CLACKAM AS COUNTY N E W S, P A G E E IG H T We ll Put Your Model T Ford in Good Shape at Low Cost The Model T Ford is still a car. More than eight million are in use and many of them can be driven for two, three and five years and even longer. Come in and see us about yours. A small expendi­ ture may nut it in shape for thousands of mil dies of additional service. good Dealer Authorized Bob Smith Garage Sandy, Oregon Phone Sandy 41 CUTS MORE SLICES TO THE LOAF DOG FEATURED IN SHOW ARRANGED FOR SATURDAY A dog picture providing clean, wholesome entertainment for every­ one, with plenty o f actions and thrills will be shown at the Liberty Theatre Saturday afternoon at 2:30 and in (he evening, tickets for which may j be hud at all the leading stores in Estacada. It is “ Ranger of the North,” star­ ring Ranger, the popular police dog. In this picture Ranger has been given a particularly strong story, written | by Ewar Adamson and adapted by Leon D’Usseu. It deals with the ad­ ventures of a dog who goes wild in the Canadian wilderness and then ad- 1 mits a city-bred youth to be his mas­ ter. At the instigation of a beautiful ' Erench-Canadian girl, the two ten- ' derfeet set out to clear up the mys- , tery o f a haunted mountain, where many hardened woodsmen have met their death. Mainly through the he­ roic actions o f Ranger, his master wins a fortune in gold and in love. F R ID A Y , OCTO BER 26, 1928 in the high Sierras o f Caliofrhla, ing officers selected: Adelphic— where the landicape closely resem­ Claude Shriner, president: Alvin bles the wooded wilderness of Can­ Munson, vice president; Velva Per-j On October 17, 1913. by a vote of secretary; Evelyn Meyers, 43 to 12, the Court of Impeachment ada, noted for its picturesque gran­ rine, treasurer; Charles Lingelbach, ser­ voted to remove William Sulzer from deur. The Wrath of a Boss "Ranger o f the North” will be the big attraction Saturday, one day only, and tickets will be given by the merchants o f Estacada for this entertainment without charge. There will be a good comedy also. The matinee will start at 2:30, and the tickets given with purchases by the stores will be good at the matinee or in the evening. CO TTRELL NOTES Cottrell P. T. A. will meet Thurs­ day night, November 1, and an es­ pecially good program is being pre­ pared by Miss Helen Maxwell, Hazel Booth and Virginia Watkins. The spirit o f the program is to be in keep­ ing with Halloween. geant at arms and Miss Spall, ad­ visor. Websterians— Robert March- bank, president; Anna Leeman, vice president; Herbert Fifer, secretary and treasurer, and Zola Clester, ser­ geant at arms. The first program will be given by the Adelphics some­ time near Thanksgiving. The sophomores entertained the freshmen in the grade school audi­ torium Friday night. The Halloween scheme was carried out in the room decorations and the lunch served by a committee. The refreshments con­ sisted o f cider, doughnuts, pumpkin pie and sandwiches. All report a most enjoyable evening. N E W S T R A W B E R R I E S ON M A RK ET FROM SANDYRIDGE Ripe, sweet luscious strawberries were on the market at Sandy Satur­ Misses Irene and Alice Kaake are day from the fields o f Arthur Frenz The berries were now employed in the cannery at Car­ of Sandyridge. Mrs. A. J. Alt, Mrs. Jim Matthews, I equal to those grown in the spring. Mrs. Nash and Mrs. Lizzie Bennett ver. have returned from the Mt. Adams pear orchard where they got on splendidly packing pears. A large crew o f men are planting bulbs recently arriving from Holland at the Holland Bulb gardens near Cottrell. Mr. and Mrs. Sherer and Miss Helen Hall attended the Pleasan' Home Sunday school convention on Sunday morning. Miss Edna Thom­ son and Sylvester Hall were present from Sandy in the afternoon. | Hallowe’en Dance Saturday Nite, November 3 AT Eagle Creek Sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary H O LSU M Lowest Price Sedans i Whippet Six Sedan............ Whippet Four Sedan ....... f. o. b. factory FOR SALE SY Smiths for Hoover Formation of a Smlthsfor Hoover League predicates that All Smith le not for A1 Smith. Lina Basque, who rose to fame be- fore the footlights as the premiere danseuse o f the Ziegfield follies for i three years, gives a fine performance as the girl. A comparative new­ comer to the screen, Hugh Trevor, deserves particular praise for his por- tayal o f the boy, a part which car­ ries a great deal o f the weight of the story. Jerome Storm directed, and the cast includes Bernard Seigle OF and Jules Rancourt. CARL DOUGLAS POST The scenery forming the back­ Mr. and Mrs. fc. R. Owen and Mr. ESTACADA ground is beautiful. The entire film and Mrs. Jimmie Inkster o f Portland $ 5 f o r the Beat H a llo w e ’ en C os tum e was made near Mammoth, lake, deep $5 f o r the Best Gen era l C ost um e $5 f o r the