C L A C K A M A S C O U N T Y NEW S, F R ID A Y , OCTOBER 18, 192S PAG E SIX CHURCHES - M im m n n iiiiiiiiiiü iiiiiiiiim ii ii m ii iiii ii H h iii ii m M iii ii iih iii it ii iim iiii im m im iv FORD Genuine Battery Note— A ll church organizations iq Eastern Clackamas county are urged to send in their announcements each week fo r this column. No charge is made and it is desired that it be kept up to date, and fo r this reason it is asked that the notice be sent in each week.— Editor. Methodist Church A N D YO U R OLD B A T T E R Y Do you know that the largest at­ E 13-Plate 80-Hour ampere Battery with an all-rubber ca»e. Made up Z tendance at any church service last year was by far too small? And that with handles for radio. no one wants to live in a town with- I ’J out a church? := W e recharge and repair all makes o f Batteries. Service batteries ^ Do you know that Sunday school ig to train you and your children fo r o fo r rental. better life? That it does not pay to leave Sunday school and go home oil out o f town before the morning w or­ ship? Especially those who are | leaders. How will we keep the pupi| C O M P A N Y M O T O R C O O K E ' if the leader leaves and sets a bad Estacada, Oregon = = Phone 24-5 example? The Sunday school and Epworth r n m m m inim in ¡M ínim um i M m m m iim im m m m iim im m ii mi li m m m ilitili-: League are good places to go on Sun­ day and both are intended fo r you. Think these things over. W e have two very interesting themes fo r Sunday. Services at 11 a. m., “ The Meaning o f the King! dom,” and at 7 :30 p. m., “ The Mul, The Model T Ford is still a good car. More than tiple Man.” There will be special music by the choir. It will be good. eight million are in use and many o f them can be Sunday school at 10 a. m., Epworth driven for two, three and five years and even longer. League at 6:30 p. m. A crodial in­ Come in and see us about your. A small expendi­ vitation is extended to all.— C. T. ture may put it in shape for thousands o f Cook, pastor. miles o f additional service. Presbyterian Churches This Sunday is being observed in the Presbyterian churches as young people’s day o f prayer. The youn^ Dealer Authorized people are given a special invitation to attend the services. Rev. George N. Taylor, field representative fo t Albany college, will preach at all three places. Springwater— Sunday school at 10 a. m., morning worship at 11 . Sandy, Oregon Phone Sandy 41 George— Sunday school at 2 p. m.( church service at 3 p. m. Eagle Creek— Sunday school at mimmmimmimmimmmmmimmimmmmmmmimiimmmmmmmmm: 10:30 a. m., evening service at. Christian Church Bible school theme fo r Sunday morning will be Christian Steward­ ship. Come and join In the discuss, ion o f this practical and vital sub, ject. A class fo r everyone, and r live, loyal teacher fo r every class Bible school at 10 a. m., Mrs. Page, superintendent. Communion and preaching at 11. The theme fo r the M morning message w ill be “ The Faces we are Making.” E A STO R Y OF T H E E A R L Y E IG H T IE S , P H O TO G R A PH E D IN E Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. = . ITS O R IG IN A L SE T T IN G S A N D L O C A L E — W H E R E TH E ORE. = The C. E. is our only evening ser­ vice and is the young people’s own | GON T R A IL CROSSED TH E JOHN D A Y . meeting. They will discuss the topia S P E C IA L MUSIC B Y | o f “ How Does Law Increase Free­ dom.” Miss Anna Leeman is pres, ident. The young people o f the town and community who have no other church home are especially in­ A N D HIS F U L L BLOODED IN D IA N O R C H E S TR A vited.— Hugh Foster, pastor. Last Sunday evening the Endea­ S N Admission 15c and 40c vor enjoyed an excellent violin solo E Show starts at 7 :30 Box O ffic e open at 7 E by Miss Beatrice Wilder. Miss An| derson concluded as fine and live a itmiiimmimimmmmmmmmimmimimmmmiimmmmmmmiimmmmtt discussion on the subject o f a Chrisi idiimmiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiii:: tian’s duty as a voter as has been our privilege to attend fo r some time. The young people are proud o f this fine co-operation o f the young ladies = Good Extension Table ................................... $8.00 = o f the high school.— H. F. $ 7-95 BOB E Well Put Your Model T Ford in Good Shape at Low Cost The Peoples Store ► I T ’S A F A C T GROUP BUYING POWER GIVES YOU BETTER VALUES THE OWNER SERVES YOU HERE Quantity Buying is the secret o f chain store success. It is similarly the se­ cret o f our values. As members o f the great Red and W hite chain we enjoy the combined buying power of hundreds o f stores— and give you “ Quality Always Higher than Price.” You Can Do Better at a Red & White Store Saturday and Monday, October 20 and 22 ¿ fio ra ci Bob Smith Garage j LIBERTY THEATRE | Thursday, October 25 ( only ) j The Historical Old Oregon Trail I Action Drama | Chief Big Boy | | j E | = SPECIAL Dandy Dining Room T a b le .............................. 6.00 i D U A L D U T Y U N IT FOR Heaters, up fr o m .. ............................................. 3.00 1 C H E V R O LE T TRU CKS P O P U LA R Joe Levy, produce merchant 'of Big Bargain in Kitchen Cabinet, quick sale...... 5.00 _ E ' Portland, bought one o f the new Wash ................................ 3.00 E : Chevrolet trucks with the Dual Duty Tw o Kitchenettes, each .................................... 2.50 E j attachment this week from the Cas- Solid Mahogany Center T a b le ........................... 