PA G E T H R E E CLACKA M AS COUNTY N E W S, FRID A Y , O C T O B E R 12, 1928 I I - . C H E R R Y V ILLE LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. W. W. D A R T T Barber & Beauty Shop b a rb e r shop in Masonic Bldg. B e au ty shop next door to stage term inal. Permanent W aving Com plete E quipm ent Experienced • e e e O perators e e e e ELWOOD E x clam ations o f delight a re being heard from th e school children since Mrs. B e rth a Cook moved to P ark- place last week and has h e r son C laud P a rk e r w ith her. V irginia P e tty is sta y in g w ith th e Z. L ehnfiels. V irginia w an ts to a t ­ th e new play g ro u n d a p p a ra tu s, con­ ten d high school, if possible. C ath- sisting o f sw ing, te e te r boards, and e .in e P e tty is also back fro m C ali­ rings, w ere in stalled by th e d irecto rs fo rn ia. S atu rd ay . T he m oney to purchase Mrs. A. B edenstein, Miss C ath erin e the equipm ent was fu rn ish e d by th e T h ay e r and Mr. W illiam s w ere a t the Pow er sale T uesday, all going on P. T. A. horseback. Mr. and Mrs. D onald N elson re ­ L ast week 465 sp rin g Iam bs w ere tu rn e d last w eek from the Hood R iver m a rk e te d from Mrs. Rosie D ahl's o rch ard s w here th ey had been e m ­ flocks a t W ildcat, and th e sheep ployed in picking fru it. have been tak e n back to T ygh valley. G a y h art M oehnke has gone to Mu- lino w here he is w orking in a saw MR A N D MRS. B R A N D E S L O C A T E e DR. H. A. S C H N E I D E R D E N TIST P h o n e S a n d y 151 Sandy, O regon mill. . * * * . . * « « * DR. C H A S . P. J O H N S O N D entist P ra c tice lim ited to e x tra c tio n of te e th and m inor o ral su rg e ry , nerve blocking & gas a n esth esia 463 M organ bldg. P o rtlan d Mr. and Mrs. O scar B ran d es (M ar- M ary E m m a S u rfu s and Amy E d ­ a th a H o ffm a n ), a re now se ttle d a t w ards called on Mrs. M. P a rk S a tu r­ Sandy a n d had th e ir firs t visitors Sunday. Mrs. M. A. D eaton, w ife of day a fte rn o o n . the o ffice m an a t S andy L um ber Mrs. S p itle r visited her c hildren ut com pany plan t, is a siste r o f Mrs. B randes. the J. E. E d w ard s home Sunday. rr'-'-: ■ J- r------ ■' *■ /tluminum Ware DR. F. C. BROSIUS, M. D. O ffice 2nd door W est o f M eat M arket Sandy, O regon SPECIAL— From $ 1 . 0 0 to $ 1 . 2 5 S ch n eb el, B e a t t i e St M iller A tto rn e y s a t Law 6 p e r cen t sta te school m oney to loan on fa rm s; G eneral law p ra c ­ tice. B ank of O regon C ity Bldg. O regon C ity O regon e e e e e e e e e J e S c a le s . “SCALES IS RIGHT” Phone Sandy 271 ----------------------------------------- -----— .. . . n L. A. C H A P M A N M O RTICIA N Calls a tte n d e d day o r night M o rtu ary I. 0 . 0 . F. Bldg. T elephone No. 21-61 For Wood and Coal Phone City Garage 351 S. E. Wooster R e al E s t a t e L o a n s, I n s u r a n c e R e n ta ls Meyer & Haselwander FARM LOANS A SP E C IA L T Y Tel. 77-3 E stacada, Ore. • • • • • • • • • Sandy, Oregon PRICES ARE RIGHT • Dr. H. M. Kramer e e uiniiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiMiiiir I First Class Auto Repairing a t L aw G en eral P ra c tice C on fid en tial A dviser O regon [ ELECTRIC WORK O. D. EBY A ttorney Let us price your job C ity , O regon Our work and prices will satisfy you City Garage Dr. M . M. M a rtin d a le CHIRO PRA CTO R of O regon City T rips to E stacada discontinued u n til la tte r p a rt o f S eptem ber 5 | Sandy, Oregon = § liiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii» W alter W. Gilbert, M. D. P hyaician e a d S u rgeon O ffice H ours 0 to 6 and E venings E STA CA D A OREGON 1/ R E B S K 0N F E C T I0 N E R Y l \ A F E 1 | 1 C D ., D . C ., E . C. L A T O U R E T T E A ttorneya P ra c tice in AU C ourts F irs t N a tio n a l B ank Bldg. O regon C ity o e e e O regon e e e e e e Dr. W. W. Rhode. e e a O regon e e e e e e Sandy, Oregon ...............................minim....... ....... mini.... .. HOME