I CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, ¡828 PAGE FIVE CHURCHES RUBE SHAW'S ROAD SHOW ^ A LARGE SUPPLY OF Good Used Cars HERE SATURDAY NIGHT Pathfinder and Goodyear 1925— Ford Fordor Sedan — Balloon tires, Ruckstell All-Weather Tires axle— Bumpers— Speedometer— Automatic wind­ shield cleaner— Three new tires. The price is right. 1927— Ford Truck — Six-speed transmission — Steel closed cab— Flat bed body— Good tires. The best truck we have had for a long time. 1925— Ford Roadster — Pick-up body— New tires— Fair condition. also some cheap tires at lower prices than have ever been auoted before 30x3 V* ................................................................... $4 98 29x4.40 ................................................................... 5.98 Cascade Chevrolet Co. These cars are all good values. Estacada, Oregon BOB C O M P A N Y M O T O R C O O K E Estacada, Ore. Phone 24-5 Estacada Pharmacy I offers the new 1929 K elso C hu rch The hours o f service at the Kelso Rube Shaw's Vaudeville Road church is changed from night to a Show No. 1, featuring his famous Sunday morning service, the next girl build, will appear at the Liberty 1 nu-eting to be October 7. Sunday Theatre in Estacada, Saturday night, school is at 10 o’clock. September 2a. This attraction con­ An ‘ ‘arm and waist” social is an­ sists o f a number of high class vaud­ nounced for Saturday night, Sept. 29, eville offerings, including singing, at the Kelso church. Everyone is dancing and comedy acts, in addition invited. The object is for a friendly to the musical numbers and special­ social time. Supper will be served ties o f the stage hand. free. The church is newly painted The policy o f the management is and shingled, both work and money to present the best professional tal­ being donated for the same. ent in a program consisting o f snappy C hristian E n d ea v or to M eet A t musical renditions and good, clean E stacad a vaudeville acts, at popular prices, the The annual Christian Endeavor admission Saturday night being 40 cents for adults and 15 cents for for Clackamas county will be held at the Christian church in Estacada on children. This, however, is only possible, November 2, 3 and 4. with the heavy expense o f the show j S an dy L u th eran C hu rch by having the girl band play for u Services at the Sandy Lutheran dance at the Masonic hall after the church every Sunday morning at performance, beginning at 0 o ’clock, 10:30. Next Sunday the sermon will which will also be at popular prices, be in German, since it is the fifth the charge being 75 cents for gentle­ Sunday in the month. Rev. F. T. men and ladies free. Schoen, pastor. All welcome. The music by Rube Shaw’s famous P resb y teria n C hu rch es girl orchestra cannot be excelled, as Subject for next Sunday— "The everyone knows who has ever danced to the strains o f their melodies, and Adventure o f Prayer.” Springwater— Sunday school at 10 as there is an excellent floor in the Masonic hall for dancing, a big crowd a. m., morning worship at 11. is expected to attend the dance after George— Sunday school at 2 p. m., the show. church service at 3. Manager Shaw has promised to in­ Eagle Creek— Sunday school at clude Estacada on the regular circuit, 10:30 a. m., evening service at 8. if the patronage warrants, and his E stacad a C hristian C hu rch Road Show No. 2 will play the Lib­ Bible school at 10 a. m., with elec­ erty Theatre three weeks later, with tion o f officers. Preaching at 11 the others to follow at regular inter­ by Rev. Brooks o f Eugene. Chris­ vals, introducing the best musical tal­ tian Endeavor at 7 p. m., Kathleen ent and vaudeville talent to be had Beck, leader. Boost for the conven­ in the Northwest. tion, which is to be held here in No­ The show Saturday night includes vember! the regular picture program as an­ E stacad a M eth odist C hu rch nounced and advertised, in addition The annual conference which met to the vaudeville and stage band. at Hood