Most O r ig in al C os tum e were visitors o f the Tunnell's in Currinsville Sunday. Mr. Owen is one o f the successful merchants in Portland. J. 0 . Tunnell worked for g iiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiM iiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim H iiim m iiiiiiiim iiiiM im m iiiiiiiiiia him in 1914 and 1916 in one o f the stores he operated. A birthday surprise party was given at the home o f Walter Loony in honor o f Juanita’s birthday. The guests gathered about 7 :30 and games were played and everyone had a good time. Ice cream, candy and a birthday cake were served at 10:30. There were 32 present. Juanita re) ceived several nice presents. Burt Curtis returned from Sheri­ dan Sunday evening and has started working for Paul Lovell. Wilbur and Doris Looney, Mrs. Walter Looney and Mrs. Frank Jones drove to Milwaukie Wednesday. George Evans o f Oregon City and George Walter installed a new 10-j gallon visible Takheim gas pump and a new 94-gallon kerosene tank for the Currinsville store. YOU’LL LIKE TO OWN H. D. Lombard finished his fall AND DRIVE seeding Wednesday. The farmers are rejoicing that the fall weather is still nice. Mrs. Clara Webber was a visitor at the Currinsville store Wednesday morning. , An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between meal snacks. ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same price as the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite Grocery and Restau- rants in Estacada and L O N G L O A T Vicinity. Vlewctf rrwniei cf iftt CARS the office of governor of the State of New York. It was the lirat time In the history of the state that a gov­ ernor has ever been Impeached, and its most powerful lesson was the power of a Tammany Boss's wrath.— M H. Werner in Tammany Hall. | Attention Voters! | $725 . 610 Hessel Implement Co. Gresham Dependable Used Cars and Implements ^Ululili | The American Legion of Oregon | encourages all resistered voters I to cast their ballot on Nov. 6th. I No greater service can be rendered | | Your Country. 1 ESTACADA HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES The Estacada high school is plan­ ning to have an annual this year. Pictures have been taken o f juniors, seniors, sophomores and freshmen, the faculty and officers o f the dif-; ferent classes, girls’ glee club, boys’ glee club, football team and girls’ baseball teams. Blanche Armstrong was unanimously elected editor of the annual and Ruby Bates was elect­ ed assistant editor. A letter from Misses Kershner and Anderson, former high school teach­ ers, from the Columbia University, New York, state that both are taking library work. A fire drill was held last week and everybody was clear o f the building in 18 seconds. Students continue to enroll, Earl Hassell and Claude Lankin being re­ cent ones. The Cafeteria class went to Port­ land to attend the Oregonian rooking school. A football rally was held Thursday night announcing the Milwaukie con­ test for Friday. Students serpentined down from the high school to the large pile o f wood gathered for a bon fire on the flat near the city hail and while it was burning there was a program o f short talks by Mayor H. C. Stephens, Bob Cooke, W. E. Bu­ ell and Coach Maning. Guy Fanton w&s master o f ceremonies and How­ ard Fifer yell leader. Bob Hayden, one o f the football boys, was unable to take part in the Milwaukie game Friday on account o f an infected arm, caused by a small scratch. Estacada won from Milwaukie by the close score o f 13 to 12. At the time o f the final whistle the visitors were nearing the danger line. Adelphic and Websterian societies have been organized with the follow- 484853482353010201023153000001010202000202000102010102530101020000000123010200010100010101000102 = Paid for by J. C. Moreland for Carl Douglas Post Amer. Legion 1 iiim iiiiiim m iiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiim m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim i3 niiimiiimiimiimiiiiiimimiiimmiiiiiimmiMmmmiiimiimMiiiiiimiimimm¿ Lessons on ^lllllllll |Christmas Cards | g j Violin and Piano j Ë Beatrice W ilder | Phone 2 9 3 Estacada, Oregon = 'imiimimiiiiniiiimiiimiiiiiimiiiiimMiMiiiiimmmiiiiiiiimmmimmiiiiiiiiiiti : iiiiiiiiiiiiiimMiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiMiniiiiiiiiiH * ■ | Quite Natural But True | A woman who wed for love only is likely to advise her daughter to find out her suitor’s financial rating before she ventures to say yes. j N E W and ARTISTIC DESIGNS 1 Individual or Firm Cards If you happen to be so inclined, you can squander the money you have banked, but you never can bank any money you have squandered. 1 Ask to See Samples | Call or phone the News Office I First Gresham, State Bank I Oregon “A Strong Bank” ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiT %