C lackam as C ounty N ews VO LUM E X X III Special Musica1 Program and Otbar Feature» Being Provided for Entertainment. E A G L E CREEK, Oct. 11.— (Spe­ cia l).— A Harvest Home Festival is to be held at the Eagle Creek Pres­ byterian church Sunday evening, Oc­ tober 14. The church is being deco­ rated appropriately with the choicest fruits and vegetables and sheaves o f wheat and oats, from the neighboring gardens and grain fields. A special musical program is being arranged by Grant Test, and every­ body is invited to attend. Mrs. A .C. Cogswell, Mrs. E. Cling ingsmith and Grant Test went to Portland Wednesday to attend the dahlia show. MRS. SMITH CHOSEN AS M E. LADIES AID PRESIDENT A t a special meeting o f the Metho­ dist Ladies Aid Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Mary Smith was elected presi­ dent; Mrs. Thomasi Yocum, vice pres­ ident; Mrs. G. E. Lawrence, secre­ tary; Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, treasurer. The next regular meeting will be held next Wednesday at the home o f Mrs. Allen. Although slow in getting started this year, the aid is beginning with considerable “ pep.” No town o f thh size in the state had a better report last year than the Estacada Aid. AID TO SERVE DINNER The Methodist Ladies Aid o f Esta­ cada will serve dinner at noon on election day to accommodate the elec­ tion boards and everyone who carer to patronize them. P. T. A. MEETING TUESDAY, 23D The Estacada Parent-Teachers as­ sociation w ill hold the October meet­ GETS NEW FORD ing on Tuesday evening, the 23d, at Mrs. E. Franzetti had her order the high school. A business meeting filled Friday fo r a new Ford which wlil be held at 7:30, after which an Bob Smith delivered at her Rhodo­ entertaining program will be given dendron home. followed by a social hour. Everyone invited. NEWCOMERS AT COTTRELL The A lfred Sandblast fam ily have moved to their acreage purchased at Cottrell several years ago and live across the road from the Watkins place. Two Sandblast children enter ed Cottrell school. ESTACADA C. E. ENTERTAINS OTHER ORGANIZATIONS A houseful o f Endeavors from Springwater, George and Eagle Creek payed the Estacada Endeavors a visit Sunday evening to hear John Runyon song leader, whose middle name is “ Pep,” and Herchel Henderson, coun­ ty C. E. president, speak regarding the Clackamas County C. E. conven­ tion to be held in Esthcada Novembei 2, 3 and 4. The young people enjoyed a fin» evening o f song and discussion, and will be glud to know.that both Mr Runyon and Mr. Henderson will be very much in evidence at the con­ vention. BUYS BRUNS TIMBER Herman Haselwander and E Sweetland have bought logged-off timber land from E. F. Bruns and are going to cut the same in cordwood and market as fast possible. SANDY MEN.BUY JERSEYS John Haley purchased two hea< at tha Power Jersey sale, Ben Kligel G. Stucki Jr., John Odell each one and Floyd Hoyt o f Estacada also pur­ chased some Jerseys. THE SCHOENS ENTERTAIN Rev. and Mrs. Schoen had as guests over the weekend the form er’s parents, also his sister, Mrs. Harry Gilliam and Mr. Gilliam, all o f Port­ land. KUBITZAS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kubitza, Sandy, entertained Rev. Father Boni- ventura and his driver, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Sharnke and the Henry Kubilzs fam ily o f Portland at dinner Sunday DIXON.HOWITT MILL RUNNING Dixon-Howitt sawmill, Cherryville has opened work for the season, run­ ning about a half crew. Jimmie Ogden is sawyer. BEAR CREEK WORK STARTS Bear Creek Logging company have been purchasing lumber from the Bruns-Mclntyre company, Sandy, fos iniatiative work, and hope to have the camp ready fo r logging by Janu ary. The new camp will be two miles farther back. H. A. Robb is in charge o f construction. SANDY WHISTLE PLUG GOES TO COLLEGE Lloyd Stormo. who distinguished himself as a dandy whistle plug at the A lder Creek Lumber company plant the past vacation, is now at­ tending the University o f Colorado. Lloyd was at Oregon “ U ” last year, and came home with Ken Proctor making his home at Proctors until leaving fo r college. EDDIE LINN LEAVES FOR EAST Eddie Linn le ft Estacada Tuesday morning, bound