River last week returned the pastor and the new preacher is the old preacher o f last year. The con­ CURRINSVILLE ference was a most helpful time. Bishop Lowe, the new bishop, is well liked. We are ready for the begin­ Miss Jimmie Fleener o f Boise, Ida­ ning o f a new year’s work and desire ho, and her friend, Miss Welker, are the co-operation o f all who believe visiting her uncle and cousin at the in civil righteousness. That is what Currinsville store. the church stands for. Corn shredding is over for this You are invited to the service next year. H. D. Lombard finished Wed­ Sunday at 11 o ’clock in the morning. nesday. The subject will be “ The Principle of Carl Kite and Bob King o f Persia, Spiritual Growth” nad at 7:30 in the Tenn., are visiting their friend, J. C. evening the subject will be "Personal Tunnell, this week. Purity.” Sunday senool meets at 10 Mr. and Mrs. John Githens shipped a. m. and the Epworth League at a nice box o f grapes to their daughter 6:30 in the evening. A cordial wel­ at lone Wednesday. come to all.— C. T. Cook, pastor. Walter Looney has sold some sheep to Ed Ficken. To the farmer who wishes to buj lambs— there are two bunches in the Currinsville district yet. Get them before they are thrown on the slaugh­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert York, nee ter market. Carl Kite, Bob Lee King and J. C. Alberta Cromer, came back from Tunnell visited in Portland Tuesday. their honeymoon Wednesday to the They spent the night with their cous­ Henry Cromer home where they will ins and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. IJ, live. 1 Atwater-Kent Radios | SPECIAL i H = SATURDAY Cudahy’s Puritan Hams 32c ' Estacada, Oregon T | Speakers in three sizes, $22 each. = Model 40, $81, less tubes. This is the lowest price at which an Atwater Kent Electric set has = ever been sold, yet the new model is an even better radio. , r It has grater range. — More power. — Beautiful tone. At this — low price it is un exceptional value. Let us demonstrate it to you. Estacada Meat Co. ( E L E C T R I C — N A T IO N A L L Y A D V E R T I S E D AND P R IC ED = E — AU TH O R IZED D E A L E R — “ i iii ii ii i ii (i i ii i ti i ii iii ii 111 ii i ii i ii i ii iii i j ii ii 111 ii i ii ii i ii i mini iii ii i ti ii ii i ii in ii nun H i ii ” p = Put Your Launday Troubles on Our Shoulders Our modern loundry work will please you. Our cleaning and pressing will please you. Wednesday and Saturday of each week at Carver, Barton, Eagle Creek, Springwater and Estacada. & i-imiiMiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiimiiiiiiiiim iiiit' Palace Laundry Man | Agency for STU D EBBAK ER and ERSKINE CARS | Glad to demonstrate one of these cars to you anytime | 5 | A. G. Ames G eorge W . Beers | Broadway Garage ! | EARTH MERCHANT LO A N S M A D E Estacada, Oregon n.illliiiliiiiiHillllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllillllilllllllllllllllin ... Lower Price Better Paint! ... INSURANCE Office 325 Sandy, Oregon | f u m iim im m ii m i ii ii ii im m i im i ii iM ii ii ii ii m ii iii m ii m im i im m m im m i m m im r fo r e v e r y p u rp ose E $ 2 .6 5 | per gallon — Phone Residence 67 .. .................... m u ......... .................................................... l i m n ........ ....................¡ ¡ i i m i L Pabco Paint — | Sandy C ream ery I | , Sandy, Oregon | Owen. HOUSEWIVES,— USE OUR ( Mountain Meadow Butter Jackson Lum ber Co. { = Phone Sandy 56 A HOME PRODUCT = Tsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii» "E v e r y th in g fo r the B u ild er” Estacada, Oregon Sandy Drug Co. iiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiim m iiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiim m iiiiim iiiiim iiim iiiiim .: JlllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli^ Licensed Electrician | Sylvester Hall f | SATISFACTORY W O RK GUARANTEED R O N ALD E. ESSON, Ph. C., Prop. EASTMAN KODAKS FISHING TACKLE FOUNTAIN EVERYTHING Phone 331 IN SCHOOL f SUPPLIES 1 Sandy, Oregon *« Phone Sandy 291 Sandy, Oregon Mrs. O. J. Skagg came home Tues­ The measles scare o f last week day after visiting her daughter and blew over without any damage to family at Vancouver, Wash., for a week. any one. E. E. Erickson and »on Atlee arc Mr. and Mrs. Archie Howell and making posts and hauling them while daughters were supper guests o f Mr. the weather is good. and Mrs. William Bard Tuesday eve­ Ward Douglass is hauling some | ning. fine oak wood to the railroad siding, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strunk have ready to ship when the price is right. gone to Southern Oregon to visit rel­ Floyd Hale has been taking advant­ atives for a week or so and where age o f the good weather and is haul­ Mr. Strunk expects to do some ing his fence posts home. hunting. Most o f the farmers are wishing Mr. and Mrs. Brian Moore and for rain so they can start the fall Leonard and Mildred have gone to work. Washington to work in the apple or­ Merle Wade came home from the chards. Edna and Jean are stayina Estacada high school Wednesday on with their grand parents, Mr. and account o f illness. Mrs. I. M. Park, and are going to school. CAREFUL, BOYS! The Archie Howell family have Salmon are said to be running plentifully in the Bull Run and Sandy moved to the Clarke’s neighborhood rivers, but, the game wardens are where they have rented a farm. running” also. Lenore Beck hag been teaching the primary room in the school here during the paHt week as the regular i i i i i M i i i i i i i i i i M i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i M i i i m m i i M i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i m i i i i i i m M i i m i i i teacher was ill with a cold. I i . 11111111111111 m 1111 : i h . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i i 1111111" CURRINSVILLE STORE PRICES | Used Cars With 0. K. That Counts The best assortment of USED CARS in the count The Red Tag YOUR GUARANTEE OF PERFECT USED CAR SATISFACTION Logan Chevrolet Co. Oregon City Filberts, local grown, per pound ..................... 2 5 £ Cord Tires, 3 0 x 3 ^ ........................................... $ 4 . 9 5 Tubes, 3 0 x 3 1/2 ..................................................... $ 1 . 2 5 Western Oil, q u a rt....................................................... 1 5 < ^ Eastern Oil, q u art.................................... 25o Gasoline, in your barrel, delivered, per gal. Home grown Tomatoes box................................. ( J 0 c Home grown Potatoes, per lb.................................... 2 C Home grown Potatoes, per 100 lb. sack $ 1 .5 0 Economy Blend Coffee, guaranteed .................. 3 5 ( ^ Tunnell’s Choice Coffee, guaranteed 45C Men’s 16-inch Ball Brand Shoes, pair $ 7 .5 0 Men’s Heavy Weyenberg Shoes, pair $ 7 .7 5 | - | | | = i I I = I i i W e carry women’s and men’s rubber boots and the | prices are right. Mr. and Mrs. Dayball o f Portland visited Sunday at the Hansen home. George and August Genserosky drove to Sheridan Sunday to visit their brother Ernest pnd family. The L. S. Tenney family visited at the J. A. Shibley home Sunday. Ruth Zurcher was out from Port­ land Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. Joe Guttridge and family. Miss Marie Saunders o f Oregon City was a Sunday visitor o f Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moger. Marion Millard and wife o f Port­ land drove out Saturday to spend the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millard and spent a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moger. The Byron Cogswell family spent a couple o f days at the Pendleton I m m im illlllllllllllllim illM I II II I II I IM I IM I II I II I M II II I IM I II I II I II I II I II II I IM I II I II M I II I- T - round-up and reported a very good time. Mr. and Miss Madden looked after the store during their absence. TH E N E W S FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING.