Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957, October 26, 1928, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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With the
County Agent
The county ag en t’s office is equip­
ped w ith apparatus fo r testing soil
fo r lime requirem ents.
Soil to be tested should be taken
in five or m ore places in a field. A
sm all hole is dug and a slice of soil
six o r eight inches deep taken from
the side of the hole. Slices of earth
from various places in the field are
mixed into a com posite sam ple which
should be brought to th e county
ag en t’s office dry.
It takes b ut a few m inutes to test
dry soil fo r acidity. W et soil cannot
be tested.
The Portland Cem ent association
recently published a book entitled,
“ Plans for Concrete Farm Buildings”
which describes the best m ethods of
m ixing concrete fo r d ifferen t pur
poses and gives plans for building
m any kinds of farm buildings, tanks
and o th er farm conveniences. This
book may be obtained on request to
the county ag e n t’s office.
F arm ers who are interested in soil
types and the m anagem ent of each
type, may receive fo r th e asking,
soil m ap of Clackam as county. This
map draw n from a survey made by
the U nited S tates d epartm ent of ag
ricu ltu re shows in color each soil
type and is accom panied by a de­
scriptive booklet. School teachers as
well as farm ers will be sent a map on
W. H. Zivney, president of the
S tate Potato G rowers association,
and P rof. G. R. Hyslop of the Oregon
A gricultural College have announced
a m eeting of the potato grow ers of
the state on Novem ber 7. At this
m eeting Seym our Jones, state m ar
keting agent, will set the standard
of grades by which O regon potatoes
will be m arketed in the future. The
m eeting will be held a t 9:30 a. m.,
in the restau ran t room a t the P a­
cific In tern ation al livestock show and
all O regon grow ers are invited to a t­
Bulbous blue grass will be com ­
pared w ith English rye grass fo r
pasture by V. C. Doppleb, Libearl.
This grass, which is highly rated as a
pasture crop fo r soils which dry out
in early spring has been used but
little if a t all in Clackam as county.
Seed was furnished by the Oregon
A gricultural College for trial by Eli­
nor H anley Bush of M edford.
Dan S tahlnecker has a crew out
fixing up the bud places in the main
Mrs. M att Park and Mrs. O ttis
Vallon called on Mrs. M. Kydzweski
and Mrs. Tom M unson W ednesday.
Mrs. C ora Towel and two children
have moved to Portland.
George B itner is in the hospital in
Toledo su fferin g with blood poison­
ing in his hand.
Mrs. A. G oober has been ill the
past week w ith neuralgia.
L. M. Cox le ft M onday m orning to
work in the mills a t O regon City.
Louis Vallen was installing a
pump in his well Sunday.
E verett Stahlnecker delivered hops
to be shipped from E stacada S at­
U. N. Beckley m ade a business
trip to New E ra Monday.
The preaching service held here
M onday night by Rqv. E verett, P res­
byterian Sunday school m issionary,
was well attended.
Miss Lillian Shum aeher visited at
the T. G. M unson home Sunday eve­
A P. T. A. m eeting was held F ri­
day at the school house a fte r school.
It is planned to have hot lunch for
the school children in th e n ear fu ­
Mr. and Mrs. J. E dw ards en ter­
tain the follow ing guests Sunday:
Mrs. M ary Stebbins and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Edw ards and
d aughter of P ortland, Mr. and Mrs.
C. H oard and children of Sherwood,
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hoard and chil­
dren of Ridgefield, Wash.
. V
J ”
F riday afternoon at th e school. The
pastor of the local church, Rev. T. I 4
Kirkwood o f S pringw ater, cam e over
and gave a talk for the benefit of
p aren ts and children.
M. G rafenhein spent Sunday with
his sister, Mrs. F rank Ochs.
Joe W eiderhold has gone to P o rt­
land to do som e hauling w ith his
truck fo r a week o r more.
Clay and Ralph Chaney are doing
some carp en ter work fo r Tom Beebe
over in G arfield.
M rs. Ochs spent T uesday a fte r­
noon w ith Mrs. Julius Paulsen.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Paulsen, Miss
E m m a and O tto Paulsen were dinner
guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Johnson.
Rev. F. T. Schoen m ade a business
trip to the city M onday afternoon.