COOKING ? MEALS OWNER: AT ALL HOURS MR. CHEVROLET “COURTESY” OUR MOTTO (any Delco-Remy Equipment) You are entitled fro this service, your car itself is = guaranteed by the car factory where it was made. Certain equipment on it is guaranteed by the equip- | ment factories. Your Delco-Remy electrical equip- = ment is guaranteed in this way. Drive in for inspec- tion and instructions. | O S T E O P A T H IC P h y sicia n and S u rgeon E sta c a d a HE CUT # •FOLLOW THE LEADERf i COFFEE BILL § § | h u rt. R e d u c e d C r u d e R u b b e r C o s t to C o u n ­ t r y b y M o r e T h a n 500 M illio n D o lla rs . w ere h auled in th e pi ay shed floor. W e S p e c i a l i z e in EXTRACTION OF TEETH WASHINGTON.—How H erbert Hoo­ ver as Secretary of Commerce waged a tight on foreign monopolies which had been controlling raw m aterials essential to Industry, agriculture and homes of the United States is de­ scribed in a pam phlet just Issued by the Republican National Committee. This struggle was one which affect­ ed every home, for the forelgu monop­ olies not only levied a tax on certain products used in the home but also on other im portant articles ot commerce. If it bad been lost, It would have seri­ ously m enaced many branches of business, which made extensive use of these raw m aterials, thus affecting consumers. A t th is office we a re equipped to handle th e m ost d iffic u lt e x tin c ­ tion, w ith gas o r local injectio n a ro u n d th e gum s. A tra in e d dental n u rse to in su re cleanliness. My past experience will b e a r me out a« a painless e x tra c to r of T eeth. (T en Y ears Successful P ractice) X -R ay E x a m in a tio n s GUARANTEED PLATES $10.00 to $37.00 f The victory which Mr. HocWer achieved by peaceful m eans resulted in savings of hundreds of millions of dollars to the Am erican consumer, the pam phlet points out. “Governm entally-controlled foreign com binations had been set up in a num ber of raw m aterials which, be­ cause of our Inability to produce, we m ust depend upon purchasing abroad." says the pam phlet. "Among them are rubber, coffee, u itrates, potash, sisal, camphor. Iodine, m ercury and long- staple cotton. These com binations fixed both production and prices." Mr. Hoover’s campaign was waged by showing business how to hundle the problem largely by itself. He asked Congress for funds to investi­ gate the foreign control, and also ob­ tained authorization to use scientists from o ther Governm ent departm ents. L aboratories made studies of recla­ m ation and developm ent of substitutes while scientists sought new sources of these m aterials, it is shown. Other investigators gathered full data on availability of other territo ry to pro­ duce these essentials. Governm ent officials, Mr. Hoover and others, told the interested indus­ tries of th eir findings, and at the same tim e, w ithout any clash with any foreign governm ent or agency, let the nations of the world know Low the United States was prepared to m eet th is monopolization policy. Some of the results of these efforts, a s cited by the pamphlet, are: B roke D E N T IST E stacada, O regon O ffice h o u rs 0 a. m. to 6 p. ra. E venings by ap p o in tm en t O f f i c e P h o n e 315 . • ♦ • • Hoover Saved American Con­ sumers Many Millions by th e childern a re not out a t once th ere play shed last S a tu rd a y , and used to is less dan g er o f little folk g e ttin g level o ff the playground, shavings Peaceful Resistance. S a v e d A m e r ic a M il l io n s LARGE SIZE Stew Kettles, Dish Pans, Percolators, Tea Kettles, and many others to select from A REAL BARGAIN T e l e p h o n e 341 HOW u. s um. ALIEN MONOPOLY Mrs. Z en g e r has appointed lead ers for cond u ctin g p o stu re drills and Mrs. Ceceliu Brow n is ta k in g the o th e r fe a tu re s o f physical cu ltu re in In Mrs. Van U niversity o f O regon extension work th e u p sta irs room s. F le e t’s room Lois B eers and F ra n k lin I every T uesday night. H aving recesses at d iffe re n t tim es B ittn e ra re lea d ers; in Mr. M allery’s is w orking splendidly so fa r, as the room Lola Dodd and Donald D ahrens. All the d irt w as tak e n o u t o f the play ground is sm all and w hen all SANDY G R A D E SCHOOL O ut o f tow n people served in one visit good d e n tistry . w hen c o n sisten t w ith DR. P. G. BROWN, Dentist W illa m e tte B u ilding, O re g o n C ity E n tra n c e O p posite Post O ffic e : t !