fo r Chicago. He ir driving his car through. He was ac­ companied by Roy Dennis, who has been employed at Camp 1 1-2. OREGON CITY-VIOLA ROAD CASE DISMISSED Circuit Judge Geo. Bagley, Hills­ boro, has dismissed the w rit o f re view in the case o f D. C. Lataurette against Clackamas county, involving the straightening o f the Oregon City Viola road, according to word re ceived Tuesday by County Clerk Don­ ald J. Ryan. This is a victory for the county and Latourette still has the right to appeal the case to the supreme court. Latourette contended that the county court’s steps had been illegal in instituting proceedings that culmi­ nated in the taking o f his property for the straightening o f the road. The question raised at the w rit of review hearing was that the county •ourt did not issue an order direct­ ing the surveyor to make a survey i f the road even though the resolu­ tion set out that a survey had been made by the court. Another angle was that the resolution did not set forth a proper necessity fo r taking .he land fo r road purposes. Judge Bagley also had to deter­ mine whether or not the county sur­ veyor had made a proper posting oi notices and whether or not the coun ty clerk had caused proper notices to be forwarded by registered mail to land owners as providedby law. I f this case is carried to the su preme court it will result in a decis­ ion upon the meaning o f an act of the last legislature, which set up new procedure fo r location and re-loca tion and straightening o f county roads.— Morning Enterprise. KILLED IN ACCIOENI George Rath Dies as Result of Auto- Mr». C. O. Duke 1» Named Chairman moble Smash on Highway of Committee in Charge of Near Oregon City the Event. GEORGE, Oct. 11.— (S p ecial).— George Hath o f Oregon City met with an accident Thursday afternoon and died as a result o f injuries received, Friday evening. He was born and mised in the George district and was about 55 years old. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Rath, were some o f the pioneers o f this community, coming here in the early '70's from Australia. A number o f his school- mates still reside here and regret to learn o f his death. Deceased is survived by his wife, a sister, Mrs. Wrums of Tacoma, and six brothers— Carl, Nick, and Leo o f George, and Lewis, John and Peter Rat),. Miss Emma Paulsen o f Portland is spending two weeks’ vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paul- sen- Frank Howard has taken the mail route for this week, in the absence o f Mr. Syron, who is on a vacation trip. Mrs. W. Held, has been quite sick the past week but is somewhat im­ proved at this time. George W illing was absent from high school Monday on account of a bad tooth. John Dew is selling o f f all his stock and expects to go away to work soon. Mrs. Chris. Johnson and daughter Vivian called on Mrs. Henry Schmidt Sunday afternoon. Miss Elva Shibley o f Springwatei gave a report at the church last Sun­ day o f the W orld Sunday school con­ vention held at Los Angeles last July- to which she was a delegate. E very­ one enjoyed hearing about the con vention. GONE HUNTING Glen M cIntyre and party have gone to Eastern Oregon on a hunting trip and Glen is supposed to bag enough deer to supply the whole country! Anyway he will get his two bucks if .here are any to get. NORTH MOUNTAIN YIELDS DEER Had there been deer, these mighty hunters would have bagged some. SELLS TRUCK TO HOOD RIVER The Cascade Chevrolet company this week delivered a new Chevrolet truck with the dual duty unit, to L. A. Ray o f Hood River. RETURNS TO ALBERTA A fte r a visit in Estacada o f three weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. SANDY DRUGGIST VISITS Gilgan, August Goldstrom left Thurs­ R.E. Esson, Sandy druggist and day fo r his home in Alberta, Canada» postmaster, spent Sunday visiting his sisters and their families at Oregon RETURNS TO IDAHO Velna Whitman, who has been vis­ City, Gervais and Mt. Angel. Ron enjoyed the fatted calf at each home. iting her aunt, Mrs. John Osborne at Estacada the last eight weeks, left KOCHS IN NEW HOME last week fo r her home at Lewiston, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Koch, May­ Idaho. berry, are