•CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1928 PAGE POUR AL SMITH ON THE TARIFF Clackamas County News SANDY LOCAL ITEMS j Mrs. Wm. Child, B oring, is a t Kop­ i s t Grove visiting w ith a son and w ith ! friends. j Miss E dith Shell w ent to E ugene to »pend the w eek end and see the big game. Mrs. Tom D unn visited Her d a u g h ­ te r, Mi . \V. G. K enton und Mr. K en­ ton in P o rtlan d , and is also visiting frien d s at M arshfield b efo re settlin g u t C orvallis fo r the w inter. The public utterances of Govenor A1 Smith, demo­ Ben Kligel and fam ily a re enjoying cratic nominee for president, when referring to the tariff, a fin e S ta r sedan. can be taken only as an indorsement of the Underwood Tom Scales, T ony P e rre t and Ells G. E. PA RK S, E d ito r a n d Publisher C. REX PA RKS, A dv ertisin g M anager tariff bill of 1913, which placed on the free list wheat, w orth Bell a re not y et th ro u g h ta lk ­ MRS. J. M. C. M ILLER. S andy N ews E d ito r corn, potatoes., sheep, cattle, wool, milk, cream, eggs, ing a bout the w onderful tim e they Published W eekly on F rid a y s a t E stacad a-S an d y , C lackam as Co., O regon fr uit, meat, hogs, beef, veal, mutton, bacon, hams, lard, ha^ “t the Pendleton Round-up. E n te re d in th e po sto ffice o f E stac ad a , O regon, as second class m a tte r. gl rass seeds, including alfalfa clover and timothy, cauli- of rUrIey Kinney ut ttu. Bruns flower and celery seed, soya beans and cotton seed. K inpey w ent to the city to work. SUBSCRIPTION RATES The Fordney-McCumber tariff bill puts a duty of 12c In C lackam as C ounty, one year, $1.50; O utside the c o u n ty and in th e sta te per pound on butter, as compared with 2 1-2 cents under o f O regon, one y ear, $2.00; O utside th e sta te o f O regon, one year, the Underwood bill. Rye now pays a duty of 15 cents $2.50. F o reig n , $.'!.00 per year. S ubscriptions a re payable in advance. per bushel, but was entered free under the Underwood law. In fact practically everything produced on the farm WILL VOTE ON AUTO LICENSE FEES now is protected, while all the important products of the Carry a Check Book Along with voting for a candidate for president next ¡farm under the Underwood law wrere admitted duty free, month, the voters of Oregon will pass on a measure which What, in the way of relief, can the farmer expect ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii if carried would reduce automobile license fees. The I from a president who openly says that they shall not be Cash in the pocket is easy to spend, action taken on the bill will determine whether the state j protected from competition by the other countries of the many times for things that could well road building program will be continued. [world? be done without. -------- oOo-------- Most everyone would like to have their automobile license cost reduced, and, likewise, would like to have Some of the campaign whispers seem to have a loud more improved highways. It does not appear that both speaker attachment. The way to make your Savings Account are possible. grow here at the Clackamas County -------- oOo-------- Reasonable assurance has been given that the next From the statement of their campaign managers it is Bank is to also have a Checking Ac­ legislature will make some provision for the payment of hard to see how either Smith or Hoover can lose. count. Then deposit all your money the auto tax in two installments, which probably would -------- oOo—*----- and check out only such funds as are make the tax appear easier to pay, and, at the same time, It is estimated that 80 per cent of the goods sold at really needed. A reasonable amount road building could be continued without interruption. retail are purchased by women. License fees cut in half and machines assessed on the opens a checking account here; and but -------- oOo-------- basis of their value, the latter to be paid as other property a dollar is needed for the start of a An Estacada man says all the bootleggers will vote tax no doubt would ease up the opposition to the high tax Savings Account. and at the same time bring in an equal amount of money for Hoover. That should assure his election. -------- oOo-------- to be spent on the highways. -------- oOo-------- There are many ways of earning an honest living WORTH TRYING AGAIN open to ambitious ladies. Swan Ringens, world’s cham­ C la c k a m a s A few months ago the local post of the American pion high diver makes hers by diving from a 100-foot SANDY, OREGON Legion went to the expense, with the aid of the manual olatform into a tank of water five feet deep. training class of the high school, to paint in large letters a sign on the top of the high school building to aid lost shippers o f a load o f live hogs to th e aviators. The location of this sign was duly recorded P o rtlan d m a rk e t T uesday. CURRINSVILLE 'W . Floyd H ale is doing som e re p a ir and on at least a few occasions word had been receive! w ork on th e hom e of Mrs. Lou H ale. that real benefit had resulted. The ra in s o f th e last few days Recently a report was received by a local business Miss E th el H ale o f P o rtlan d spent have t enough m o isture in the man to the effect that an aviator, trying to get his bearing;- 'h