■■■■ ............ P hone 562 ........................... .... 1 " — George W. Beers EARTH MERCHANT LOANS MADE — — INSURANCE Phone Residence 67 Office 325 Sandy, Oregon Put Your Laundry Troubles on Our Shoulders Our modern laundry work will please you. Our cleaning and pressing will please you. Wednesday and Saturday of each week at Carver, Barton, Eagle Creek, Springwater, Sandy, Kelso and Estacada. R u b b e r M o n o p o ly Saved Am erican rubber consumers upw ards of (500,000,000 by action breaking the B ritish control of rubber production and prices. T his control Is being abandoned and new sources of rubber developm ent promise to hold the prices down. Saved the American people about $100,000,000 In Its bill for coffee through shifting purchases from Brazil to o ther sources to a sufficient degree to effect the decline. Urged the growing of long-staple cotton In the United S tates to break the control exercised In Egypt over acreage and supplies. Encouraged exploration for native beds of potash and aided in promoting th e fixation of tree nitrogen ot the air to help relieve the Am erican farm ­ ers from the levy Imposed by Chile and the Franco-German potash trust. By dem onstra'lng to the other na­ tions th at the United S tates s deter­ m ined not to tolerate foreign control, and by the example afforded in the case of rubber, the signal has been given for abandonm ent ot others of the more deleterious controls. Mr. Hoover, the pam phlet points out, has consistently clung to the posi­ tion “th a t economic progress must de pend upon the driving force of com­ petition." He has reiterated th at: “The problem should be met on the ground of what In the long run will produce good will and prosperity to the entire world, for no single na tlon can dissociate Its prosperity from the prosperity and good will of all of them . • • • ” And his method has sought to bring th is about, ra th e r than to develop trade wars, In which there He the seedB of luternatlonal friction and a m enace to friendly relations. P r o s p e r ity ’* V o ic e Palace L aundry M an Rain Coats and P an ts Rubber Boots and Shoes, also Varsity Slickers priced right. Don’t fail to keep in touch with the Remnant Counter .1. K . E L Y Estacada, Oregon iiiimiiimmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimmiimmmiiimiimmmmmmmmmmm'i' f Triangle and Kerr Brands | Poultry and Dairy Feeds | are standard with many feeders because of the the uniform quality. A trial will convince you too. Any dealer can supply you. Triangle Mills Inc. E 175 Tillamook St. | Portland, Oregon § ;:iiiimmmiiimmmiimiiiiiimmmimiiiiiiimmmmm,iimmmii»i"immm,|n | | = = ¡j CUTS MORE SLICES TO THE LOAF | Willard Batteries, $9.00 } I Genuine Delco-Remy and North East auto lights and | Bosch parts for generators and starters THE NEW I ZEROLENE f | the m odern o il A STANDARD OIL PRODUCT Oregon City Battery Shop j Con Hilgers phone 124 12th and Main L/O N (3 Oregon City | a iim iiiiiiiiim u iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiiiim iiiiiiiin , An ideal slice-size for toasting, sandwiches and children’s between meal snacks. ECONOMICAL FOR LARGE FAMILIES The same Holsum quality that won the Harry M. Freer Trophy the second time in two years. The same price as the regular large loaf. Sold at Your Favorite I ^ 7 1 Grocery and Restau- * ^ * X rants in Estacada and Vicinity. )lu ectf rmmfti ot thtUdutmfamJy ^ H e rb e rt H o o v e r at th e Microphone F