enjoying their lovely new home and Mrs. Koch was given a CHRISTIAN LADIES AID housewarming last week by 14 ladies. RE-ELECTS OLD OFFICERS DUKfcS VISIT ASTORIA Mrs. John Page was re-elected as Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Duke went to president o f the Christian church La­ Astoria Saturday, visiting the lat­ dies Aid at a meeting held Thursday ter’s relatives and returned Monday. o f last week. Mrs. U. S. Morgan was re-elected as vice president; Mrs. WELL SATISFIED WITH Yancy, secretary, and Mrs. John Os­ CLACKAMAS C O U N T Y borne, treasurer. A fte r the election John Roberts returned from a five- of officers there was a general dis­ weeks' trip to Kentcky Sunday. Re­ cussion o f plans for the coming year turning with him were his mother, and the hostess, Mrs. John Nordlund, Mrs. W. B. Roberts, also the latter’r served refreshments. brother, Edward New, who is an in­ valid. Roberts says he wouldn’t give COMPLETING RESIDENCE Clackamas county fo r the whole state The new residence o f J. C. Kiggins o f Kentucky. in the east part o f the city is about SINCLAIRS RETURN William L. Baughman and Miss Harriet .\1. Story were married Wed­ nesday evening, October 1U, at 8 o’clock, at the home o f the bride's sister, Mrs. J. C. W altrig, 116 71st st., Portland, Rev. C. T. Cook of the Estacada Methodist church o ffic ia t­ ing. There were about thirty rela­ tives present and other guests includ­ ed Mrs. E. E. Hannah and Mrs. C. F. Howe o f Estacada. The newlyweds were the recipients o f many useful and handsome presents. They will make their home in Estacada where both have resided fo r some time. 10 REPAIR STREETS C ntractor Responsible for Conditic^ Caused by Overloading of the Gravel Trucks. The city recorder was instructed to demand that C. W. Regdon o f Woodburn repair the pavement on Main street hill, broken while hauling material for the Wilson hill improve­ ment, by the city council Tuesday night. Several bad places in the pavement have resulted from the over loading o f trucks while hauling gravel. HEYLMAN IS CANDIDATE The council also notified Foster & W. A. Heylman, Estacada attorney has announced that he is a candidate Kleiser to remove the large hill board fo r the o ffic e o f city recorder. Wm. at the northwest corner of Main and Dale, incumbent, stated to the News Third streets. Tuesday thut he would not be a can PARTY FOR S. S. CLASS didate for re-election. W. H. Grabeel gave a party for A mayor and three councilmen art to be elected this year, as well as a his Sunday school class Friday eve­ ning at the Methodist ehurch. There treasurer and recorder. were 26 present. Games were played and refreshments o f cake and punch JAMES MINOR DEAD were served to conclude a pleasunt Mrs. Ella Lacey o f Springwater re­ evening. ceived word Sunday o f the death of her nephew, James Minor o f Beaver­ FIRWOODEEN FARM CALF ton. Mr. Minor spent his boyhood TAKES PRIZE AT STATE FAIR REV. CLAY RETURNS days on the Lacey farm at Spring- The Rev. B. F. Clay, at one tim e water and was quite well known by Helen St. Mawes Deer, a Jersey pastor o f the Christian church o f Es­ the older residents o f that district. heifer, purchased from Firwoodeen tacada, returned last week and ex­ Jersey farm, won first in the senior pects to remain here permanently. calf class in club work at the state fair, and fourth in the open class in MEETS DAUGHTER IN PORTLAND competition with 32 others. She is Mrs. F. C. Howe visited Portland now owned by Northrup K. Bates, a Saturday and was met there by her Jersey club boy o f Aumsville, Ore. daughter, Miss Leila Howe, who ac­ The first meeting o f the Sandy Woman's club this season was held at the home o f Mrs. Blanche Shelley, president, Thursday. Plans were made fo r a carnival to be held De­ member i at the grange hall. Mrs. C. O. Duke was named general chair- man- Mrs. E. F. Bruns and Mrs. N. L - Horr wil1 be hostesses the night ° I October 17 at the first social meeting o f the club fo r the year, at the Bruns home. Present were: Mrs. A - w - Bell> Mrs. R. F. Dittert, Mrs. w - A. Proctor, Mrs. Alice Scales, Mrs. R. C. Shipley, Mrs. H. Schneid- er, Mrs. Horr, Mrs. Harry Morton,, Mrs. Raymond