e w eek end w ith h e r m other, Mrs. gro u n d p u so th e fa rm e rs a re plow ing Lou H ale, in C urrinsville. had failed to find the sign at Estacada. Upon investiga­ and seeding g ra in . tion it was learned that the roof of the school house had G eorge W a lte r is spending the ainy days in his shop m aking wagon been re-painted, and that the sign had been painted over. beds, el beds, hay racks and fix ­ The Legion decided, from the information presented, ing up g rav wood saws. Phone Sandy 261 H. PERRET, Prop. that danger for birdmen might exist if the sign, after be­ V ictor L eon and L. A. F ra n k s sold Anton Malar ing duly recorded, could not be found, and so a committee a nice bunch o f cows th a t go to the was selected at the last meeting of the organization to Lava H ot S prings, Idaho. W e arc AUCTIONEER replace the sign. selling too m any cows th a t a re being Farm and Cattle Sales The expense is not very great, but if it has to be re­ shipped to o th e r sta te s. I f th e buyers Stewart-Warner Radios and Fairbanks-Morse painted very often, would be too much for the an pay th e price, pay fre ig h t, and Phone Sandy 12x4 y e t m ake m oney on th ese cows, i t ’s Systems and Light Plants Estacada Legion post. cinch we can m ake m oney on them Address -------- oOo--------- G A RAGE, M A CH IN E SH O P, A U TO M O TIV E S U P P L IE S here. THIS IS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Boring - - - Oregon CHEVROLET, OAKLAND and PONTIAC Service F ra n k W ebber le ft T uesday for If your home or business building burns down, it will E a ste rn O regon. T h e \ an Moss a n d L. H. Rake generally be due to one of six preventable causes, accord ing to the National Fire Waste Council, which names su it cam e to tria l a t O regon C ity on M onday, Rake w inning on a cc o u n t ° f these: a fa u lty c o n tra ct. 1. Improper building construction. W illiam C unningham o f B ear 2. Defective wiring or other improper installation of C reek Dam called on J. O. T unnell equipment furnishing heat, power and lights. Sunday. 3. Careless storage or handling of explosives and Mr. and Mrs. A ndrew Shankland inflammable liquids. called on relativ es in C urrinsville J b r E co n o m ica l Transportation 4. Handling and use of nitro-cellulose films. See these used cars today! You can get the unday. 5. Accumulations of trash and rubbish. car of your choice at an exceptionally low Jo h n B u rd e tt o f Sandy v isited re l­ 6. Carelessness with matches and in disposing of ci­ ativ es in C urrinsville Sunday. price—and you can buy it for a small first gar and cigarette butts. payment and on easy terms. These cars, and I). M. M arshall With the exception of the first named, all the above ire L e on ste r the H ale carrying the red “O. K. That Counts” tag, coast fishing a n d having causes of fires may be largely eliminated with little or no i few days' vacation. provide you with a definite assurance of hon­ expense. Summed up, the fact is that at least two-thirds est value, dependability and satisfaction Jim m ie F leen er, a n iece o f J. of the fires which destroy more than .$500,000,000 worth O. Miss because they have been thoroughly checked T unnell, and a frien d of Boise, of property and about 15,000 human lives each year may ind In d ia n V alley, Idaho, ex p ect to by expert mechanics and reconditioned for be traced directly to pure carelessness. thousands of miles of satisfactory service. re tu rn hom e S aturday. It’s a terrible price to pay for stupidity and reckless C. A. L ooney and H. S. Jo n e s w ere Come in and make your selection today while disregard of danger. stocks are complete. -------- oOo--------- Now that the world series games are over and the Yanks have gone back home victorious, just as everyone CONFECTIONERY expected, we can expect things to quiet down to normalcy again, for a few days at least. T ry o u r goods— th ey are alw ays C oumy B ai S' *5 Sandy Garage Small First Payment—Easy Terms on O.K.’d Used Cars fresh . I f you like th em , tell y o u r frie n d s; if you d o n ’t like I Service... th em , tell us. REED Distance is no question with us. Our equipment is at your service day or night. Gates Funeral Gresham- Home Oregon Phone 2471 & STEINMAN Sandy, O regon SANEK BARBERSHOP BOBBIN G, B A R B E R IN C SH O W ER BATHS AND SH OE SH IN IN G Special Pork Roasts W O RK C A R E FU LL Y DONE Pork prices are down and we will have on hand a good supply Saturday STUDEBAKER BIG SIX— Ford Touring Car SATURDAY PRICES DOWN A few of our exceptional Used Car values “w ith an OK th at cou n ts” P o rtla n d o ffice A uto F t. T erm . — E a st 2406 181 E. W a te r S t E STA CA D A TRUCK SE R V IC E In su re d C a rrie r F u rn itu re M oving a S pecialty D aily Service E STA CA D A to PO RTLA N D O rd e r all goods delivered to auto F re ig h t T erm inal, 181 E. W ater S tre e t. P o rtlan d . ED. ST E IN M A N O ffice 72-1— E stac ad a — Res 11-3 E stac ad a , O regon in good condition, only $ 30.00 Running every day, a car you will be proud to own. Terms $ 450.00 We can use some good second-hand cars and now is a good time to get a new one with a liberal allowance on your old machine. Cascade Chevrolet Co. Estacada, Oregon Dependability, Satisfaction and Honest Value