. Schneider; councilmen, J. C. The Methodist Ladies Aid will Ted, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. DRAWN FOR JURY SERVICE LENZES RETURN means to elect A. G. Ames as mayor Loundree, J. R. Maronay and Glenn serve dinner on election day in the Caspar Junker, A. C. Thomas, and After a trip of eight weeks to dining hall o f the I. O. O. F. building. Strong o f Sandy, has completed his o f Estacada, others have charge: Loundrce. enlistment in the marine corps and Charles Sharnke arc all drawn to Ventura, Cal., Pete Lenz is glad to that it was a deliberate attempt to Corned beef and cabbage, roast pork will be home November 6. Ted has serve on the jury at Oregon City elect John Lovelace as mayor, and he Estacada city water. I believe be back in Oregon, though Mrs. and other things are included in the three months in which to decide as from Sandy. Lenz and Thelma returned with re still another charge was made that hat this is carried below the intake bill of fare. to whether he will re-enlist. it was intended for no other purpose >ut the drainage from other barns luctance from the golden state. All MRS. VAERETTI ENTERTAINS Mrs. Mae Reed and Miss Mary report a wonderful time. than to stir up trouble. Mrs. W. M. Sidell and Betty Ann, loes go into the stream above the Alice Reed went to Corvallis Satur HAVE SWEET CORN The News neither confirms or de Mrs. Oren Ganger and Bobby, Mrs. ntake. day to visit Florence June, who is a October weather has been kindly KATE SCHMITZ IN HOSPITAL nies either o f the charges, but after At one place there is a pile of student at O. S. A. C. She was taken with the E. C. Strong garden, sweet Walter Helms and Philip were all Mrs. Frank Schmitz went to a another visit to the stream iron nanure taken from the barn that ill with a glandular sore throat and corn still being sweet and juicy. Mrs. guests o f Mrs. Joseph Vaeretti, Bull city hospital Monday for an antrum which the city water is taken, I have s but a f*)w feet from the stream was confined to the college hospital. Strong sent Mrs. Miller of the News Run, Wednesday afternoon. A lovely iperation, which is akin to sinus come to the conclusion that it is nec f nd drainage would certainly be no- The doctor thought she would soon a delicious "feed ” o f the same re lunch was served. essary that some immediate action icable after a heavy rain such as trouble, and which has caused her be all right again. MALLERY RECOVERED cently. much suffering for some time. be taken in regard to at least mak hat which fell Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grabeel and Contrary to reports, Mr. Mallery ing the water safe for consumption The water when analyzed had daughters Lavena and Jean and the BUSINESS WINDOWS SPIFFY was not in a hospital, and did not CHILDREN’S PARTY AT BORING I saw a goat— a nice white clean high bacteria count, but no evidence Misses Dorothy Dew and Glen Cary Halloween decorations of Sandy have smallpox. Mallery is immune, Boring Rebekahs delighted the drove to Government Camp on the business houses deserve special men looking goat— standing in the stream if dangerous disease germs were in as he had it before coming to Sandy children o f Boring Saturday night Tuesday. Now goats are suppose: ■vidence, and there has been no ser Loop highway Sunday afternoon. tion or their colorfulness and clever and also has a certificate o f immun to be the least subject to disease of ous epidemic of sickness due to the with a Halloween party at the I. O. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens at arrangement. ity from the state normal. Mr. Mal most any animal in existence, :ity water. After seeing the condi O. F. hall. tended the meeting o f the Union of lery had flu but is out again. TRAFFIC AT SANDY HEAVY don’t know why this is, unless the ions o f the water supply, one is led Clubs at Gladstone Thursday night. HAVE ATTACK OF SMALLPOX FAMILY GETS HELP Traffic was so heavy Sunday for goat smells so bad that disease germs o believe that this fact is due more They report the usual crowd and a Joe Shelley and a child o f tie Recently W. G. Duncan was sent about two hours it made S. G. Spit- can’t stand him. But I do not like .0 luck than any one thing. splendid program. Reynolds family have light cases of to have my drinking water flavored Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Symms and ler and W. G. Duncan sweat to han- |°ut in the country to attach a car. The water bonds have been re smallpox. Their homes are quaran by a goat, even if he is free from ired, with the exception o f $1000 family o f Portland were guests of i dle ‘ be cars. with two