Smith, Mrs. C. O. Duke, Mrs. E. F. Bruns, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Raymond Murray, Mrs. Thomp- son. Nellie Zenger, Miss Kammerer, Miss Shell, Mrs. Williams and the hostess. Mrs. Scales and Mrs. Bell will entertain at the next afternoon meeting, I BANK OF COMMERCE CORN SHOW OCT. 27 companied her home, remaining until The annual Bank o f Commerce Sunday evening. Miss Howe is corn show will be held in the bank teaching at Independence again this in Oregon City October 27. All en­ year. tries must he in by October 26. There are 15 prizes to be awarded to girls SCHOOL DIRECTOR TO BE and boys who have taken this project CHOSEN AT GARFIELD FRIDAY which is under the 4-H club rules. Ther are two classes. A ten ear There will be a special school meet­ ing at the Garfield school house F r i- ; exhibit fo r those growing one-eighth day evening, October 12, fo r the pur-j acre and a tw enty-five ear exhibit pose o f electing a member o f the fo r those growing an acre or more. Communities participating in this board o f directors. project are Eagle Creek, Advance, GRADERS WIN FROM FROSH Petes Mountain, Wilsonville, Beaver The Estacada grade school football Creek, Frog Pond, Springwater, Park- team played the freshmen September place, East Clackamas, Union, Colton 28, the score being 7 to 0 in favor o f Linns Mills, Logan, Timber, North the graders. A second game played Logan, Leland, Barton, Glad Tidings, last Friday resulted in another victory Stafford, Carus, Carver, Low er L o ­ fo r the grade boys. The score wa: gan, Macksburg, Twilight, W illam ­ 13 to 6. ette and Canby. A fte r hunting on the coast and not getting sight o f a deer, Mrs. Frock LEAVE ON HUNTING TRIP of Zizzag and A. J. Wyant, Cherry­ A. G. Ames and Otto Kiggins left ville, saw three bucks on North Moun­ Estacada Tuesday morning fo r the tain and bagged one last week. mountains to hunt deer. They ex­ pect to return the latter part o f the SEES ONE TRACK Otto Aschoff took a day o f f Sat­ week. Dr. W. W. Gilbert has been urday from stage driving and went out chasing deer the past week. W. hunting with Pete Stone, Bill and W. Smith also has spent most o f the Verne Alt^>ack o f Arrahwanna, but time in the woods since the hunting saw only one track in all their tramp. season opened. completed. Mr. Kiggins built on to the old house and made many im­ Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sinclair re­ provements until now he has a home Friday, Oct. 12, Gresham at Sandy. Friday, Oct. 19, Sanday at Milwaukie. turned to Sandy last week and are lo­ that is modern in every respect and cated at the Bruns-Mclntyre mil' is roomy. Friday, Oct. 26, Sanday at Canby. where Sinclair is managing the Friday, Nov. 2, Parkrose at Sandy. Miss Lola Moore, a Student at O. S donkey. Sinclairs were former farm ­ Friday, Nov. 30, Sandy at Parkrose. The game with Oregon City not ers at Firwood but have been at A. C., was a visitor at her hotne hero over the week end. Wapinitia some time. definitely scheduled. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE PLAN CARNIVAL DEC. 1 BOB JONES IMPROVING JACK SCALES AT SANITARIUM Jack Scales, tensely fo r ten was taken to the Monday. Mrs. with him. a fte r suffering in­ days from neuritis, Portland Sanitarium Scales went down WILL CONTINUE CREAM ROUTE Mrs. Erma Power is continuing her cream route since the sale o f her large herd last week. Mrs. Power show* an admirable spirit in under­ taking what the average woman would think impossible. She is buy­ ing cream to supply her customers, but has the long hard drive to the city daily. BULL RUN SCHOOL BUYS FLAG A new 5x8 wool flag, about the best money can buy, was purchased fo r the Bull Run school recently, also a first aid kit. Mr. and Mrs. Reece, MALARS HAVE VISITORS The follow ing Jersey breeders have teachers, spent the evening with Mr. recently visited at Firwoodeen F arm : Mallery at Sandy, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Raspband, and Mr. and JONSRUDS IN HOME J. O. Tretsven, Bozeman, Mont.; The R. Jonsruds closed Marvel Inn Mrs. Lyman Rich, Heber, Utah; last week except fo r occasional Clarence Baker, Grandview, Wash., special parties, and are now settling and John McCormick, a former down to home life again. Sandy boy who has purchased a fine calf from the Jersey herd o f Anton QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING Malar. This young sire has many A quarterly meeting o f voters o f gold medals on both sides o f his pedi- the Lutheran ehureh at Sandy was gree, and will make a worthy head held Sunday afternoon. It was de­ for the Jersey herd John is develop­ cided to make some improvements on ing in Baker county at Richland. the church property, and the regular R. B. Jones wag moved from the Good Samaritan hospital Sunday to the Oregon City hospital. He is now up in a wheelchair, and has been im­ proving slowly since his leg was LUTHERAN AID ELECTS removed. Jones was almost killed Ladies o f the Sandy Lutheran when his home blew up at Boring last Aid met Sunday afternoon and elect­ spring. ed Mrs. F. T. Schoen president in place o f Mrs. Dobberfuhl. Mrs. Helen O. E. S. HOME COMING The Estacada chapter o f the Order Dahrens and Mrs. W aiter Krebs were o f the Eastern Star will have its an­ re-elected secretary and treasurer. business routine was conducted. DIPPOLD SHINGLE MILL SAVED Dippold’s shingle mill was saved during the Bear Creek Logging fire which covered 7000 acres. Dippold has been marketing shingles recently. SANDY GARAGE VISITS nual home coming Tuesday ev :ng, Accepting an invitation to the Eve­ October 16, at the Masonic hall. HELEN HITE A BRIDE ning Star grange o f Portland Sat­ dinner will be served at 6:30 after Miss Helen Hite, daughter o f Mr. urday, a number o f Sandy grangers which the regular meeting will take and Mrs. Dock Hite, Cottrell, was attended the annual home coming of place. A special program and socia' married Saturday in Portland to A l­ the city grange. It was a big oc- follows the meeting. fred E. Keep, brother o f Mrs. Arthur I casion and an elaboratep rogram was Woodcock. The bride graduated from put over. SANDY HIGH LOSES Sandy Union High in 11(26. Sandy Union High lost the football ATTEND OREGON "U” GAME Ksme at Molalla Friday, 6 to 0. COTTRELL P. T. HOLDS MEETING Mrs. Shelley and Joe and W. A. Sandy is new at the game, but watch Cottrell P. T. had a fine meeting Proctor attended the hall game at er grow ! Thursilay night, large crowd, gooil Oregon “ U ” Saturday and also visited program and good eats. It was voted Jonnie Shelley and Kenneth Proctor, HAS CLEARING CONTRACT to send Mrs. Joe Caldo, the president, students. Proctor went in honor o f J. W. Shafford o f Portland Is in to the there-day district convention “ Dad’s” day. Estacada this week. He has a con­ at Portland, the last o f this month as ANDREW B. RILDAHN DIES tract fo r clearing stumps from an a delegate. Also voted to start mov­ Andrew B. Rildahn, Brightwood, acreage belonging to W alter Grib- ing picture shows at the school house ! passed away Thursday. He was a bon and will probably be here for the night o f October 19, and to give bachelor and had been ill several days some time. them every third Friday night. Mrs. before he was found. A son at Port­ Ora Van Fleet will seleet the pictures. land was called and the body taken to The circle also purchased an eleetiiq IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE the city. Deceased lovetl the moun­ plate to use in connection with -erv- tains and refused to stay in Port- ing. I land. George Beers had a letter Tuesday from Irvin M. Hanson R. JONSRUDS HAVE VISITORS o f Connecticut asking for a list Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schilling o f Santa Ana, Cal., visited the Robert Jonsruds at their home recently. Mrs. Schilling is a cousin o f Mrs. Jons- rud. Miss Dorothy Jonsrud attended a dinner given at the home o f the Joseph Jonsrud in Portland for Miss Alice Lindeli, who just le ft for China. o f property. Hanson had read Beers ad in the News. Mrs. Viola Denning, through a classi­ fied, rented her house in Esta­ cada at once. BIG SIGN LOOMS The Richfield electric sign on Council Crest is clearly seen from Sandy, even on cloudy nights. j — The Epworth league entertained the Christian Endeavor Wednesday night with a “ hard times’ social. They report a fine time. S M ta» HARVEST HOME FESTIVAL TO BE HELD SONDAT