Mrs. E. C. S trong presented Mrs.
J. M. C. M iller w ith a lovely bou­
quet of dahlias and glads Tuesday
from the S trong gardens.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. D ittert and
B etty Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Brown and Mrs. B row n’s m other,
Mrs. Boxm ann, m ade a m otor
trip of 200 miles Sunday, going via
the Loop highw ay to Hood River,
then over into W ashington, retu rn in g
via V ancouver and Portland.
A. R adford and F rank Michaelson
each bagged a buck below Roseburg
last week.
Mrs. F. H. Taw ney of W elches
stopped in Sandy on her way to the
city Tuesday.
A rdell W ebster is much better.
His trouble m ay not have been ty ­
phoid, but evidently w as caused by
bad w ater. All the fam ily had a
touch of the trouble before they
moved into tow n.
The C. A. R uthers entertain ed the
A lbrecht fam ily of P ortland over
Summons for Foreclosure of
Miss Em m a Paulsen, a fte r spend
Tax Lien
ing the week w ith h er parents, Mr. In the C ircuit C ourt o f the S tate of
O regon, fo r the C ounty of Clack­
and Mrs. Pete Paulsen, has returned
am as.
to Portland.
F. L. Davis, p laintiff, vs. John Buras
Those having a birthday in Octe
John B uras,the above nam ed de­
ber en tertain ed w ith a p arty in the To fen
d an t:
club hall on S aturday evening with
In the nam e o f the S tate of O re­
a num ber of invited guests. Those gon : Y’ou are hereby notified th a t F.
celebrating th eir birthdays w ere M L. Davis is th e holder of a certificate
D elinquency No. 2727 issued on
and Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Mr. and of
the 2nd day o f M arch, 1927, by the
Mrs. Harold Joyner, Mrs. H. Joyne: Tax C ollector of C lackam as County,
Miss D orothy Ruhi, Ralphie Chaney S tate of Oregon, th e sam e being the
ount due and delinquent fo r the
and Mr. and Mrs. G. Zw irinan. A am
year 1919 together w ith penalty, in­
nice lunch was served and everyone terest and costs thereon, upon real
had a good tim e.
property assessed to John Buras and
of which said Joh n B uras is the own­
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Paulsen and er
as appears of record, situated in
daughters G eorgia and B etty of Clackam
as C ounty, S tate of Oregon
By the County Club Agent
The annual corn show sponsored and Mrs. Julius Paulsen and family.
acres in the E zra Fisher
by the Bank of Commerce of Oregon
D. I,. C. and being described as fol­
City will be held in the bank S atu r­
lows: B eginning a t a point 70 feet
land are guests over Tuesday and south and 86 degrees E ast from the
day, O ctober 27. An exceptional W
est corner of the land belong
large num ber of entries are expected. Rath.
ing to R uth E. Ram sey, according to
The ten high scooring exhibits will
deed recorded in Book 127 page 241
The P. T. A. held th eir m eeting deed
Records of Clackam as County,
be entered a t the land products show
O regon, thence South 66 degrees east
a t the Pacific In tern ation al Livestock
e t to the n orth east corner of a
Notice fo r Publication
D epartm ent of the Interior, li. S tra c t o f land sold by J. E. Boyer tc
The 4-H stock judging team th at Land O ffice at Roseburg, Oregon Ruth E. Ramsey in Book 116 at page
167 Deed Records of Clackamas
will com pete a t the Pacific In te rn a­ O ctober 1, 1928.
ounty, O regon, thence South 1 de­
is hereby given th a t Robert C gree
tional m ade a to u r in M arion county L. Notice
to the southeast co rn er of the
C rane, 925 Going street, P ortland last above
w here they judged H olsteins, Jerseys, O regon,
tract, thence
who, on A ugust 5. 1925 gree w est 165 described
feet to the southw est
hogs and sheep. Cass, Nicols, Linn made H. E. (w as P ortland 07741)
of the last above described
No. 017332, for SV4 NW *4, and corner
Thom pson and other farm s w ere vis­ our
c t thence south 86 degrees east
NV4 S W 'i, section 1, tow nship 4 S. tra
feet, thence north 1 degree east
range 5 E., W illam ette m eridian, ha: 175 feet,
thence southw est 529 Vz feet
filed notice of intention to m ake threi 500
of beginning.