hundred at He found there was no flour, sugar, tined. Dr. Miller, county health o f disease. Mrs. Symms’ sister, Mrs. O. E. Sy- 'east parking for the Krebs funeral salt, bread— in fact nothing but on; he News is informed, and the town ficer, says several children have ron, and family Sunday. | and tbe streams o f city cars passing. ions and potatoes in the house to eat. I also saw an old sow and a num '■.as the money to take up this re chicken pox and it is hard to tell There were five in the family, tha ber o f Bhoats along the bank o f the naming obligation. The retiring Saturday was the birthday anni which is “ it” and which the former, E. H. KING IN SANDY baby being provided with milk by a stream. No, the shoats were in the :ouncil has stated that they did not versaries o f Mrs. Janet Gilgan and at present. No one is very sick. A recent Sandy visitor was E. H. kindly neighbor.. Duncan, who is stream, and the sow was on the bank .ant or intend to undertake the so Mrs. Hattie Saunders, and they de-j Precautions are taken in every possi King, a long time resident at Salmon practically out o f work himself, but she had just come out o f it ution of the water problem as their cided to celebrate by asking a few | ble way to keep the trouble from river, who was here and subscribed helped what he could then, and also This was in a pasture o f a farmer term was soon to expire and they o f their friends to a party in the j spreading. for the News. secured a job for the man at a local and he necessarily has to use this would be unable to finish the job afternoon at the Saunders home. mill. The man had been at work pasture, and his stock get their water Therefore the solution o f this propo $5 CASH PRIZE FOR About a 0 dozen the in- rl.uuat 0 /en responded to tne VISITING SCHMITZ FAMILY but eould not get his wage. from the same stream that the town .¡tion will be left up to the council THE BEST SLOGAN N ation and report a very pleasant J(r. and Mrs. N. Schmitz, Sandy, o f Estacada gets its water. This the majority of which will be chosen -------- !tlm e- j have their grand daughters visiting ALMOST GOES TO SEA, AGAIN would be all right, if Estacada had next Tuesday. Immediate action is Mowritz Peterson, proprietor o f The Cascade Chevrolet company Thomas Yocum and W. E. Linn them for two weeks. They are Mrs. the first chance at it, but it hasn’t desired by water users, and this of Estacada are offering a $5 cash put down gravel and sand walks in Roland Wiley (Pauline Mutchler), Ye Old Clipper Inn, Cherryville, al and probably never can have as long thought should be born in mind when prize for the best slogan for their front o f their lots on Main Btreet and Mrs. Catherine Maraud.i (Cath most went to sea again a few days as the water is taken from thi voting for city officers. ago, but having a deal on for his business, received on or before De last week. erine Mutchler). stream. model o f the Flying Cloud, has about In the emantime, my advice is to cember 1. A slogan for the Chevro Mrs. Mary Robertson was drawn But the stock along the stream is boil the water before drinking it, let car and shop combined is pre- for jury service in circuit court in SANDY BAKERY.LUNCH SOLD decided to remain home for the win not the worst part o f it. There are especially after a shower. Better ferred. You may mail them or stop j Oregon City and has to report for Mrs. Elsie Albel has sold the Han ter and whittle out another ship three or four barns within a shoit be safe than sorry. at the Cascade and deposit them in duty November 13. She was the only dy Bakery-Lunch business to Mr. and with his expert handicraft. Peterson distance o f the stream. In fact one Next week there will be some more a sealed box, which will be opened woman drawn in this vicinity. Mrs. Walter Fritz o f Tygh Valley, had Old Ironsides on display at Lip- is but a few feet away. The barn dope on this subject, along with by competent judges December 1. Glenn Ely and Morris Bullard, O. who took possession Tuesday. Geo. man’s recently. Flying Cloud wag on belonging to the lady just above the ideas o f different citizens as to the J Two slogans may be suggested by ^ S. A. C. students, spent the week end j Beers made the sale. Mrs. Aribel will display at the Multnomah hotel in the Commercial club rooms. each person if they wish. I with their parents. intake does not seem to drain into solution. soon go to Hood River for a rest. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CONVENTION MEETS DEMOCRATIC SPEAKERS HAVE LARGE AUDIENCE SANDYRIOGE PIONEER DIES FROM STROKE ESTACADA LOCALS Estacada Water Sysetem Problem for N ew Council j