3.50 E cade Chevrolet company. Mr. Levy Dandy Oak Center T a b le .................................. 3.00 = recently came from California where iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Stand GILGAN’S Furniture Exchange Phone 9x6 Estacada E he had been using the same equips E ment. E The Cascade has also received an = j order fo r one o f the trucks from the Standard Oil company o f Estacada, = which will be delivered in about two E uni 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ni imi ih in mitt, weeks- 25 O IO o LÍD o IO O -o O U5 O o ««- ® ® 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 Nothing Nicer or More Useful— I ® This ad, fully punched, together with $5.95 in cash, entitles bearer to an unusually beautiful Shawl Robe. Sold everywhere at $10 oe more. They are big full sized robes made o| soft fleecy Oregon wool and have the long fringe that is so attractive. Pretty combinations o f delicately blended colors that please the eye. Suitable for your davenport or car. A real pal on beach or country trips. A nice ornament and a real comfort in summer or winter. They make a most acceptable g ift for anyone. Tell your friends about them. W e will be glad to supply your friends with purchase cards on request. This ad w ill be punched on cash purchases only, and must be presented for punching at tjme o f making purchase. This card for the exclusive use o f................................................................ » » CASCADE CHEVROLET COMPANY 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Estacada, Oregon 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 H. B. SNYDER, OWNER W e reserve the right to limit quantities CALUMET BAKING POWDER can f o r ...... ............. 2 9 ^ SERVUS JELL DESERT 3 pkgs. f o r ........... 23C ALBERS’ PEARLS OF WHEAT One package for 23 C CROWN CAKE FLOUR 5-lb. size, one for . 35c SAGINAW MATCHES Carton, 6 boxes .. 27C COLEMAN RAG MANTLES SERVUS MACARONI and SPAGHETTI 8-oz. pkgs., 3 fo r ........2 2 ^ SNOWDRIFT 4 pound pail fo r ....... 91 C Van Camp’s PORK AND BEANS Medium, 2 f o r ......... 19 C RED & WHITE COFFEE 1-lb pkg. fo r ........... 42 C RED AND WHITE OLEO 1-lb. pkg. for ........... 2 1 c GALVANIZED OIL CANS Box o f 12 f o r ............69<^ 5-gallon s i z e ..............95<^ Hear our Radio program every Friday over KGW at 6:30 p.m. BARTO N uimHiiiiiimiiiiiiimmiMiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiriiiiimimiiiiiitiii* Lessons on Twentieth Wedding Anniversary One o f the most enjoyable parties o f the fall was given by Mr. and Mrs. George Forman at Burghardts hall on Thursday evening, October 11th, it being their twentieth wedding an­ niversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schweitzer, L. Rivers and fam ily; Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Pesz- necker, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pesz- 1 Phone 293 Estacada, Oregon = necker, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pesznecker, TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiimiimimiimmmimiiiiiiiiMimmmmiiiiimiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiit: Mr. and Mrs. Charley Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Miss Jennie 1111111 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:11111111111111111 Smith, Miss Josephine Moore, Miss ^Dorothy Webster, Miss Loretta W al­ lace, Miss Adeline and Eleanor Ped­ erson, Miss Helen Sandstrom, Mr. E and Mrs. W alter Smith, Mr. and Mrs. 3 Henry Anderson, Vernnar Anderson ; E and Miss A. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. j r D. L. Erdman, Mrs. A. T. Jones, Mrs. i E Dorothy Borders, Mr. and Mrs. ¡3 There is an old axiom to the effect that “ at the foot | Fred Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin John- ! E o f the lighthouse it is dark,” and in the past in many § son, Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Lake, Mr. 3 homes the w ife and children were kept in the dark 1 and Mrs. A. H. Still, Mr. and Mrs. j = H. T. Gibson, Harvey Gibson, Charles 3 as to the business and financial affairs of the head | Borders, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Court- = o f the household. § ney, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tracy, Mr. 3 But the old order has changed, and the modern E and Mrs. W. G. Burghardt, Mr. and s Mrs. W alter Burghardt, John Hick- 3 woman looks into the future with the same keen | and practical mind that has so materially advanced 1 man, Mrs. Lena Pederson, E. P. Jen- s sen, Fred Smith, Mr. and M r » Frank 3 her position in the past quarter o f a century, an at- | Love. 3 titude that is contributing a lrage measure o f in- 1 Music was furnished by J. Miller E fluence to the advancement o f our country. and John Irvin g o f Estacada. and S A fam ily budget and a bank account in a good bank will help E W. R. Telford and sons o f Boring. 3 solve the problem. Ask us how. 5 Cards were played early in the eve- 3 f Violin and Piano f B eatrice W ilder t Don’t Leave Your Wife and I Children in the Dark j ning and dancing a fte r refreshments. 3 Refreshments consisted o f cake, ice 3 cider. Mr. and Mrs. Forman also J 3 gave cigars and marshmellows. Mr. and Mrs. Forman received E Gresham, Oregon f many beautiful and useful gifts. All 3 present reported a very enjoyable E evening and wished their hosts many 3 more happy wedded days. j »IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH * F ir s t S t a t e B a n k “A Strong Bank” j