fear proof, tp establish claim to th< You e place
fu rth er notified th a t said
and above described, before K. F. p lain tiff has
paid taxes on said
Frazer, U. S. com m issioner, at Yeor prem ises fo r subsequent
(Crow ded out last week)
Portland, O re., on th e 5th the ra te of in terest on said years
C. W. Simmes, M aupin Tim es edi­ building,
am ounts
of Novem ber, 1928.
tor, says at least 125 h un ters visited day C laim
ant nam es ns w itnesses:
R ate of
one sm all section of th e Blue m oun­ Emil Laitinen. of R. 1, E stacada Y r.’s Tax D ate Pd.
Amt. Int.
tains this season, and estim ates th at O regon, George D. Cook, of R. 1, Es 1918
M ar. 2, ’27 122.25 15%
O regon; W illiam A. Dwyer
a t least 5000 hunters w ere out in taenda,
M ar. 2 , ’27 16.53 15%
of Box 416, G arabaldi, O regon, and 1924
ar. 2, ’27 14.97 15%
the state. One day, early in the sea­ Oscar Noren of 396 E. Clay street 1926
A pr. 12, ’28 13.98 15%
son, 11 bueks were hauled through P ortland, Oregon.
May 29, ’28 13.88 15%
M aupin. Simmes has not figured up Non-Coal
The said John B uras as the ow ner
the am ount o f am m unition wasted. Publish O ctober 5 to N ovem ber 2, ’28 ofthe legal title to the above describ­
ed property as the sam e appears of
record, and each o f th e o th er p er­
sons above nam ed and all persons 01
parties unknow n claim ing any right,
title, lien or in terest in said property
are hereby fu rth e r notified th a t the
p lain tiff will apply to the C ircuit
C ourt of the county and state afo re­
said fo r a decree foreclosing the lien
against the property above described
and m entioned in said certificate and
you are hereby sum m oned to appear
w ithin sixty days from and a fte r th r
date of the first publication hereof
exclusive of the day of said first pub­
lication and defend this action to pay
the am ount due as above shown, to­
g eth er w ith costs and accrued in te r­
est and in case of your failu re to do
so, a decree will be rendered fo re­
closing the lien o f said taxes and
costs against the land and prem ises
above described.
This sum m ons is published by
order of the H onorable J. U. Camp­
bell, presiding ju d ge of the above en ­
titled court, which said order was
1926 Nash Special Coupe; perfect condition—
m ade and dated th e 17th day of
O ctober, 1928, and prescribed th at
$ 7 0 0 the
sum m ons be served by publication
1926 Hupmobile Coupe, with rumble seat—
once each week fo r six successive
weeks in a new spaper published in
$ 7 5 0 1 Clackam
as C ounty, S tate or Oregon
having a general circulation
J therein.
T he date of the first publication of
1 this sum m ons, the
18th dav of
O ctober, 1928.
All process and papers in this pro­
ceedings m ay be served upon the un­
dersigned, residing w ithin the State
of O regon, w ith the address herein
a fte r m entioned:
W. L. Mulvey and B. F. Lindas, a t = =
Oregon City torneys
plaintiff, address: Room =
Phone 1801
Phone 483 1 0 . Hogg for Building.
Oregon City. O re = =
Date of first publication, Oct. 19, ’28, “
D ata o f last publication, Nov. 30, ’28.
D inner guests of Mrs. J. M. C.
M iller Monday night w ere Mrs. E. E
Van Fleet, Mrs. Zenger, Mrs. Brown
o f Sandy grade school, Mrs. R oberta
W illiam s of the high school, Mrs.
Hazel M urray. Mr. M allery was also
Anton Malar
Farm and Cattle Sales
Phone Sandy 12x4
Boring - - - Oregon
P ortland office A uto F t. Term .
— E ast 2406 181 E. W ater St
Insured C arrier
F u rn itu re M oving a Specialty
Daily Service
O rder all goods delivered to auto
F reight T erm inal, 181 E. W ater
S treet, Portland.
O ffice 72-1— E stacada— Res 11-3
E stacada, O regon
T ry our goods— they are alw ays
fresh. If you like them , tell
your frien d s; if you don’t like
them , tell us.
Sunday and M onday, O ctober 28 and 29—
R oaring hum or, round a fte r io u nd of ’aughter, thunderous
b attle— too— w ith desperate sailors, fierce pirates, exploding
battleships— and a stupendous fo rt— and young love— beautiful
— rom antic, under a M editerranean moon.
Comedy “ HOLLY N U N TS”
Tuesday N ight (o n ly ), O ctober 30—
REED Sandy,
W ith Eddie G ribbon and Lila Lee and an all-star cast. An
im m igrant boy lost in the confusion of the new w orld— a kind­
ly rough sergeant of m arines on his way to fight the b attle of
his life— a sudden tigh tening of h earts— and lo, Ugo Stephan,
Schmidkov becam e U. S. Sm ith m ascot of the U nited States
M arines. Comedy, “ SIX M ILES TO GO.”
B ring your program and 10c fo r adults, 5c fo r children, and see
this big show.
W ednesday, (O nly) O ctober 31 —
George W alsh in—
Taken from the story, “ T hree M inutes to Go”— a glorious
chapter from college life. Comedy, “ MONKEYS PR EFE R
BLONDES.” B enefit Show for E stacada Football Team .
Thursday and Friday. N ovem ber 1 and 2—
A n excellent fe atu re of the round-up pictures is th eir conti­
nuity, th e absence of cuts, fadeouts and flashbacks. A m an
ropes a steer and the picture carries through until he has
throw n and tied it and leaped to his feet w ith the o utflu ng arm
action of achievem ent. In bulldogging. broncho busting, fancy
roping and riding the pictures are all over th e field, follow ing
the action to the finish.
Also Reed Hawes w ith D orothy D raw and B ruce G ordon in—
A big double-feature program at the regu lar price.
COMING— NOV. 11. 12 and 13—
The G reatest Bible P icture E ver Film ed—
Admission: Adults, 2-5c; Children under 14, 10c
| Licensed
Republican Candidate
District No. 13
My Motto— “A Square
Deal for All.”
Spanish-American War
Paid A dvertisem ent
; .iiiiiiiiim iim i i i i i i i i m i i i i ii i i i i i m i i i i m i i i i i i i m i i i i i i m i i i i i im i i i ii i i i i i i ! i m i i ii i i i i ! u
| Sylvester Hall |
| Phone Sandy 291
Sandy, Oregon f
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' ’
Invest in Electric Power
You can actually own an interest in the gigantic power that turns the wheels
of industry in your community. In the factories that make for prosperity—
in the lights you see burning all around.
Portland Electric Power Company $6.00 First Preferred Stock, offered at
$98.00 a share, will net you a return of 6.12 per cent on your investmertt.
This stock was first sold at $90.00 a share, two years ago, and has ad­
vanced in price three times since then.
You can see your money working for you in this investment every day of the
year—every hour of the day.
An attractive, easy way to save money and have it grow rapidly with perfect
You may purchase on a small monthly savings plan if you wish.
Investment Department
820 Electric Bldg.
Used Car Values
W. W. Metzger
and children w ere recent dinner
guests at the H erm an M iller home.
A. C. M artin is yarding out wood
in L over’s Lane fo r George Heyden
of Gresham .
Saturday night and Sunday and Mr.
and Mrs. George Huck and Mr. apd
Mrs. H erbert Huck as dinner guests.
Miss Pauline W endland was out
from the city to atten d the Schw artz-
Suckow wedding.
The F rank Sm ith fam ily o f Fir-
wood moved back to th e city last
week. The Sm iths had lived out here
fo r a year or more.
Caroline W hetstone was a new
student entering school M onday from
The lawn at th e high school is now
looking w onderful w ith the grass g et­
ting green.
Miss A rleig K am m erer had a visit
from her sister recently, and was ex­
pecting her b ro th er from Chicago a
few days ago.
V isiting recently a t the hom e of
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Schoen w ere Carl
and Paul H afner, friend known in
W isconsin. T he m inister, his wife
Electric Power Company j
Portland, Oregon
Division Offices at—
Salem, Oregon City, Gresham, Hillsboro, St. Helens and St. Johns, Oregon j£=
and Vancouver, Washington.
.............................. 1